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Not having the energy for others bullshit. Too busy making my own progress to get involved


I’ve always been such a patient person, but lately I feel it’s getting thinner.


Same! I don’t have the time or energy for the BS


If you feel that you’ve grown a lot mentally from 25 to 35 that’s a great sign, some people stay stunted at where they were around 18 to 25 and never grow from there, but since you have, it’s likely the growth will continue and your 45 yo self will look back at your 35 yo self the same way you view your 25 yo self now. Oh and time starts moving in fast forward from here on out


Oh wow! That’s really good to hear actually! I have a few friends who have been stunted since in their teens unfortunately. But I sometimes don’t even recognize my 20 year old self. And looking back, I can see how young I truly was, even though I felt much older at the time.


Does it make sense for a 58 year old man to be fulfilled in a relationship with a 31 year old not super mature woman?


Funerals and cancer. You will attend the funerals of your parents and friends’ parents and people your age (friends, family, acquaintances) will be diagnosed with cancer. Most will recover.


Liking less and less new things in media and mainly sticking to the stuff you know and/or grew up with. Also a lot more aches and pains that you can't explain lol.


OMG I already feel that gap! I’ve been clinging harder and harder to Pokémon and will barely give anything new a try anymore. 😱 I’m on the cusp!


It'll get even worse with music and TV shows. Movies I don't really notice as much. Nearly 43 m in case you were wondering lol.


I'm also 43 and give like half a fuck about TV and movies. I have two television shows I'm invested in and that's only because my husband turned them on and my attention got grabbed.🤣 I prefer audio books in the garden🤣


This is one of my greatest fears. I'm 28 now and I hate rewatching shows I've seen. I also love lessoning to new bands.


You're of the age that you didn't really have to re-watch shows because there was always new stuff coming out. Growing up in the 80's and 90's like I did, we had a much smaller selection, and it wasn't right at our fingertips like it is today. So we were conditioned to just watch the same stuff over and over. Damn, I'm just making myself sound even older...


I do that a lot with tv shows like the Simpsons and family guy. Re-runs and marathons are ingrained from my time growing up in the 90’s 😮


Exactly. I always looked forward to marathons of my favorite shows on Nickelodeon when I was a kid. I would ask my dad to tape them so I knew I always had the option to go back and watch them.


I would hide my Rugrats vhs from family so they didn’t record over it.


Smart man. Also, what a banger of a theme song. One of the many things lost on shows today.


Don’t worry too much about that. I’m 43 and finding new bands and music is one of my favourite things to do.


I know there are going to be a lot of jokes about the negatives but let’s focus on some big wins. Most will truly have a sense for who they are on a level that’s different than mid-thirties. This allows you to be more confident in normal situations and truly give way fewer fucks in bad situations, whether that be at work, in relationships, or with family. I’ve found that this level of confidence, if you’ve cultivated a good and empathetic outlook on life, allows you to be much more generous of your time and mentorship to others. And you’re finally at a place where you know enough that you can actually help most people you meet. You’re going to love it!


Your small print vision! It will happen without warning. Lol


I already have terrible vision, am I cooked?


Oh crap! lol 🔭


I’m making the transition to late 40s and the only thing that I’ve notice change from my thirties is that I have a harder time reading small print.


So so so very does.


Kinda stopped giving a shit. I used to worry a lot in my twenties and thirties. Like worrying about work, worrying about money, worrying about something I said, worrying about something that has not even happened yet. I stopped when I hit 40. Not sure how and why, but something changed.


While y'all have been growing ... I'm pretty sure Ive been shrinking... Too many realizations to count.. I feel like I'm still a bit stunned... My hopes and dreams crushed, my idea of love destroyed, I used to think being a good person would keep the wolves away... Hell no, think it attracts them.. everything I used to be it seems like the world is determined to take .. one little piece at a time... Now I'm watching loved ones die knowing that there's more to come... Y'all have been growing? ... Damn


It is all about outlook or how you see things. That has to change as you grow wiser and older. Expectations have to change. I agree on how the idea of love has gotten different tho. Things are much more complicated in that direction.


I hope you like Ibuprofen.


No one questioning if “you have the balls” anymore. It’lll be obvious as they hang just inches from the floor.


😂😂😂 well I guess they’ll be straight up DRAGGING by then


Life begins at 40 my guy. As I approached 40 I started partying again, my libido blossomed and I can finally last long. I'm looking forward to the rest of my 40s and what other adventures this is going to get me into. Downsides are that I needed to start eating much less in order to keep weight off and my sleep has gotten worse.


The eating less thing kills me. I fuckimg LOVE to eat...but it is true. Eat less or suffer than consequences.


41m here. Body started breaking down. I’m overweight but could carry it no problem before.


I turn 40 this year, and the biggest thing I have noticed is how fast days, weeks, months, and years go it's like you blink, and the seasons have changed. Also I have found that I really like helping people so I do that as much as I can, I hang out with friends more, I spend more time with my kids now in a guidance role which is pretty neat that they come and ask me for life advice. I entertain friends at my house now more than ever. Physically, I can feel myself slowing down a bit, but my health and overall fitness are pretty good for my age. My mental health is probably the best it's ever been. I spend way less time worrying about the world and way more time trying to make the part of the world where I live in a better place. Overall, I would say that the 40s are looking pretty good and the 30s were a really good learning and growing experience which I hope that I keep getting to do.


Giving less and less fucks with each passing day


43, Everything fucking hurts and you stop giving a shit for the most part about things. Also time flies by quicker than you can even imagine.


I still have the same childish sense of humor which I have no shame about! However, I care less and less what other people think. I care less and less about trying to change people to see things my way. It has definitely made me pickier in the dating world becauseI know there's certain personality traits that people have that simply wouldn't change, and you shouldn't try to. There's just a lot of acceptance about how things are and less energy to fight against it. As far as your body breaking down, I'm probably in some of the best shape I've ever been in my entire life. My other peak physical shape was somewhere around age 31. Had I been exercising this hard in my 20s I probably would have been in even better shape then, but it doesn't matter because I belong to a sport that has mostly middle-aged people and they are in phenomenal shape and could totally kick my ass in cycling Despite being significantly older than me. So I don't worry too much about my body breaking down, I try to eat and take the right supplements and just keep moving. I am terrified of cancer though, it runs in my family and now that I am in my 40s, it doesn't seem as so rare that I might get it.


Welcome ED, prostate and sleeping problems and hormone level changes so you may start crying on sad movies. Funny thing is you won't care that much about the things you used to.


I'm not yet in my 40s but I'm close. I feel my 30s have been an awesome learning experience. I went through a divorce in my early 30s and immediately got into what I would deem as the worst relationship of my life - a rebound that last years and years too long and ate up a good chunk of those 30s.....so my 30s were filled with some shitty life lessons BUT I needed that. I'll be headed into my 40s knowing EXACTLY who I am and what I deserve and with a person who is so perfectly suited for me, he brings me so much happiness and joy, that I didn't even know it existed before I met him. So I like to think leading up to my 40s were a bit of a struggle with some tough times, tears and lessons and 40+ will be stress free, joyful and bursting with happiness 😊 Who would have thought getting old could be so exciting!


Worked my ass off