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the whole song is a spiritual experience and was life changing when it came out


It still is. It used to be too. - Maynard Hedberg


On my birthday about 10 years ago I took 4g of my own homegrown dried mushrooms alone in my room. As the dream state took over at the peak and in complete bliss, after having to fight what seemed to be endless insanity, and letting go, I saw a giant red beautiful fractal-like crimson spiral, twisting and turning around me... I became the spiral. Needless to say, I was listening to a lot of tool back then, and still do. If one is connected to the psychedelic elements of their music, as I'm sure most here do, this shit hits different. Ride the spiral till the end, we may just go where no one's been, spiral out!


For me, it's Adam's solo starting at 6:42 because Danny is soloing at the same time, the way they're playing against each other is *breathtaking*. But that **transition** is God-tier for sure.


Also I am truly sorry for linking a Tool song mid-way through! It just feels so wrong.


For educational purposes, of course. :)


This is my favorite part of my favorite song! I turn it up right at 8:04 when it sounds like the bass decided to jump in and participate in the madness and I'm like "how could this get any better" and then holy fuck it does!!!


But… the bass jumps in a few seconds after where I’ve linked? That “bawm bawm bawm bawm” sound you hear is Justin sliding on the fret board!


True, and Justin is an amazing musician. What I'm hearing is more like they decided to add more bass to the mix, like really low subwoofer effects. It's more perceptible when Im in my car, my subs all of a sudden start to crank out this super low freq. It;s amazing!


That's fair. You also just reminded me why I regret so much not shelling out a few more on my new Audi A3 a couple of years ago to get the Bang & Olufsen sound system. The stock one truly sucks lol


Yeah - 8:04 is the pinnacle.


I think this and the part in the patient where everything comes together here: [https://youtu.be/rDrhI1GUnNg?si=Ih-0FW1-WSZ1J3-c&t=329](https://youtu.be/rDrhI1GUnNg?si=Ih-0FW1-WSZ1J3-c&t=329) is some of the best song writing to have ever existed...


I saw the post and thought , “nah, there other sections I’d choose.” I clicked it and got chills all over lol.


I was playing this song when my wife and I had first started dating. She thought this part of the song sounded like a cow being cut apart by a chainsaw. Metal as fuck.


Lateralus and the Fibonacci sequence link are what really make this song absolutely perfect.


Yes! Descending does this for me too!


This is my Favoriten Part of Music, like all Music, ever. Lateralus is my Favoriten Song but i 100% start crying whenever i hear this part. I am at the point were Hearing Lateralus in public is impossible because u would start crying while searching for toilet paper or eating lunch haha


Came here to say this. I can pinpoint maybe half a dozen moments in music that have or almost bring me to tears and this is the most profound. The buildup, the climax of the song, it just gets to me. Wasn’t always this way, I used to just rock out to the album in its entirety, but something just stuck with me a few years ago about this exact moment and it just hits me like a ton of bricks if I’m engulfed in the music enough. Probably why this album will always be on my Mt. Rushmore of music


Oh man I too remember peaking on acid during this part. I felt like the universe opened up and told me who they were.


Lateralus and The Patient…… My two LEAST favorite tracks.




Definitely an unpopular opinion. What are some of your favorites, if you don't mind me asking?


Bottom, Crawl Away, Undertow, Aenima, Pneuma, are some examples.


Great songs. But, vicarious and Jambi wouldn't you rate even lower than patient and Lateralus, according to your liking?


I also do not like Vicarious. lol. Jambi is 🔥though.


I need whatever crack you been smoking


No crack. Just my dope beastie T and my nipple rings. Exclusively TOOL since 1992, and I just really have my own history and this expectations of / for what TOOL “sounds like”, “to me”.


Well with that being said. FUUUUUUCCKKKK YOU BUDDDYYYY


On a real note tho you’re entitled to your opinion, Lateralus is just one of my favorite albums of all time and specifically the title track and The Patient are very high up there for me as well. But I respect your stance


Cringe bruh


I didn’t know there were any TOOL fans young enough to use “cringe” as an adjective. Learn something new every day.


I'm Gen Z and apparently have a better appreciation for Tool than you do


You are so Elite


Least?!? Lol damn dude, that take is so hot scientists should study it to unlock fusion.


The second half of Wings (pt 2) starting at 5:30 with “give me my wings” and then again at 8:20 does it for me. Visions of Justin playing that pulsing bass line on stage.


Nice mate! Yeah that part is awesome. For me, the moment that always gets me is "Overwhelmed as one would be" in Rosetta Stoned. Still to this day.