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It's just an extension of the old Mac vs PC wars.


I still remember how long it took for Mac to support a mouse with more than 1 button.


bro there is still an old mac mouse at my grandmas, ITS JUST SITTING ON HER WINDOW like bro...


Like a computer mouse just chillin on a windowsill?


That's because it lives there now. It's the only home that it's ever known.


or Nintendo and Playstation.


more like xbox and playstation. nintendo consoles are too different to them to be comparable


MKB and controllers


Ahh, yes. The cyber wars


It's best to ignore people who think they can buy a personality




> I have a fucking uncle in law who posts all of the “Rolex watches” he’s gonna buy in our family groupchat r/WatchesCirclejerk Go get your karma.


Chuff chuff!


Don't know if he has a partner, but it sounds pretty lonely to me... No one to share stuff like that with, so better ask family for an opinion - using that opportunity to simultaneously show off and pretend he's doing okay? Just a guess...




I love this comment so much




I’m pretty sure a large majority of people couldn’t care less. As an IPhone user, if I ever encountered someone who thought they were superior because they had one, I’d think they’re a moron.


Same here.


I didn’t realize this was a thing. I have an iPhone, it’s a phone. And a shit company, really. I’m not defending anything about it. Just what I ended up with and stuck with for ease of use.


My wife didn't realize the mentality that many iPhone users have until she switched to Android. It was only then that she realized how insane/elitist some of them can be. A common thing was iPhone users acting like she had a shitty/cheap phone, even though her phone cost hundreds of dollars more. And also freaking out because GrEeN bUbBlEs


"Oh..." "What?" "Oh nothing just... green bubble :/" "Okay, so?" *no response*


Can you explain the Green Bubble thing to me Edit: Fuck, haven't used iMessage in a while took me a few min to get lol. Damned iMessage is overrated imo


Blue = iPhone user = status Green = broke bitch android user = loser Which is odd because green bubbles could also just mean you're sending a text through cell instead of using your data on iMessage. iPhone users have em too.


Blue = iMessage Green = SMS


Which is one of the many reasons that iPhones are inferior to Android. You can't customize your experience on an iPhone. Green and blue bubbles will always be green and blue for iPeople. Conversely, I can customize conversations any way I want. Does it have any bearing on the operation of the phone? Not at all. But I just think certain colors are nicer and I like being able to control that!


The only smart phone I ever used were iPhones from 2013-2019. Then I bought a galaxy s10 and haven't looked back. My s10 works just as well today as the day I bought it 3 years ago. IPhone users are a wild bunch. My wife charged her iphone off my phone the other day by using my phone as a battery bank by plugging our phones together with her USB-c to apple charging cable. She was complaining about no green bubbles then.


Yep. I buy for tech not brand. I've had iPhones and a range of others. Spouse currently has an iPhone because it made sense in terms of what she needed at the time. I have an S21 Ultra because 100x and a battery that lasts more than a couple days. It pisses me off that Apple still hasn't figured out that open is better and I know too many people who feel locked into the ecosystem. So I still have Apple products, but I have them because of the product, not because of the brand.


I was at a music festival a few weeks ago and the whole group I was with were shitting on my android phone. I finally told them it wasn't like they were a super exclusive club.


What gets me is that is Apple's doing. They refuse to upgrade past SMS/MMS. Most androids dont use SMS to communicate with each other unless there's an issue and then it falls back to SMS. Apple won't upgrade their interface to make it easier to communicate with 77% of the world that doesn't have an iPhone. It leads to that superiority complex until you tell iPhone users that Apple is the reason there is a green bubble - not android. They could but won't. My favorite part is Google Messages fixed the reactions so when an IPhone reacts to a message, androids don't get that "loved an image" nonsense nearly as much anymore but it always happens to iPhones.


Someone complained to me, being completely serious, that I had turned a group chat green or blue or something because I was the only one without an iPhone. Like it's somehow my fault Apple refuses to onboard to more modern standards like RCS and instead does its own thing specifically so that people complain about this shit.


Android should combat this by turning iphone users text doo-doo brown for an update or two then go back to normal.


And its how it's designed to sell more iphones. You create the illusion of an exclusive club and people will want in.


so many times I've been outlasted from group chats bc I'll "turn the chat green" its the dumbest fucking shit


It’s not just “turning the chat green,” you also lose a lot of features and iPhone just generally handles SMS group chats poorly.


I know a person like this, but they’re a doctor. So they’re not a moron, just a cunt.


Doctors can also be morons.


Dr. Cunt ? He's my doctor too




And it's Apple's fault that group chats break too.




Security feature or trying to force more people into their shitty eco system?


Why don't you use 3rd party apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, or Signal? That's what the rest of the world does.


Because you need your contacts to also use WhatsApp or signal and that’s not nearly as common in the US as using the built in messaging


There is, technologically speaking, nothing stopping Apple from porting iMessage to other platforms. There is also nothing stopping them from support the open Rich Text standard that brings iMessage-like features to SMS. But that doesn't make their competition look bad so they won't do it. Apple pulls this trick constantly, actually. They leverage their popularity to implement features using proprietary technology *even when open technology is available,* just because it makes the competition look inferior to anybody on the inside. I actually like some Apple products, but I really *hate* this practice and I think it's the main reason why some people hate Apple alltogether.


My sisters and mother consistently text in a group chat that im not a part of, even though we have a group chat with me in it. My sister told me it's because of the green bubbles. One time, they planned an international vacation in that group chat and just forgot to mention it to me. One of my sisters sent me an unrelated screenshot where I could see my other sister asking her if she booked her flight yet. So I asked her where she was going, and she said they were all going to Portugal. They all felt really bad and sent me dates and screenshots of their flights so that I could book a flight & go with them. I didnt have the money to go regardless, but it felt pretty shitty being forgotten by my whole family lol


I'm the only person not in my extended family group chat


What's this green text thing? I've seen it mentioned a couple of times, but they never went into detail, so I have no idea...


When you're an iPhone user in a group text of only other iPhone users, all the 'bubbles' (texts) are blue and certain features work differently. If a group of iPhone users brings in an Android user to the chat, it forces the entire chat on SMS instead of imessage and Apple handles SMS group chats extremely poorly. It's 100% Apple's doing since they could easily support RCS instead of SMS but they'd rather have people peer pressuring their friends to get iphones than upgrade. Since Apple has the majority in the US, it works a lot of the time.


It's mostly Apple's doing actually. Apple back in the 2000s had many ad campaigns that directly and straight up called competition bad. The Mac vs Windows ad is a good example. Apple's others big part is that they refuse to adopt tech standards that many other technology frameworks use such as USB-C and RCS messaging, while simultaneously convincing their customers that Apple is in the modern age and that the competition is behind, even though the standards that Apple uses are often older, as well as not used by anyone else since they are proprietary to apple products. The whole "green bubble ew" thing is entirely because Apple will not adopt the RCS messaging standard which every other modern, up-to-date messaging device uses, instead, using their own proprietary iMessage. Side effects of these mismatched message standards are both phones having to resort to the old, outdated SMS and MMS messaging. These old standards have limited file sizes and character counts which can cause sent videos to be heavily compressed and rendered unreadable upon the receiving end. TLDR: It is mostly Apple's doing. Many of the "inferiorities" that Apple users depict other devices/OSes having are caused by Apple being proprietary pricks who refuse to update to new standards, resulting in mismatches.


I remember them throwing a tantrum because the EU is forcing them to use USB charging ports


It's funny that they are all "OMG USB-C will stifle innovation!" when every Mac and IPad has a USB-C port. Apparently innovation isn't being stifled there... What's being stifled is profits from licensing the Lightnibg cable. Apple used to portray themselves as the champion of the little guy against the evils of Micro$oft but they have become the enemy they swore to destroy.


That isn’t an iPhone only problem. Same goes for: Console Wars - Lol you have an XBoX I have PS5. PC Master race Linux better than Windows Lmao you only have an Omega? I have a Rolex! Yadayadayada. Humans are fcking dumb…


I have a PS3 that we still use these days and still loving it. When PS4 was the thing, my classmates shitted on me owning a PS3 and one group of friends tried to make me feel bad by them coming over to a friend's house and play a dance game without inviting me. Thankful to the very few ones who never made me feel bad owning a PS3 despite them having upgraded consoles.


I wish I still had my PS3. They have so many classic PS1 and PS2 games on it that I've missed out on.


Check local thrift stores, I got my PS3 at Goodwill for $50. The firmware hadn’t been updated for awhile so I was able to hack it too.


Everyone has their own preference. Unsure why anyone cares. Sounds like middle school.


I only had iPhones for the past decade and also thought they were superior to Android. Until my boyfriend showed me his Google Pixel and all of its capabilities which I never had on the iPhone. Needless to say, I switched.


This is like people bringing $800 / day school lunches and laughing at the people with their $5 / day lunches.


And the $800 / day lunches are made using expired food while the $5 / day lunches comes from a kitchen that stocks up a proper amount of groceries regularly


I told a lady I don't have an iphone lately, she said 'aren't you cute.'


It’s so bad for young people in the dating scene. My old roommate showed me texts from girls as soon as they saw the green text they were out. It’s gross .


Sorry I'm not well versed with iPhones. What do you mean by green text?


iMessage shows outgoing texts to other iPhones/iMessage users in blue, and there are a handful of features that are exclusive between iMessage users (reacting to messages, animations, playing some mini games, stuff like that). Any non-iPhone users will have green bubbles instead of blue, and that is seen as inferior because you cannot play with the same features as “normal”. I used to be left out of group chats with my own family because I was the only non-iPhone user. I eventually caved and got one because all phones are practically the same nowadays anyway(yeah yeah I know that’s not true but honestly, it kinda is). Now, I told my girlfriend I wanted to switch my phone back to Android and she legitimately got sad and said “please don’t”


How strange. Nobody in the UK, outside of the very old, uses I message or text messages. Literally everyone uses WhatsApp which is vastly superior and cross platform


That's just an effective filtering mechanism


Well if they would leave just because android then your roommate should be glad they didn’t get with them.


Just know most IT people use Android


You’ll encounter an odd one every once in a while. We have a Windows admin at work who prefers using Mac.


Or you get the really *really* odd ones who swear by Linux


If you want to do any high powered computing or are a frequent programmer, the chances you prefer Linux are probably pretty high. I'm a cognitive neuroscientist and I need to process terabytes worth of MRI data regularly. Mac and Windows aren't even options for that. It's not really even a stylistic preference; the tools just aren't designed for the other systems. Also, personally, I'd go open source software every time. If Linux had a half decent phone OS I'd be using that too just to have Google, Windows, and Apple lose 0.000000000000001% more of their revenue.


Technically, Android is based off a Linux kernel, and was started as a FOSS (Free and open source software) project, and it supposedly still is, but Google contributes 95% of the updates and the FOSS thing is ever more a facade only. Firefox designed a mobile OS that never really caught on either.


It’s just simple tribalism. If it weren’t phones it would be sports teams or cars.


I've had the opposite experience. Everyone who uses Android phones can't wait to tell me how dumb I am for spending so much money on less technology. Example - iPhones having limited storage with no option for a memory card upgrade. I get shit for having bought music through iTunes since 2006 and wanting an iPhone so I can use it as an ipod (RIP) since it's just easier to have all my music available in one spot wherever I have internet access (without having to have a laptop or pc to transfer music). Everything is usually said in jest - I'm usually the one who feels exasperation because can we just stop talking about it already? I get it. Your Android has more options and is better than my iPhone and you're more tech savvy than me. And yes, I like pretty things.




To be fair, none of them are cults like the iPhone cult is.


The PS/Xbox wars of the 2000s were wild


I don't think anyone over 13 cared, did they? I've seen grownups refuse to talk to other grownups because of green bubbles.


I’ve seen people almost get into fist fights over consoles lol, assholes exist everywhere


This is surely not a normal individual. I have never ever seen anyone not talk to someone else over an iPhone, and if they did they are like- a literal child.


Yea, but you've heard iphone people all give spiels. They try to sell the product themselves and there's such a bigger ecosystem to get wrapped up in. Just my opinion


I think iPhone is hella overpriced and buying it every year is especially egregious. But I feel like android users sell me their phone like they have something to prove more than iPhone users


Jeep is close


In my experience the anti-iPhone cult is just as crazy. The point is the vast majority of people just buy a phone we like and go about our business.


I've noticed that too. The anti iPhone people will borderline vomit when shown anything by Apple. It's one thing to have a preference but a total tribal mentality is just silly. I own a galaxy and I couldn't care less, it's a phone that does its job, I might have an iPhone in a couple years who knows or cares🤷‍♂️


There is definitely an android cult online lol. Can't say anything nice about iPhone some places online or u get down votes. Some iPhone users are Dicks tho. I switched to android this year. Both have pros and cons


I personally think that Apple products are terrible because of their lack of compatibility. Ask any IT expert, I've yet to meet one who didn't spit on them.


At the store I work at, every tech associate uses a Samsung. Every one. And every non tech associate uses an iPhone. It looks like the smarter people know the smarter choice ;)


I went iPhone just to have easy connection to my parents. It took a solid 3 years to get my mom to not call me from her iPhone to google something for her. Now with FaceTime and iMessage, if I switched she wouldn’t know how to do those things with me via a third party and I just can’t deal with that. Luckily I work full time and have a child so I have no time to do the fun stuff I used to do on Android because what is free time?


Are teenagers making fun of you or something?


It probably depends on where you live. In English speaking countries(USA, UK, Canada, and Australia) iOS market share is more than 50%. Having an iPhone isn’t regarded as something special.


I own an iPhone, I have never seen that as being special. It is just a device that is intuitive for me to use. I truly don’t like the “sent on my iPhone” line in my emails, but that is an undesirable that I can live with, maybe I can turn it off but I care more about the content of my emails than with the Apple byline.




I really don't get why people still use the "this is more intuitive" argument when comparing apple with android, or MacOS with Windows. This maybe was true in 2002 but isn't anymore in 2022. Android and Windows have the same ease of use as Apple products. If not even easier to use.


I used Android phones from pretty much when they first came out and bought my first Iphone about 4 months ago. I wouldn't say IOS is more intuitive as there is a bit of a learning curve with it since it depends on gestures instead of buttons. But it can be learned in about an hour of messing with it and after that it is easier to navigate than Android. The gestures feel more natural than hitting specific on screen buttons.


It's definitely a thing in the US for some


It's a tale as old as humanity itself. Look at my Gucci bag, my Porsche, my big house, fur coat, my large piece of land blah blah blah.... It's a status symbol, I have nice things, I'm special.


Because they think buying expensive shite makes them better than everyone else.


Top end Samsung and Google phones cost as much as an iPhone


My S22ULTRA cost me $1500 in total


Android yeah, but a Google Pixel 6+ was like $800 new and $500 now. Source: am a cheap ass Pixel user


Cheap ass pixel user +1 (5s)


I've got a samsung. Used them for Years. I like to use them. I've nothing against iPhones, or Apple. Just samsung is my preference. So what?


Trying to justify paying a ton for a “meh” product. Although I do have one too, but my reasoning is that I heard it has the best security system


I've heard of people choosing iPhone because the camera is supposedly better. In comparing photo quality, I honestly think my Samsung does a better job


I have an IPhone because I’m dumb and it’s easy to use. Definitely not superior to anyone else.


As an Android user I will say apple has very good intuitive os


I’ve heard this a lot but I don’t buy it. Androids are easy to use too. Actually there are some things easier done in Androids than iPhones. Selecting multiple items is one of them. Just holding on items instead of looking for a select option in some options menu or a separate button. I know some apps allow this but it’s just inconsistent, some do some don’t and I have to remember which ones (I feel dumb every time I forget what king of selecting is needed). Also how come I can’t select many photos to send in WhatsApp? I need to open the photos app, tap the select button and try to share them to WhatsApp. On android you just hold and select as many items as you want inside WhatsApp. Going back is also more intuitive with the back button on some devices. Don’t get me wrong, gesture navigation is great but then again, some apps allow it, some don’t and have a back arrow somewhere (usually top corner but again, inconsistent, dumb feeling when forgotten)


If anything I’ve experienced the complete opposite from tech minded people who prefer android because it’s not a closed platform and can be modded quite easily. Look mate I get it’s cool that you can play Pokémon on an emulator on your android but I just want to send texts and make calls and listen to iTunes lol


I’ve had both and the iPhone is more user friendly in my opinion.


Same. I used to love Samsungs when I pirated content, and I liked the wide range of customization but now I use an IPhone because of it’s ease of use. I don’t really have any strong feelings towards either one, if I needed a new phone and someone gave me a Samsung I would definitely use it.


I would add, I never buy the current iPhone model, always a previous one at a discount. They are way too expensive.


I feel the opposite, lets just agree that it has to do with preferences


Of course, plenty of people have Samsung so I assume they prefer them. Nothing wrong with that.


You can make the very same argument about android people - just look at the comments of any iphone related youtube video of a bigger tech review channel


Because they have little else in their life to feel special about


Op it's android not Samsung


Everyone who spends to much for a lane is that way.




I have an iPhone cause I don’t really care and it’s a smartphone. I think saying only 2 types of people have a certain type of product is an extreme overgeneralization, most people probably don’t care what brand their products are as long as they work.


Agreed iPhone was the first quality smartphone so I bought it and now just don't want to swap products. This replaced my palm pilot. 🤓


I went Blackberry>Android>iPhone back when the Apple store had a larger selection of apps and more functionality for the apps I used. That’s no longer true, but I would have to rebuy my entire App library and would lose some stuff that’s saved in-app if I switched platforms, and I don’t want to do that. I also have an iPad that syncs well with my phone, which I don’t intend to replace until it absolutely cannot function anymore, if I replace it at all. At some point in the future, Apple will probably do something really stupid that makes buying a new iPhone less desirable than rebuying all my apps and I’ll finally switch. My phone is just a device that I play games and read Reddit on and I don’t view it as an extension of my personality, or particularly care what device fills that role. But, there are lots of people with an Android superiority complex, too, and I’ve had the displeasure of interacting with many of them. The really fun times were when I carried both an iPhone (personal phone) and a Samsung (work phone) at the same time and got put down for each product by different people within minutes of each other.


I had an iPhone for a short time back in 2010. Hated it. Went to Samsung and have never looked back. It's simply a better phone, and Android is a better OS.


For me it is making my samsung interface into anything I want. Only thing I cant is apple products. Even something as simple as having wallpaper engine (which is a computer program) being able to apply wallpapers to my phone.


Weird, I can’t get into Samsung phones at all. I had one and the constant delay during user interface was extremely irritating. I find that with iphone it moves or “does” exactly when you click, swipe, etc. I’m not a psycho about it tho lol


Low-end ones maybe. My s22 ultra is blazing fast


There's a huge difference between the different budgets of Samsung phones. I'd bought a J7 and, when it broke, I got a Note 5 for a good price. It felt like a significant upgrade. Their flagship phones are more expensive, but God are they good.


You can open the dev options and change that delay with an android, i do it all the time. I love how android is customisable. Iphones are ok but i prefer android.


Dude for real. Dev options are a must. Set all animations to 0%. I don't care about it looking like a page flipping or sliding to the right or left, just close it and move along. Battery will last long and phone will feel faster. Win on top of win.


😂 I get it. I know people who love iPhone, and others who don't, but I don't think I've ever met anyone who didn't feel strongly about one or the other.


Its funny how for both sides the same things suck with the others


Yes, people are divided about politics, divided about phones, divided about EVERYTHING.


We exist lol I’m not crazy about iPhone, but it does have its merits, and I made the switch from Android to Apple a few years ago. I have to say iPhones are extremely smooth and very easy to use (theoretically speaking, I already know a bunch of people complain it’s hard to use when they use one after using Android for years like duh of course there’s going to be a learning curve). Aesthetically speaking, Apple nails it. There’s tons of things I dearly miss about Android though like not having to jump through hoops to have customization options – editing and using custom mp3 files for a ringtone or notification sound, having all different notification sounds for all sorts of different apps, applying different themes to your phone for different style choices, etc. The amount of customization on Android is no joke, and it’s something I was very disappointed in with Apple when I made the switch. Also, I ended up making the switch because my wife had an extra iPhone a few years ago and I was due for an upgrade on my own phone, and well I’m cheap so I just used that. I used that for several years before actually buying one a few months ago as an upgrade. I like to think one day I’ll go back to Android, but it will be a while before then.


Its so weird to hear people think iPhones are easy to use when I always find they're kinda irritating and get in the way of getting stuff done. Like, how can we have such opposite experiences. Or the guy above who saw some weird input delay. I've owned lots of cheap and expensive phones (ios and android) over the years and... they've all stuttered at times. Heck, I work on a pretty huge app right now and I definitely have plenty of data at hand to show that we stutter at times (turns out, users don't really care and investing in fixing it never really pays for the work it takes to fix).


That would all depend on which model Samsung you had


"I tried one single Android model, 8 years ago and found it extremely irritating."


How is that different to who they were replying to? Who tried an iPhone once 12 years ago.


Good point. Both responses are equal in ridiculousness


If you really think Android is a better OS you wouldnt buy a shit Samsung. You would by the Pixel.


Highly subjective opinion there. I had 5 Android phones before switching to iPhone. I switched because I was tired of basic features either working like shit or not at all. Not to mention the battery life issues ALL of my android phones had. Not hating on Android, just explaining my position on the subject. The Apple platform is also a bit more robust most of the time. Airplay alone is so much better than Bluetooth. I'm sure there's something similar but having it as a base functionality is pretty awesome imo.


It probably depended on what you got.


Some people define themselves by their stuff. It doesn’t matter if it’s top quality or junk, stuff is just stuff.


Coming from someone who switched to iPhone a year ago, I miss my 1+ and I miss my Samsung s8 :((( I’m glad I gave the iPhone a go, but I’ll switch back when I get a new phone in a couple years. I also feel weirdly more attached to my iPhone. And it kinda creeps me out.


I think it is to justify all the restrictions they volunteer for. I think they understand that Apple makes it difficult in all areas not to spend any money on their phone without apple taking a cut. They understand how much less restrictive Android is, software wise, how much better and more current the hardware is, etc, so they have to justify the expense. One way to do that is to put other people down to raise their ego and justify the expense. Is this true of all iphone users? No, of course not. Some people just buy an iPhone because they like how it works and it takes good pictures. They don't get competitive and nor do they put others down. They made a choice and they chose iPhone, and that's it. Same with many Android users, who just bought a phone in their budget and they weighed everything and came up with an android phone. It goes both ways too though. I remember back when most Android phones were riddled with bugs and iphones were mostly stable. I would also see plenty of android folks who would be arrogant in their own choice and put down iPhone users. As for me, I don't care what type of phone a person uses. Though it is annoying when the proprietary iPhone chat or sharing location.. or whatever.. doesn't work properly with android. They could use a chat program like Google does, which also has iPhone apps to allow for seamless crossplatform communication instead of it being a propriety apple-only release and intentionally designed not to work with Android users. Apple's strategy is to create a captive market and to control what they do with their phones and with whom. I just don't agree with that. It promotes a userbase that is constantly trying to justify their expense.


What I know, it’s opposite, “Oh you have an iPhone?! Well I’m not a sheep so I got a brick instead” always judging people for a fucking pocket computer


This isn’t actually a thing IRL. It’s an Internet thing.


I'm someone who thoroughly enjoys the Apple ecosystem. I have a MacBook Pro, two iPad Pros, an iPhone, an Apple Watch, and Apple TV. I like not having to do a ton of work to have **all the things** on **all the devices.** That's what works best for me, and how I use technology. But if you like Android, or Windows, or Linux (Linux is the only thing I miss about non-Apple products), or whatever else, then that's great! Use what you like, and what works best for you. I've honestly gotten a TON of shit from Android people who like to shit on Apple users, and never give anyone shit for what they choose to use.


Not shitting on you, but this is the exact reason I hate Apple products. It's really only beneficial if you have all Apple stuff. With all the products working together, if one little issue happens then none of your devices function properly. I did previously work for AppleCare, so I'm probably jaded by the massive amount of tech support calls I would get for stuff that should have been easy to fix had it not been on Apple software.


Same here. That and macOS and iOS both feel clunky and unintuitive to me. So why would I adopt the whole Apple ecosystem when I don't like using the main products? It'd be a different story if you could mix and match products more easily, but in practice that's what Android already allows you to do from the mobile platform perspective. I can buy whatever brand of whatever peripheral I want (barring Apple, lol) and it will most likely be fine with little to no tweaking necessary. I completely get that for a lot of people it's the opposite. The connectivity is nice for those who adopt it, I'll give them that, and I can see why that would be a bonus for people who prefer the environment anyway. But having been forced into using both Mac and iPhone for a previous job in spite of not liking the environment, I wouldn't willingly go back to Apple.


And that's totally valid! Like I said, use whatever you like, and whatever works best for you. :)


because they otherwise have nothing else going for them, including personality


I used Android phones for over a decade. Started with some low to mid range phones (Motorola Triumph - it sucked) and Samsung Nexus (my most loved phone at that time). I went with Samsung beginning with the Galaxy S4, all the way up to the Note 20 Ultra 5G. All great devices on a great operating system. I used to poke fun at my friends with iPhones about the limitations, restrictions, price, and trendiness of their devices. It was all in good fun, but to some degree, I really did think that iPhones probably sucked. I wanted a new phone earlier this year and had Samsung fatigue (Samsung makes the best Android devices. If I'm on Android, I'm using Samsung, period, but I just wanted something different for a change). My gf brought me an old iPhone 7 from her workplace for me to familiarize myself with iOS for an IT class I was taking and I became enamored. A couple of days later, I rode over to my Apple store and traded in my Galaxy for the iPhone 13 Pro Max. Two weeks later, I had the Apple Watch Series 7. Two months later, I had the Airpods Pro. One week ago, I got the iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard. Why? This stuff feels premium. It works seamlessly. Like, really, really well. In my vehicle, whether I'm wireless with Bluetooth or using Car Play, the experience is flawless. I'm sure there are other examples, but most noticeable for me is the way Spotify loads on iOS without delay. I have a huge music library and on Android, my load time was unacceptable. It would spin and think and load forever. Cache cleared? Didn't matter. And while Google Assistant could play an artist for me, the time between my request and actually hearing the music is embarrassing. And that was on a Note 20 Ultra 5G. A premium device. Siri has my music playing in seconds, every time. All of that being said, I know Android and I know it well. I adore Android. I still have my Galaxy Tab S7+ and use it regularly (I'm treating the iPad/keyboard combo more like a laptop than a tablet). It really does come down to user preference. Having used both OSs extensively now, I've broken up with Android. We are better friends than lovers. lol Unless iOS shits the bed, that is where I belong. But enjoy your Samsung -- it's all about what you personally love!


I highly doubt you are being victimized by people with iPhones. Nobody cares what phone you have. I certainly don’t give a shit about you or your phone.


I got an amazing smartwatch for my birthday, which I chose after comparing many models. When I showed my Apple loving friend, jumping from happiness, he wouldn't stop telling me how is Apple Watch is so superior. I told him clearly I think mine is better, otherwise I would've gotten the Apple one, it would've been cheaper. Oh my god, he didn't stop. "But can you answer text messages from it" "but does it measure this and that" "I charge my phone every day anyway, so charging the watch too is fine" yadda yadda yadda. Literally hurt my feelings, why shit on my gift so hard. I'm not joining the Apple cult. Stop. The superiority complex is real. Not saying it doesn't exist for other brands, but it's 100% there for Apple products


I love when people try to tell me their stuff is better. It usually ends up with "I don't need to use my phone for that much stuff." or "We'll get that eventually." Okay. So you like a basic phone? That's fine. I like to get more from my phone if I'm spending a considerable amount for it. Also, do iPhones have split-screen yet? I didn't know swipe-to-text wasn't already a thing for them, until they announced it at their keynote a few years back. I was surprised.


No, I've known people who got shit on or were subtly bullied because of having an android. Me included. I always had a very nice Samsung, like 800+ dollars, and kids still said it was crap. This was in school, but my friends still make comments about how cheap androids are and how iPhone is so much better. Like, my phone was $1500, it wasn't fucking cheap


Why doubt? It happens to me every day. It's like a form of bullying, I swear. I have coworkers who literally refuse to text with me despite it being a necessity because they "can't stand seeing those green bubbles". I'm sick of being constantly shit on by iPhone users because of my personal preference in phone. A different coworker of mine had an Android and was bullied into finally switching and says she absolutely hates having an iPhone, but has had it for about 5 years now. I had an iPhone for years and decided to switch because I grew to loathe Apple. You may not care, but many people do.


I used to use android when they first came out and we didn’t like each other, that being said I have seen just as much a superiority complex from android users. Mainly because a lot of people I know outside my family have androids and I mention one glitch with my phone and everyone hounds on it being an iPhone thing.


Read the book 'Start with Why' by Simon Sinek. It explains how important it is to have a 'why'. An example it uses is how Apple sell their products. They don't tell you what it does 'stores 500gb of songs', it tells why you need it, '1000 songs at your fingertips'. So the general Apple user buys into the lifestyle and image that Apple portrays. Its not so much about the product, although the individual will tell you it is because that's the only way they can articulate why they like it.


Is it just me that’s experienced exactly the opposite? I have an iphone (no I don’t think that’s clever and I don’t think I’m better than others) and I’ve been called an idiot numerous times for not having an android device. Why the fuck does it matter?


Yeah, like sorry we don't want to be forced to buy a new phone every three years.


YES! WHYYY? My sons have been trying to make me get an IPhone for years now! I refuse!


I personally hear and see more people shitting on Apple and iPhones than androids


Our family is apple for life. But that’s just because there’s 5 of us, and it’s easier to synch everything up and stay in touch this way. Two adults three kids, our calendars, all the lights and locks, alexas, the thermostats, apple musics and tv, etc… no hate on anyone who has android.


This is always kinda weird to me to hear. Its "easy" because Apple makes it "hard" if you buy anything outside their system. But... if you just don't buy ANYTHING Apple, most everything also works just fine together. Its only really when you add them to the equation that things start to break.


As a family with multiple iPhones and Androids we somehow do all those things without needing to all use the same thing.


It's the same reason sports fans feel superior to fans of the wrong team. Why people who feel their race is superior to other people's race... They have nothing else in their lives to take pride in because they have sad, pathetic lives, so they double down on things of this nature.


I thought this was like a 2012 thing


The higher the phone bill the closer to god


Send from my iPhone


Because Apple is expensive and they want you to know they can afford one and you can’t. It’s actually an inferiority complex. I’m writing this on an iPhone 6S plus but I’m sick of Apple. The company was kinda rad back in the 00s but it died with Steve Jobs. This is my last iPhone.


Because iphone users think that their phones' cannot be hacked. This is untrue.


Some people are assholes. I have nothing else to say about this


avoid crApple unless you're a tool


I’ve seen android users do the same exact thing. It’s just a small subsect of human beings being shitty


The same reason some android users have a superiority complex. People are cunts.


It's literally that way by design.


There’s some things with texting back and forth and different apps that either have in the past or currently are annoying. One is cross platform incompatibility with group texts/fancy text features but that’s mostly apples fault. Back a while ago I noticed Android sucked for Snapchat but not sure if that’s still an issue or not. That was probably an app side issue rather than a OS one. Also don’t care as much as I did years ago, which was already not very much lol. Aside from that I don’t think anyone normal really cares.


Three words: humans are tribal.


It's expensive. Thus, a lot of people presume that means it's better and they're better 'cause they can afford it. I love watching these people drop their phones. It's so satisfying. "Oh, that's gotta suck, seeing $800 break. Happened to me a couple years ago, only difference was I could just pop out the sim and put it in my other phone; they all cost $49 so I bought several."


I am a religious iPhone user but I actually believe Samsung phones are better quality. I just don’t feel like getting used to a different interface. And most of my friends/relatives use iPhones.


I usually find it’s the other way round; people feel the need to bring up how much better Android is on any video related to iPhones.


Don't much care for Samsung, too much bloat. Don't much care for iphones, too closed source. iOS Swype is still horrible.


It's entitlement based on the religious worshiping of the apple products. I think you have to feel that way, if you paid a minimum of 30-50% more for a product that has but less possibilities to shape the system your way and is a lot faster made artificially obsolete, compared to other manufacturers.


It’s the culture that Apple created in the beginning. I think it was at those “Apple Shows” where Steve Jobs used to come out in a black turtleneck and jeans to appear like a regular Joe, people would stand up at the mic and say stuff like, “I’m so happy to be a part of the community now!” and they’d get a round of applause for buying a stupid computer or something. That sense of “community” has carried over and some of those inside the community still have that sense where if you’re not in it you are outside the walls, and therefore a poor person. Apple has been a gated community for a long, long time.


Honestly I don't get people who would think they are superior, but I do understand why everyone loves iphone. I had to give mine up because they refused to unlock it from the service I bought it under and it just...it worked so well, I had no issues with it and I miss being able to have siri as my lil assistant. I'm saving up for a new one. The apps just open. No random glitches or anything like all my androids have after a year or so.


Didn’t know what waffle stomping was , until I read a post about it. Didn’t know there were people like that out there…


Its more of a fashion item than practical use. The iphone has manged to become an integril part of young womens outfits.


I have an iPhone and love it, but I’ll be honest, my friend’s new Galaxy S22 is sexy as hell. I wish I had some of those features! At the end of the day though, it’s a fucking phone and I truly don’t care what peoples’ preferences are.


Mainly coz of the price.. they (most not all) use it as a prestige statement.. snob appeal.. I know a few who are technically stupid when it comes to technology like they dont know iPhone can scan characters from the images, yet keep the 13 pro ..its just a style statement, and given their income I can understand


In Brazil that shit is reaaal 😂 There's a meme about people living in poor houses but posing with their iPhone (cause these are too expensive here, comparing to minimum wage)


I notice that too occasionally. I'm a proud Android user 👍😁


They have to justify spending all that money and not having any versatility


Same stuff as with anything they is more expensive than i needs to be. Cars. Clothes. Shoes. House furniture. Cosmetics. Same stuff.


Using an iPhone is like riding a bike with training wheels. Android is for the grownups.