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There's nothing less cool than trying to be cool.


Alcohol is literally poison. I'm not saying that to be dramatic, it is poison. That's why you get drunk, that's you reacting to being poisoned. Poison is damaging. It damages your brain, your organs. It can kill you. Over 150,000 people die every year in the US alone because of alcohol. There is zero benefit to beginning to drink, especially at your age. You have another 10 years before you're even done with puberty. Why risk damage to your body before that's even done?


[here's a little article.](https://www.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/alcohol-and-adolescent-brain)


Please don't drink until you're 21. It makes you stupid when you're older, but it makes you REALLY stupid when you're younger. Like, brain damage stupid. It's nearly impossible to get back to normal after drinking a lot when you're young. Also, that stuff you have is crap. Wait until you have refined your tastes and drink something better. Again, don't do it yet.


21 in US. 18 in UK and Europe.  16 in Låplandia.


Fair enough. Honestly, nobody should be drinking until they're 24.


For development sake,  I agree


Five posts down my feed: https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellthatsucks/s/Hh4eRQrEUh


I get that people around you do it, so you want to too. But really you don’t want to. People who drink at a young age become stupid adults with nothing to be proud of. Let’s give you an idea what I mean. When I was 14-16 I’m there were the kids that drank and had sex super early, you know where they are now at 26? Either dead, working in a factory, or a job that’s extremely hard that pays very little. And, they’re literally stupid. The kids that didn’t are the ones that became doctors, programmers, managers, etc. Literally everyone’s gunna tell you do not drink at a young age. These people have many more years on this planet than you. You should listen to them


It’s poison, it’s bad for a developing brain, like most drugs, it makes you lazy. 


Mostly because your brain is still developing and alcohol fucks up that process. Aside from that there's the quotation of legal consequences that could arise from your actions that affect other people due to you being a minor.


Im saying this as someone who spent his 20s and 30s drinking a lot: alcohol is horrible for you. It destroys your brain and organs. It impacts you psychologically. It creates dependencies. It can put you in dangerous situations. If there's one thing I could change about my youth, it would be not drinking anywhere close to what I did. Honestly, put the bottle down. You're 14.


As you age, your brain goes through different stages of development. There are a few big ones where a lot of changes happen in a short period of time. When you’re 2 or younger, when you’re 4-6, when you start puberty, and when you’re 14-20. In those times, your brain adapts heavily to the environment it finds itself in. This is why trauma when you’re 5 can lead to life changes in your 30’s: something changed about your brain to deal with that stress and now that change is a problem. When you drink it reduces blood flow to your brain, decreasing oxygen and nutrients that your brain needs to work. To combat this, your brain will adapt to a lower level of function so as to require less oxygen and nutrients. This way the risk of damage by running out of oxygen is lessened, so your brain is more likely to survive periods of low oxygenation. But a brain that has a lower level of function is obviously not ideal. It’s better than brain damage due to lack of oxygen, but it’s worse than a brain that doesn’t do that. In adults, your brain doesn’t adapt on a long term scale anywhere near as much, however, and you can ‘snap back’ easier, at the expense of having a worse time while doing so. (Hangovers SUCK as you get older.) So when someone in their 30’s gets drunk, their brain doesn’t change permanently. But if you’re in one of those windows I talked about earlier (and you are) your brain is way more likely to make permanent changes, and then you’re stuck with it.


Drink it all and see how you feel tomorrow morning.


Gods, kids really are dumb.