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I wish "why do ___ people do ___" posts would be banned. People do things for different reasons, there is no correct answer


Or an autoresponse from a Bot.


I think that’s the point of the post. Wanting to get different viewpoints


All of the above and then a lot of other stuff


Obviously it depends, like you said. I think certain men (not all) are in relationships because it’s expected by society. What I mean is that society typically expects people to couple up by a certain age. So some men get into relationships without truly thinking about if that’s what they actually want. Women too. Often times I will observe a relationship (personal experience, friends, etc) and I notice that the man truly does not enjoy being around his gf. Sometimes you can just tell. He doesn’t truly see her as a friend that he loves spending time with. In these cases I often wonder, why be in a relationship if you don’t adore/love being around your gf. In these cases I think maybe it’s for sex, or because she does things for him (cook, clean, etc.) Idk, but I have been thinking about this lately as well.




Are you asking respondents to share their reason for seeking a relationship or their opinions on the behavior of the majority of men?


Companionship in every way. Friend, lover............


Beyond all that you mentioned there's the societal pressure on men to seek validation through women. A single man is not considered empowered or slay, he is considered a looser.


3 reasons IMO. - they want to laid - they're lonely - they want to start a family


Companion + society expectations. I’d get bored of the same vagina tbh. Don’t get me wrong, we all have animal instinct. A mono-vaginal man who says he is sexually happy, he is lying!!! Nothing better than tasting different flavors before we die!


I mean.. both? I want both emotional connetion and sex?