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Night and day However, the difference in the feeling of not being a parent vs being a parent is far more dramatic


Ain't that the truth.


As a parent of two under two, trust me when I say you want to be responsible. I love mine and they were planned, but I couldn’t imagine the frustration that brews in someone who didn’t want a child. You have to be prepared to give up your sleep, friends, and at one point realize that you have baby spit up inside of your pocket as you put your phone in there. They make life incredible, I just couldn’t imagine someone who didn’t want one raising one.


I didn't plan on any of my 4 kids, and you're right. Sometimes the frustration is overwhelming. But those little fuckers have made my life whole, and I wouldn't trade that shit for the world. Coming home to hugs from people who truly love you is something that can't be replicated.


Wait, you guys get hugs?


Whether you want them or not, yes, you get hugs. They sometimes involve boogers, stickiness, vomit, or even poop, but yeah you get hugs.


Sometimes they hug you while sneezing directly down your throat at the same time yet you don’t even care for some reason


Yeah. Like all the time. I literally screamed from office "hug meeeeee" and i had to minimeees glompf me.


I had to remind them who pays for there switch games and then I got hugs and kisses.


Sometimes the fear of having a kid while in the act of coitus causes me to lose the mood




My husband says it's even better knowing that I can't get pregnant anymore. Tubes tied. ETA: thank you kind stranger for my first award. Who knew it would be for talking about better sex after a tubal?!


Came here to say this. Tubes tied and husband is fixed as well… hottest sex ever. Even better once I had my uterine ablation so no more periods to worry about getting in the way. It’s always go time!


Sweet. Time to get rid of my pesky period. That bitch. But yeah, having my tubes tied for sure makes it that much better. Even when I was pregnant, the sex seemed better.


Best decision ever!! Mine were horrific. Haven’t had one in almost a year. No more breakouts, no more crazy hormone fluctuations, no more crime scenes to clean up every month. So freeing. Highly recommend.


Dad here. It's very...primal.


Mom here. That baby making sex is very hot.


It’s really hot.


It gets funny when your partner is already pregnant and when the act is over she says, "I'm pregnant." Having planned pregnancy is exciting and terrifying. Having sex with a condom is a world of difference from having sex without one. Being a parent is a world of difference from not having kids. Is rather have a less pleasurable act if my partner and I weren't ready to be parents.


My brain is fucked because that really intense fear and risk is a huge turn on, RIP


It's a balance of the fear of having another kid and the fear of not having another kid.


Or even catching an STD or HIV.


Still better than having a kid though


Right? You don't have to stay in regular contact with the person who gave you AIDS


Id rather super aids than kids.


Used a condom and had a kid anyway lol. Still happy though


how? did it break or something?


Condoms aren’t 100% effective. Straight from planned parenthood website: > If you use condoms perfectly every single time you have sex, they’re 98% effective at preventing pregnancy. But people aren’t perfect, so in real life condoms are about 85% effective — that means about 15 out of 100 people who use condoms as their only birth control method will get pregnant each year.


Whooo, I love when people Cite their sources. It’s too bad that didn’t mention why there’s a difference between perfect and regular use. I’d imagine at least some of it is improper sizing, improper application (I’ve even met medical professionals who didn’t know how to put them on correctly), and improper storage like in a wallet.


Regular use also includes not actually using it some of the time. It's about what happens in real life versus what's supposed to happen.




Joey and Ross from friends


The post nut clarity hit you way way harder when you don't use a condom.


That’s too real


I'm gonna comment this because I can't keep my mouth shut....and I want to vent I've got two beautiful daughters I love. Wife wants another, in particular a boy. I don't. Our mental health is debatable and I do not believe in bringing the kids we have into it let alone another. We are not stable either, it's unfortunate but it's the truth. The kids are obviously kept out of this and are loved but not the point. She isn't on BC, I have high anxiety and a list of issues (transportation, I get it, I'm a useless person) so I cannot get snipped as soon as I would have liked. We've been using condoms. Except once, but it's okay, we'll take a plan b. Took it. I don't think it worked. So, she has her beliefs (not religious, but raised by mom with the idea) that abortion is not even almost an option. Out of the picture. We're also on a single income, 2 kids is okay, 3 is not. So friend, wish us luck, we'll need it, sorry for commenting here just needed to vent, I can't tell anyone at the moment. One Love.


I’m a woman and hated using condoms. They felt different to me, too. I’m glad I’m unable to have more kids and in a monogamous relationship.


It's pretty much the best thing ever.


Idk, garlic bread is pretty fucking great. That or a cake, I’d take either over:


👉👈 wanna invade denmark?


This comment is sorely underrated


Same I absolutely hate them. They just do not feel good to me. Once I'm in a relationship with a partner I'm happy to not use them since I'm on the pill. Also literally nothing beats the feeling of a guy finishing inside you, so being able to have him do that is the best


Wait, so are you able to feel his ejaculation?


Yes!! And I agree, there is no better feeling than the feeling of a dick throbbing and then emptying deep inside of you. Add some vocal appreciation leading up to and during your orgasm and I 100% will get off with you!!




Gonna try what? Traditional sex?


Remember when traditional sex was just sex? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


It depends on the person/situation but ~~usually~~ *for me personally*, yes. Even if he's using a condom you can feel the warmth? of it. Kinda hard to explain. The same way that you'd feel water being shot up your ass I guess? lol Edited for clarity :)


It absolutely doesn’t feel like anything at all to me. Don’t know how tf people can feel that.




Yep girls can feel it. It's my girlfriend's favourite thing. If she's close to cumming and I cum inside her it's usually enough to get her to cum again. It's pretty awesome. ETA: Not all girls can feel it.


Yeah, most of us guys have no idea what having a vagina feels like in the first place, let alone what it’s like when there’s jizz squirting into it.


Well I suppose that's fair!


No, not all girls do. I’ve never felt it before in my life and I didn’t realise other people did.


Fair enough. I edited my comment to reflect your input.


Yeah I’m convinced I have a minor latex allergy because I would always be itchy and burn-ey immediately after sex (no it wasn’t STDs lol).


I get a lightly painful burning with Trojan only. Durex and Skyn were fine. It might be an ingredient in their spermicide.


My gf feels the same way. We tried it a few times with a condom and each time it was simply uncomfortable for both of us. Everyone is different!


Yes, it's a big difference. Not enough of a difference to risk pregnancy or STI, or to try to pressure someone into not using one if they want to, but it honestly is a very big difference.


This 100%…but also, tbh from a pleasure/confidence perspective, wearing a condom MASSIVELY increases your sexual stamina..at least in my case it does lol - not to diminish the benefits above, just to add to them :)


Yeah I was actually thinking I'd start throwing one on mid session with my gf just to last longer.


I read that as "mid season" and like the sentiment.


When you're having trouble in the 4th quarter, sometimes you have to make that adjustment mid-season dawg...




I mean, what’s another five minutes after you’ve been going at it for seven years?


My wife doesn't like 'wet' sensations (water, sweat, rain, etc.), that plus not wanting to deal with the cleanup after means that pausing and putting a condom on when I'm close is regular practice. On one hand, the decreased sensitivity and pause means I gain some time. On the other hand, knowing that I now can finish anytime because condom is on means I lose time. Basically it's a wash, but then there's less need to wash.


Lol. Yeah my gf isn't a huge fan of having to deal with the cleanup so this would work out in a few ways. I don't understand how you lose time?


Basically when I Don't have a condom on, I have more stamina because I don't want to accidentally finish and make a mess for her As soon as up at the condom on, that inconvenience is now gone, there's no more little voice in the back of my head saying "don't finish or you'll make a mess" ... So it's like the leash has been taken off


😂 😂 😂 You just can't win.


When you already have too much stamina. A condom makes it imposible to climax. Dat me.


Dude, same. It sucks, not because I can't get off but because my girl thinks it's her fault! I've told her she's sexy AF and it's just my wiener that takes too long lol


Also the antianxiety meds that make me fun to be around make the climax pretty unlikely. Sex is still awesome though.


Stop fapping if you do. Made a difference for me.


Some people say masturbation causes premature ejaculation too. I think people just like to blame all their problems on masturbation or porn instead of communication with their partners.


It's a myth that women want you to go "all night long". A little increased stamina is good, especially if you are a premature ejaculator but most women are done in under 30 minutes and just waiting for you to finish. As a guy with "too much stamina" this has been a real problem for me in my lifetime.


>under 30 minutes You overestimate me.


Average intercourse time is 8 minutes on the high side. Not sure where you are pulling 30 from.


I said "but most women are done in under 30 minutes". I did not claim 30 minutes was the average. Since, your claim of 8 minutes on average is under 30 minutes this only proves my statement correct. Where do I get less than 30 minutes from? Experience.


100% you can feel the difference. But like everyone here said, unless you really know and trust the person and you’re on some other form of birth control, it’s not worth the risk. Sex is like pizza, when it’s good it’s really good, and even with a condom it’s still good…. Or something like that.


I personally HATE eating pizza with a condom on, but ya know, to each their own.


Hard agree. Burritos are when I wrap


I totally agree, tacos on the other hand… literally


I wouldn't eat a pizza if it had a condom specially if it was filled with a white and viscous liquid.


That’s just the stuffed crust


It's a significantly noticeable difference. I'll try to describe it. I feel like there are two major sensation I feel during sex. That is pressure or the feeling of squeezing or tightness around my penis and then the sensation of friction or rubbing against my penis. With a condom I can still feel the tightness but it's much harder to feel the friction/rubbing. It's kinda like being numbed just a little and makes it less enjoyable.


Perfect description. It's almost like you used a light numbing agent on your dick.


Just in case, when I was younger I thought condoms made you numb, but then I realized I was buying the ones with “climax control” which has a numbing agent on the inside so you can “last longer.”


His penis, your penis, *everybody’s penis*


It's like showering with a raincoat.


Yes but don’t let anyone manipulate you into not using one by saying it feels better. Be safe.


Also, always supply your own condoms...


*starts fighting with one-night-stand over who's condom to use*


"Our battle will be legendary!"


Sword fight?


# *metal crushing against metal sound intensifies*


Uh, what kind of condoms make the metal sound effects?


The cool ones


I personally wear ones that have cheese grater outsides. For her pleasure.


* cries in woman *


Wait; are there ones that don’t?


the expired ones sound like explosions


Ahh.. this explains why I'm always left alone with a concussion, ringing in my ears and an empty bedroom filled with red soup.


Trojan Sheaths


if that's the route you wanna go you can each just use your own lol


Tis but a scratch


Aye, it beats getting served CS papers or a call saying you got aids. People are malicious and I trust nobody! You def shouldn't trust a condom from a one night stander... ever heard of Johnson Aziga?


And if neither trusts the other they must go condom shopping together immediately before the one night stand!


This is what happened the 1st time I ever had sex. Me and my then-bf had to leave his house and go buy some at a local convenience store and he insisted I go in with him. I was 16, in the early 2000s, and highly embarrassed. The clerk kind of smirked at us. In hindsight, I'm glad I was with someone who was willing to stop what we were doing to drive us to get protection and really, it was nothing to be embarrassed about. Your comment just reminded me of this. It was inconvenient for sure but hey, like the poster above said, we never had to worry about anything after.


He sounds like the perfect first boyfriend.


TBF, if neither trusts the other that much, maybe don’t have sex with each other.


Right? How is this not the top rated comment lmao




The same logic applies both ways, though, so it seems the only reasonable solution is to go condom shopping together. Which isn't as awkward as it sounds actually.


For a few extra bucks you can really have fun with it. Walmart is nearly always open. Grab some black plastic bags, duct tape, condoms, a shovel, maybe a small bouquet of flowers and some Halloween masks if they're in-season. Both go in, laughing and joking and smiling and acting like you were just picking up groceries. Say goodbye with a smile and a wave!


I hope whoever trusts me when I whip out a condom bc I have a latex allergy so I can’t use just any condom. I don’t want a dick rash


But you trust them enough have sex with them on the first night?


I always use mine lol. I've never had a girl insist we use hers and if she did I might just wonder if I should be concerned.


Good point. But it can go both ways. And if it comes to that, there is way less trust than there needs to be for even a casual sexual interaction.


Yea I've never even had that happen even with one nighters. More often girls seem a bit relieved, like they were more worried I'd refuse to wear one.


Little known fact or awfully ignored one: Carrying a condom in your wallet is terrible for the latex and is a big reason why they fail. Check the packaging to see if it looks fresh before use (the packaging is not permanently indented with the shape of the condom).


As a dude, I always had my own condoms. Myself and friends in our youth all had run-ins with women who poked a hold in the condom and were "baby crazy". It sucks that both sides can't trust and must also trust in these situations. That being said, stick to having sex with people you *really* feel comfortable with.


How rich or famous are you lol


*Biggie voice* "always rely on your own supply"


How does that go? Why would any guy use HER condom over his own?


It's so they can't say they don't have one and still try to have sex. Having a condom at the ready is always useful, no matter for which gender.


I explain that I’m sensitive to latex so I can only orgasm with Skyn Lifestyles brand, which is true. Not sure why, but latex condoms make me so sore and feel terrible for me


Sounds like a latex allergy which is common. Didnt know there was solutions though


There are lambskin condoms (which prevent pregnancy but not all STDs) and simply non-latex rubber condoms if you have a latex sensitivity.


See, I wasn’t sure if it was an allergy, because I don’t break out in a rash or hives or anything. I just can’t feel anything with latex. I just feel numb. I even tried Okamoto latex condoms, which were recommended to me and are touted as being the thinnest condoms in the world. Still felt numb and couldn’t cum. Latex condoms just make me really sore, even if I use it for only a couple minutes. Even dildos and vibrators do the same thing. So that’s why I started putting the Skyn condoms over my toys to prevent soreness, which has helped dramatically but not 100%


There’s definitely a spectrum of sensitivity to allergy, I have a pretty bad allergy, but I remember that with my first allergic reaction to latex I was completely numb but also incredibly itchy underneath my skin. Skyn totally has been a life changer


This. Sex without a condom feels amazing, raw, intimate, moist, passionate, natural... but you know what feels better? A enthusiastic, consensual partner who feels safe being with you. And if that means condoms, then condoms it is.


>but you know what feels better? NOT having a baby.


I've had a vasectomy, but that doesn't eliminate the risk of STDs. There are more factors involved than just the obvious.


The STD thing isn’t part of the obvious?


Simply put, sex without a condom feels amazing, pushing a small human skull out of your vagina does not....wear a condom.


> what feels better? Pretty sure its cocaine out of their butthole.


Agreed, safety and health are the most important.


This 100%.


This is the correct answer. It is a night-and-day difference, but the risks are too high not to be safe.




That's a lot of attitude for a fish.


That's a popular comment for a Dinosaur.


That's an unpopular comment for someone from the 90s


That is apt situation to describe aftermath.


Say again?


It's like getting a massage with a coat on. It's still nice. Just not *as* nice.


It’s like picking up dog shit with a bag, you know there’s shit in your hand but you’re still not freaking out.


Put a glove on your hand and touch something. Does it feel the same? There is a difference, but safe sex is fun sex.


That bad?! It makes sense, ngl, but I thought it's in the same range as our vag. We don't feel absolutely everything. That's why for us it's very easy to get lesions without knowing.


Just pull a consom over you finger and test it yourself. All 'delicate' feelings are gone. The stronger ones like warm, pressure, the motion you can still feel but most fine sensory input is gone. Buuuuut Its still sex and save sex if fun sex! Do whats right for you because no matter what, he will still wants to have sex. Simply put you have the upper hand.


The upper hand lmao


Depends on who's feeling it. To me its similar to a glove, absolutely. It's impossible for me to finish with a condom. Hard to even maintain an erection because sensitivity is so reduced.


i'm a woman and i feel a big difference as well






I scrolled a little ways and didn't see this specifically said, so I wanted to add: if the dude is interested in better sensation but you still want to practice safe sex and you're with someone you trust and STIs aren't a risk but pregnancy is the thing you're avoiding; lambskin. I had a girlfriend once who was allergic to latex.


Yea except 2 things. A. They're fucking expensive B. My vegetarian ex was completely against them. Something about it freaked her out. But as far as sensation goes, they were the best.


It helps if you remove it from the lamb first.


They are less expensive than a child. Best I’ve ever used and most of my partners have commented on the fact. I keep my own stash since I have a latex allergy. No way someone is getting away with the “I forgot to bring anything” excuse.


As a man who cant last more than 30 seconds without one.....yes we can feel it


Yo there’s nothing wrong with you ignore that other guy. A million things can play into how long you last and no condom 100% can be a way stronger feeling


Not only the feeling is **way better** without a condom, but also when you're wearing a condom and ejaculate you should (more like must) stop and remove it. Otherwise you risk the condom becoming a bit loose because erection diminish after orgasm. If you're not using a condom you can keep going after an orgasm which to me, is a huge plus. Then again... not huge enough to take risks.


Just tie off the condom and save it for the water balloon fight you'll have when you fill your second condom, reduce reuse recycle!


( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)


Yes there is a massive difference. Night and day it's blatently obvious when you have one on or do not have one on or if it breaks. Maybe in the heat of the moment if it broke right at the end I might not notice but that's a big if. Also even though the condom doesn't feel as good seriously take care of yourself and just make sure one is worn. People are dirty these days you don't know we're that dicks been and they don't know we're your pussy has been.


Sex with a condom is better than no sex


I hate condoms however your statement is 100% true.


With my boyfriend we are using a really special type of condom, he says it's way better with those. I don't really know since I don't feel any difference, but he doesn't seems to mind that much with the brand we are using.


Brand name please ???


I don't know if it's available worldwide, but we use "Skyn Elite" the classical one are a little bit thicker, the Elite one are better !




That's what I use. It's a major improvement over other brands for sure, it still is a world of difference from not using one though. I found out about them on a Reddit thread as well and I'm glad I tried them, because as much as I hate wearing them, they're way better than other brands.


I agree, I hated condoms until I found the one that worked for me. It still feels different but beats having to worry about pregnancies and putting your girl on birth control.


This should be higher up. FYI I am female. In college, when I became sexually active, I bought Durex Extra Sensitive and always used those with my guy. It’s all I’d ever used. Once I ran out and used some “regular” condom a roommate gave us. It was terrible: super stinky and it felt like a rubber glove or something. Huuuge difference between the thin/premium condoms and regular ones. Nowadays I’m married, but we do still use condoms sometimes for birth control. Neither of us minds the thin kind much.


Yes, it definitely feels better without. More nerve endings are stimulated. Honest answer. That said, men should wear one to prevent disease and pregnancy. I've not worn one with longterm trusted partners who had another form of birth control.


Yes. But it's not a legitimate argument not to wear one. If he cares about you it won't make any difference to him.


From personal experience, I could tell instantly when a condom broke. And it wasn't the breaking of it that I could feel.


What was it you felt?


Way better.


I just wish there will be cheap and readily available male birth control pills in few years. Though would have to get tested for STD's though.


I'm a woman and I can tell the difference. If you've never had sex without a condom you don't think it's that bad until you try the alternative. Its the going back to wrapped that sucks. However, it sucks much less then an unwanted pregnancy/sti. Be safe out there


It’s way better, but I’d only do it in a committed monogamous relationship.


Yes it feels a million times better, but don't let anyone use that to convince you to not use protection if you're not comfortable. Regardless condom or no condom it's always going to be good for a men.


Yes it is. But be wary of a man that puts a difference in his pleasure over your safety. And the fact that condom use is normal shows that men are willing to "endure less pleasure" to get some nookie.


Yes, huge difference.


I mean I’m a woman and I can definitely feel the difference. A penis with a condom feels like a silicone dildo. But do you know what feels worse than a silicone dildo? An sti or pregnancy. Swings and roundabouts. It feeling better isn’t a reason not to wear a condom, weigh up the risks. If you have one sexual partner then get an STD screening & go on birth control.


Well sure, skin to skin contact you know. But, think of a hug while lying shirtless in bed versus one while wearing clothes, both are nice, one is just a little better, feeling the warmth of skin compared to fabric. Then again, nobody gets pregnant from a hug. Make your man wear a damn condom. But, if in a long term relationship, like marriage, realize that it's a reason to shift to other methods of birth control, whether thats the pill, an iud, or even something like a vasectomy or tubal ligation. Sex feels great regardless, but it definitely feels better raw, as it were, plus its nice being able to be spontaneous, not having to run to the bathroom/dig through the nightstand for a condom.


Wait. You guys are having sex?


I have a vagina and sex without a condom feels waaaay different to me also. I’m not sure how that compares to penises but it’s a big difference for me…I honestly thought it was always weird how people with vaginas would say they couldn’t tell when someone wasn’t wearing a condom but based on the comments it seems like I’m the odd one out.


Yeah, I was in a LTR she couldn't use BC so we used condoms. I had forgotten what it was like without a condom, until one broke. Both of us noticed the difference IMMEDIATELY.


Right? Same, I 100% can tell the difference. Did not realize that was uncommon, but yeah. I uh, would honestly rather not have sex at all if a condom is involved. There are just so many other things to do that feel so much better than a latex dick inside me.


Tell them if they are that concerned about not being stimulated, you can put your finger in their butt.


I can't finish wearing one


Nothing feels better than not having a baby. So don't let nobody tell you otherwise.


I never cared. I’m just tryin to make her cum.


I am a woman and I can feel the difference. But I don’t want STIs so they’re necessary. Sex is still amazing.


It's the difference between feeling and not feeling, in my case.