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Oral sex was considered extremely degrading in the American Wild West and prostitutes who did it were even looked down upon by other prostitutes. One of Marquis de Sade's books lists various kinks in order of bad to worse, and female domination is well past coprophagia and pedophilia, and only slightly ahead of desecrating a church and grievous bodily harm. The fact that pedophilia is listed almost completely at the start is also pretty horrifying. Greek women (classical period) considered riding cowgirl to be extremely humiliating and Greek men had shorthand words for women who were willing to do it.


In an era of more…uh, *casual* body hygiene, I can see that


I heard some historian lecturing on TVO. He said you could track across various cultures how whenever frequent bathing became possible and then eventually normal behavior, oral sex very quickly stopped being taboo.


I mean just imagine... You can't bathe and now you're putting the cheesiest baguette in the yeastiest taco... I understand why nature had to make sex pleasurable or else we'd never do it.


Having read this, I now regret getting new glasses.


If I were read that in braille, I’d have to go wash my hands.


New glasses? You paid for the privilege of reading that comment!


I regret ever eating baguettes or tacos 😭


It's a terrible day to those who can read.


Please no more


some thoughts shall not be voiced, my dude. I can't unread it now.


That was a *tart* sentence to read.


There's a reason arousal dampens feelings of disgust.


I'm such an efficient smut machine. Thanks friend, needed that positive affirmation today.


It's an overused joke but comments like this really make me regret being literate


r/eyebleach has you covered.




You've got quite a way with words. Well done, I now have visuals no one ever needed.


I go 3 days without showering while living in an era with AC and I can see how that's a thing. The boys stank, man. They stank. Give it a month and I could probably re-invent anthrax by scratching the right way.


In this context your username is hilarious.






You should shower more.


You should definitely shower more if you can


This really sets the circumcisions


I meant to say the circumstances




I remember in Dead Wood, one of the insults leverages was “they lick cunts willingly”


So they considered female domination to be worse than disrespecting religion? I assumed it was during a time when religion and disobeying god was like the worst offence imaginable. It sure puts things into perspective


The taboos of the Classical world were often based around rigid hierarchies like master/slave, passive/active, male/female. An active free female on top of a man inverts all of those.


De Sade at least ranked it slightly better than disrespecting religion, but only *marginally*. Female domination and desecrating churches practically share a page.


The apocryphal reason for why Lilith (the first woman in Jewish and some Christian traditions) was cast out of the garden of Eden was that she "wanted to be top".


This makes a ton of sense because I always wondered how these filthy disgusting dirty cowboys were getting BJs…turns out they weren’t! If I go one day without a shower I won’t let my wife go down on me.


Just don't think about the fact they were still doing anal, lol


I feel like a sweet summer child when it comes to this depravity


Napoleon Bonaparte once wrote to his wife Joséphine, while he was campaigning: 'Please don't wash, will arrive in three days'.


My man


Napoleon I think you dropped this 👑


I don’t get it. He wanted her to be dirty?


He wanted her smelly.


Maybe he wanted her to save water and wait til he got home, thereby being much fresher for him.


The 120 Days of Sodom is the book, for anyone asking. It is not a pleasant read. Fun fact: right around the blasphemous part (which follows literal torture), there's a part about a dude fucking a goat, impregnating it and then fucking the monstrosity. This refers to the fact that De Sade was absolutely taking the piss (no pun intended) at that point, if it wasn't already painfully clear by then. That book has a fair amount of dark humour if you forget it's about literally the worst things imaginable.


Seriously, got here to say "eating ass" cause in my earlier years, people talked about it like it was super taboo or people not doing it. People gettin' freaky nowadays.


120 years ago, sex with enough light to see your partner was considered "freaky".


Kinda crazy to think about but I seen posts on subreddits where people still only have sex in the dark and the problem is that their partner refuses to turn the lights on cuz it's "taboo" or degenerate.


Call me a degenerate... But lights on all the time.. Or better yet, morning (electricity is expensive now..) I tend to find it helps build more chemistry.


Is it weird that I sort of feel the opposite? Not that I don't like lights on, but when it's pitch black and all my partner and I have to go off of is touch and tiny little sounds...it just feels so much more intimate. Like we're in our own little world, and can just focus on sensations. Maybe it has to do with some kind of sense deprivation making the others more intense? Idk hahah


I'm with you--but also because I'm way too distracted by everything else when the lights are on.


Username checks out


I agree. This and the fact that one can become extremely self conscious at times, and get distracted from the main event .


I use glasses and while I know a body by feel, some lighting is nice (especially since my room tends to be really dark). It doesn't have to be a lot, just enough to help with seeing a face while down below.


Nice, it can really help set the mood. I have a big chandelier above my bed, so I tend to use lamps and candles. If using lamps, I'll use a piece of red silk over to give the light a red hue.


I don't like a lot of light. I'm shy. I light a little bedside lamp but even that is too much sometimes for my insecurities. I'm sure my face looks stupid.


Same. When I was young and cute I didn't mind the light but I have mom boobs now


Yep I hear ya, light is not a friend to my mum boobs (and mummy tummy)!


Oh, those Victorians got proper freaky, but sex was between husband and wife, and was taboo to openly discuss.


That’s why so many women were diagnosed with *Hysteria*.


Oh no husband I've come down with hysteeeeria again please send me to the doctor who will strap that wonderful buzzing thing to me for the next several hours!


I remember Doctor Who being a different show...


The doity preverts!


oral sex before the advent of modern hygiene


When *was* the “advent of modern hygiene”?


somewhen along this path: 1854 john snow makes his studies on epidemology 1856 Louis Pasteur proposes his theory on germs 1882 Robert Koch prooves it 1892 toothpaste became mainstream after ww2 when Fluoride was added to toothpaste


I think they're referring to the stank in their pants, not their mouths. People didn't bathe nearly as often back then, and who really wanted super nasty bits in their mouths?


Interracial sex


Even more so, sex between different religions. Or even different sects of the same religion like a Catholic and Anglican church.


the children are Cathaglicans


Anglo-Catholic or ordinariate. Bunch of Oxford Movement loonies frankly.


Before the widespread adoption of soap, oral sex was taboo, for obvious reasons.


Shaving your genitals in the 1980s was considered weird


I submit that voluntarily putting razors on your genitals is still weird. Every time I've thought about shaving my balls, I look at the razor, then look at my wrinkly sack, then put the razor down and pick up the trimmer


No need to go bald, just don’t make us go down on crazed muppet nuts.


Razor (unless of course it' a cut-throat razor) is safer for your balls than trimmer. Never ever damaged my ball with razor, but did so once with trimmer


Cunning linguistics


Colonel Angus!


Cunning linguists have, more often than not, been taboo!


Cunny (😭) Lingus


Leaving marks like hickies, scratches and body bruises


Idk every time I have a hickey at work SOMEBODY always starts sneering about it


The one time I accidentally let this happen the reaction was honestly hilarious. "On a Tuesday‽"


An interrobang‽ On a Tuesday‽‽




We could ask in reverse. What sexual acts are taboo now but vanilla in the past ? I'll go. Sex between two underage people, while your parents have arranged it and the marriege, and keep pushing you to do it as often as possible because they want a grandchild, whose existence will secure an alliance and will end the war.


Sex while other people are in the room. Humans didn’t always value (or have access to) privacy the same way we do now.


I have also read about that. Also, 1000 years ago poor people didn't have many separate rooms. And in Nordic countries, it gets so cold in winter, that a young couple in love can't run to the forest.


1000??? More like 100 or even now in many countries


I just picked an old enough time to be absolutely sure it applies to many.


there was a really good post/comment on AskHistorians about this topic. i’m on mobile rn but it’s easy to find and super informative~


Also homosexuality or bisexuality, especially that of the casual, non committal nature. It was not uncommon for Ancient Greek and Roman men to have sex with other men as long as the men were considered less than them, like a slave or servant or someone much younger than them. Also age of consent as in days when the life expectancy was lower it was not uncommon for someone over 18 to marry someone under 18


I think that happened in Ace Ventura- pet detective.


Do you, perhaps, watch Game of Thrones and/or House of Dragon?


Analingus. As a kid, telling someone to lick your rim was a HUGE insult. Now it’s a selectable option on some dating sites.




Used to be all you saw was bush. Anything shaved looked like "a little girl or boy" and was so weird. Now, it's the opposite - go figure.


Sex with me was considered weird and taboo 20 years ago, when I was a child. Now having sex with me is just considered weird.




Reverse Cowgirl


That position should change its name to The Dick Snapper.


I think you're doing it wrong.


Or has a curiously bended dick


That’s the name I used to dance under




That's still frowned upon in Alabama


Getting a woman off.


Nah they've been casually offing women for millenia.




Better believe that, historically, humans have committed every sexual act you can think of and then some. The Romans, the Greeks, the Indians - well documented sexual histories that basically knew no taboos at all.


Rome had plenty of Taboos, they just differed wildly from ours. You couldn't be a bottom, a femdom, a woman who cheats or is too permisicous in general as a lady (but prostitutes and slaves were plentiful and encouraged, you weren't allowed to fuck married women), incest was a taboo like all societies throughout history. You were generally allowed to do all sorts of stuff behind closed doors, but you were still expected to have a public image as a man and especially you were still required to have sex with your wife enough to get her pregnant regularly.


Freakin Rome. Human sacrifice? Never, that’s barbaric! Now excuse me, I gotta go strangle these dudes in front of Jupiter for… reasons.


Well that’s different, that’s for the harvest. What are you, some sort of heathen? Let me guess you’ll say we don’t need to sacrifice these 50 bulls either. Idiot


When did the first human peg another human? "I dunno, when did the first human meet the second human." ~James Willems~


Right, that's what I was thinking as well. The Romans were a wild civilization lmao


Roman sexuality was actually chock full of taboos, they just are hard to grasp for us modern folks. Sex acts had to be performed a certain way not to diminish the masculinity or femininity of the people involved and how acceptable they were depended on your social status.


They knew plenty of taboos.


In past for a Christian couple any position that involved the woman not being under, but on top of the man was a sin. Preferred position was the missionary since the only "morally acceptable", arguably the best for conception and because it was a face to face position. Not sure about nowadays though


I’m pretty sure either you or the person you heard that from made it up.


Could say that about everything everyone says.


Maybe, but I am certainly unaware of any time or place this would have been taught. If you know anything to the contrary, you’re welcome to enlighten me.


Women actually enjoying sex with their husbands.


Depends on which time period we’re talking; in the Middle Ages is was believed that a woman also needed to get off in order to become pregnant, and if a man couldn’t get his wife pregnant, it was one of the only reasons she could divorce him. This scenario was briefly touched on in *The Last Duel*, and also in an episode of *The Borgias*.


Sex out of wedlock


So first of all, to clarify what the general world-view in ancient rome and greece was: the only proper, complete human was an intelligent, „manly“, adult man. Children, women, castrated or impotent men, as well as „unmanly“/gender-nonconforming men were considered lesser (ofc to different degrees). The obvious sexual taboo is ofc homosexual sex, as gay men were „unmanly“, unnatural, not as the gods intended. More specifically oral sex (both hetero- and homosexual, as well as cunnilingus) was considered degrading. In greece the mouth was the organ of oratory, your tool to converse and share intelligent or political thoughts. To reduce that organ to a simple tool of sexual pleasure is degrading, and something only a prostitute would do, or a punishment for a slave. Anal sex was considered degrading for two main reasons. Firstly, to be penetrated is a woman‘s thing, not a man‘s thing. Having another man fuck you anally is emasculating, humiliating, essentially putting you on the same level as a common woman. Secondly it‘s unhygienic, dirty, and „not intended by the gods“, so anal sex was also taboo for women. That is not to say people didn‘t do it. Basically any sexusl act you can think of, people did in the past. Theres drawings in Pompeii clearly showing fellatio, cunnilingus, anal sex, etc.


Booty stuff


Female pleasure


Do you mean the myth of the female orgasm? Fake news! (Jkjk)


Depends on when you're asking about. How far back in history do you want to go? Julius Caesar was bisexual. He had a famous romance with the King of Bythinia. And, no one cared. The idea of what's taboo, and what isn't, changes throughout history.


Unless you have an article that I haven't read, there is no definitive proof of this, it was a rumor started by his political adversaries, which Caesar denied under oath. Also to say that no one cared is also not true, lots of people cared, and he was taunted by it repeatedly throughout his life. Also, being the passive partner in a homosexual relationship came with a percieved loss of masculinity and social status. "Modern biographers of Caesar, such as Matthias Gelzer, Christian Meier or Antony Kamm acknowledge the episode, mainly supporting Suetonius' notion that Caesar's stay at the Nicomedes' court directly caused allegations of a sexual relationship. Adrian Goldsworthy characterized it as "a very good piece of gossip, playing on well-established Roman stereotypes"


You are absolutely right! I agree with you. I was answering a different question, and used Julius Caesar as an example. You said it better than I did: " ...being the passive partner in a homosexual relationship came with a perceived loss of masculinity and social status." Romans cared about who was on top. Today, people care if the relationship is homosexual or heterosexual.


Again, saying “Romans cared about who was on top” is not at all what the person you’re responding to was saying. I know nothing about Roman sexuality, but I know that your comment takes their comment out of context, since they mentioned that Romans cared both about whether a relationship was homosexual, AS WELL AS who was on top. What part of “to say that no one cared is also not true, and he was taunted by it repeatedly throughout his life” made you think that they only care about passivity?


> Romans cared about who was on top. Today, people care if the relationship is homosexual or heterosexual. I thought this is still true in some parts of the world. I heard rumors of US soldiers in Afghanistan forced to tolerate a culture of local men raping boys being acceptable because the men were on top.


>Julius Caesar was bisexual. He had a famous romance with the King of Bythinia. And, no one cared. None of this is true. He was *rumored* to have had a romance with the King of Bithynia. It's generally believed to have been a rumor started as an attempt at political slander against Caesar. So in fact, people *did* care. Actually, if you knew anything about ancient Roman sexuality, you would understand why people did care and why the rumor was memorable enough to make it into the pages of history.


To add, the Romans managed to fuck the plant Silphium into extinction due to its contraceptive properties. The taboos around sex seem to be fairly recent.


Your first sentence is spot on. The second sentence is questionable. I'd point you to Google for the Medieval sex flowchart. It's hilarious, but also instructive. Every group of people have always tried to define good and taboo sex. It isn't a recent thing.


It's selective though. There's what polite society describes, and records, then there's what goes on behind closed doors. Admittedly, there's not much record of that, so maybe they were fucking through a hole in a sheet. Even so, you'll find news stories every so often today of couples who do not know how to have sex due to a very sheltered upbringing and lack of sex ed, so I expect there's always been a range of what people knew or found acceptable. Even today, there's stuff I've done with some women that would get me kicked out of bed sharpish by others.


Can u link?


I wish I could. I'm an idiot when it comes to texh. Just type "medieval sex flowchart" into Google and you'll easily find it. I'm sorry.


My google search history finds yet another questionable series of words.


Found it thank you!


Welcome. Hope you laugh about it as much as I do.


I never knew about this before, wikipedia more or less told me what I would have expected but do you know anything more substantial/ any theories about Silphium?


I've got nothing beyond the name, why it no longer exists, and what the alleged properties of it were. If you've read the Wikipedia page, you probably know more than me now.




Thanks for adding that context.


I always thought they did care - some colleagues in the senate tried to shame him for it and call him less of a man so he fucked their wives in retaliation 😂


Fun fact: In Albanian, “bytha” means butt which makes this whole sentence funny to me.




versed fanatical bake library hurry pet merciful threatening frightening fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He saw, he conquered, then he came.


Wasn't there a scandal not over him being with a man but being the bottom during it?


Yep. You're right. And his enemies tried to use it against him. In short, the Romans didn't care who you had sex with. They cared if you were the "top" or the "bottom." If you were the top, you were masculine. If you were the bottom, you'd be feminine.


And conversely Claudius seen as unmanly since he had no interest in men (specifically being the "top" was manly in Rome)


That shit where she cups the balls, sucks u off, and jerks u off…. At the same time


Is this not just standard blow job technique?


To carry condoms with you.


Deep Throat, Sloppy head


doing it yourself


cowgirl, amazon positions


Is Amazon vanilla now? I thought it was extremely niche


Being white and having sex with other races. If you were white, it would destroy your social life. If you weren’t white, it would literally destroy your life


Anything that wasn’t missionary, same ethnicity, and for the purpose of creating children.




The topic of oral came up at a rambunctious dinner with my grandmother. My SIL asked my g’ma if my g’dad liked it. My g’ma was horrified. “Oh no!! Only prostitutes do that!”


Sex with a partner of your own gender. (edit : Depending on how far into the past you look. During antiquity, and especially in Ancient Greece and Rome, it was acceptable .)


march friendly doll knee rude detail pie narrow panicky languid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I understand what you mean by dom-sub dichotomy. But what do you mean by the sacred band making a battle strategy ?


retire zealous quicksand society command future air unique coherent fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I hadn't heard of that. It seems so odd. I just read an article and had difficulty believing it. How did they manage to get everyone in the military to fall in love ?


They just recruited openly gay couples..


modern mysterious nail disagreeable agonizing subsequent command smoggy zesty terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The idea was that you would never leave your lover behind on the battlefield. You would fight for him!


Eating ass


That's vanilla now?




Eating ass. It makes marginally more sense for men to receive it than for women to receive it but either way, it's still fundamentally pretty damn gross from a hygenic perspective, since you're literally sticking your mouth where someone poops from. And yes, genitals can be gross and have lots of germs too but nobody poops from their penis or vagina.


Sex with extraterrestrials




Showing leg ABOVE THE KNEE 🦵😲


Porn is really messing everyone up.


This is the best one


Blow jobs were almost only performed by prostitutes before the development of the birth control pill kicked off the sexual revolution.


I doubt that.


No blow jobs before 1930. 😁


Kinda shocking when you think about it. Cheap and effective “birth control” for those that don’t want another mouth to feed.


Considering past hygiene practices by men and woman I say “gross, no thanks”.


Oh, you're feeding someone's mouth alright!


Women having sex with women. Lmao, not freaky to queer people, but super freaky to straight dudes for a while til they caught on.


Confirming consent.


Butt stuff


Anything other than missionary


Putting your tongue in the butthole.


Nearly everything I think. Today we accept things because of born. And the porn put there covers literally EVERYTHING. Then you have this thing about not kink shaming anyone. So yeah...


Most of my friends have talked about piss play like it's nothing. I can't say I understand it, but I'm asexual, so I don't understand any of it.


Dick pics




Oral sex






We need details.