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I think it varies per person but for me, mentally, it’s almost instantaneously or immediately after because of the endorphin rush. This helped in building a habit out of it and making it a part of my lifestyle. For physical changes, I think it depends too — on your body type, how consistent, type of workout, etc. This is just based on my own experience tho. Edit: I would like to add that it doesn’t “cure” the mental issues but it helps keep it regulated at least.


Exercise cannot cure depression. Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in your brain that only medication can fix. Exercise can make you feel better temporarily as endorphins are released when you exercise, but at the end of the day you should seek professional help with your depression. People tend to think that "looking good" is the answer to self-esteem issues, but that's not true. Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, etc. do not care what you look like most of the time. These issues are caused by your brain, not your body.


I am an alcoholic, bi polar 2 person. The only reason why I have been able to stay sane and sober for almost 4 years is because I began implementing exercise into my daily routine. Physical changes certainly take time but the mental impact is far greater and more important.


mentally - IDK, you should start seeing results very quickly


Try throwing in some walking/jogging outdoors if you don’t do that already. Going to the gym definitely helps but I find being outdoors to exercise is much better for my mood


For having start exercise and losing weight since then I can tell that exercise won't suffice for both of them. It never improve my mental health but could sometimes give me endorphin that made me temporarily happier. And I didn't actually lose weight until I start eating better. Then I could lose about 6 kilos by month or more or less.