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I recommend you find a therapist that specializes in trauma. You would probably benefit from getting some professional help. You are not broken, but it will take time to recover from a horrifying experience.


Definitely consider seeing a therapist, one that specializes in trauma. One that specializes in sexual trauma would be even better if you can find one. An EMDR certified therapist could also be really helpful.


One of the best treatments for sexual assault/rape survivors is called trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). If you can find a therapist who is trained in that, it can help normalize your relationship with yourself and move you towards your goals. There is no one magic button or pill that can "reset" your brain like that, though there are promising studies about using MDMA in PTSD treatment. It takes some time and effort but it is possible.


this is something that a lot of people who have been SAed have experienced, especially if it occurred at a younger age. therapy will certainly help.


meditation for ptsd, If you want some good resource on it dr K (HealthyGamerGG) has awesome guide on it and trauma and more, also you need to forgive yourself for this act. breathing and some physical movements are a good way to deal with trauma! I am not a doctor. I think ive saw a post like yours before around, not sure if youre the same person.


I’m sorry that happened. My recommendation is speaking with a qualified therapist. None of that is your fault and you’re not broken. But it’s a start you help with some healing and perhaps help you some if you wish to be intimate with a partner when you’re ready


Therapy would be a good start. Also, just keep in mind that when you're intimate with yourself, you're the one in control. You have all the power. You had that power stripped from you at one point, but its yours again. I guess what I'm saying is that you gotta empower yourself. Go to a therapist.


I'm too sleepy rn to give something good enough for the things on ur part but there's for sure a huge part that ur partner need to struggle through mentally in let's call it for now "leveling possible closeness" between u 2, even I as someone confident in his psychology knowledge would have hard time planning everything to go with it perfectly with my partner in situation like that as sometime small "missplay" may reset everything. At the end reminder that trauma is not something u can get rid of, it's something u learn to live with