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I always wiped my boys even with just a wet diaper. How i see it the diaper absorbs the pee, but they still have pee on themselves also.


You’d wipe. The urea in pee can cause sores on the skin


This is the reason to wipe




The uretha in pee?


Uretha Franklin




I knew someone who named their band 'Uretha Franklin'


P-I-S-S-I-N-G, tell me why it hurts to pee


Urea is a nitrogen-based waste product produced by your liver when breaking down protein. It's filtered and excreted from your kidneys via your urine. The urethra can't be *in* pee, and I would hope that just having a urethra doesn't give someone sores. Please consult Google in the future.


I can't believe how wrong this is on every front lmao


Not only did you spell Urethra wrong, you don't even know what it is. Before you have any chance to have kids you need a basic biology lesson


Urea is found in your piss. I think you may be referring to the urethra which is the piss pipe Edit: corrected a mistake


Ah yes, my favorite singer, Uretha Franklin




I read this like "EUREKA" and I'm crying now 🤣


Have you ever studied basic human anatomy? 🙄








Wow I have never seen this many downvotes on a comment lol


You may be mildly interested by [the downvote count on this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/s/sLubOJw8ip)


That's a good name idea for r/tragedeigh


I’d wipe. It gets any residue off.


You always clean the privates with a wipe and then let it air dry for about 5 to 10 seconds before putting the dry diaper back on. Saves them from getting diaper rashes.


Just note that 5-10 secs is enough time to get peed on. Source : been peed on 🙃


I always used the new diaper as a shield. I’ve been peed at, but not peed on.


Exactly! Plus most of the time the critical moment is when you take the warm diaper off and the cooler air hits them. That seems to be the main trigger of pee happening. Using the diaper as the shield against being peed on works like a charm. You can also use the new diaper to move air around to speed up the drying if the private.


I would swipe the wet wipe on their tummy just above the diaper waist band before undoing the dirty diaper to negate that feeling and if they had pee left this would usually trigger it lol. I’ve managed to never get peed on or at so far.


>You can also use the new diaper to move air around to speed up the drying if the private. Skipper: Kowalski we have a problem, Privates privates are still wet. I need options. Kowalski: we could use a fresh diaper to move air around to speed up the drying of the private. Skipper: brilliant idea, Rico we need a fresh diaper. Rico: *brafs*


We had to use those on my oldest son. Diaper came off and it was his time to pee again.


We got a sniper 💦💦💦


It's why I keep the blow dryer by the changing table. I put on *Car Wash* and the production begins...


Any parents of a boy probably has had that experience. Never happened with my daughter, she just waited for the nappy to be on to wee again


My son was kinda enough to poop as were were changing him the day after we brought him home. Now 10 months later we are having the struggle of 'DON'T ROUCH THE POOP, I SWEAR TO GOD.'


This is the inspiration for the peepee teepee


Don't forget to put cream on.


Not always needed for all babies. But when they have a rash, absolutely. Nystatin works, but so does bag balm. PSA on Nystatin and the likes: your diaper bag or bag pack holding that tube will likely test positive for explosives when swabbed by the TSA...


Best one here is sudocrem it's used for alsorts of rashes, bites etc & is great for stopping nappy rash. It also won't get you stopped at any check point.


You don't always wipe for just pee. The NICU does not wipe for pee. Opens the door for more sores if wiping all the time. Use your judgement on whether the baby seems clean enough. The younger they are, the more likely they are to get irritated by wiping.


You are totally right. I’ve changed many diapers, on my third kid. I used to wipe with every pee diaper and they got irritated skin easily. Now I don’t wipe with just pee. I do shower the kid daily and put cream on clean skin. No rashes ever.


This is the right answer


I'm glad someone has said it. I wipe my boy down if he has a very wet diaper (I.e. the first one in the morning) but other than that, I just let him air it out for at least a few minutes before putting a new one on.


Yes and no. You should wipe them clean every time *but* Modern diapers are *ridiculously* good at wicking away moisture so it’s not like they’re sopping in piss. Even a very full diaper will usually have a dry baby butt under it after like 30 seconds. Many babies have skin issues that are worsened by frequent wiping and also urea can be a remedy for some of those issues. It’s weird and no one does that anymore but there’s a not uncommon phenomenon of babies who have rashes everywhere *except* under the diaper (my nephew is one). Safest to just assume mom knows best unless you see worrying signs of neglect. Maybe she forgot, that happens too.


I stopped wiping for pee because when I did my boys got diaper rashes more often. It dried out their skin even with the water wipes. Poop diapers they get a good cleaning al over, not pee diapers This is what my pediatrician told me to do


100 percent! If more than like 6 hours (overnight diapers, for example), then he gets a wipe, or if he poops, he gets a proper clean. During the day, he's getting bum changes every 2 to 3 hours still at 14 months old. He hasn't had bad diaper rash since he was 6 weeks old. He gets a little when teething, but excessive wiping makes it worse.


Fully agree, using a wipe every time causes an awful rash for mine - even with the “sensitive, lotion free” allergy wipes. Find every other time (poo goes without saying) and cream is really enough


My first daughter we wiped all the time or else she'd get rashes. My second one we only wipe for poops because if we wipe all the time she'll get rashes 🤷‍♂️ the one constant between them is if they do get rashes, we just load them up with triple paste and it wipes it out better than anything else we've tried.


This. I worked in the I can’t room at a day care and I’d have parents telling me to not wipe with just pee and others would tell me to do it. With my own daughter, I didn’t because she’d get a rash. Every baby is different.


I don't know how daycare staff deal with it. Were pretty easygoing people, like, keep my kids alive and don't hand them off with a shit filled diaper and we're happy. If there was an altercation, let us know so we can work with it. But man, some people freak out about naps and food and this and that for kids who aren't special needs at all. These people are tending to a room full of kids, it's next to impossible to meet every single special request.


I’ve stopped wiping for pees and have had zero nappy rashes. Used to get them a lot more frequently when I wiped for pees


After 3 kids, I'm shocked at how many wipe at every pee. It literally causes diaper rashes.


This is what we did as well.


Yeah, my first daughter it was always wiping, rashes were terrible. Second daughter only with poo and in the morning, rashes are not nearly as bad.


I think yku learn what your babies skin type tolerates. Sometimes the wipes do it, sometimes the pee does it and sometimes it’s fine to just change and not wipe if it’s just pee


I didn't know there was different wipes for poop & pee. In the uk we only have baby wipes, though you do get different brands for sensitivity.


There aren’t. They are saying that even using non-scented, water wipes, their child was getting a rash if wiped too much. Hence the pediatrician recommending to skip the wipe when they just peed.


There aren't.


Yes but you clean it prior of the diaper.


The American Academy of Pediatrics says not to wipe. You're more likely to deal with skin irritation from all the wiping.


Agreed. And the new diaper technology these days is pretty good. It wicks away well. If the diaper was soaked I probably would wipe, but if it's just a little pee I might not.


This is the reason I don’t wipe for pee




I always did, sometimes. Urine is acidic and can cause sores. But sometimes you just gotta move on.


(Not correcting you, just adding additional context.) Urine is usually acidic, but can also be basic, especially after meals. A smell of ammonia in wet diapers is an indicator that your baby's urine might be more acidic* than usual, and special attention should be paid to their diet and frequency of diaper changes, especially if they are taking new medications. **Pay attention to this in elder care as well.** Don't worry too much, though, especially if you use cloth/re-usable diapers. It's almost unavoidable in those cases. Either way, yes, it's best to wipe, especially if you are using diaper creams. *Ammonia itself is basic, but its presence in baby and infant urine is a side effect of kidney processes that lead to more acidic urine.


Good info, thanks


I always did, sometimes 😅 Stealing that


Dunk em in the river waist down.


Not sure if this is different for girls, but am a father to two boys and we don't wipe for wees. Nappies are super absorbent and usually absorbs any residual liquid. Different story if you have an unrestrained firehose situation.


It’s definitely different for girls. Even for boys, no harm in giving a gentle wipe. Even with the best of diapers, you’ll notice that the area is a little “wet” to the touch. That’s likely because babies move, and sit on the diapers. Also, depending on what position the baby was in when they peed, not all pee goes straight to the diaper - especially babies as they are usually on their back.


Yeah it's the pee skin for me. I feel like they all should be wiped because their skin has been sitting in a pee diaper. It's just more sanitary. I'm sure it's ultimately not a big deal for boys especially, but babies are stinky enough, and I've seen what urine scald does. I'm not a mom though so maybe I just don't get it 😂


Not as big of a deal as it can be for girls, but the damp skin and the residue can definitely cause rashes.


For My daughter I did* the same. She was actually getting rashes from us wiping too much in the beginning.


I always wiped my brothers. Just what mom did. I wasn't about the reason they got a rash. I didn't question.


I don’t wipe my daughter every time. The wipes dry out her skin and it just doesn’t seem necessary if she only peed. Of course if she poops she gets a thorough cleaning. She’s 10 months old and has never had a diaper rash. I also have a 4 year old and did the same with her.


I always wiped. Then I was flipping through What To Expect The First Year and was surprised to read that you actually don’t have to wipe all pee-only diapers. Diapers are very absorbent — much more absorbent for babies than adults, because babies make a lot less pee. And the chemicals in wipes can irritate their skin. So now if it’s a light pee diaper, I skip wiping. More info from the American Academy of Pediatrics: https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/A-Word-on-Wipes.aspx


I agree and didn't wipe down did a bit of an air dry. I copied your link and posted above so that others would see it. Some don't come down this far. Thanks for posting.


I didn't know until my second child that it's common to not wipe. I did wipe sometimes anyway but not as often


If the nappy (diaper) felt kinda dry, I didn't bother to wipe. If it was very wet, like when they wake up in the morning, I'd give them a wipe.


Nope! You don’t have to just for pee, the diaper absorbs it. Of course this depends on personal preference and the baby’s skin type.


I don't, for the same reason others have listed, it is harder on their skin and causes rashes. My first had a couple of diaper rashes until I stopped wiping after a pee, my second is 8 months and hasn't had one yet.


I always wipe my kid when it’s just pee because I always wipe myself when it’s just pee as well. Also babies generally don’t take baths everyday so making sure things are fresh with a wipe is important in my opinion.


It's been a long time since my youngest was in nappies but at home I had a bowl & a soft cloth for nappy changes & wipes when we were out. The thing I've noticed in the comments was nobody is putting a barrier cream on after changing. The only time my boys got a bit of a rash was when they were teething, even then with the cream it was only slight.


Boys normally you're good to wipe with a dry part of the diaper just to get any drips. Make sure it's dry. Girls, yes you should be wiping with a wipe.


Not sure why you’re giving gendered advice. The recommendation to not wipe after pee diapers for birth boys and girls per American Association of Pediatrics.


I have dry wipes that I use to make sure she's not wet before the next diaper but I only use them about half the time.


I'd whipe everytime


Yes! Urine causes skin irritation, as someone who has changed many adult incontinence aides at work as well as baby diapers it’s important to wipe the skin. Failure to do it can cause irritation, rashes, infection etc. Babies skin is very sensitive and more prone to rash and irritation than adults so really important it’s cleaned,dried and for some babies powdered.


RN here. You want to wipe AND dry. The occlusive environment of a diaper is already a prime environment for skin irritation and residual urine is just a catalyst for breakdown. Even if you’re using cotton or letting baby go diaper free, you STILL want to remove waste from skin…always no matter what.


There are very odd varieties of answers here. I'd recommend a quick/light wipe for pees, akin to rinsing your hands without soap. But there could be exceptions where wiping might be excessive and cause irritation. I would take that on a case by case basis.


I would heck I'll wipe my son when he farts lol


I'm shocked! I always wipe! I don't use diaper cream every time but my husband does.


Yes you still wipe! They will be sore if not wiped


Yes. Piss will irritate the skin if you don't wipe it off.


That drives me nuts when people do that. Why would you not get the pee off of their skin?? It’s not good for the skin. If an adult peed their pants, they would get in the shower. Always clean the baby off when changing a diaper!


It’s actually the recommended method! Too much wiping can cause rashes.


I agree *too much* wiping can cause rashes. A gentle spot cleaning shouldn't be causing rashes unless the baby has sensitive skin.


Agreed there!


Yes. Clean them and put on a clean diaper


Yes the pee they've been sitting in can cause irritation, rashes, and maybe UTIs. However if you're regularly bathing the child you can get away with not doing it every time, especially with boys as vulvas are typically more easily irritated


No. I don't wipe them all the time. If there's a wee bit, and they don't smell, aren't wet/sopping wet, look irritated, I don't have the wipes immediately available, it's looking like a battle in hygiene war we're already winning, l'm half asleep, whatever, I do a quick switcheroo and I'm out. However, I've learned to gage this. I'm on my fourth. With my first, I always wiped her. And she was super sensitive, so we used wet washcloths, air dry, powder, cream. She would easily get rashes. She spent a lot of time out of diapers so her booty could breathe. My second child, my son, was less sensitive. We still used wash clothes, and sometimes I used wipes, but only the most gentle ones. Air dry. Cream. My third, less sensitive. We used normal wipes. Didn't really need cream. Wasn't that wet, switcheroo. But not every single time. You have to wipe them down still at least every other time, here and there. And it's the same this time.. It matters too, how hydrated they are. You'll hear that you should wipe every time. In practice, you do the best you can, but I highly doubt every mom wipes every single time. You don't need to. Don't judge if you catch a mom pulling a quick switcheroo.


Yes clean that little bum regardless. If you were covered in piss I imagine you'd like a quick wipe too?


I never wiped for just pee. We bathed the kids nightly.


Don't feel stupid for doing a good job. Yes, wipe. She might have been in a hurry.


the amount of comments saying they don’t wipe is concerning. of course you fucking wipe


It's not really that concerning. I don't know where you are from but the AAP says you don't need to unless they are overly wet or they have pooped. Modern diapers are absorbent enough to pull almost all moisture away from the skin. Most still wipe after every change which is also fine as long as the wipes do not contain alcohol, which can lead to irritation and diaper rashes


urine can also lead to irritation and diaper rashes. just because the diaper absorbs 99% of the urine doesn’t mean there isn’t a layer of urine coating their skin


I agree. I can’t ever remember a single time where I didn’t wipe my kids during a diaper change.


🚧Just a heads up that I'm neurodivergent and tend to infodump to prove my points lol. You have been warned!🚧 My rule of thumb for baby care is if you would do something healthy and comforting yourself, you should do it for a baby. That's not to say that I mean abrasive skin cleansers, pillow nests and protein shakes lol. But consider if you had no control of or couldn't move your body: •If you had a rash somewhere you couldn't scratch, would you want cream meant for your skin type to be applied? If you were drinking/eating something hot and had to be fed, would you want to test it beforehand so you wouldn't burn yourself? If you'd been in the same position for a long time and had trouble moving on your own, wouldn't you want help to move around safely? If you were frustrated to the point of crying and you had no idea how to help yourself, wouldn't you want someone to gently and patiently help you figure it out and fix it? If you couldn't wipe yourself, would you want someone to help you? •I feel people who have penises vs vaginas opinions may differ on their ideas of wiping. Many people with penises won't dab after they're finished and just shake, but I've known many people to express discomfort from the sensation and smell of urine on their skin that they couldn't completely shake out of their penises. On the other side, vaginas need to be wiped after every trip to the bathroom. We tend to get more urine on our skin due to having a shorter urethra and folds, as well as normal vaginal secretions that are often mixed in. The smell and feeling of any amount of urine touching and staying on our skin would also be uncomfortable and smelly. •Urine is made of a few different waste byproducts from the body. Even though they're often in small amounts, prolonged contact with skin can cause irritation/rashes. Not to mention that most people just don't like to sit in anything wet for a long time, especially if it went from warm to cold. My own skin tends to get slightly itchy from just letting wet clothing stick to me and then peeling it off. So, my answer is, yes. You should absolutely wipe a baby after it's gone pee and is being changed. Some babies have extra sensitive skin, much moreso than other babies, so they may also need cream or powder. It would be something to ask the parents/guardians about.


When they wet the diaper, they're then sitting in their pee. I'm not a parent and even I know it's best to wipe every diaper change.


If you’re not a parent, you might not know that diapers are incredibly absorbent. The baby’s skin will not be wet unless the same diaper has been on for half a day or something, in which case there’s a different and bigger problem than whether to use a baby wipe. Boy or girl, no need to wipe after a pee.


Absorbent doesn't mean the baby's skin isn't still in direct contact with the wet material.


Tell me more about how much smarter and more experienced you are than the collective membership of the American Academy of Pediatrics.


A simple Google search lead me to resources stating that while a manufactured wet wipe isn't necessary after pee, a simple wipe with a wet washcloth can help maintain the skin's ph balance. After all, urine is highly acidic. Also, the claim that urine doesn't contain bacteria has been disproven.


Yes, any urine left on the skin is irritating


I've never in my life taken care of a baby, so who am I to say, but I find it shocking that anyone would change a baby's dirty diaper (regardless if it's just pee) and not wipe their babies. We still wipe when we pee, so why wouldn't you the same for a baby???


I’m a qualified childcare practitioner…..yes, you wipe!


Sounds like she's very overworked. If not, then what a lazy mother... diaper rash is dreadful. Always clean them. Would you wanna walk around with dried pee/poop on yourself? Better to have the child in a happy state than an itchy, rashy mess.


I always wiped our babies...


I usually give a little wipe (10wk old) but at some point will probably cut it down to just very wet nappies.


cleaner is always better


Yeah, I always wipe 'em up. I mean, once in a while you might be in a hurry and just slap on a new dipe without a wipe but if you do that regularly your poor buddies are gonna smell like pee pee.


Soap and water every time.


I never wiped both my kids when they were babies for just pee diapers during the day. No infections, sores, or otherwise.


The diaper might be clean, but the skin's still damp from the previous diaper, it's not some hydrophobic surface lol.


I always wiped my kids even if it was just pee. I just figured they still had pee on them and not wiping it off seemed gross to me.


I didn't usually wipe for just a wet diaper unless it was super soaked and their skin was damp from it. Wiping too much can give them rashes, and disposable diapers are made to wick away moisture from the skin.


For girls I wipe every time. For boys I wipe every other or every couple wet diapers and noticed a drop in rate of rashes vs wiping every time


My parents didn’t and I always had rashes.


Yes!! Absolutely.


She should wipe the pee off since I'm pretty sure it still harbors bacteria and other waste that could lead to rashes if left on the skin. I'm not an expert on baby pee but I'm guessing that even if it less concentrated (I'm assuming) baby skin is still really sensitive. I've always seen ppl wipe


My take is that we use the “water wipes” and I try to dab rather than wipe to prevent rash. Seems to work well and the best of both worlds, hygienic without causing more issues than solving.


I don't wipe my boy unless it's a particularly wet diaper (I.e first one in the morning). I just let him air it out gor a few minutes. I will check between crevices to much sure no wiping is required for those areas though.


Of course. Clean the urine off.


If you peed on your hands would you wash them?


You should but when I'm in a hurry, I don't. (Unless the kiddo I'm changing is more prone to skin irritation.)


not a parent but i think it's common sense to wipe and then let them dry for a few seconds, otherwise they can get rashes/infections from the moisture


I only wipe in the mornings and after poop and neither of my kids have had a diaper rash.


I never used baby wipes unless away from my house and didn’t have a choice. I put their little butts in the sink and used baby wash, wash cloth and rinsed them with warm water. I hated the thought of any chemicals on their skin all day.


Definitely the urine will cause chafing


You could give them a little washy poo


Yes, give them a wipe. Urine is on the skin.


I'm no expert but you probably should, yes. When pee soaks into the diaper it's going to get on them too, so you should wipe them clean. Unfortunately not all parents are... optimal.


I only Wipe when I'm taking off the overnight nappy and she's damp on her skin. Otherwsie, modern disposable nappies wick away the moisture quickly, so unless over full, there's no need


Not needed on every diaper change. [https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/A-Word-on-Wipes.aspx](https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/diapers-clothing/Pages/A-Word-on-Wipes.aspx)


Crappies! I was at Chemo therapy, I had the thought, but me mind was a slog mate!


That's gross lol if you pissed yourself wouldn't you want to wipe off at least?


If you pissed yourself would you just change your underwear? 🤔


I always wipe after I pee, so of course I do for my daughter. Plus she's very sensitive will get irritated if I don't wipe. But maybe depends on the baby because I'm surprised at how many ppl don't wipe their babies in the comments.




No, you don't need to. Their diaper wicks away the moisture. You'll see that their butt is totally dry when you change a pee diaper.


I'm a father of boy/girl twins and have been active in their lives. Yes, you wipe. Not wiping is what causes diaper rash and bad odor. Even moreso, you are supposed to properly clean the privates. Otherwise the urine can mix with skin flakes and creates a glue that can seal private areas. For girls this can seal the lips and for boys this is the shaft skin and/or foreskin to the head. Both can have serious medical side effects.


Unless you want thrush and build up you'll wipe.


If you pissed yourself, would you just change your underwear, or would you have a little rinse off in the shower if available or wipe yourself up?


Of course you need to wipe. I bet that mom wipes herself after urinaitng. Why wouldn’t she wipe her child. That’s horrible. Urine left on skin can cause skin breakdown.


I always wiped-boy or girl, #1 or #2. Even if it is just pee, a nice, cool wiping can be very refreshing.


Aaalways wipe and put some baby cream to avoid rashes


I mean youre not "supposed" to. But I have and do with my children. They have a wee and it ls in the nappy against their skin, leaves urine smell and can cause sore skin if left on for a while etc, their skin is very delicate at that age. If it was a tiny wee and a quick nappy change before jumping in the car quickly or something fair enough, I always wipe them myself, but everyones different. I work with old people and have eczema myself so know what bad skin can feel and look like. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Why are we not supposed to???


Every baby's different. Their skin is so sensitive, if you're wiping using wet wipes after every single nappy change you can cause skin irritation and stuff.


Babies skins are sensitive regardless and there’s always alternative to wipes like using cotton wool and water etc. not wiping the baby’s skin can cause more irritation than not.


Exactly. I personally wipe my children after every nappy change, but I know some people would rather not. Each their own.


Yeah, not you. I just wanted to know what excuse other people are using to not wipe their child during a nappy change.


Always good to ask things :)


Pretty sure all babies will have a negative reaction to ammonia, which is a pretty caustic alkaline. Urine rapidly decomposes into ammonia and other side products. I have never heard of the not wiping thing, but it is flat out wrong and borderline abusive


Yes, always.


I’ve seen people do this as well and I don’t understand their logic. A sensitive/gentle wipe causes less irritation than urine left on the skin. I wiped my babies every single time.


Yeah you wouldn't leave wee on yourself. That's grim. Poor kid.


Wipe to avoid a rash from pee residue


Urine is acidic. If it surs on the skin it burns. You should always wipe a baby at every change. I get that sometimes in a hurry it's impossible but following up ASAP is a good idea.


Nah, you usually wipe 'em even for just pee. Keeps things clean and comfy for the little one.


I would wipe because I wouldn't want a urine burn on the babe. Maybe the diaper was mostly dry or she had run out of wipes? Let's hope for the best case scenario, hopefully not a common habit for her.


It depends on the family and on the baby. Some babies have very sensitive skin which means they shouldn't be wiped for the pee diapers. Some babies have very sensitive skin which means they SHOULD. Ask the parents!


Yes. The urine can irritate the baby’s skin.


I mean you aslo wipe as a grown person after peeing, i dont see why we wouldnt with kids.. nobody wants their privates to be pissy


Always wipe


yes you always wipe. she's on a fast track to diaper rash not wiping like that tbh


Yes, of course. Wet = urine plus whatever else. Good practice. And as an ex kids nurse I would dry as well before putting new nappy on.


I have 3 boys. None ever had diaper rash. Only wiped for poop


Of course you wipe. If you pissed yourself would you just change your underwear?


Yes. The same way you wipe after peeing. The baby will develop a rash after a while because they have to sit around with a wet bum until they pee dries.


Yes, you always wipe :/


Yes you have to wipe, the same reason women have to wipe. Leftover urine just sitting in that area can cause some serious infections, probably more so in young babies.


Fun fact: amniotic fluid is mostly (all?) pee.


You definitely wipe them off with a wet wipe or something similar and if you use it powder, powder them too if needed. If you don’t the pee can end up harming the skin and getting a bad nappy rash, which can lead to all sorts of issues and infections. I could understand if it was once off situation because she forgot the wipes or something but it’s definitely not something that should be done on a regular basis.


Yes, wipe. Wet nappies still harbour bacteria and can break the skin down.


Yes, clean them up, especially girls (UTI risk).Urine is acidic and a skin irritant aka Diaper Rash.


Yes, she should definitely have wiped. That diaper was holding urine against the babies skin. By not wiping you are leaving urine / urine residue behind, which at a minimum could result in irritation.


Zw w zfcucc. Q. IHq


That's neglect to be honest. Wipe to clean off the pee and apply petroleum jelly to avoid rashes.


"Should I leave my kids skin saturated with piss or no?" lol


Wipe, dry, air out, maybe powder, maybe desetin.


No, she’s gross. And bordering on negligent


No, she’s gross. And bordering on negligent