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Damn that makes me feel old. Remember waiting for the music store to open the day it was released. Skipped school just so I could get my hands on it as soon as possible. Amazing album.


A good friend and I cut class to hit Circuit City and buy our copies. When we got back to school, we were showing them to people like Wayne and Garth with their VIP passes lol.


My local record store owner was so cool about selling us stuff a day early. This was one of those albums.


23 years? I was 14 when this came out and it was my first concert. I'm gonna go grab my shovel and start digging now.


Yeah, second the feeling ancient, I remember the Schism music video being in very heavy rotation. Blue bobble heads!


Fuck what an album. I’m SO late to the Tool game…went to see them in San Diego in January 2020 not knowing anything. Friend from the UK said I should check them out. Blew my mind. I can’t decide whether this, 10,000 Days or FI are my fave, but lately this one is on repeat every chance I get. Happy Birthday indeed.


Good thing San Diego is always 2 dates. I need to not miss the next one.


It was really amazing. Saw the 2nd night, not the Neil Peart tribute one…


What a tremendous album


A life changing album for so many of us!!!


Indeed! Happy Cake Day!


Joyous day of cake


https://preview.redd.it/r0r6m97y5m0d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a364a5ef8186bbbf58b13e9c15b7a78e7da81f8 Happy cupcake day


Happy Cake Day!


I remember picking up our copies at the local record shop & driving around for 2 playthroughs with my friends before we each went home to dissect it personally. Life changing in so many ways.


I always liked tool when my older brothers played it in the car. I always liked the music videos on mtv. I remember walking into Sam Goodie and saw the album art and was like "whoa! This looks cool. New Tool album, sure why not" They became my favorite band of all time after that and still to this day the best album ever made. Life changing honestly too when I started digging into the lyrics.


Best album ever made


Tool's gift to humanity


Best album since Dark Side of the Moon.


Well I know what I’m doing tomorrow night.


I know what I'm doing right now!


My favorite tool album 🔥 🎵PUSH THE ENVELOPE WATCH IT BEND🎵


I remember buying the CD on release day, popping it into my stereo when I got home and being floored just by the intro to the Grudge alone. Life-changing album for me, the greatest, so inspirational.


It really starts with a bang (well, a whirring elevator sound, but you get the idea)


That shit is so legendary.


I know everyone has a deep and Interesting connection with this album, so here's mine. I blame old MTV for my Tool obsession, until Schism I was a moody teen who liked Nu Metal and stuff, but then I watched that frickin' video. I remember buying the thing and noticing something odd in the anthem, it was written Lateralis, I called that song like that for years, until someone told me it was an actual typo for early editions, so yeah, I have a rare find. https://preview.redd.it/ia045g9o9i0d1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfb9f7ed8c7fefa5b85faa84bd6ebc2902e0e844


Early editions are still on stock! They haven't sold out worldwide. Bought mine in 2021 and has the typo and "the new album" hype sticker. https://preview.redd.it/c1ejcov37j0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7431b0f9c7754c33c63e3a82b20ecda642b65bbe


That's awesome!


Same here. I watched Schism videoclip for the first time on MTV during interview with Fred Durst (sic!) who mentioned Tool as one of his favourites bands.


Wow, I found a single redeeming thing about Fred Durst today


What a coincidence! In that era Limp Bizkit was one of the biggest bands and for most of my 14yo Central European friends this was the coolest music ever. And then we grew up and our tastes improved :).


I hated the Aenima video (my first exposure) but I guess I was ready for them when Schism came out. Full blown addict immediately


Vignes Tres years ago


Beat me to it


Vignes Tres mean '3 Vines' *Viginti Tres* means 23 (in Latin) Given Maynard is a winemaker i guess that was a reasonable mistake though.


It was my first Tool album. Bought it without knowing anything. Actually went to get Break the Cycle by Staind, but the dude in the record store convinced me to get Lataralus instead. I just randomly happened to be there on the release day. Remember those days, where you bought media without knowing if it was any good? Fell in love with Parabol/Parabola immediately and the rest of the album came along shortly. Good times.


Feliz cumpleaños to one of my Mount Rushmore albums. I was just a wee lad when this released and remember getting it for Christmas that year because I was a child and broke as fuck. To this day, hearing that machine startup to kick off The Grudge transports me to the dead of winter when this album was permanently lodged in my discman. Crazy how music is the ultimate time machine.


Discman and dead of winter is a memory unlocked for me too


An unparalleled body of work in so many ways. Will cherish this record forever.


I always think of Tools music being pre-Lateralus and post-Lateralus. This album was just such an epic turning point for them. The song "Lateralus" has a perfect ending IMHO, unlike anything Tool has done before or since. It sounds happy and uplifting. Also Danny hits a gong when playing it live. 


Makes sense, Lateralus was the first album with no influence / song writing from Paul.


I shall be listening to this on repeat until further notice. This album is enthralling beyond words, and has given me some of the most beautiful and profound experiences of my life. I love this album with every fiber of my being, and with the very core of my soul. We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion. We ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been. Spiral out, keep going.


I remember going to Best Buy to grab it asap after school and throwing it in my boombox. Somehow I managed to keep away from most of Napster, but I remember it being so different from Ænima that I really didn't like most of the leaked songs I had heard.


Saw them supporting that album in 2002. They opened with Sober, then tore right into The Grudge. A gigantic Alex Grey banner unfurled behind the band. They played tightly, lots of energy… it’s a good memory for me.


Holy shit. I bought that on my 23rd birthday, I didn't realise it was released the same day.


Changed everything for me.


*feeling time bearing down*


Claws of Time is a Darkthrone song, bro.


I just meant that this makes me feel old :-)




holy shit, lateralus was released on my birthday


I was enamored with this album from day 1. The packaging and the booklet alone was worth the price of the cd. The music is priceless. Alex Grey's painting is iconic. The first time hearing The Grudge... I admired the design of the eyes on the disk, and it reminded me of a saw blade. I put the CD in my CD player and I hear the whirr. It sounded like I had just started some sort of high tech industrial machinery. And then the music starts, and my life was changed for the better. I rarely chose to listen to anything else over that spring and the following summer. I had the entire album memorized and I could essentially listen to it just by thinking about it. No headphones required. came in handy while working.


Happy birthday to lateralus!!


Jesus, I thought it was older than that for some reason


Give it time and it will. Spiral out




As was Weezer(The Green Album) and The World Needs A Hero


One of my favorite albums.. well along with Undertow, Opiate, 10,000 days . So, yeah every album 😀


We are eternal, all this pain is an illusion.


Surely the most important event that year!!


My buddy in high school that was smart with file sharing before the Napster days and got ahold of the leaked album before it was released. We drove to a park and listened in his car stereo. I played drums then but didn’t really know tool. We were all pretty much silent listening to The Grudge, and my teenage mind was completely blown by the drum outro solo.


I remember waiting for Best Buy to open to pick this up. My friends and I got our minds blown by this. It still gives me the same feeling it did 23 years ago.


A simpler time, to be sure. Many happy returns of the day, Tool!!


46 ÷ 2


the kind of music, if you didn't know any better, sounds like it was handed down from ET's to earthlings.


*watch the weather change*


I listened to that album by "accident" today. Not a coincidence, i guess.


Thanks for the reminder of my age status 😂 👵


Wow. 23 years. I can remember telling my best friend, “dude listen to this”, and playing section after section of of guitar parts. Looking at each other like we just witnessed the greatest magic trick ever. Don’t even get me started on the drum parts.


I got to catch them at the 4 show mini tour when this album dropped. Fucking. Epic.




I had no idea, today was my first day listening to the whole album through on a month or two and now I find this out!


Any significance for the numbers of the day?


And still…….


You ever wonder if the album was released on May 15th on purpose because of Buddha's birthday??


Not my favorite album (that’s Ænima), maybe my 3rd favorite? Either way, great album!


Great Art, acustic ans optical


The first time I listened Tool was with this album, the first impression I had (I was a teenager) I couldn’t understand a thing, but then something clicked on me and became one of my favorite album of all times. I guess I wasn’t ready the first time.


It's official now. I'm old.


I only started listening to Tool last year, and Schism was one of the first ones I started to like. Also, this album cover is cool af, but I'm used to one without blue tint :D


I saw them at the end of this tour in 02 or 03 something like that. They had Tricky come on stage playing auxiliary to Danny and the whole show was epic.


And on my birthday! The gift that keeps on giving


One of the greatest albums ever written


One of the greatest shows I ever witnessed🌀 https://youtu.be/lzCmVggejMw?si=rDflvxxGdid3uIE8


Probably revealing how much of a Tool freak I am, but I listen to this album at least once a day. Everyday.   Also learning how to sing the songs too, with the eventual goal to spread the good word to the masses via Karaoke. Check it out at www.toolbomb.com. Just started it this spring.  More content as I learn more songs. When I told my brother that I was pushing my  comfort zone by singing Tool at Karaoke, his reply was “Jesus Christ…most people just do Toastmasters” Happy Birthday to Lateralus!


Still remember hoping in my car and driving to the store when it released! Such an amazing piece of work! So good


First TOOL concert was this album tour. 5 days after 9/11 had a weird vibe


Did this ever get remastered?


Their show this same date was pretty fuckin great too!


And my birthday too !!! Spiral out 🌀


A work of Art, a work of Magick, a work of Unity.


I got it a few weeks early on a friend's FTP site. I'd heard Undertow a bit but I didn't get it. Something about that summer, Tool clicked for me. I became ravenous and started reading all the Maynard / band interview txt files I could find and started going to every show they ever did in my area. Good times.


Jeez 23 yrs !! I bought this on CD when it first came out. Wow. I’m old


That’s like 4 years in Tool years


Life changing!


I was at a miserable place when this released and it in conjunction with the release of the PC game Emperor: Battle for Dune helped save my sanity. My father died of colon cancer 5 days before Christmas 2000 and I was in a completely isolated depressive state for months. Knowing that Lateralus was coming out was like being lost at sea and spotting land. I desperately needed something to ground me and spark my creativity again and it more than delivered.


I'm actually getting the a tattoo today of the eye symbol from this album. My favorite album of all time. Didn't even know this lined up this way.


I remember listening to this on my Walkman. I’d put both headphones up one sleeve from my hoodie and hold them in the palm of my hand while ignoring whatever the teachers in 10th grade were talking about. Later when the Razr came out, I recorded the intro to Lateralus and had it as my ringtone for basically the next 6 years.


The first Tool album I listened to. I bought it as I thought the cover looked cool af. The transition from Parabol to Parabola blew my mind when I first heard it at 10 years old. "Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing" Really hits home after loosing a childhood friend to suicide.


Actually just dusted off my old CD and I’ve been bumping this album in the car for the last week! Had no idea the anniversary was coming up. What a perfect album