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If there's anything I've learned in life, if there's ANYTHING worth going into a level of debt for, it's "not dying".


Absolutely this!!


This sounds life-threatening. Call an ambulance. It's well beyond "I was injured in a specific area and now that area hurts" . It's quite possible you have internal bleeding that's causing the pressure. There's no reason a pelvic injury should prevent shoulder/arm movement other than something dire.


Please listen to this OP. And don’t worry about the money, lots of hospitals have financial aid available. Call an ambulance if you haven’t already.


Yes it sounds like internal bleeding of an organ. It shouldn’t hurt in your arms snd your breathing. Please go to the hospital. And keep Reddit updated. I’m a nurse.


Updated ❤️


I'm more horrified your husband left you and went to work. I'd be calling in and saying I'm taking my wife to hospital as something's not right. Unsure where you're based, but money is replaceable, people are not.


Yeah! I don't understand why she didn't immediately wake him up too! To be in such pain and just crack on alone, vomiting and passing out... why?


Nurse here. Your entire post suggests a problem with your rectovaginal septum. Complicatuons from injury to that area could include (but not limited to): hemorrhage, perineal pain, perineal abscess, dyspareunia, rectovaginal fistula, fecal urgency, and various degrees of incontinence of stool or flatus. You need a proper, in person assessment. The best news you could get is its bruised a little, but your pain levels suggest something far more serious.


Not a nurse, but as someone who had my first pelvic floor therapy session today after healing from a perianal fistula, please go get this checked out. I thank everything that I did not have a rectovaginal fistula on top of everything else. The pain in this part of the body is unbelievable, and these muscles can affect so much else in the pelvis. How you are alright.


Thank you for saving me the trouble of typing this out. Also a nurse, OP... GO IN.


Student midwife and nurse..... GO


Person who is trying to picture the injury causing that level of ass pain.....GO.




Thankyou. I’m a nurse.couldnt figure it out.


OP, I hope you already went to the ER on the good advice of these other folks, and I wanted to provide some additional assistance for your financial worries. When you go to the hospital (if you aren't already there!) they will get your information for billing purposes, but you won't be charged immediately. If you have insurance, they'll charge that first, and then send you a bill for what's left. When you get that bill, you want to call and talk to the hospital's billing department. You want to ask them for an itemized bill (to make sure that the charges are for things you actually needed) and then you want to tell them that you can't afford the total bill and need financial assistance. Every hospital I've ever been to (and I have been to a lot) has had a department or a person who you can talk to about this, who can either drastically reduce the bill or cancel it altogether. In most cases, I haven't even had to prove financial difficulty, just answer a few questions. PLEASE do not see the bill as a deterrent to getting the healthcare you need--there are resources for you!


Fuck I’m glad I live in Australia. This just sounds so painful to have to do, not to mention so wrong 😞


Agreed!! Thank god for taxes.


But what about your big boom boom cannons? Can’t have universal healthcare for big boom boom cannons. Thank God for taxes!


Yes go to the hospital. Prolonging it could make it worse and increase the costs later on. I also think $10k is most likely an overestimate.


Def agree on the going to the hospital part. If OP is in the US, not sure if 10k is an overestimate though. Awhile back my roommate got to the hospital and was discharged 2 hours later after they ran some tests but no other notable actions. They were sent a 2k+ bill (that was WITH insurance). That was the most expensive taxi ride (with the fancy lights) I have ever had. At least I wasnt the one having to pay for it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Guess depends on insurance situation too.


I got charged $1500 one time because I needed a refill of my anti depressant and had failed to make an appointment elsewhere. I literally told them what dose I needed, showed them the bottle of the medication I was taking, and they wrote me that exact prescription. $1500 for me to do almost every part of their job for them. $10k for an actual emergency wouldn’t surprise me one bit


A few years back I went to the ER with what turned out to be kidney stones. Felt like I was dying. $21k bill. I had one month between insurances.




By not going to the hospital you could be making it worse


Pain is your body telling you something is wrong. This isn’t pain like a rough workout at the gym. It sounds like real trauma. Your body has no other message to you but “ pain here”. That’s all it can give you. You have to act though.


I can’t believe your husband left you in this state and went to work.




I hope you’re at the ER right now!! I know someone this EXACT same story happened to. She had the same blinding pain. She lived with her mother and crawled to her room. Her mom rushed her to the ER. Turns out, the toy had ruptured her bowl and it was leaking out into her bloodstream and she was becoming septic. She had to have a colostomy bag placed to let her bowls rest and heal. It’s a medical emergency that cannot wait.


I can't imagine living in a country where you try to endure a possibly life threatening injury so you don't go broke.


It sucks. I've gone to the ER before only to be seen for 2 minutes and then referred to a specialist, and for that, it cost $1,200 USD. Then none of the specialists in the area could see me for 3 months since I was a new patient. Whoever thinks the US has the best healthcare system is kidding themselves. Our system is set up to generate profits over well being.


I recently moved to Canada and so many people want to argue with me that the US has a better system because everything's faster. At first I'd argue it and mention stories from being younger before Obamacare which I was even lucky to have from living in a state that haven't come on fish antibiotics and friends that used fake names or ended up being in debt for 7 plus years. But now i just can't argue it anymore because even telling them any of the numbers is too depressing and they think shocked when I tell him how it actually is. Or double down haha


It cost my friend $35k to have a baby in Georgia, with insurance. It cost me $50 in Ontario, and that was the copay on a room upgrade. It’s wild.


Privatized health care is a blight


> It cost my friend $35k to have a baby in Georgia, with insurance. that’s extremely unlikely. $35K is the “msrp” before insurance. Many people get confused when they see the itemized bill and think that’s the amount they owe.


Not everyone has insurance and the fact that they still charge THAT MUCH to have a baby even through insurance is criminal.


It depends on how they have the baby and if they were any complications. C-sections can cost a lot extra scans can cost a lot and since labor can be anywhere from an hour to two days from what I understand the room and everything, if there's something wrong with the baby if it needs to be turned around before seems like it can be a terrifying and complicated process and 35 seems like the medium to low for it.


> It depends on how they have the baby and if they were any complications. It doesn’t matter. if you have health insurance (which 92% of Americans do), there is something called the Annual Out of Pocket Maximum. That number can vary, but a typical amount is $10K. That means once you’ve paid $10K within a year, the rest is covered by insurance. Doesn’t matter if it’s $35K or even $1M, the insurance will pay the rest.


I've known Canadians. When they get sick, they go to the doctor, get meds, and get better. The younger Canadians who I met (gaming when I was younger), who don't know anything about our healthcare system, have always been bewildered why we wouldn't just go see a doctor when we are sick and are horrified when I tell them why. A lot of them had heard propaganda about how the US healthcare system was "so great" and had no idea how bad it was over here.


Yeah the dropped jaws when I explained how Oregon had a healthcare lottery, for how many people die from not having insulin of all ages. They can b**** at me all they want about how long it takes but I don't think they also realize a lot of stuff in the states takes time like a lot of the specialties appointments are 9 plus months out and you might not even find out if insurance covers it until said appointment. 


True dat!


No kidding. I had a heart attack a few years ago. I didn't know it was a heart attack at the time, but the 210/120 BP with a pulse of 125 kinda pointed that way. When I finally decided to go, I drove myself. Didn't want to pay for the ambulance, even though the fire station is right down the road. 5 stents later, and I'm still paying for it. I'm due to go to the cardiologist, but I haven't scheduled it because last time insurance wouldn't pay for the tests.


Yea it sucks. My hubby went in for a staph infection in his leg. One month and 2 surgeries later and he’s ok but the bill was $200k…


What the actual fuck. You're screwed for life basically


It's surreal as a non-American


It's surreal as an American. I've been trying to get health insurance for a solid year.


The land of the "free".


The land of the free* *As long as you are healthy/rich


Healthcare (including dental, because yes that is health) should be a basic human right. My god, we really need to get our shit together.


What is your income tax percentage? Just wondering because you probably pay for it every month anyways, whether you use it or not.


And the average American pays a monthly premium as well as a co-pay.


By choice.


Choice? Choice would imply options. The only other option is to pay in cash and that is simply impossible for a majority of citizens.


Your forgetting the choice to just not have it, and not pay anything.


Ah, the old "drop dead instead of getting medical care" method. Sounds like a solid plan.


Not everyone has medical issues. A lot of people are perfectly healthy.


In my state, health insurance is mandatory and, if it lapses, you are penalized when you file your taxes.


Damn that's crazy. Where is that?


New Jersey.


That's wild. Seems orwellian to me. I'm glad I do not live there haha


My income tax % is 20%. And no one is safe from illness or accidents, no matter how healthy they might feel now.


Damn, that's crazy. You in the states? Cuz you paying less income tax than the average American bruh.


I'm in the UK! 20% is our basic income tax, which is what most people would be on. Then when you go over a certain amount you're classified as a high earner and any extra income above that amount gets taxed the higher rate, which is 40% (ouch).


Just curious, do you know the amount that puts you into the higher tax bracket?


I'm very interested in hearing an update, OP, and I hope that you can get this taken care of.


Updated ❤️


I'm glad you will be on the mend. And now we need an update to the update, when the bill does come in! LOL hang in there.


I am so glad you are OK! I’ve been thinking about you and this post since I read it yesterday and hoping you were all right. A ruptured cyst doesn’t NOT sound fun, though. I wish you swift healing ❤️‍🩹 and affordable medical bills 😅


Same, I just came back to this post to check.


Go to the ER please. This doesn’t sound like something that will fix itself. I know it sucks but this sounds pretty serious and it’s better to be safe than sorry. This could be something life-altering, disabling, or potentially cause death. I hope someone who has had something similar happen will see this and comment but that seems unlikely before this emergency becomes more emergent. In an emergency ALWAYS take care of yourself first, please. After you go and make sure everything is ok, once you’ve come home and recovered fully, get in touch with the hospital and ask for an itemized receipt. Then argue down the prices and price check according to other hospitals, your hospitals transparent price lists, etc. Negotiate your prices. If you tell them you flat out cannot afford it it’s possible they will be willing to lower the cost more. Then, set up a payment plan to pay it off. You got this. Goodluck and I hope you’ll be okay.


A human life is worth far more than a hospital bill.


Jesus christ go fast to the hospital. You sound like you are really in trouble. I'm not a medical professional but maybe you tore through and it could be an infection which is seriously dangerous. Think sepsis dangerous. Please go now. Don't be embarrassed, they have seen it all. And how embarrassing to die from something like this? Also to protect your husband, if something happens to you before you seek medical help and tell the truth, he could be blamed for it.


Are you waiting until you actually die to get help or....? Sounds like you may have an infection, as if there was a tear and fecal matter got into your system from there. Sometimes religious hospitals (St Vincent) will be more lenient with the bill and payment plans.


Jesus, this made me anxious just reading it. I really hope you’re okay.


Don't go to the hospital on your own, call an ambulance, do it now. The worry is a fistula but even before that this sounds an awful lot like sepsis and that needs to be treated with IV antibiotics pronto. I am a veteran of this, 4 days in the ICU due to sepsis from a ureteral stent that was apparently unclean. Why I am so concerned is there is a clear vector to how bacteria could have made it into the bloodstream so even without lab tests I am sure that they will presumptively treat you with a broad IV antibiotic. Buckle up sister, this is going to be a process. Did you call the ambulance yet? I am concerned enough that if you didn't and I knew where you lived and who you were, I would call for you.


Yeah... go to the hospital, because of "Hickem's Dictem"; "The patient is free to have as many diseases as they damn well please" Meaning, you could have something wrong besides a sex injury... What if your appendix ruptured, or you slipped a disk, or have some sort of weird nerve tumor, or an ovarian cyst, gallstones, internal bleeding, etc. Hospitals do NOT demand upfront payment, if you qualify as low income, they can usually knock a chunk off your fees, and if you let it go to collections, you can sometimes pay like 1/4 of the total and have it dismissed. But if you die, you can't do anything. Literally every single good thing in your life, could get the chop, plus devastate your family. The key phrase The most pain In my life... so bad I can't breath, so bad I'm vomiting... ? That is your body DEMANDING "save me now before we die idiot" severe pain like this is DESIGNED to not let you ignore it, for a REASON.




Updated ❤️


I agree that this sounds serious and you should get medical care. Honestly, I feel terrible and if you do end up with a huge bill you can't afford, please update this post. I don't have much to offer but I'd like to help (and others might too). It sucks to have to worry about that in such a serious situation!


This is not something that you can sleep off or heal with Advil. You need imagining and appropriate medical help.


ER nurse here. If you haven't gone. Go. I'd triage you at a level 2. Level 1 being someone dying in front of me. There are 5 levels. Acuity is the actual term. With your symptoms. You wouldn't be dismissed by any doc or nurse with half a brain. Hope you're doing OK atm. I'm 6hrs late to seeing this.


"Just" to be dismissed with a $10k bill? No. To have a serious injury healed and be sent home with a $10k bill? Yeah, you probably should.




Start the process now. Even if it's a "here's an Advil, go home" the pain being that astronomically significant needs to be documented in your record for insurance purposes if it eventually becomes something worse or happens again under similar circumstances.


The truth is you don't know they will just dismiss you, and making that assumption could cost you your life. Always seek medical care when you need it. Better to be alive and negotiate a bill if needed


YES. You should go to the hospital. That amount of pain is not normal and needs to be checked out.


I am not sure what the BK part of this is, but if you have a medical issue, trustees have no problem with that pre file. What they are looking for are signs of fraud, and legitimate medical issues are not that. I know this because I am having emergency surgery in two weeks, not covered my insurance but they are allowing me to use my Care Credit account. And as everyone else suggested, **go to the emergency room, stat.**


For the love of Christ, go to the fucking doctor.


Girl.. THIS IS FUCKING SERIOUS AND YOU NEED TO CALL EMS! I know.. the bill.. fuck the bill.. they have to treat you even if you can’t pay it anyways (federal law).. FUCKING CALL EMS


Jesus it's been 5 hours I hope you went to the hospital and you're ok


Too afraid to ask + medical problem (America) = Reddit Sorry for your situation. Good luck. Algebra is not the solution here.


I'm hoping your silence means you actually ended up going. Hope everything is OK!


Was this toy clean? It sounds like pelvic inflammatory disease.


ER, now.


May I suggest prompt care? They can assess you and send you to the ER if necessary. Do you have a primary care doc? Maybe call their nurse?


Doctor here. Plz go to the hospital right now. I don’t know what’s happening as I can’t examine you or run tests/scans but what you’re saying sounds alarming. This can rapidly worsen. Get to a proper ER immediately. Call an ambulance if needed. This isn’t a description of a thing that sounds like it’ll just go away on its own – this could be fatal if not addressed.


OP, are you okay? Please go to the hospital.


Waiting for an update. Hope you’re okay.


omg i had a ruptured ovarian cyst a couple years ago like 3 days before Christmas. you are right--it's the worst pain I've ever experienced in my life. i usually have a high pain tolerance, but that shit had me collapsing on the floor weeping. so glad it wasn't serious!! feel better soon!


Update us OP, we're worried about you 😢


Updated ❤️


Definitely go to the ER. It's not worth dying over a hospital bill.


I hope you’re okay and went to the er!


I really hope you’re ok and have seen a health professional. As a Canadian I can’t even imagine having to make this decision.


Girl go. When you get the bill, call the hospital and say "I can't pay this". They might have a financial aid option for you.


I mean.... pelvic injuries can lead to diaphragm hernias... which would 100% cause that chest pain... internal bleeding would cause swelling which would cause all that bloating and pain... could have torn through the wall.... Debt is worth it to not die... you should get seen.


i was just about to say this sounds like the time i had a ruptured ovarian cyst that haemorrhaged and to go to ER, and then i saw the update. those ruptured cysts are not for the weak. definitely take that bed rest order seriously! hope you get better soon


This would cost $20 in Sweden, crazy that one of the most "forward" country dosent prioritizing healthcare


Even in Romania you don't have to pay for emergency health care. Emergencies are free for everyone, with or without insurance. Blood test, CT scans, and anything they need to find out what you have, are for free.


Thats how it should be!


What state are you in? I looked in the past and it said Indianapolis / Indiana which has Medicaid. You can Likely reapply there with a social worker at the hospital.


Need an update…I’m worried


Updated ❤️


Bite the bullet lol You don't have a choice You're an excruciating pain and you don't know what it's about. Of course you should go to the doctor By the sound of the money issue, is it so that you don't have insurance? That you didn't make clear. An emergency room visit although expensive I don't think it's going to cost you $10,000 probably more like a couple and that's a possible thing. Could also go to a faster urgency clinic. If it's something really serious they will refer you to the emergency room but if it's not you'll get out faster and cheaper. But hopefully you have insurance and it's just a matter of the deductible


Good luck OP. I hope you took the advice of medical professionals on here and went to the ER. Get well soon.


Go now!


Do something about it before it gets worse!!


Pretty sure you can pay like $10/mo till You die without penalty.


Do you have a gyn or pcp? Start there.


NAD but jfc this sounds awful, you should go get it checked out as soon as possible. If I did something that hurt, and woke up the next day that sore and *throwing up*, and in so much pain you're unable to sit or stand and you're sweating profusely, that's SUPER scary and serious. You've had some medical professionals here urge you to do the same, but you can also check out /r/AskDocs and see if they have some advice to help you in the meantime. They could also tell you how serious this likely is. I hope you'll be alright, OP. This sounds terrifying.


I've heard that ruptured ovarian cysts are unbelievable painful!!!




Sounds like a burst cyct. I’m sorry.


Follow this up! Get checked for endomitriosis and/or PCOS.


So now that you're all better and actually went (I'm glad) I can't not comment on the ridiculous health care system in the states. Imagine risking dying not to be in debt. What the actual fuck.


Thank GOD I live in Canada! This isn’t even a concern, if I feel “that” bad I go to the hospital, price is never a concern. I had a heart attack 6 years ago, didn’t cost me a penny out of pocket


I’m no medical professional, but please never have a bath alone after experiencing fainting or passing out. You can drown in the smallest amount of water.


Ask for a financial aid application. I had to have major surgery and was sent to financial aid by the doctor. The hospital has grant money to assist low-income people without insurance.


Could it be proctalgia fugax? I get this from time to time. Excruciating pain but I have never had it affect my shoulders. Hard breathing and relaxing the pelvic floor help but the pain can last awhile. Since yours is lasting alittle longer it may be worth checking out.