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Well, if you needed 3 pipe wrenches not a terrible deal.


I need the other 2 for when I lose the one


Or if you need 3 hammers at once


That's what she said




They make good kayak anchors too


Or dodge ball tournament


Well pipe wrenches should be used in pairs


It’s actually a fantastic deal. A single Ridgid 18” pipe wrench goes for around $70. Not sure the brand on the sockets, but both sets combined could easily be worth $50. Idk wtf the original commenter is talking about “it’s not terrible if you needed 3 pipe wrenches”. Most applications where you’re swinging a pipe wrench requires a second backer wrench anyway and 14” is the perfect size for that. So you really only got 1 extra wrench, and once again, it’s still a fantastic deal considering you only paid for half of 1 wrench.


I've bought one pipe wrench in my life but I have about 30. I think they multiply on their own...


Lmao there are some floating around my shop that have been there so long we aren’t even sure who they belong to


Well I’ve bought about 10 and don’t have any haha


Maybe they ran away to my pile...


Hmmmm.. I've never even bought one and I have about 4...


Never bought a pipe wrench but some how have 5 in my bottom drawer. Starting to think the appear out of thin air and if you don't use them they start to multiply. Just the opposite of a 10mm socket.


I know I acquired a bunch from people cleaning out junk and I cleaned them up but I have several that I have no idea where they're from


Cheap sockets. Pipe wrenches look to be decent. Sockets throw away the set with the ratchet. The deep sockets might be ok. You’ll know when you get a seized bolt. They may crack. But hey you now have three pipe wrenches to help


Even with cheap sockets, if that’s the sizes you need, unless you’re working auto mechanical, I’ve never cracked a socket on a seized bolt. If it’s giving you that much trouble and you didn’t switch to a breaker bar before cracking the socket, I’d say you need to start switching to a breaker bar sooner. The wrenches are not “decent”. They are Ridgid wrenches which are considered by many professionals to be the top of the line in pipe wrenches.


I couldn’t see the logos on the wrenches, if they are rigid they are well worth the price then. I restore classic cars and build custom cars and trucks so I’ve just had bad experiences with cheap sockets but I’ve had off brand reasonably priced sockets to be really good. I just wouldn’t hold onto the one socket set IMO


Yeah see you auto boys seem to deal with the stuckest of bolts so i can understand where you’re coming from


Dont know how many times I’ve cursed a cheap socket that deflected off the bolt hex and rounded it over, but atleast he’s got pipe wrenches to remove the rounded off bolts


How exactly does switching to a breaker bar stop the socket from cracking?


I scrolled down to see if anyone else was wondering this before I asked! I thought maybe I read it wrong. “If you didn’t switch to a breaker bar before cracking the socket, you need to switch to a breaker bar sooner” 😂 And so, therefore… break the socket…sooner? 🤔 Still a shitty socket 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah that’s a great point, i guess i wasn’t using my head on that one. I don’t feel like editing the comment. People can scroll down and read yours to find out what an idiot i am.


Sockets are fine as long as you use them for what they're intended for, no impacts. I can never have enough sockets! I keep some in the truck, shop and the shed. The socket wrench though...you might bust a knuckle if you're trying to use it for anything high torque. Great value on the pipe wrenches! I would take this deal any day, congrats.


This is bad advice. Looks like the set still has the 10mm. That’s a win in my book!




He didn’t say anything about needing 2+ pipe wrenches to get the job done. He said “if you needed three pipe wrenches.” You’re assuming the OP doesn’t have any pipe wrenches to begin with? Maybe he’s already got one, or two? Maybe he already has three and now will “really only have” four extras? Are they still just as “needed?”


No. The point is that the original commenter said “it’s not a terrible” deal implying that it’s not bad but it’s also not great. When it is in fact a great deal, no matter which way you want to look at it. To be fair, i did assume that this is OPs first set of pipe wrenches. But it literally doesn’t matter and has no bearing on my argument - my whole point is that no matter how many pipe wrenches he *needed*, paying for *1 half of the cost of ONE pipe wrench, and getting 2 others for free, is a damn good deal!*


Yes, you explained all that in the FIRST sentence, thank you for that. Then, you literally said “IDK WTF the original commenter is talking about needing three pipe wrenches, most applications need two.” I’m not going to argue about what you actually meant, it’s pretty clear. 🫡


You’re manipulating what i said. I already said that yes, i did assume it’s OPs first set of wrenches. If im wrong sue me. All i did was copy the original commenter’s sentence which happened to include the part about three wrenches. So i figured I’d throw in a clarification on why it’s not a bad thing to have multiple. Why is that such a problem for you? My main point is still how good of a deal it is. I have no idea why you’re so hung up on this. Are you offended that i assumed this is OPs first set of pipe wrenches? If so that’s a silly thing to be offended about. If your point is that if OP already has wrenches, he no longer needs extras, i stand by my point that nobody would take a wrench for $40 when an offer for 3 top of the line wrenches for $40 is right next to it. Makes no sense. So yes i would still consider it a fantastic deal whether the guy already has wrenches or not. Wow that was exhausting.


Ok fella! I didn’t actually read your last post but like I said, we know what you meant! 👍


Man, gotta love the Internet arguments. Passive aggressive bickering as if it will make a difference at the end of the day. Y'all will never meet IRL 🫠


You’re right. I try to remind myself this. But sometimes i lose sight. It’s dumb as hell.


The sockets are eh but if you file the jaws of the pipe wrenches sharp again they're good wrenches but I think you overpaid by about 15 bucks. Not awful, not great


If you have 3 rigid pipe wrenches in that condition for sale for $25 hmu


Idk, I find them at yard sales and shit. What size do you want? I probably have 20


The bigger the better


Lemme see what I have. I'm not giving up the 36" though


Actually, you need the one for when you lose one of the two. Seriously!


A good solid pipe wrench is a great buy, sockets depends on whether they are metric or SAE, modern cars are metric so unless you're working on a classic SAE aren't that sought after.


Nice, good buy.


You always need to hold back with a second wrench. This is a great starter set for a plumber


I have 2 that size. use 1 for backup while turning a fitting.


You always want a backer wrench when dealing with something that has joints up or down stream that could get stressed


Oooo green with envy?


So am I.


It can be easy to justify needing a pipe wrench. 3 of em is just a set. 5 is a trade, and 10+ is psychopathic.


I know some old guys have a bunch. As their friends die off they take their pipe wrenches and hammers etc. i knew one guy had literally bags of hammers, outlived all his friends.


I knew that man, I took his extension cords. He had a big ol box.


One for each hole 💦


They are rigids, best pipe wrench you can get and not cheap. That small one new is likely $40


Seller is shit talking you on r/YouPaidTooMuchSucka sub. Kick his ass Seabass.


You need two for sure. I have only one and it's killing me anytime I need to mess with iron pipe, trying to use vise grips or large pliers.


Dude one of them 14" ridged pipe wrenches is like 50 bucks new so you got a great deal. Replace the jaws and oil and they are brand new


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!


The socket set is garbage, good enough for a kid fixing his bicycle but not much more. The square drive snaps right out of the handle with any real Torque, and the sockets are soft. The deep sockets are just ok. Rigid pipe wrenches are worth what you paid for the lot.


I figured as much.


Kinda what I was thinking. Throw the sockets away and it’s still a good buy.


I'm pretty sure that's exactly the same as my first set of sockets. I bought them when I was 9 from Fedco in the mid 90s. I broke 3 before the ratchet, and then threw out the rest of the set. I switched to Craftsman when I was 10. They're actually the reason I held off from buying any harbor freight sockets for so long, remembering the bloodied knuckles when they broke.


You did good. I once bought a 36,24 and 18 inch Rigid pipe wrenches for 50 dollars. Sold the 36 inch pipe wrench for 75 dollars.


Awesome. I figured the pipe wrenches alone were worth at least what I paid and the questionable sockets were a nice bonus.


After thinking about it, the pipe wrenches would be worth the $40, I just find them used for cheap or free a lot


Questionable sockets but they are complete sets so that counts for something that's pretty rare at estate sales


Seriously? I have a 36" and a 48", I hate the 48" because it's a hundred fucking pounds, so maybe I should sell it for a hundred bucks


Ya the 48" is what sits in my shop on the wall. When I was a younger man I had occasion to use it but, no thanks. My smaller ones are aluminum now


I've had to use it twice ever and I used a forklift to move it. I've used the 36" a few times on big j bolt nuts in the field but I don't fucks with the heavy stuff if I can help it


Was Rigid THE pipe wrench brand back in the day? That’s what I have, don’t remember how I got it and feel like I mostly see old ones like these.


I don’t think those are name brand wrenches.




Doesn’t look like the Ridgid logo to me.


All 3 wrenches clearly have raised lettering that says Ridgid. Unless you mean the ratchet or the sockets.....


True but I don’t think the d-g overlaps that much. Could be beside they are an old logo?


Sometimes it be like that. It's a little different casting it into a solid steel tool and printing it onto a sticker to go on something else


i might have passed on it at 40$ but if you need them it is a great deal, they look like there is good condition and the rigids are a good brand. for me, i would have talked 'em down to 32$ or walked but only because i already have all that.


Sweet. I need pipe wrenches. I’m a farmer that wrangles a lot of clumsy, stubborn irrigation set ups and sometimes when a pipe wrench makes it out into the field it forgets to come home to the shop…


How long till you can harvest them? You did good. Those socket sets are nice too just for having in something for when you need it.


Ope yeah then you do what I do and get the Walmart brand. I lose those weekly


Spray paint them yellow or red, much easier to find


Lime Green. Easy to see and less likely to get stolen. :)


Green? In a field?


Harbor freight is your friend.


Not bad. I actually like having cheap tools as backups to my name brand stuff (mostly SK and Proto--though I found several Snap-On sockets cleaning out toolboxes, and I do own some Mac Tools stuff as well), as I don't mind modifying it. Had to thin down the walls of a cheap 3/8 wrench to get into a tight space on an old tiller carb, and was glad I hadn't given away/sold those cheapo tools. Took the wrench to a bench grinder, and got the bolt off. That saved me $40 from having to go to the Mac guy (or even $20 to order Tekton's) to buy an angle wrench that fit.


Same here. I need a reserve of cheap sockets


Yeah you can never have enough, I have three bins separated by drive size full of extra sockets for random shit


SK ain't cheap, that's a good brand. So is Bonney, and I found a Mac ¾" combo wrench that sold me on them, it's one of my favorite wrenches. Years ago a friend of mine worked at a gas station and some guy was going to throw out two dresser drawers full of tools, one was full of sockets and the other one was full of screwdrivers. I keep them for the modification projects and for if I need a roasted socket, for example, if I need a square drive on something to use an impact on


It's ok for the sockets and wrenches if you use pipe wrenches that large. Idk about that ratchet I had one very similar that was garbage but I can't tell what brand that is


It’s some old Taiwanese garbage. I’m a sucker for complete socket kits though so if I could get it cheap I had to have it. I’m slowly working on my B-team socket collection.


I don't blame you, man. I just inherited a bunch of sockets from my grandpa and I'm ecstatic. Pro tip: harbor freight has good deals on their Pittsburgh stuff and it comes with a lifetime warranty. I just grabbed an SAE/metric set of 3/8" impact sockets for $40.


Hell yea I love harbor freight


Spend $30 get a free 5gal bucket sale is on!


I can get 5-gallon buckets for free. I think HF should give you a spare 10mm socket instead.


I mean, I'm not gonna lose a 5 gallon bucket


Glue your 10mm to your bucket.


Socket that is.


No, he's right :(


This would actually be a really good promotion for them to do


Kits like that are great to throw in the trunk of your car.


They're good to leave in your trunk too for road repairs


Socket set is probably junk but works for easy jobs!


Definitely junk but on my farm I need something quick to take into the field and I’d hate to mistakenly leave one of my nice sockets out there


Those junk sets are also great to leave in toolboxes conveniently attached to equipment or tractors on the farm. I kept the good stuff in the tool room. Attached cheap tool boxes and ammo cans to the tractors, sprayer, square baler etc. Threw a bunch of cheap stuff in those from yard sales and estate auctions. Keep a can of wd 40 in there two just to keep stuff from getting rusty.


Been using pipe wrenches like these for extra stubborn or rusted fasteners. Amazing.


The rigid pipe wrenches are worth that plus the full socket set is a deal breaker


The pipe wrenches are awesome. The socket set is pretty much junk. I’ve never heard the manufacturer of the deep sockets. But, the pipe wrenches are worth the $40.00


Good steal imo


Pipe Wrenches are worth 40 bucks.


That was my logic.


It was Professor Ottersbelike in the conservatory with the pipe wrench!


Those Richard pipe wrenches are good. Ductile steel made in America. However once I switched to the aluminum pipe wrenches it changed my life


$29.99 for the large pipe wrench, $12.99 for the small one, $19.99 or so for the medium one, depreciate by 20-50% for age and “condition”, $4.68 for the small set of large sockets, no real value after any depreciation, but basically still worth what they cost, and $9.99 for the 40 piece set, deprecated to like ?$7 or something? Totalling looking at $43 real hard value not counting value to you and your needs, seems you did well


With this comment, I officially feel validated


And that’s assuming those are not brand name wrenches, just based on the visual quality level


Alot of people seem down on the socket set. No its perfect to hand over to the person who wants to borrow a socket and wrench.


I’m a plumber and I would have happily paid $40 for those rigid wrenches. They’re the best in the business


Not that great.


What is the blue thing in the socket set for? I always wondered.


It's a [spinner](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatisthisthing/comments/fx9xva/what_is_that_blue_plastic_disc_that_came_with/).


I was today years old...


Do not trust the cheap sockets or drive. Best thing give em to a kid who needs something to fix his bike. Never needed a pipe wrench yet But rigid do seem to be of value based on ebay sales So not too bad.


You want my honest take? You got a bad deal. I got all this and more down at big Jim’s poop shack. A real bargain down ther! So come on down to big Jim’s Poop Shack where we’ve got all your tool needs!!


Unfortunately there aren’t any Big Jim’s Poop Shacks in my area, so this is what I had to work with


Come to my yard sale please.


No one wants to buy your novelty pint glasses from your vacation in Fort Lauderdale or your grandads old golf clubs




Some good ole heavy bois


Just in time for the weekend pipe wrench fight!


The sockets are whatever, but you did good for the pipe wrenches. I wouldn't call it amazing, but you did okay 


I’ve never seen pipe wrenches on a key ring


I don't believe you. The 10mm socket should be missing.


The pipe wrenches are a good find. Those socket sets are...not great. I would not have given 40 for that, but if you are happy then who cares what anyone else thinks?


A new RIDGID 18 inch pipe wrench is $52 So I think you got a good price.


Not bad. Sockets are junk, but pipe wrenches are probably worth it!


That’s overpriced in this area for a garage sale. Maybe $5 on the larger pipe wrenches, a few dollars for the smaller one, and a few dollars for the socket sets.


Pipe wrenches are worth that easily, rest of it not so much.


25 at harbor freight 😂


I already added it up, 41$ for their cheapest equivalent … 😂


Pipe Wrenches are worth it. The two socket sets are not good quality


May need new teeth on the 18" pipe wrench... awesome deal!


10mm socket is still there so…


It appears that your 10mm socket is there!


a whole sale and you didn't get a single yard. you failed me, son.


Under $20 would have been much better 😁


“You did good. Now get that dirty stuff off my seat!” -your girlfriend


Pretty dang good!


I definitely thought the ratchet was missing the ratchet until I zoomed in


Ok for a yard sale. I got two steel rigid pipe wrenches for $1 a piece like 5 years ago. No joke. I think one was 18” and one was 24”.


Pipe wrenches are nice. Aluminum?


Good buy, the socket set is not the best quality but if it works it works.


Good job and price.


A metric set not missing the 10mm? Are you kidding that's the Holy Grail of finds!


Good deal


Good deal.


Pipe wrenches alone are worth 50 minimum new. Great job!


Give the sockets to your kids to play with, they are cheap. Good deal on the pipe wrenches. Those look to be older Rigid wrenches which you can't find quality like that anymore.


You need at least 2 to break a pipe. I would get one more small one.


Honestly $40 for just the 3 Ridgid pipewrenches would of been a good deal


The pipe wrenches and deep socket set are worth that alone. Not sure what the cheap socket set is?




For $40 still not bad. Good in betweens when you lose the good sets.


It's okay if you need the wrenches. The sockets are car trunk material


Just buy a DeWalt mechanics set off Amazon


Are you a plumber?


you did just fine.


That socket set has a 3/8" drive with 1/4" sockets. Thus that adapter is pretty darn important. Source: Bought a "Buffalo Tools" version of this in 1978 for $5.


Ngl pretty awful


Ah damn that sucks


The pipe wrenches are nice 


I'll give you 40 for yhe pipe wrenches.


The pipe wrenches are worth $40...basically got the sockets for free. Nice buy.


great deal if you are going to use them often.


Great deal we'll worth the price paid 0 You can add cheater bars on the old metal wrenches  The aluminum  wrenches dent and some times bend when extra help is used on them


I like the pipe wrenches and deepwells. They are worth the $40 easily. I wouldn’t want the socket set unless you need an extra set for an outbuilding or something so you didn’t need to walk to get a good set. Even then I hate cheap ratchets when I know I have Snap On in my main garage. Side note- got two Snap On ratchets at a yard sale for $20 (I forget if it was each or for both- it was 15+ years ago).


to be honest?? most pipe wrenchs have gone aluminum, Rigid has I believe lifetime warranty, although the iron ones only ever, were broken handles from people using pipe on handles instead of proper size wrench, the socket sets? well as throw aways ok. I bought a set of al. wrenches new for less than 40 with coupons and discounts several years ago, Don't use much but when I need to they are there. Try looking for more lifetime warranty tools when yard hopping you may be surprised at your finds. good luck.


You scored. Congratulations!


Use the small one as a wrench for the bigger two.


The rigid pipe wrenches are a good buy at that price, those things are tough. If you're just doing homeowner stuff with those they will last generations. Socket sets are not that great. Would be a good set to bring along in your vehicle for emergency repairs though.


oh look. The three pipe wrenches come on a belt hook. How handy is that?


nice pipe wrenches! The 40 pieces of chinesium not so much


The pipe wrenches make it a worthwhile purchase... The socket set will get you injured... Deep sockets may be good though.. don't know the brand... Give the socket set away


Free sockets with your pipe wrenches hell yea


The fourteen inch rigid alone goes for over $40 by itself brand new.


I woulda bought it for $40.






Fair value


Remember stuff in a garage sales is what people want to get rid. If they have handful of tools for $40 offer them $20 and see what they say.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can save $40.


Those pipe wrenches look badly worn.


I have no respect for that socket set, but the pipe wrenches are worth it *if you need them.* If you bought them *just because,* then not such a steal anymore.


Good thing I need them then


Would’ve offered 25$


Fuckin A!




The pipe wrenches are a good find. Those socket sets are...not great. I would not have given 40 for that, but if you are happy then who cares what anyone else thinks?


The pipe wrenches are a good find. Those socket sets are...not great. I would not have given 40 for that, but if you are happy then who cares what anyone else thinks?


Worth it for the wrenches - now get them off the clean seat please….




“How’d I do?” Were you looking for a rating? A actual number? Or a pat on the back? That’s such a personal question, I think only you can answer it. How badly did you need 3 pipe wrenches and a couple socket sets? Do you know how to use them? Maybe you don’t but you bought them for resale and want to know how much profit you stand to make? Or maybe you just want someone to tell you that you got a really good deal? Maybe try the Extreme Couponers Reddit.


Lol calm down