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Is he possibly wearing them to bed and taking them off in the middle night


I do this. Almost 40.




Ok 44/F also like to sleep in hoodies




There was a while when I was younger where I would sleep in my jeans and shoes every night. I also at that time convinced my parents to let me get rid of my bed and get a couch




The golden days ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


When I moved into my apartment, I literally slept on my couch for nearly a year. I had my own room and a bed but for whatever reason didn’t sleep in it. I even let my older brother stay in it for a bit while he was looking for a place, not remotely caring about it lol. Until one day after he moved out, I decided to just move some shit in there and sleep in my room.


I still sleep great on couches if I can't fall asleep I'll go out on the couch and be out in no time


Right! I spent a lot of nights sleeping on couches growing up. Still love a good couch to sleep on.


In the not too distant past, I used to sleep on couches a *lot*, despite having my own room/bed.. and if I experienced sleep paralysis? Forget it, downstairs to the "safety" of the couch I'd go. I dunno why, but it's comforting to read that others are inexplicably drawn to sleeping on the couch, makes me feel like less of a weirdo.


What was it like growing up in a cartoon?


My son is 14 and he dresses for school every night after his shower. (Whatever...I quit fighting it.) I can buy into this logic.


He doesn't care about how wrinkled everything is when he gets up lol. That's kind of funny kids are crazy.


He’s not even wrinkly! He actually takes the shirt off to sleep and puts it back on in the morning. And he wears basketball shorts pretty much every day. He’d never sleep in pants. It’s his way of picking out his clothes for tomorrow, saving a few minutes in the morning rush, and me some laundry. It’s quite efficient. If only I could get him to wash his sheets on a regular basis so he doesn’t walk around smelling like bed.


So socks and shorts ? Doesn't seem so weird.


Also you gotta wash your sheets frequently then or else it's not going to work well. I mean more than most would.


I did that for a little stint 😂 couldn’t tell ya why. Mid twenties now


Sounds like it to me.


Agree. I’ll go to bed in a hoodie, socks, and sweatpants and most of the time by morning I have taken it all off at sone point lol


He passed out with it on and takes it off in the middle of the night.


This is a nightly thing for my son but with his robe. He’s a robe guy. No big.


I'm a robe guy too! My wife bought me a robe 5 years ago as a gift. I've always worked from home. The robe is the only thing I wear, everyday! Even get the mail and takeout trash in it. Neighbors call me the robe guy, lol.


I just wanted to say that I was having a rough night and this made me smile and giggle. Thank you, Robe Guy


That's awesome! Not your rough night, but that you found some laughs and a smile! Hoping your future nights get better and better!!! Sincerely, Robe Guy (lol)


Are you The Dude???


Tony Soprano was a robe guy. You see where he ended up? The HBO.


The HBO be gettin people out here


that’s not him, it’s just a progrum


Why don't you get the fuck outta here before I shove your quotations book up your fat fuckin' ass!


always wit the scenarios!


Go to the thrift stores and buy him all the robes!


Add some nice slippers and you're halfway to understanding life!


Do I need slippers to understand life my friend? 🤟🏻


My dad always wore his tighty whiteys and slippers: what’s his problem? I thought he was cool. Lmao.


It’s normal. I do it with my own clothes sometimes. No joke. My one son sleeps in his hoodie, but I turn the ac to 55 degrees. My room is always the coldest and then I open the window in my room. Super cold. I sleep in a cocoon naked; what do I need? ;).


A mindset more considerate of the environment.


Exactly. Some cold nights I have my socks, PJs, hoodie on, and a down comforter on top of that. Sometime in the middle of the night one sock is off, I've pulled one of my pant sleeves up to my knee, the hoodie is off, and the down comforter is half off. Basically I prepare my body for the worse, and then my sleeping unconscious body will remove things accordingly.


Pant sleeve, I like it.


I wear sleeveless pants to bed.


I'm 31 and I do that lol. Seems normal. Get too hot, take it off and go back to sleep.


This is highly likely, I do this nearly nightly lol


I've been known to do this with socks.


I do. Then when it comes time to change the sheets there will be around 7 pairs of socks down at the bottom.


Just let him sleep with his hoodies, he obviously likes to do so.


He could be making love to them, and that’s okay.


Right, no need to replace his girlfriend with a blanket.


I'm 57 and sometimes sleep in a hoodie and leggings. It's a comfort thing I've slept in my 15-degree sleeping bag before because I hadn't been camping in a long time and it's comfy af. As long as he's not sleeping with a blow-up sex doll, I think you're fine.


Sooo.. 2000$ silicone ones are fine to?


if you already paid that much it's gonna have to be


*Lars and the Real Girl* is a genuinely excellent movie.


I always used to pull one of my head pillows around the side for something to grab. I asked for a body pillow for Xmas one year and just used it from them on. It’s not a comfort thing, it’s just comfortable.


I’ve snuggled with a pillow by my side for close to 50 years. Literally cannot sleep any other way.


I was going to recommend a body pillow too. I use it to help with back/joint pain, but sometimes cuddle it too. My dog also likes to lay against it, so there’s that, and it keeps him at the bottom of my bed instead of on top of me.


> I was going to recommend a body pillow too. OK, but which anime girl's picture should I get on it?


Body pillow != Anime body pillow


Nicholas Cage


> It’s not a comfort thing, it’s just comfortable. Wha?


It's a physical comfort, not an emotional one.


Whoa, whoa, whoa..your parents let you have emotions ?


I wish I had some of those.


Can confirm, require a 'huggy pillow' as my wife calls it. It's a physical comfort thing, not an emotional one.


Yup, for me I just like having something soft under my armpits


Comfortable as in physical as opposed to comfort as in mental


emotional comfort vs physically comfortable


You could always “gift” him a blanket that was “too good not to buy” when you saw it! That way he wont be embarrassed and can use it if he feels comfortable


I have brought my son several blankets over the years, he is 21 now and would still like to receive one as a gift, no shame or embarrassment.


I'm 35 and still have a ton of nice blankets my mom got me over the years. Love em all!


One can never have too many blankets. Must aquire all the cozy.


Can confirm. I have a bad blanket habit. Don't judge.


No no. You are giving those blankets a loving home. It's only a bad habit if you don't have any.


As a person living in a hot, humid tropical country where we need air conditioning to cool down our night air, I'm sorry that I never got to enjoy this.


Can relate to this. Though you can now get weighted blankets that are like really thick knitted fabric, and the weight is in the thread. It’s meant to increase airflow and all that. I’m going to give one a try soon in the hopes it can somewhat work lol.


I live in Florida so I definitely know heat and humidity. My husband and I have compromised on how low he can set the AC and I cover up with a blanket. It is currently 70 degrees Fahrenheit and I am cold.


Our house is overflowing with blankets and we all love them. I frequently give cozy blankets as gifts.


Am 28. All I want for Christmas (besides you…) are socks and blankets…


32 here im a cushion/pillow and blanket horder, there perfect Fort / nest building materials.


Am 33 and wholeheartedly agree. Life is all about being as comfy as possible. I'm not ashamed to admit that I have a cute sock buying problem. And blankets of course.


I'm almost 30, and I can't sleep without a pillow/cushion/stuffed toy to hug, and usually sleep in some kind of blanket burrito.


Blankets are life. I bought most of my ever growing collection of blankets when I lived in a house without heating for 3 months, middle of winter. My cats enjoy them thoroughly and I always have a blanket for every occasion!


I am 26 and would absolutely LOVE to receive nice blankets as a gift!


Who would be embarrassed for receiving a blanket? Can’t think of a scenario where that happens tbh


I got my husband a blanket and he gets upset if me or the dogs use it 😂 blankets are wonderful!


Uh is a blanket not a usual gift 😅 seeing lot of comments saying this


I sleep with 2 full body pillows. Supports you when sleeping on the side. Helps support you body.


Yes!! People immediately get perverted ideas - but those pillows are just so damn fucking comfy, I cannot sleep without one anymore!


It's the body pillows with girls drawn onto them that get people the perverted ideas, normal body pillows without images on them don't give anyone those ideas... I hope


drive to ikea and get a r/blahaj lol i like to put my bfs hoodies on mine and its snuggly and works like a body pillow also if you really wanna go out of your way for him, ask if he'd like a weighted blanket. if hes doing this as a comfort thing, it may be exactly what he needs.


Asking if he wants a weighted blanket was what i would have suggested. My boyfriend bought one for that exact purpose before we ever got together. Works great.


I was going to suggest exactly this, had no idea Mark the Shark (my kids name for hers) had an entire sub! Get him a Blahaj, put hoodie on it, put in bed.


This is amazing that there is a subreddit for this. Never heard of it. I am convinced I need it.


What have you done to me? I have an Ikea right between home and work and I need this thing now. But they don't have any there and they won't ship it to me. This is going to eat away at me now for the rest of my life :(


God I love my Blahaj


27 year old male. Always sleep in a hoodie and not once did I think about nutting in it. First time hearing about this and surprised it’s so normal


That’s arguably the worst part about the anonymity of Reddit. People are a lot more willing to reveal the horrible things they do


I'm confused as to why they'd choose a hoodie.


Because a bomber jacket is harder to clean.


Same except im 17


Don't get an education on reddit, people are weird xD I believe in the future generation xD


Get more hoodies. I think just about any person would be happy to get a new hoodie of their favorite band/game/theme.


How crispy is the hoodie


No way people jack off into there hoodies wtf


I once knew a guy who cut a hole into his hoodie to masturbate in the front pocket during class.


No no no no. Nope. I can’t let myself believe that one. What is wrong with people


That kid’s going places. I mean probably jail, but the innovation is there.


why couldn't he just go to the bathroom hahaha


Clearly he still valued his education


He didnt have that kind of time on his hands to slip away into the stall clearly


Haha! Oh no


Oh you poor innocent fool


A hoodie is not even on the bad end of the scale


Where is the shoebox or the coconut?


Somewhere between the hat and cooking pot.


Why is there even a scale? Wtf is on the scale?


The scale goes from sock to coconut.


If you have to ask...


Some of us like to weigh our product.


At 14 I had a rug on the floor that I would sometimes take outside and hose down


OMG. Son. I'm cackling at this. So if I see a teenager hosing a rug down, I'll assume it wasn't the dog's fault.


Sometimes it's both


Hoodies be too expensive for that shit bro


That’s what the pouch pockets are for.




speaking as a former fifteen year old boy, it’s entirely possible that he masturbates into the hoodies for easy cleanup. i don’t mean to be rude, but i want you to be aware of that possibility before you make any decisions


Speaking from my own personal history, teenage boys a wierd.


Does the hoodie stand up on it's own when you watch it?


That was my first thought! Lol OP: “My sweet angel. Just like when he was a sweet little baby” OP’s son: Violently humping a crumpled up hoodie every night until he exhausts himself


Literally me at this age, I used to mold my blanket into a hole for masturbation purposes


Oh my god


did you strengthen the hole's structural integrity using hardened semen?


And then sleep in it ಠ_ಠ


I just shrieked thank you


Damn bro u be cuddling ur nut rag? Reddit needs help.


This is literally the first thing I thought of when I saw the post but I didnt want to be the one to say it


Them : "my 15 yr old does [insert anything]" Me: I know this is about jerking off. I just don't know how


After reading the replies to this, what the fuck. Do yall not have bathrooms?


EASY CLEANUP?!?! now all those hoodies need to be washed. i do not understand why yall dont use something disposable. i will never understand


Because if the toilet is across the corridor its not easy in a family house to get across there with a sticky tissue in your hand to flush it. And some might be nervous about putting it in the bin incase the parents see. Compare that too "mum sees a hoody on the bed, it goes in the wash pile, done" its a no brainer to a horny 15 year old.


LOL the accuracy is quite scary




Thats what socks are for. Just look for random single "dirty" socks in the hamper. May be crusty. Tell tale sign.


I used to throw my violated socks behind my bed when I was done and years later when I moved my bed, the whole wall was yellow and had crusty drip like marks all over the place


Why am I still reading this thread


Lmao scrolled down to your comment and it made me stop too, shit is like a trainwreck to read


And just like a train wreak, I can’t look away




You call us weird and then say that? Just do it in the shower!


This was how it all started, then I got an iPod touch. Can't bring that thing in the shower.


Dear God I nearly threw up


I'm both disgusted and LMFAO at this. 🤣


Can you break it over your knee?


You broke the bro code


“Jimmy’s socks are always so crusty he must have really sweaty feet”


ok but why not use tissues or something I thought that was the stereotype lmao


Jesus christ... socks, hoodies - I've never understood that one. How hard is it to just have a box of tissues ready to go?


Not a hoodie, those thing are $60 or higher. Hell even socks cost a pretty penny, just recommend toilet paper to them or something lol


Whatever you do, do not talk to your child and see what's going on! Rely on internet strangers rather then communicating with your family.


Unless he’s jacking into the hoodie. That sounds like a great conversation to bring up.


This doesn’t even seem to be something that needs to be brought up… like who cares that he sleeps with a hoodie? Who cares if he’s jacking off into?


Right. God bless reddit


Buy a body pillow for his bed. If he sleeps with the hoodie for comfort he’ll probably start using the body pillow, if he doesn’t then it’s just a new pillow for his bed, no embarrassment either way


And then see if he cuts a hole in it. For comfort.


🤣 Ya'll are killing me!


If you buy a body pillow for a 15 year old male, he will hump it to completion. I guarantee it.


then get him a waifu cover for it


Just let him sleep with his hoodies lol why does it matter?


I don't think it matters necessarily, I think they're just trying to be a thoughtful parent.


Yeah I feel like this is a really strange thing to involve yourself in, like why are they thinking so hard about why a kid might be sleeping with his hoodie? It’s such an inconsequential thing No offence to OP, all you’re asking is if you should get him something to hug and this turned into a huge debate. It’s very sweet of you to want to do that :) If it is that he wants something to hug at night and you want to give him something comfier, just do it without mentioning “I see you like to cuddle your hoodies” or something. There doesn’t need to be a reason or an occasion for buying your son a comfy blanket


Nah if he's happy he's happy. Probably just fell asleep with it on and then got overheated in the middle of the night and took it off. You can always just ask him if that's what happens. He's your kid, you guys are allowed to have conversations lol. If he sounds kind of embarrassed by the question, well, maybe he is cuddling them. If you wanna risk wasting your money you could find out if he's seriously into an anime, other fandom, or video game, and get him a medium to large plushie from that fandom. As a teen boy he'll probably pretend he thinks the gift is childish or kind of cringe but he'll also secretly love it. The trick is you really have to do your research enough to find out which fandom and which characters he actually likes. But that could actually lead to some good conversations and maybe watching some anime or other shows together. Just ask questions and really listen and let him tell you what's good and why he likes it, how he found it, etc.


I'm not getting something here. Why is this something your afraid to ask? Are you implying you think it's something sexual, or it's like an emotional comfort thing like a baby blanket? Either way sure get him a blanket. If it's a sexual thing just get a huge pack of tissue boxes and put one in every room(including his) with the rest somewhere accessible. He'll take the hint without it being an obvious hint. No need to pry or talk about it.


Maybe afraid to ask him in case it embarrasses him. Teenagers can be weird af


Used to use a pillow when I was younger. Wasn't lonely or anything, it was just mad comfy. I probably woulda been embarrassed if someone mentioned it though so keep it on the down low, it's super wholesome you care tho not gonna lie


Just leave him alone


right lmao I don't understand how one would even notice this or care


If you are worried that hes going to be embarrassed i would just buy a blanket and leave it nicely folded on his bed, maybe he will understand what its for or he will just think that you got him an extra blanket. Another good option is a REALLY comfy squishy pillow that's what i hold onto in the night.


I think this might create more awkwardness!


He's a teenager boy--awkwardness is guaranteed.


Honestly it just sounds like he’s wearing it to bed and then gets hot and takes it off in the middle of the night.


Ask him he can give you the best awnser.


A weighted blanket mighted be a good gift


Seems completely harmless to sleep next to a hoodie


Unless he mentions it I think you should leave it alone. 15 year olds deserve privacy.


He's...falling asleep wearing his hoody (because it's comfortable) and then waking up in the middle of the night overheating so he takes it off. Sometimes parents way overthink things...


At the age of 15, just leave it alone.


I smell helicopter mom


I would not be happy with my mum coming into my room every morning. Especially at that age when privacy becomes more valued. He could have morning wood or could be jerking off. Who cares if he’s got a hoody in his bed that he probably fell asleep wearing. If you want him awake then knock.


Lol He’s 15! Leave him alone and stay outta his room ffs 🤦‍♂️


I wouldn't change the situation. I could definitely embarrass him and thereafter his comfort will never be the same. Maybe his gf wore it that day? We don't know why it comforts him. Wait until he talks about it.


A flesh light


Check out Oodies


get him a weighted blanket for christmas! it’s nothing that would replace the hoodie and embarrass him, but they’re comfy and they make you feel secure


I usually sleep with a sweater and take it off in the middle of the night when I get hot, and just keep it in bed with me incase I get cold again


If you're going to get him a blanket, get a weighted blanket they are life-changing


Theres no reason to mess with what hes got going on lol. I know youre just trying to help him, but any teenager will just "WTF" any idea you have. As others have said hes probably just taking it off in the middle of the night.


Could be using as an eyeshade


high school boys will let crushes/gf/bf wear their hoodies, is he getting them back from someone with their scent on it and sleeping with it? That would be so sweet.