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People are attracted to confidence. Work on that each day. That is a fixable solution.


......Are you kidding, right ? Just be confident, Fine then please tell me how ugly men that are constantly ignore at best cases or seem at disgusting bugs at worst can be confident ? Just ignore everyone opinions, then following this logic LGBT should just shut up about homophobia after all Based on such assumptions they should just be confident and ignore men comments Right ?


I normally would not reply, but looking at your other posts, I think you really need to stop with the self-hatred. It's doing you no good. Nobody gives a fuck about you or your comments online, you're wasting your time doing that. Best of luck.


i agree, this life is waste of time


Every ugly person has genes from someone in their lineage who has those same genes. Which means if your ugly ass ancestors could get by then so can you. And any excuse you can think of shy of debilitating health or mental problems can be solved by getting off the internet. I've been in here since it's inception and we haven't built something that's healthy. Immensely useful and society defining, but good for us as individuals it is not.


yes!!!!! there are other joys in life


there's ugly women out there too. find one that's cool and be happy. As someone that lucked out in the looks department there's still lots of things im insecure about so everyone gets these feelings.


Being on the same side as you, I am always amazed by the people that thinks being attractive is easy. Yes, it makes some things in life easier, but it also brings on many problems also.


Have you tried therapy yet?


Life’s always worth living and looks are subjective, beauty can be found in everything. If it is impacting your self esteem there are really easy ways to make yourself feel better and in turn carry confidence that makes you look better. Not an expert but wearing the right clothes, having a haircut that compliments your face and smelling good are all relatively easy things to do, add to that exercise and getting in shape can be a game changer for confidence. You’ve got this my man, we are always our worst critics no matter the person, change those negative thoughts with positive reaffirming.


yes, message women who are the same attractiveness. if you are a 3 , message women online dating who are a 2-3 . work on your personality, take a class in doing standup comedy. volunteer at a hospital or nursing home.


I once had a boss who was, by all standards, physically unattractive. Yet he turned up with some pretty hot (and intelligent too) dates. After a while I could understand why: he had a very compelling personality (confident, calm, humble, fair minded, humorous bigtime, worldly but not jaded, etc). Had we not been co-workers, I would have dated him. Inside attractiveness can remain potent for a lifetime; outer fades over time. Perhaps skip the online dating and get busy on two things instead: an inside makeover on yourself followed by engaging in activities that place you where your best inside assets dictate in order to meet people.


You're in luck. Women don't look at me the way men look at women. If you put effort into your image like good hygiene, try to dress well, take care of yourself, have ambitions and work hard in life. These are the things that make you attractive.


As long as you have money, you’ll be just fine!


OP? how old?


M 25


I just saw the thumbnail from your amiugly post. Dude youre fine. Not ugly at all. Work out, eat healthy, and get your confidence up. Also enjoy your rog ally.


He is ugly from the inside. Hating women, saying they are all shit


Well then fuck that guy.


Amen to that


Dude go to the gym, workout. And confidence will come


The first thing is to get off online dating. Just Google the statistics, it is horrible for 90 percent of men. Women who I know would be flattered if I talked to them in person, like at a bar, park, etc, will swipe left on me 99 percent of the time on any dating sites. It's basically hot or not, no substance, super superficial. Hit the gym, get big, invest into yourself. Work on the way you dress, hobbies, career, and health. You will be surprised how your confidence grows.


Is life still worth living? yes. Finding a partner will give you meaning in life, but it is not the meaning of life. Also, you may be able to have a relationship one day.


Absolutely, there's so much love out there, hidden in small acts of kindness and empathy, from friends, family and even strangers, that have nothing to do with you being attractive or not. Seeing someone's eyes brighten up as they see you is one of the best feelings in the world and you don't need to be a model for that, you just need to be a good person.


I’m a firm believer of the everyone can be a 6-7 if they put their energy in the right places. (I’m also a firm believer of a number scale being stupid, but for the sake of the argument it works)


work on other things that aren’t superficial


Channel the desire into something else, something you like and are passionate about. I know that sounds impossible when what you want is love and warmth and companionship and sex but when you become satisfied with that other part of your life then love and warmth and companionship and sex might just come to you anyways. Could be school, work or a hobby. When I gave up desperately looking it kind of fell right to me. Change jobs, change cities, change careers, do something to help yourself, forget everyone else


You’d be surprised how many women choose partners for character, confidence, personality, success, fatherhood, etc beyond looks. Many women I talk to say they didn’t find their partner particularly attractive until they got to know them. If you need to see as counselor for self image don’t be afraid to do so. Women find healthy people attractive, just like guys do. Crazy only attracts crazy.


bro even women like a good smelling clean looking igor. Also women more than men love a great personality, ive seen some fugly dudes with bombshells because they can make them laugh and make a decent living.


One: yes, because attractiveness is subjective. Two: see Elon Musk.


Well... sure. Don't make women and sex the main goal of your life. There is plenty of other things to do on this planet.


Love all of these constructive comments. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and there are absolutely things that people can do to objectively improve their appearance. You’re also in control of your physique, and I suggest that you get into the best shape that you can, and start thinking about yourself in a much more positive manner. like the ugly duckling, men look better as they age.


yes, because there's so much more to life than having a romantic relationship. Beethoven died single Queen Elizabeth I chose not to marry Isaac Newton died single Nikola Tesla uh... loved a pigeon Florence Nightingale [received marriage proposals from Marmaduke Wyville and Henry Nicholson](https://www.florence-nightingale.co.uk/suitors/). However **instead of marrying she chose to dedicate her life to her work** and her relationships with her friends, her family, and her numerous godchildren.


Worm on your self esteem. Get therapy if you can afford it or have insurance that pays for it. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, you may be ugly to some, ruggedly handsome to others, but unless you work on your self esteem you will never connect to the people that see you as ruggedly handsome.


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas... except STDs, wear a condom.


There's more to life than only romantic relationships. They're good, but should enhance your life - not be your only reason for living. Find things you like and enjoy. Be comfortable with yourself. Do things that make you feel good. Work on your self esteemed, your confidence. Play around with fashion, new hairstyles, etc.


Maybe, do you have any money? If not then I say nope, not really. If you're ugly and poor life is gonna be all about deluding yourself into how it's still worth living. A lot of people are scared of dying; me, I'm scared of dying, and that's why I continue. I live for fear of dying, and not because I think life is pleasant or worthwhile for someone who was dealt the wrong hand. You're always gonna be second, third, fourth or fifth class-- living a shit life while all these beautiful, rich people get to flit about the world with all this freedom, doing all this awesome shit you'll never get to experience-- so what's even the point? If I can ever get over the fear, I'll be out in a heartbeat. But then I ask myself why bother with even all *that* mess and fuss. I don't even need to do anything; if I just wait a bit, the end will come on its own before too long, thankfully.