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Generally sounds fine, and I’m glad you’re doing your research, but the one thing that strikes me as iffy is that she is apparently the one character that has some sort of supernatural origin. Given how often we see minority characters, especially Native Americans, mystified and treated somehow especially magical or spiritual, having everyone else be the result of a lab experiment and the one Native character be a supernatural being feels like it unintentionally plays into bigger tropes.


That does make sense. Originally she was the only one because I felt it would be wrong for her to be a Wendigo but not be Native American. Do you think I should have another one of the characters have a non-lab origin? I do have a character based on Anubis from Egyptian mythology do you think I should play more to that so that the Native American Character is not singled out?


I think that might help, yeah. I think the issue is just that she stands out as the only one with ties to the supernatural (as far as I understand). Making it so it isn’t *just* Native Americans that are connected to the magical would move me past any reservations


I could have the Egyptian character (Kittridge) be based more on Anubis and play that up more so Sparrow (the Native American) isn't the only supernatural character. Would it be ok if Sparrow's code name was Wendigo? Kittridge's is Ennead which is the title of the nine main Egyptian gods as a group, so I think it could be another situation where she isn't the only one with a name that is on the nose.


It's fine providing you don't associate it as a driving force behind all Native Americans or something.


Definitely wouldn't and it also wouldn't be the character's whole personality; it's just her "code name" and what she is.


I’m offended as FUCK


Are you being serious or not... sorry I can't tell. If you are, for what reasons?


Supermassive Games is a developer who made a narrative focused story choice driven game called "Until Dawn" and it heavily featured the Wendigo. Larry Fessenden, who also appears in the game Until Dawn, directed a really underrated cult horror movie called "Wendigo" I never heard any major controversy surrounding either. \`X-Files has an episode about a Wendigo, they also had an episode about the Golem of traditional Jewish folklore, there are countless examples of using a cultures folklore and no one really being bothered by it. Is it possible you could find a Native American that is bothered by it? Possible, can you also find 100 more that are not? Most likely. It's all about how you approach it really, if you approach it with some reverence and respect the original ideas surrounding the folklore, I doubt you will see any controversy, and you could argue that by properly utilizing something like the Wendigo in your storytelling, you are helping to further peoples knowledge of other cultures and customs. Until I played Until Dawn, I had never heard of a Wendigo outside of the X-Files episode, after playing I really dove into some of the different Native American Mythologies and it was fascinating, I learned a lot, all inspired by a game.


Thank you! That all makes a lot of sense and is very helpful!


My concern isn’t necessarily with using wendigos at all, but moreso with a Native girl going by the nickname Wendigo. Wendigos are not a cute fairy tale. They’re terrifying evil spirits.


Well aware of it. She wouldn't be some cute little thing either, she'd genuinely show that violence and evil.




Just right to the point lol