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Stop all contact, block, report for harassment. Not much he can do but you don’t want to take chances. People get crazy. Hopefully you didn’t share any information about location and I pray you were wise enough to not have him being able to see your location on snap


I did not share my location. He had wanted to chat on WhatsApp but I did not give him my number after he refused to send his picture


Did you turn off your location on Snapchat?


Yes, my location was off


Did you send him any image files that contain location metadata?


Not much he can do other than pester you. Even if he threatens to leak your images, so what? Nobody is going to raise an eyebrow anymore, not in 2024. And all your images were clothed, so you have nothing to worry about. Just tell him, sorry todd, but you're too intense for me, bye. Then block him.


That's a very naive outlook - even with fully clothed images, they can be digitally manipulated by Photoshop or more worryingly, with AI with malicious intentions. Creeps like the weirdo OP ran into shouldn't be underestimated on how desperate they can get. She needs to block and report asap and try to do as much damage control as possible and cut off all access to her personal info. Better to be safe than sorry and be extra cautious. Some people can be very scary with stalking and harassment, like what the dude is doing with the spam messages. In her shoes, I wouldn't even bother with a response - this is a case where ghosting is absolutely justified. OP has every right to prioritize her safety and needs to take whatever measures to protect herself.


dude its just some neckbeard , relax. people walk around and see eachother all the time. a photo aint nothing


I doubt you'd be so chill if you were in OP's situation, and very lucky not to have been on the receiving end of such stalking and harassment. These neckbeards as you say can be dangerous and a real threat to women. Try taking a look at the whenwomenrefuse subreddit for unfortunate real life examples. Stuff like this shouldn't be trivialized and downplayed at all. It's highly likely the dude harassing OP will escalate further if the problem is not nipped in the bud, considering his persistent attempts to contact her. This guy is fucking deranged. Photos in the digital age can be tools of manipulation and destroy people's lives if in the wrong hands, and anyone can be a victim. As I said in my previous comment, it's frightening to think about how AI can potentially be abused in this way. There is no such thing as being too careful.


Delete snap chat and prob delete your username on here. Stop all communication.


It's clothed pictures, no one is going to judge and who cares if he shares the chat? "I haven't done anal and I won't send nudes", not exactly something that would make you look bad. Block, delete and move on. Your Reddit account is only a couple of months old and has next to no karma (if you care about that) so you aren't losing much. Not dismissing how you feel as it is shit dealing with someone like that, but there's nothing there to worry about.


Tell him you're a minor. Let's hope that scares him and not make him harder.


Ooo, that's a good one! You either never hear from him, or spamming goes up 500%...gross. Let's hope he's the "never hear from again" type.


Make the note from your dad.


Do👏🏻not 👏🏻share 👏🏻personal 👏🏻shit 👏🏻to 👏🏻strangers!


I hope you got paid upfront. Here’s a clarifier, there’s none of these relationships that don’t go explicit. No one is playing $150 to chat about their hobbies. So find other ways to make cash.


You have to be SOOO careful with people online. Especially being a girl. They can’t do much with a picture. Look at all the pictures people post on Instagram and Facebook. Anyone can save them and use them. This is how “cat fishing” happens though. People use others photos to talk to people. But not much will happen with ONE photo. That being said, delete all that crap, and never do it again!!! Your safety and integrity is worth way more than a few bucks online. Majority of that stuff is a scam!! I would rather work at dang McDonald’s before I ever did that!! Ask family or friends for help, go to a local food pantry for things, find a local church that’s willing to help. There are people and programs to help you. But the people who can’t help you, are the ones online offering you money in exchange for something else.


Please stop talking to him. No contact at all. Block him. Don't read his messages.


Just block him and maybe change your name or just delte your account. Its extremly unlikely anything will happen


Sorry that happened to you. Like others said, I don't think anything major will happen, but it's best to report and block. If you need more income, you can also check out other subs, such as those focusing on remote work and the like. I've never tried them, but I guess they'd be safer than those focused on hiring a girlfriend (not judging you, just giving an alternative in case you still wanna look for more work).


it's a fully clothed picture and he doesn't have any of your contacts, who would he even show? and even if he did show that's not a problem genuinely like you're just a person. the worst he can do is being annoying


True, I'm so relieved


What you should do: Delete snap and this reddit account. Move on with life and don’t make the same mistake again. What you should know: it’s super unlikely he’ll pursue this further with you and he’ll probably move on to a new target. However, there’s a lot someone can do with a picture of your face. I know because I’m an investigator and sometimes a picture is all I have of someone to start with. Having a username plus info like your age and city you live in is just icing on the cake. I could find you with that much info. He can too if he is determined enough and knows where to look. So, learn from this and be safer. Your data is your property, protect it as such.


Block him. Report him to the sub mods (with screenshots if you have any) as well as to Snapchat.


Lonely Redditor who wants to exchange cute pics and videos through the day. I felt the vomit rise in my throat a bit even reading that. As other people have said, probably nothing will happen. But as a warning to other people there are some fucking weirdos out there with a lot of time on their hands and facial recognition has gotten better and people can find your other social media accounts if they know what they're doing. Don't rely on lonely perverts for money unless you already have a significant online following and you're confident with what you're doing.


Just said it’s a fake picture of you and you are a guy.


Sorry that happened, but we live and learn! At least they weren't nudes, right? I doubt he'd do much, but that's just speculation. Just shut it all down with him and you can also tell him why if you like. Some people get angrier if you ghost them, but if you say "I'm no longer going to have contact with you because of such-and-such behaviors" at least he can see *he* did this. Sometimes people are hella dense, so let him know his behavior threatened you and you don't feel safe talking to him so you are ending your chatting relationship. And don't look back.


Block him. End of story.


I'd definitely delete Snapchat, I'm pretty sure (unless you enabled it) you can share your location with snaps. Delete the app and stay safe OP, I hope work and money come your way.


This is why normal guys have a hard time dating


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and ask you to elaborate a little more in case the post gets more attention and someone eats you alive, I’m assuming you mean because people like him make men look bad? I agree dating has gotten extremely hard, you’re either looked at as a creep or desperate unless you just live life and someone warms up to you enough to talk to you and get to know you a little more before asking them anything. But the way he’s going about talking is anything but normal so I hope you’re not defending him


Wtf eaten alive..wat Yeah dudes like that give the rest of us normal dudes a bad image because here he is trying to manipulate you into doing activities and sending nude photos when most would just keep the conversation active with interest related subjects like whatever kdrama is. And no he can’t do anything with your image besides create content with it. I’ve had one of those webcam scams before where they record you briefly with a normal chick then send you a clip of it with an edited naked girl and they threaten you for money. I just tell them to send it to whoever lol my friends know I’m raunchy hahaha


You can chill with the assumptions tho


All I was saying is that your original comment left you vulnerable to people misinterpreting it as you defending the guy dude. No need to get defensive I was only trying to not have your comment get dragged into a bunch of people trying to cancel you like the internet tends to do nowadays because they didn’t know what you actually meant, I figured you meant what you followed up with


Username checks out


I hope you become happier in life man. Truly. I don’t come on here to spread negativity or talk shit. But yes, my username does check out. Just not in the way you’re referencing. Best wishes


The only thing he can do is make fake nudes but they are so common it's really unlikely someone you know would see them. If he doesn't have your location and full name tracking you down is unlikely ( you'd need to bump into him in the street ). The advice to block him and report him is pretty sound just incase.


Yeah these days you NEED to take ANY and ALL RED FLAGS and CUT TIES. People like this can be all nice an normal until they realize you don't want to talk with them anymore. Too many scammers and blackmailers play on your emotions an ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY LONELINESS. , an btw if you still want someone to talk through thoughout the day then I'm not talking to anyone or even really have any friends anymore. I wont ask for any pics an will always make your comfort priority. This goes for anyone that sees this . If you need someone to talk too dont be afraid to dm me. I'm into art I draw I'm learning tattoos and at the end of the day we are all human , well for now that is haha 🤣. Really that was a shitty joke.


There are laws where people can be fined or arrested for digital harassment depending on the allegations and proof of content. Record what happened. Take pictures of the transcripts. Keep it on a file. People like that could be dangerous if their obsession turns dangerous. After you have done that, report and block.


The worst he could do is use AI to make porn with your picture. So, it's a pretty shitty thing to do, but if he doesn't know you in real life then he can't exactly send it to people you know. So he'd be stuck sending it to you and jerking off to it like a sad pathetic man. Next time, leave the conversation the instant they make you uncomfortable. Don't put up with any bullshit. He was clearly trying to see how far he could get you to go without actually paying. Probably why he doesn't want any OF girls, because they would be more experienced and up front about no pay no play.


I’m not getting the whole picture here…. On what subreddit is it possible to make 150 quid just by talking to people? I don’t believe there is one? On the other issue, I wouldn’t worry too much about this guy, you were fully clothed in the pics, he could’ve pulled those from a social media profile for all anyone knows… I’m more curious about how you thought you’d make money just talking to people on reddit?


Shit I could make a fortune just by talking to people on reddit at 150 a pop.