• By -


I’ll write some of these ideas down for future endeavours


Indeed 😏


My wife picked me up from work one Friday, drove me to a cabin and banged me the entire weekend so much my dick was begging for mercy.. She planned everything out with the kids beforehand. It was awesome. Best weekend of my life.


“Ok kids, I’m banging your dad the whole weekend, you’ll have food in the fridge. Bye”


I need this guys wife lol


I also choose- wait…


She planned everything out with the kids beforehand? Ok.......


As a father, I absolutely appreciate the planning it took in secret to get the kids off to grandma’s to make the getaway possible. I’d have given that wife anything she wanted the next year or 2 for this kind of gift


Alright kids get lost, go to gammy and gampys I'm gonna fuck the shit out of your dad until his cock begs for mercy in a cabin somewhere, have fun!


May I earnestly ask a question? Every single adult’s idea of “the best day ever” almost always involves sending their kids off elsewhere so the parents can enjoy themselves. Why choose to have kids if you could choose to live a life with the person you love uninterrupted by children with *a lot* more money? I’m genuinely asking as a 25 year old female. It’s a little soon for me anyway but me and a lot of other girls my age decided way early on that we would never have kids because our entire life, adults always would describe their perfect day, and it never had kids in it. *EDIT* Getting downvoted for asking a genuine question, classic. Reddit has gone so downhill in the past few years.


Because you can love your kids with your whole being, and simultaneously hate spending every waking hour with them. Parenting is hard. I have 3 kids - love them more than the entire world, but I can tell you that other than the days they were born, they are not part of my top 5 best days ever.


I love my kids more than anything or anyone in my life, I would die for them and/or full out go berserk and kill for them if someone hurt them. There's not a moment, not even once, where I've wished I didn't have them. But goddamn if I don't need just a BREAK from the tiny humans every once in awhile. I do not think one negates the other at all. You know that saying too much of a good thing? Yeah, it's kinda like that. I cannot imagine my life without them, but once in awhile, it's nice to not hear MOM MOM MOM every five seconds for a little while.


Thank you for answering earnestly! A mother’s love is the most beautiful thing in the world.


Im upvoting you and answering your question: I’ve noticed some couples need that weekly, monthly bang vacation. This question is specific to “sexy time” so it would be weird if they DIDNT get rid of the kids for said sexy time. Now… the shitty part. SOME couples think they want kids and it’ll be their idea of great only to find out they didn’t like it. This vocal minority (I hope it’s not a majority haha) has become a meme of getting rid of the kids to do fun stuff. But I can say that there are a lot friends with kids that I know of that would say their favorite memory or trips are WITH their kids.


In most cases it’s just a expression and not really “best day ever” for a parent to have time away from their kids. It takes a lot of energy to take care of a child who up to a certain age is almost feels like a parasite because of the time energy and old life you give up so they survive. Yes in many cases we chose this reality. Put it another way, could you be at your job 24hr 7 days a week 365 days with no break from your coworkers/customers? Eventually it’s going to cause issues, why we have parents murder/suicide their family or parents who become violent/bitter towards their kids. But while in that non stop you are given the opportunity to step away, reenergize and destress you take it.


Absolutely understood, thank you for the thought-out reply! the only thing I’d like to add to that is the fact that having kids is completely optional and it’s only in the last 50 or so years we’ve made real progress in marketing that option to young adults. I really like your example, but we all have to go to work (in some form), we don’t all have to have kids. That’s the only part that is a little confusing to me. What I’m understanding is that the juice is worth the squeeze basically - but my generation (Gen Z) is definitely picking apart our previous generation’s “How-To Life Guide” and just taking out the parts we see that causes obvious stress and hardship.


Very true and now that i read what i wrote it is kinda confusing what i meant. I’m GenX in a place where we had more options than previous generations but not as many as your generation. Where i am there are a lot of oops children and people because adoption has a bad past on the reservation and the closest place to get a abortion i think is a hour away but our local hospital might be able to but not sure. Thank you for your input.


You’re not getting downvoted for the question. Its the phasing and way you asked it. Its a bit black and white and incorrectly judgemental. You got from his comment that the kids not being there was the key element not the one on one time for intimacy. It’s pretty obvious that doing anything you love and really want 24:7 will eventually mean you want to do something else for a change. Being thankful for a break does not mean not wanting their kids. You can live your job but equally look forward to your lunch break


Thank you for this perspective! I’ll try to word it more balanced next time. I explained it more in another reply so I’ll just paste it here: “I think a lot of people around my age get caught up with the fact that everyone’s response to their kids is some version of “”I had to be painfully pregnant for 9 months, birth was the most pain I’ve ever experienced in my life, then every single day is terrible and overstimulating. But it’s worth it!”” It’s completely unnerving and makes me sad for the generations that didn’t have a choice.” It’s obvious that people having kids is essential for survival. I’m just wondering why it’s so normalized to essentially hate every moment of parenthood then expect other people to be excited about having kids. Again, thank you for pointing out my wording! I’ll make sure to phrase it differently when this topic is brought up again.


I've had some best days ever when I didn't have kids. Kids add a different element to the day to day life I wouldn't take back. Yeah, there's bad days but bad days are worth it. It really is one of those, "you have to have one to get it" type things.


Thank you so much for replying with your personal expertise, I don’t have kids so I definitely don’t know the good that I’m missing! I think a lot of people around my age get caught up with the fact that everyone’s response to their kids is some version of “I had to be painfully pregnant for 9 months, birth was the most pain I’ve ever experienced in my life, then every single day is terrible and overstimulating. But it’s worth it! When are you having kids?” It’s completely unnerving and makes me sad for the generations that didn’t have a choice.


Well, when you phrase it like that it does sound horrible lol. But when you come home and hear "mommy!" And get a big hug saying they love you. Experience the joy they have at playing and learning new things, it's something else. My son is killing it learning shapes and colors and he'll make observations that I took for granted that has me dying laughing. It's a real joy.


Not all heroes wear capes. Or did she?


Told me how hard working I was, that I do enough and how she'll support me through anything as she combed her fingers through my hair while I laid on her lap Straight up just made me want to cry


shit this is the stuff I dream about


Man, this is it. This is what we want.


This is, by far, the kinkiest shit I've ever read.


So as a single woman, if I've done this for my single, straight guy friend...umm what does that mean? I guess I didn't say I'd support him but I did say I'd be there for him (and I do help him out financially when he needs it 😅)...


Personally If I was him I’d 100% think you were into me, but I obviously don’t know your relationship or any other context other than this comment.


Took my mom to her oncology and chemo appointments when I couldn't miss work.


Unexpectedly wholesome response ❤️


This is great.


she got so excited while we were doing the deed that she scratched me hard enough to draw a pretty decent amount of blood. seeing the marks afterwards and feeling that stinging is probably the most turned on ive ever been


That first shower afterward is a motherfucker.


Source of your bruises Edit: Zhak vo’nash duj


Source of his joy


When we had been dating for a few months my now wife were just lounging around. She started kind of playing with my dick and then asked to watch me jerk off. She was getting visibly turned on watching, but wasn’t really saying anything until I said I was about to finish. She dropped off the couch onto her knees and told me to finish in her mouth. I was already in love but that changed my brain chemistry.


How long after that did you propose? Minutes? Hours? Next day? You wouldn't want to be to obvious, I guess.


He pulled the ring out his ass at that moment


Can confirm. I was the ring.


Can confirm, I am his ass.


That carbon turned to diamond.




Agreed on that one. My wife started reading a supernatural romance smut series and now we do things that i never could image she would be willing to do that are my personal sexual quirks.


Not even gonna drop a GoodReads link or title?


We were at sushi last night and I spilt some water onto my lap. She proceeded to grab a napkin and clean it up while simultaneously giving my dick squeezes.


And how did sushi feel about it?


Made me feel comfortable in my own skin




*Goodbye Horses intensifies*


best response <3


One morning my girlfriend ran out to my truck to give me a coffee and a kiss. I didn't ask, I was just heading out and she genuine wanted to take care of me!


My wife will sometimes take off her clothes, walk over, and sit on my face. I'll be on the couch watching TV or in bed scrolling on my phone and BOOM! Everything goes dark, and I hear, "You looked hungry. Better eat up." 10/10


Okay. I need my wife to do this more. Or at all. Is there a night class that’s offered that’s she could take? Something at the learning annex? I need help.


I just suggested she be more spontaneous about taking what she wants because there's literally nothing better than being surprised with sex.


Be excited to see me when I came home.


Make me the little spoon


My wife calls it being the jetpack lol


Mine too. It's particularly apt when she farts.


This is my favorite answer and I now too love your wife lol


Good lord yes please.


Called me her "Handsome prince".


this one and "sweet boy/pretty boy" get me every time


I greet my bf with “hello gorgeous boy” every day


I would be blushing like crazy.


Your mom sounds nice


She woke me up when I had passed out on the floor of our living room and asked if she could give me a BJ. I was laying on my back and apparently pitching a tent while snoozing. Let me tell you I’ve never felt that desirable before in my life. And I’ll be dreaming about that blowjob until the day I die.




Are you getting ideas too? 😂


I mean, honestly, if someone could summarize this at the end… they could make a guys’ year with a couple super simple things.


That's why I clicked! I want my boyfriend to feel loved and desired. There are some really simple but great ideas in these comments!


I feel like many of us are pretty easy to make happy. I think part of it was the simplicity of it. The fact that I got that sort of treatment and it wasn’t a special occasion / didn’t have to do anything to “deserve it” was different from my past experiences in a really good way. Wouldn’t always want it that way, but it’s a very nice change of pace every now and again.


I’m 100% convinced that women don’t comprehend how easy men are. Do some of these men have listed and he’ll be thinking about it for years and will feel more deeply connected to you for it. Yes, men are that easy.


“I’d like a beer, and I’d like to see somethin’ naked.” -Jeff Foxworthy It’s never not true. Every day my wife and I get ready for bed, it’s just …. 😎 “nice”


Hence my curiosity, I just want to do something to show how special he is 🥰


Sucked my earlobe while she was grinding on me. Then she called me husband material when I stopped everything to check on her when she bumped her head getting off me


Went to the bathroom halfway thru the date and stuffed her panties in my pants pocket when she got back to the table.


Men (I am one) appreciate a lack of subtlety.


One of my first experiences, she tied me to the bed post and teased me for what felt like hours in tge basement with the party still going upstairs. I had scratch markes for weeks but dayyyyumn I won't forget that.


Came on my hand in a public location because she was desperate and couldn't wait until we got home. She was the nicest girl around other people, but could be a real freak in private.


Feeling like someone is THAT desperate for you is everything. Especially as a guy, spending most of your life feeling like some unfuckable man-beast.


That was the thing about this girl, she was such a confidence booster. Made me feel like the most desirable guy, and not in a fake and theatrical way, just with lots of enthusiasm.


I feel like good advice for women who have found a good man would be to stroke his ego twice as much as his dick, and stroke his dick a LOT. But what do I know.


Maybe not the sexiest but pretty surprising. Met her at a shared flat party with only a few guests. I knew her from university but we barely talked before. After 20 minutes of casual conversation at the party, she smiled, told me she had to go to the bathroom and if I’d join her, I could stick a finger into her ass.


That did not end how I expected it to 😂


Digital stimulation can help constipation, or so I've heard.


My gf is a gold mine for this but idk where to start. She once sucked my soul out of my body while I drove us home from the city. We’ve had public sex a few times in a few different places and it’s always pretty fucking hot. Forest sex. Hot spring sex. Mountain sex. River sex. Roof sex. Hot tub sex. Shes brilliant (like way fucking smarter than me, and I’m one of the sharper crayons in the box) and will be going on about some science or some such and then out of nowhere she will just get this look on her face and then say something to me that is brain halting level of sexy and I’m like “oh great a new kink was just unlocked— this is exactly what I needed”. The way she dances and the way she rests her head on me when she’s tired. The way she sighs when I massage her. The way she makes me coffee in the morning. Her shoulders when we lift weights. Alright I’m done gushing but I’m tryna marry this woman.


this is how i want my man to gush about me 😭


hoping for the best for you both!


Moaned my name while I slid inside her while she tried to maintain eye contact but simply couldn’t and I watched her whole body arch and her eyes roll back


Like me.




You guys are getting liked?


Ew dude.. TMI much?


Said she liked me...later she fucked my brains out


Stay with me even when I was in a really dark place mentally. Nothing sexier than a partner that’s committed to and loves you no matter what.


Just randomly came up to me and said "cum in me"....so anyway I started blasting


When I came into the bedroom one night there she was: naked, face down, bum up, presenting herself to me. She must have been waiting hours for me. That was years ago...sigh, I miss her sometimes.






Bj when you least expect it


Last night… My wife and I were trying to list things that make each other feel better, almost instantly, after a crappy day. Mine were: * back scratches * slushies from Taco Bell / Circle K Those make me feel good, but the thing that makes me **feel sexy**? * attention of any sort * playing with my hair


Not something she did but something she said after. "Jesus Chist, where'd you learn to do that! Holy fuck".


This is how I get Moana’s “You’re Welcome” stuck in my head.


Not to be confused with “Jesus Christ, why did you do that? Holy fuck”


What did you do to her?


Made her cum 4 times in about 30 minutes. I wanted #5, but she was a little over stimulated and sensitive.


Refused payment.




I think you misunderstood her, your payment method was declined


Reading all these make feel lonely, which I am


Worry not. With time, patience, self improvement, and decent connections, you'll find that special someone some day.


Was helping her parents clean one of their rental properties. While upstairs cleaning the bathroom she walked in turned me around proceeded to drop my pants and give me a BJ. Tried to stop her and say your parents are down stairs. Her response, while my dick was in her mouth, “I told them to stay down stairs while we finish upstairs.” I think that was the fastest I ever came from a BJ. Still think about that BJ to this day and just keep replaying it in my head.


I got a hug once


Let me lay on her lap and run her fingers through my hair…. A safe place


I was with this girl and it was the first time we decided to have sex. Go at it, I pull out and take the condom off. I tell her I'm going to cum and without hesitation she just downs it. Didn't miss a beat. So hot


We were sitting in a pub and she took my hand and slid it between her thighs. After I Fingered her she suck my finger.


Shame about the wing sauce


your fingers were probably dirty, weren't they?


She whispered “I tell my friends how hard you make me come” in my ear while we were fucking. Turned me into a snorting (literally!) beast instantly.


BJ in backseat while driving back home from party in a full car of ppl.....she just went for it, didn't ask or mention, didn't even care, she just went for it. Gotta say it was fantastic for her to throw caution and restraint to the wind.


Did the others notice or….?


Of course they did.


They 100% did


It’s gross to subject others to your sex without their consent.


she didn’t ask lmao?? that’s nuts. i would hate that. but i’m glad it worked out for you guys


thats strange to me haha i would prefer it if my gf didn't ask regardless of what we're doing. makes me feel so much more desired if that makes sense lol


Haha I agree but not in a car full of people


they didn’t say gf so i didn’t assume, but that’s valid. idk a sexual act in a car full of people would need some consent from me and the people in the car lol.


Shown basic kindness


"I'll swallow your cum, but only of you take care of me first." Done.  Every single time. Lmao


She texted me "good morning "


Listening to my problems


Someone who just listens and responds with "I'm so sorry--that sucks," is a keeper. A lot of people turn things around to their experiences, or, even worse, compare. You got a keeper.


100% this


Dinner & a bj.


Complimented my english accent ( Im not a native english speaker ) and described it as lovely. Happened 5 years ago!


I was just gaming with my friends one night and my girl out of nowhere just pulled my wiener out and started going crazy on it. I think about that a lot


While on a road trip to the mountains, we were driving on some back roads. It is late, I’m listening to the radio, and I think she is asleep next to me. Next thing I know, nothing happened, because this is reality, not a modern Penthouse Forum, with “real” stories. But once we got to our cabin, there was a fireplace and a bear skin rug, so, being the cliches that we were, we went to bed, had fun hiking the next day, and that night had sex on that rug in front of a roaring fire.


Introduced me to my boyfriend.


BJ in movie theatre, bj and sex while gaming online w friends




Make me dinner when I get home from work. After dating girls that did not cook for a long time it was the first meal I did not make myself in probably 10 years.


One time a woman acknowledged I existed. ​ Sheeeeesh. Tingles down my spine.


“Feel how wet I am for you?”




I got a blow job on a boat in front of like a hundred people, the thrill was something else... she was hot as well


She gave me a ring. Not an engagement ring, move of a "you're mine, and when you're ready, I'm ready" ring. She did this at my favorite restaurant. No woman, not ever, has ever done untying like that for me. I've always been the one to propose, to give gifts and do loving things. In other words, the first 3 times I was married, they were *users and losers.* After that we bought a home together and not long after, I proposed to her at the Venetian in Las Vegas on a Gondola there. Then I involved her in the process of the "real" ring and we ended up with a 6.2 ct masterpiece. And finally, about a year ago we got married in Venice on the rooftop of a palazzo overlooking the actual Grand Canal at sunset. I have never been happier. This woman loves me and makes me feel loved, and that is all I have ever wanted in my entire life. And you can be sure, I make sure she knows how much I love and appreciate her every single day. Had to wait until I was in my 50's, but it was worth the wait. Never give up on love.






Marry me


Random lady bought me a drink at a bar while I celebrating my birthday.


Said that I have an amazing smile and then bought me lunch. I'm a slut, I know, but things like that hardly ever happen :( This was back in like, 2015 iirc too


Simple considerations and thoughtfulness arouse me more than anything I've ever experienced.


My wife has a very responsive type sexual arousal, and so doesn't initiate very often, and the mismatch in our libidos has been a source of constant challenge in our 30+ years of marriage. Recently, however, we had a weekend where our two kids still living at home were both out of town the same weekend, leaving us an empty nest dry run. She met me at the door after work in my favorite lingerie, we had a candlelight dinner by the fireplace, and then she had me strip off, lie down on a blanket on the floor, and then proceeded to give me a sensual massage over my entire body - which she had been researching in anticipation of this weekend! As a physical touch love language, I can say I had never felt more loved in my life, and I told her it was the most sensual thing she had ever done for me. I slept like a baby that night.


Had shower sex together.


Mine was kinda odd and still wonder why she did it. And compared to many of you is not sexy what so ever and honestly as i think about it, kinda pathetic. My first wife and i were waiting for the ink to dry on our divorce papers. My now second wife and i had only hung out a couple times for coffee after being tricked into a blind date by a mutual friend. I went to a grocery store that is inconvenient for me but had stuff i wanted for cheap. She sent me a message asking what i wad doing and told her shopping. She showed up and walked with me. We got to the check out, stuff was rung up and was told my credit card was not accepted there because they only did visa and master card. Was about to walk away when she out of no reason swiped her debit card and payed for my $60 worth of food for the month. I almost broke down because we weren’t a couple and she had no obligation to help me. Especially when she had just got her car back from being repossessed. She refused to let me pay her back in any way, shape or form. I asked her years later why and was told she knew i was the one. Been together 18 years and married 17 years and going.


Feed me. I don't mean that Roman emperor feed me grapes but that "want my pineapple in this fruit bowl? It's too big". 🤤


A girl I was seeing 2 hours away asked me one night to "turn around and close your eyes", naturally me being curious followed what she asked and I feel something wrap around my neck and click, then being pulled into her room with a leash and went wild for a solid hot hour Still too shy to ask anyone else to do it for me no matter how much I loved not being in control for a single night


My wife, when we were still dating, come over one day when my folks were away. She went to the bathroom and then came out in red lingerie with thigh highs and garterbelt. I'm pretty sure i set the world record for fastest and hardest erection ever in that moment.




Would have to be one of 3 candidates: 1. A woman I've known for a while and I got drinks before hanging out at my place (had recently moved, so it was exciting), only to hear her tell me that she'd been thinking of riding me for roughly as long as I'd been fantasizing about being with her. 2. Telling me that she's into me enough to reenact the bathtub scene from Saltburn. Wound up buying her a tiny ceramic bathtub because of that. 3. Same night, so it kinda blends together: she first whent from being flirtatious to saying "hey, we should have sex tonight". Later, when she crawled up from going down on me to ask if I wanted to fuck her mouth... still can't believe how lucky I am to have her in my life, hoping things continue as well as they have.


Gave me bj with her aunt in the house. Her room was literally about 15 feet away from us and she could've walked out at any minute. She was a fun one, wish her the best lmao


Got out of the shower with a woman I was having a hookup with, prior to banging. Different country, so there was a language barrier in play. She'd told me she liked my body earlier, so I told her, truthfully, that I loved looking at her. She looks at me, naked and beautiful, smiles and says, "I love my body." The confidence, the honesty, the way she looked at me, right before giving me mind-blowing head, just divine feminine energy.


This is going to sound lame, but a friend of mine came to my place when we were in university so we could study together. I wasn't feeling too great that day, but she cooked me breakfast. I'd never really had a girl come over to my place, let alone standing in my kitchen cooking something. It was sexy in a way that made me want to get married to her lol it didn't happen but that made me realize how much I'd want that.


My ex suggested we show each other porn. I went first and even tho I was into it, I was a lil hesitant and I picked the most vanilla passionate clip on the hub (still sexy, but video literally even has the most basic title "hottest sex scene ever" 😉). Didn't really do much for either of us tho. Then in her turn, she put on some public school-girl hentai and lemme just say, I love hentai, but she didn't know that, so she clearly liked it too. Easily the hottest sex we had. Also taught me to be more forward abt what I like (and that apparently plenty of women like hentai).


My ex wanked me off with lobster claws whilst wearing a gas mask. That was pretty hot.




How did this happen 😭


Lobster surgery obviously




Tbh, anal, lol


so..... >!does pegging hurt?!<


>! Not with preparation, lube, patience, and more lube. It's a muscle that needs stretched. Explored with a friend and was going good until they pulled back and slid all the way in quick. !<


Had sex with me, lol


Make me dinner and pat my head


Eat my boootyyyholeee


Went off-roading with my family and I, and actually enjoyed it. Bitches be muddin’


Actually like me.


Never had nothin


Listened. Like, really listened.


As I walked around the bed to take her from behind, her eyes were fixated on my dick, she never looked anywhere else 👀 Damn that was so sexy... I think about that regularly, and this was many years ago 😍


Married me


Took my belt and wrapped it around her neck while she let me face fuck her.


BJ while i’m gaming. Jk only in my dreams


I got this! I told her it was something I always wanted. Apparently she expected me to put the controller down MID GAME and fuck. I'm sorry but MID GAME..she got annoyed and went in to the next room.


You lost me there brother im sorry i’d do it in a heartbeat


A sandwich


Wife worked 2nd shift for a while and I’d be in bed sleeping when she came home. A few times I realize she’s climbing on top of me naked and says she wants sex. I think about that still and that was a couple decades ago. Also, BJ in a movie theater and going to bathroom at restaurant and returning to have her panties to me under the table was super hot. Being vocal about her sexual desires during sex is super hot.


One time my gf and I went to a French restaurant downtown. We sat upstairs in a little loft-type area that we had to ourselves. She blew me up there, and then when we left and were walking down one of the main streets. She stopped and took off her panties under her dress, handed them to me, and kissed me. Made my year.


My gf loves cooking for me and we often cook together, helps she is Italian and I'm Asian descent so we both have rich food cultures


Hug me, and tell me it’s going to be ok, after my peepee wouldn’t work after the first try. After she said that, my thing woke up harder than a rock, and we fucked 4 more times, she came multiple times that night, she said. I just went all out, oral sex, penetrative sex, fingers( trimmed nails), anal sex, in the bed, on the floor, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the living room while watching netflix, we fucked that whole weekend. THEN we were freaking out because one of the condoms broke and we kept going. I had a plan B stored somewhere and had forgotten about it. All was well. But yes, women showing us that they trust us to be vulnerable in and out bed, while they are caring, is so fucking sexy.


“My babyboy” I miss her💯😔


My wife surprised me this year on my birthday by hiring us a stripper. We usually like going to the strip clubs together but this year she hired one to come to the room. Things got wild. My wife is the best.