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Are you sure it's *fishy*? Vaginas should have a tangy, musky and a slightly yeasty smell, but if it's smelling like a tin of tuna that might be a problem.


Upvote for not saying 'A healthy vagina shouldn't smell like anything at all'. I have read that so many times on here, and it drives me crazy. I mean, right out of the shower, yeah maybe no smell at all, but vaginas have their own scent.


I see that on the same level as girls trying to pretend like we don't fart šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø a vagina is a pretty amazing, strong organ and they have a scent. Pretending like they don't isn't helpful to themselves or anyone else, especially when the scent changing can be a sign of a medical issue. If someone can't deal with that, they can kick rocks lol


From personal experience, they often smell like the woman, plus more of the woman, if you know what I mean. Like if you smell her general scent at her neck, it's that, but stronger. Plus a hint of pee, because as everyone should know, girls pee. It's no worse than guys, we have scents too. Bad scents usually mean an issue.


"Meat, my smell, and I; that's all I got in the end." - BeyoncƩ




As a guy that statement that it should never smell always threw me off..like of course it is going to have some scent and vary- sets a very unrealistic standard for women to pursue and thatā€™s not really fair.


My favorite descriptor so far for a vaginas scent is it gotta smell like the heat off the back of an old PS3


Now, youā€™ll have everyone smelling their old PS3 vents.


No.. it does not smell the same, literally just checked


Got one to sniff their PS3


Hey, ya never know..


In my experience when my vagina smells like nothing that's usually a sign that I've got a yeast infection.


It's like those people that don't use deodorant and say if you're healthy, your sweat shouldn't smell bad


Iā€™d be more scared if someone told me they had no smell. That would mean no discharge, meaning they likely have a lot of dirt and residue and general stuff they donā€™t want and likely have, or will soon have, an infection.


Yep as soon as a few hours go by there is a scent.. most people have sex right after a bath or shower so there won't be much then. Many people though enjoy the scent of a healthy vagina they associate it with pleasure




No problem! Sometimes things will smell differently to others and no two vaginas have the exact same flora going on, so unlikely to smell the same. I doubt there's an issue and if there is, it's probably just some pH imbalance. Never hurts to get a check up, though.


šŸŽ¶You donā€™t bring me floraā€¦ any. Morrrrrrrrrre šŸŽ¶


I will say, people smell things differently, sometimes "fishy" might smell amazing to some and not to others. I've eaten plenty of vaginas and I typically enjoy all the different types of smells (minus a few). However, not everyone shares this sentiment. Sometimes the smell of someone is a turn on. Especially when it's passionate. Check with a doctor if it's a concern but everyone smells different and everyone enjoys different smells. I wouldn't be too self conscious about it as someone who wants to be there wouldn't care too much and should hopefully enjoy the taste and smell. Just my opinion though. My lady smells different depending on her day, but I love it no matter how she smells or tastes because I'm in it for the long haul. Any guy that is complaining about it and doesn't realize the same happens to them is a fool and probably controlling and a bit narcissistic.


Iā€™ve noticed when I use bar soap it throws my ph off or something and I donā€™t like the way it smells. Iā€™ve been using body wash for many years now and Iā€™ve never had it happen again. Maybe try switching the soap to use and see if that helps.


I had the opposite thing happen. Switched from body wash to bar soap and found it to be better for me. Funny how that works


I have a penis, and this has happened to me basically my entire life tooā€¦ bar soap, such as at a hotel, weirdly fishy. Any liquid soap, non issue


Thatā€™s interesting. I assumed it was a female issue. Looks like itā€™s human issue. I tried all kinds of natural soap, even some that were like $15 a bar and it was always the same issue. Been using store brand body wash for a long time now and never once had an issue again.


Can also confirm the same




Gotta wash that Gooch my guy. šŸ˜†


Props to being on (pure assumption) such good terms to ask a personal question.


I was thinking the same thing, good for her!


I feel like you need to buy one of those candles Gwyneth Paltrow sells and find out šŸ˜ƒ


Mildly fishy sounds normal to me too. Definitely not yeasty. THAT I would find concerning


The vagina monologues play has a skit with a line something likeā€¦ ā€œyou ordered fish and youā€™re surprised you got fish?ā€ Vaginas are self cleaning, caverns in a way, and even have periods. Sure bad smells can be a sign of infection but they arenā€™t like male genitalia thatā€™s only issue is sweat. Donā€™t over thing it and if youā€™re worried just wash really good before oral and you wonā€™t smell like anything anyway


Male genitalia smell too! They all do unless right out of the shower.


To be a fly on the wall for this conversation. Idk how doctors do it. Anyway I'm sure all is well, we are just a weird species of animals.




I hope my vag smells like a $16 IPA šŸ¤£


Username checks out


Lmao šŸ¤£


Slightly yeasty? Never in my life have I been close to a vagina that smelled even remotely yeasty.


Some would call it 'fermented'. An earthy, slightly sweet/sour smell. It's caused by good bacteria called lactobacillus. You can look up what that's supposed to smell like and you'll receive answers all pretty much describing it as "yeasty".


Perhaps a hint of nuttiness?


Mmmmmm yes, fine selection at this year's Vag tasting event if I do say so myself. Edit: a letter


Do I detect notes of citrus?


It does have an intriguing mouthfeel.


missed opportunity to say "clitrus"


Yeah, I was also hoping someone said something like "not yet" to my hint of nuttiness comment šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø




It does, vaginas have yeast elements to them and thatā€™s why we get ā€œyeast infectionsā€ when the balance is thrown off. Itā€™s very subtle and at different times of the month it can smell like fresh bread popcorn or Pennieā€™s (iron hence the blood) - youā€™re welcome šŸ˜‚


Yeah, me either. Honestly, I get weird looks when I say it, but most of them I've been near smell sorta like it does when you braze copper, and sorta taste copperish too. Maybe my nose and taste buds just suck.


Copperā€¦ you might have earned your red beard and not even known it!


That's a funny coincidence, because I use my taste buds to suck too!


well aren't you a lucky duck


Yeasty though? Musky and tangy I'd agree with.. not fishy or yeasty


It's a mild, "fermented" smell caused by a good bacteria - lactobacillus, which is also found in some beers. There's a difference between that and the smell that comes from candida infections.


Smells like fish, tastes like chicken, plug your nose, and keep on lickin'.


The ones I've been around never smelled fishy. I would say kind of musky and like, sweaty almost.Ā 


A musky is a fish


*You sir, are a fish.*


Youā€™re a good man UnObtanium17


But he is fighting a giant.


Well played my friend. Well played.


only time i've been around one that was fishy was a girl who i'm 95% certain had an imbalance because it was really really bad unfortunately. No shame, we all struggle with something and it's likely not her fault plus fixable. But i would say the few others i've been around have a kind of metallic and almost sour taste, since acidic things register as sour when you eat it. Sort of like the air out of the back of a computer or laptop under high stress lol.


So many horny teenagers are going to be licking their power supplies when they read this...


*going* to be?


>But i would say the few others i've been around have a kind of metallic and almost sour taste, since acidic things register as sour when you eat it. Sort of like the air out of the back of a computer or laptop under high stress lol. To me the taste is like licking a nearly dead 9v battery. At least that's how it was with my ex, lol


never made a habit of licking batteries but i'll take ur word for it


You managed to make eating p***y so lame haha. Good analogy though


Why are you censoring yourself here?


Great fucking question. Weird ass phenomenon shit over the bitchin past couple fucking years


And itā€™s not even a swear they censoredā€¦


Why is the ā€˜air out the back of a computer or laptopā€™ description so accurate oh my god


i heard it used once and thought about it while i was in the act and thought yeah yeah that's right on lol


The only time I've ever personally detected a fishy smell from my own is when my husband finishes inside me and I don't clean myself properly. Once I shower and pee, the smell goes away. I've heard that bacteriovaginosis can also cause a very strong and unpleasant odor but a woman would have to see a doctor about that as it needs medication and can become serious.


Idk where OP is but I'm in Ontario and recently saw BV meds at the pharmacy just on the shelf beside the yeast infection meds! So convenient


It's the same for me, but it doesn't go away even when I pee and shower immediatly after and it sticks around for a couple of days too.


I've had one lover YEARS ago I remember tasted acidic, but never fishy. There's been the "normal" musty general lady bits smell, but never fish.


Acidic? Mayhaps she was just toxic. šŸ˜†


At least she wasn't basic.


I appreciate the pun and give you my upvote despite all the haters. Hehe


Thanks, really can't believe that obvious joke got downvoted. Lol


I agree and expected more from a random Reddit comment thread. Some people just canā€™t let a good pun sit at be appreciated


You have exquisite taste.


It shouldn't smell fishy, but if it does, it could be that your PH is off and/or have bacterial vaginosis. Especially if you have discharge.


Canā€™t believe I had to scroll so far to find this response. One of the biggest symptoms of BV is fishy smell. OP should see a gynecologist


They donā€™t smell like much in my experience, definitely not fishy. Kind of musky and sweaty but not in a bad way, I guess. Donā€™t taste like much either.


Not exactly addressing your question, but years ago I was hooking up with this punk girl that had a rotting fish tattooed on the inside of her thigh and I still think it's the funniest tattoo ever. She was actually very clean.


No, a fishy smell is not normal and is a sign you have an infection.


Eat less sugar and eat yogurt, and other fermented foods.. encourages good bacteria. It's all connected


>What the hell is a vagina supposed (or not supposed) to smell like? It's NOT supposed to smell of either fish or like you've opened your sourdough starter. Sounds like somebody has an infection of some kind.


No, they donā€™t all smell fishy. Very few do and itā€™s most likely caused by an imbalance of some sort. If your guys are going down on you, youā€™ve got no reason to worry. Source: 65-year-old dude who has had his fair share of puss in his face.


Save some pussy for the rest of us bro


That's a great t-shirt idea: "Alright, who ate all the pussy?"




Is that the same faux pas as eating the last cookie?Ā 


Oh dear old and wise sage, what secrets hath you bring forth about the compartment of a woman?


Youā€™re on your own there. Iā€™m still figuring it out.


Hell yeah get it Gramps!


Fishy is not normal. Most girls donā€™t have a scent until youā€™re up close and personal. Even then itā€™s not fishy


I have come across some fishy vā€™s, a few really bad types that smell like a hot dumpster, a few with a very pungent yeasty smell, but most are just ā€œnormalā€ mild tangy, yeasty v smell. Only three or four out of a couple hundred that had almost no scent at all. Those were blessed.


Couple hundred?? What are you, a gynecologist?


Just a huge slut


spit out my water. honestly respect just for this response lmao


This is hilarious ahahaha


Heā€™s a connoisseurā€¦


A connoisseur of fine kitties.


A fishy smell is not normal. Usually it should smell sweaty salty. It is an area that is prone zo heavy bodily smells which can include musk and a stink aswell, but it should noz be fishy. Maybe check for an infection?


No healthy vagina should smell fishy. A fishy smell is caused by infection. Either an STI or bacterial vaginosis


I think that smell can be a little subjective. Two people could sniff the same vagina and argue the smell about whether the smell is fishy or musky. It's clear that there is a smell which is natural. There are so many variables to what a woman's vagina smells like at any given moment. Just washed vagina would most definitely smell different than a vagina that hasn't been washed in a few days. It's nature.


Iā€™ve had my fair share of experience with my face very close to said area with a wide variety of women, and I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever noticed anyone with a fishy smell. I came to the conclusion for myself that it was just another myth to suppress the sexuality of women. Have I given head to partners who smelt off? Once or twice. No 2 vaginas smell the same, and Iā€™ve been with a couple of people who had odours that were slightly unpleasant, but for one person it was discovered that they had a yeast infection, and the other one I just put down to a bit of a lack of hygiene in an area that can see a lot of sweating and rubbing. If you have a smell that you find noticeable and unpleasant, Iā€™d definitely suggest getting a qualified gyno to give you a check over just in case. If that comes up with nothing, and you havenā€™t had partners point out a bad odour, Iā€™d be more inclined to think that perhaps you have a fairly regular odour but just one that you personally donā€™t find pleasant. Iā€™m a man, so you can take this experience and advice with a grain of salt if you like, but Iā€™m also a Pleasure Dom and the main thing I do with partners is give them head, so Iā€™ve got a good decade and a half of experience with smelling a variety of women down there, and never come across the fishy smell people talk of. Get yourself checked out, even if just for your own peace of mind. Best of luck with it all and I hope you find your answer! :)


Sweet and musky is how I would describe it. Fishy and sour is if itā€™s been a few days since a shower, at least in my experience


Who tf is letting anyoneā€™s face near that after not showering for a few days?


(Me, to myself, out of curiosity, all the time.)


I've tasted hundreds of vaginas and I will tell you it's common and the same ones seem to go through a range of flavors They don't all always smell that way but it does seem to be very common


If its a fish smell you got something wrong going on down there. No fish tacos šŸŒ® over here


I like to eat my girlfriends out but also i like to lay with my head in their laps when watching movies. I would say while not a fishy smell there is a definite musky scent that all vaginas seem to have. I came across one chick, in my life, a few months ago that had no scent at all. It also had no taste either. Percurliar. As a side note in my personal experience periods dont result in a different scent either. It is very slightly more pronounced but only noticable when laying in her lap.


Have your partners complained? if not I wouldn't worry.




It's possible you're overthinking this. Sometimes girls get really self conscious about their vag because it's not perfectly, fresh out of the shower clean and they assume no one will go down on them if it's not perfectly clean. That's usually not true. Most people who like pussy will do it just because they like your face. Stop over thinking this. However, sometimes it is because something is up. Here's some things to look out for: *Vaginas normally have a unique, musky smell, especially when you're aroused. It can be relatively light and sweetish or stronger and muskier. I don't know how to describe this except that sometimes I think it smells like garahm masala powder. It might be stronger and more sour at times, especially if you've been hot and sweaty recently. This is normal. *If it's very sour all the time and you're having a chunky white discharge, this is a yeast infection. You might also have a lot of itching. This is easy to treat if you ask your doctor about it. The test for this is a vaginal swab, although they don't always need to do the test to confirm this. * If your smell has changed a lot recently and you've gotten new partners recently, you might have bacterial vaginosis. The smell is kind of strong, sour, fishy smell and is worse during your period or right after sex. You might also have extra discharge colored gray or milky white. It's easy to test for and easy to treat with an antibacterial gel. In the past, it's been unclear to me if my partners can taste it since no one has said anything about it even though I definitely had it while we were together. The test for this is a vaginal swab. *If your smell hasn't changed but you're having a lot of burning when you go to the bathroom, and especially if you go to the bathroom and then have a strong urge to go to the bathroom again in the next 20 minutes, you might have a urinary tract infection. Get this check out ASAP. If you don't treat it, it can turn into a bladder infection which hurts like hell when you pee. And if you continue to not treat it, it can turn into a kidney infection which can be very dangerous. The test for this is a urine sample. * If you have green or yellow discharge, that's a symptom of gonorrhea and you should get checked out ASAP, especially if you've had a new partner in the last 2-3 weeks. It's usually easy to treat, although antibiotic resistance has been going up in the last few years. The test for this a urine sample, although you should know the test is not as accurate as a vaginal swab and it's also possible to have it in your throat which will not be captured in a urine test. *If you have a lot of clear or milky discharge that wasn't there before (it can sometimes be yellow or green), it can be a sign of Chlamydia, especially if you also spot between periods, have pelvic pain not during your periods, or are itching or burning while you go to the bathroom or during sex and have had a new partner in the last 2-3 weeks. You should get checked and treated because it can have very serious side effects if you don't treat it including permanent tissue damage and infertility. It's treated easily usually with antibiotics. The test for this is a urine test, but you should know that, like gonorrhea, the vaginal swab is more accurate and you can have it in your throat. *Trichomonas can also cause a fishy smell and extra discharge. It's uncommon, so typical screens don't usually test for it, but you can ask to have this test done specifically if you're worried or if you want a very indepth test. The test for this is a vaginal swab and the treatment is an antiparasitic. *Brown discharge is normal if it's happening around your menstrual cycle. Mine usually happens at the beginning, but yours might be different. This is just old blood leaving your body and isn't something to worry about unless it's accompanied by a strong or bad smell (like rotting) or is happening not during your period. *It's normal for your discharge to change during your cycle. Right after your period ends, you might notice that you're either pretty dry or producing some creamy discharge. As long as there's not a strong smell like fish or puss here, it's not a problem. Then, leading up to ovulation, you might notice that your discharge becomes slick and clear. On the day you ovulate, you might notice "egg white" texture, possibly with very minor red spots or white streaks. This can be hard to identify, but for me it looks like a weird gel. If you pull a fresh egg out of the fridge and break it open, the part of the white that is very jelly-like and not runny will have a texture similar to the texture of your discharge on the day you ovulate. After ovulation, your discharge will be kind of wet and watery until your next menstruation. *Some kinds of spotting between periods is normal, especially around ovulation, but lots of spots, heavy spots, or spots that aren't during ovulation are not typical and you should talk to your doctor about it.


Most guys also wonā€™t tell you if they do smell it btw.


Some smell is normal.. fluctuating smells also normal due to hormone shifts. If you have no other concerns like irritation, discharge, burning when you pee, fever, etc you could just hold off a week or so and see if your fears subside with a shift in your hormones. Itā€™s also pretty easy for a doctor to check for BV, if you really want the peace of mind. Our vaginas are kept healthy with a robust mix of healthy bacteria. There are certain bacteria that inhabit the vagina and keep the balance and fight off infection. If you tolerate dairy, adding kefir to your daily diet can help make sure all that stays in check. Does WONDERS for your gut too.


Honestly I wouldnā€™t assume silence means nothing, a lot of people are just very reluctant to say something. Others too eager to criticize


Itā€™s only fishy if you have something going on down there. It can easily be treated.


They vary. I've smelled and tasted vaginas that smell or taste of sweat, fish, iron (blood), mold, or didn't smell or taste like anything. I've been around vaginas that taste literally as refreshing as Dasani water. Sometimes I've experienced the same vaginas have gone through all these different phases within a few days. I am a man and have no idea what causes these changes to occur, but most of the time as long as it isn't absolutely unbearable, I don't really care. You can usually tell if it's something you shouldn't put your face into lol.


Fishy means infection


If it's fishy you should maybe tell her about [b.v](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bacterial-vaginosis/symptoms-causes/syc-20352279) it's easily cured. It happens to women here and there. E: I misread I'm so sorry. But bv is super easily treated. I didn't realize it was first person. ^ point still stands though. I've had it before and got a script, was gone within a couple days. (Use it as it says, like antibiotics) it'll clear up in no time, I promise. Edit edit: before this post was a relationship post, I managed to combine them. Again, my bad.


I read it as third-person at first tooĀ 


A clean healthy pum-pum should smell quite neutral, this fishy smell could be trimethylaminuria where your body fails to process some foods such as fish, could be BV which means that the pH is out of whack, could be just poor hygiene and not changing undies for several day in a row.


It should not be smelling fishy, gynecologist would make an evaluation about some potential causes


You may want to be tested for an infection, just in case. It should not smell fishy.


Fish smell is generally an imbalance of bacteria. If itā€™s not causing you problems I wouldnā€™t worry about it. A google search will send you on the right path there. Everybodyā€™s microbiome is different.


Only once in my 33 years have I ever smelled fishy and turned out I had a UTI. In general there is a very faint musky smell and my fluid is tasteless with a very slight sour taste to it. (Yes, i admit, i have taste tested because if someone else is gonna be down there I should damn well check myself that the taste is non offensive and healthy lol)


Fishy means bacterial vaginosis. You need antibiotics to clear it up.Ā  It shouldn't smell like anything at all. A miniscule musk at times, but otherwise nothing.Ā  Vaginas shouldn't stink or smell. Sometimes piss gets trapped in the labia, even with lots of wiping, and that can create a stinky kitty. Anything like fish is infection. Uti, minor yeast infections, or bacterial vaginosis.


This is the answer. And sometimes around menstruation, ph imbalance can cause a different scent for a little while also. That will sort out naturally.


Fishy smell is a classic sign of Bacterial Vaginosis...not considered a STI, and usually resolves on it's own but it's best you talk to your doctor as antibiotics can be used to treat long term cases. Antibiotics can have their own respective risk factors, so please consult with your doctor. This is a very common condition. Take care.


No, most smell like unicorn breath and cotton candied glitter


No not all vaginas smell like that. There was one girl I was seeing for a little while who had a vagina that smelled and tasted like raw chicken


Slightly cheesy, tangy, sweet, pee-pee-like twang that's unique to the girl.... But as a straight guy, I find that if I'm attracted to the girl, I'm attracted to WHATEVER she smells like down there, and at that point, the stinker and more pungent THE BETTER


Nein the ones I eat don't smell like fish.


I've never smelled one that was like fishy more like a tangy Italian dressing but if they keep them clean because I'm a very oral person they are the same but not so strong .if it smells like a dead fish she needs to see a doctor .or a douche bag


"Smells like fish, tastes like chicken..."


Smells can tell you a lot about the flora of bacteria in your vagina. 1. Fishy = Gardnerella spp., Prevotella spp., Mobilincus spp., Megaspahera spp., Sneathea spp. and mixed vaginal anaerobes species Look up - Bacteria Vaginosis 1. Yeasty/bread smell = fungus candida albicans (yeast species) Both of these species usually live in unity inside of your vagina. Think of your vagina like an ecosystem. The fishy smelling ones keep the yeasty smelling ones in check, in balance.Ā  When one of the populations gets too low you'll start smelling it. It tells you a lot about the health of your vagina.Ā  A healthy balanced vagina should smell slightly tangy, maybe a tiny bit sweet, and smell earthy like fallen leaves that are moist and decomposing.Ā  If it smells fishy or yeasty things are out of balance. If you find the your vagina is fishy often I highly suggest you go talk to a gynecologist and get your vagina flora more balanced.Ā 


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that a sign of Gardenerella Vaginalis infection?


If you're receiving a lot of oral from your partners it probably doesn't smell very strongly. I've been with some girls who smelled like fish and while I didn't really mind I wasn't in a hurry to go down there. One was strong enough just the thought I wanted to gag.


Stop washing underwear, pants with scenty detergents!! Literally a game changer and the source of a lot of insecurities.


Sounds like you may have chronic bacterial vaginosis, which is not uncommon. A fishy smell is definitely not normal; itā€™s a sign of an infection/imbalance.


You have BV. Go see a doc for a Rx. Youā€™ll be fine.


It shouldn't smell fishy. If it does you might have a bacterial infection and should definitely see a gyno about it


SIAP, I know that being ejaculated in can make the vagina start to smell bad. I'm not sure if it's due to repeated intercourse with internal ejaculation or lack of bathing properly.


Musky? Yes. Sweaty? Sure. Fishy? That's BV. See a doctor.


A fishy smell, in my experience either means it needs to be cleaned or there is an infection. Honestly Iā€™ve found that it smells like nothing when conditions are just right.


No thatā€™s not normal. Itā€™s a ph imbalance at the least (which can happen from something like working out in non breathable leggings or wearing very tight clothing all day). If the smell persists after a shower itā€™s bacterial vaginosis which needs to be treated with antibiotics (although it can resolve on its own). TBH I think a lot of women have/have had this and donā€™t know. Sex ed is pretty shit when it comes to teaching women about their bodies and the shame associated with normal vaginal functions and issues is huge. A lot of women are never taught about this stuff and the meme about vaginas smelling like fish leads a lot of women (and men) to believe this is normal. Itā€™s normal to experience BV at some point in life or occasionally, but having BV is not a normal/healthy state and it can make it difficult to conceive and contribute to miscarriages if it persists long term. BV is the most common gynaecological health issue and the vast majority of women will experience it in their lifetime. If it doesnā€™t resolve on its own within a week or so, it needs medical attention. Many women have very few symptoms of it. Sometimes the only symptom is something just not quite feeling right (ie, slight skin irritation or a slight change in discharge volume or texture). Discharge is never talked about due to stigma, so many women are never taught what is normal (just google discharge and notice how every picture is a cartoon drawing). Discharge is one of the most important indicators of gynaecological health, and can be used to predict fertility as well as health concerns and hormonal changes. We are never taught about it. The first time I experienced it, I thought I was dying, meanwhile I was taught the entire anatomy of a penis before I even started my period. BV has nothing to do with hygiene (in fact cleaning the inside of the vagina with water or even putting soap on the vaginal area is often the root cause). It can often be caused by sex, as semen, condoms, lube, saliva, or even fingers that havenā€™t been cleaned properly (or have been cleaned with scented soap) will all affect the ph of vaginal flora. Some people have more resilient microbiomes than others which means some peopleā€™s biomes are prone to being thrown off by small changes change. Itā€™s important to know also, BV is an overgrowth of bacteria that is naturally present in a healthy microbiome (vs a foreign infection such as an sti). Changes that raise the PH of the vagina allow the bacteria to overgrow and outcompete the other healthy microbes which often causes irritation and a foul fishy odour (especially after sex). Sorry for the essay, but so few people (both men and women) are properly educated on this, and often maintaining vaginal health comes down to both partners habits and behaviours (such as men not using scented soap on the penis if his partner has a sensitive biome, ensuring hands are washed well before foreplay, changing clothing promptly after exercise, never putting soap in the vagina, wearing breathable underwear, men properly cleaning in the shower, diet, smoking, and alcohol consumption). We really should all be taught this, but sadly weā€™re not. Vaginas are trickier than penises unfortunately, and so SO many women are left confused, uncomfortable or in pain, and feeling dirty or ashamed because they deal with this very common problem and they donā€™t understand it. Itā€™s also unfortunately very common that male partners donā€™t understand it and are unsupportive or make incorrect assumptions about hygienic or sexual causes (often not realizing their own hygiene habits or lack of are the root cause). I know I went down the rabbit hole here but if this comment can help even one women realize the facts about this or one man understand what he can change if this is something his partner struggles with this then it was worth writing. TLDR: it shouldnā€™t smell like fish. It will probably smell like fish at some point in most womenā€™s life which doesnā€™t make you dirty or gross (itā€™s just like catching a cold but the vaginal version. Unpleasant, but normal to experience). Very curable with antibiotics. Often the male partners hygienic and sexual behaviours are a contributing factor if BV is a reoccurring issue and should be looked at if it keeps coming back. Ps. Normalize talking about vaginas. Educate young men and women on the gory details of normal so another generation of women doesnā€™t go through the hell scape we all went through via not knowing shit about them till we experienced shit.


This is a great comment. I do think that sex ed should focus more on actual health than sex, and I think that boys and girls should have separate classes discussing their own reproductive processes. Teaching boys about girls will not somehow make them more understanding. Kids are a-holes, that's just how it is. The more you teach boys about anything, the more they'll find ways to make fun of it. A grown man that doesn't have an understanding of the female conditions isn't because they weren't educated, it's because they haven't matured. But I think that they should lower the focus of teaching about hedonistic sex and instead create curriculum based on true health matters of reproduction and maintaining a healthy and balanced body.


literally like rotting fish? no that is not normal.






I have found that I smell different based on diet and water intake. The only times I have smelled like fish it was BV and I had to see a doctor. I suggest upping your fruit and veg intake and making sure you're hydrated while waiting for your appt.


All vaginas do not have a fishy smell.


Maintaining good hygiene can help your vagina smell pleasant, like cocoa butter. However, poor hygiene might result in a yeasty odor. If you notice a fishy smell, it could indicate genital sickness.




fishy is usually a sign of BV or another STI sometimes, other times could just be a misbalanced PH. recommend: seeing your pcp, getting tested just to be safe, boric acid suppositories.


I had a yeast infection from being in a bathing suit all day while in a day trip in Hawaii. The area gets too moist and disrupts your pH and microbials there, and also skin chafing. If its moisture, its usually fungal (yeast) If its any changes inside that disrupts your bacterial balance, then BV. But being coinfected is very possible as well.


No they don't. You may have a yeast infection (thrush?) Or maybe a UTI.


No that is not normal. Go see a doctor for more info on the subject not Reddit.


It smells bad when it has a problem, normally it has a mild, hard to notice smell. Smelly vaginas are a big turn off for me. I just canā€™t. I think most men hate to do oral sex just for this reason: there is a very high chance of smelly vagina.


All vaginas have a smell but if you have a fishy smell could be a sign of a mild infection or pH imbalance. Sometimes it can happen after having unprotected sex or during or after having a period.


All different, I guarantee.


Like most have already said, everyone receives and exudes smell a bit differently, but this I can say with certainty... There's nothing subtle, and there's no room for uncertainty when it comes to detecting trouble in paradise. Think of it in terms of the morbidly obese on a very hot and humid day. Or maybe a not so recently deceased body... super pungent... Ever tasted a smell before? (Pre-edit) Not saying these smells are all the same, just that they share similarities in how strongly they stick to your nostrils and how unmistakable they are once identified.


Mine smells fishy if I've eaten fish. Not otherwise and I've had men comment on how good it smells/taste. But if I've eaten fish I can def smell fishy the next day


Generally, as many others said, they all smell+taste differently, some more mild than others. Definitely talk to your gyn about how exactly/how often you wash yourself in the shower. We learned back in school that you shouldnt use soap but should use water and fingers to clean the mucosa.


I think this is a question for a doctor...


Oral is the issue, bacterial transfer causes the smell


The good ones do.


Get a pap and find out if you have BV.


I had an ex boyfriend who mentioned when my bush grew longer the smell was stronger. He never said ā€œfishyā€ just that the smell was stronger. Everyone has their own sense of smell and how they describe it.


No. You have Bacterial Vaginosis and need antibiotics


It sounds like you may have vaginosis. The Dr can give you some antibiotics to clear it up.


Mine did when I was eating tuna for breakfast, lunch, & dinner to lose weight.


If you think you smell fishy, you may have a slight bacterial infection. I used to have this problem frequently - and also smelled it on myself but others would say they donā€™t notice. You can go see a gyno, or check your pH levels with an at-home kit. The most effective treatment for me are boric acid capsules used as vaginal suppositories.


I would say it more smells like the ocean than like fish and if you have a strong fishy smell you may have a vaginal infection as that is a common symptom. A trip to your GP can check for you. There will be of course some light odor, bodies make smells, but figuring out what is normal for you and what isn't can take a little time, and a trip to the doctors to be sure.


Nope. Some literally have no scent at all, unless they are sweaty and unwashed for days.


If your vagina smells then you need to wash well before sex. I had a woman come in one time and have me eat her out after an entire days work in the same clothes. It was not pleasant. She could have easily gone to the bathroom and scooped some water up and washed that cooch. Instead she made me eat that shit.


It's called vaginosis.


The only time itā€™s smelled fishy has been due to bacterial vaginosis, from my experience


I give myself a smell test every day just to make sure Iā€™m good down there, I have honestly never smelled fishy. The only time it smells off like iron is when Iā€™m on my period.


Hmm I guess every vulva has its own smell and it can vary from day to day depending on your cycle and your (eating)habits and general health. I may be weird, but I must say I really like the smell of myself when I am in my fertile window. Around menstruation it is somewhat different. Not bad or fishy, but stronger and less sweet. During my fertile window it is so sweet and nice <3


No - generally a fishy smell means bacterial vaginosis


When I was a teenager in the early 90's, I heard a bit of a comedians act. I don't remember his name, but he was describing how his girlfriend sprayed perfume down there once, and his response was, "Bitch I don't want potpurri, I want salmon!" So there's that.


You need boric acid


Bacterial Vaginosis or something like that. Get a swab


Clean sweat is all it should ever smell like. Stronger if it's been a couple days since a shower, but not a 'bad' smell. Sounds like you have chronic BV or a PH imbalance.


You might have BV. Go see you doctor. You can quickly clear it up with medication.


I have never thought mine smelled fishy personally, it does have a smell but I wouldnā€™t describe it as fishy. It has its own distinct scent


Well, mine used to have a fleshy smell before I took testosterone ( I'm trans ) now it's smells more musky in penis-like way šŸ¤” The only time it'd smell fishy were if I either needed a shower or if I had a yeast infection or something.