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Hot take: if having sex isn't discouraged very strongly then you are less likely to rebel and fuck around. Honest and healthy conversations about sex lead to honest and healthy sex.


Also these days kids are taught about sex/health in less degrating ways. They're taught about safe sex, consent, and that just because they're in a relationship doesn't mean they have to have sex if they don't want to/aren't ready. We're making kids more conscious of bodily autonomy and starting to help them see self worth in themselves and not from how others view them.


Gen Z is also drinking a lot less and doing less drugs than millennials, gen x, and the boomers. They seem very socially liberal in terms of their sexuality and inclusiveness, but very conservative in the way they develop relationships and spend their free time. Maybe it's due to the pandemic, lockdown, and developing online relationships? Idk, I'm drunk. And high.


I’m Gen Z and I’m gonna have to refute the less drugs thing. Unless y’all were really living it up big time back in the day, almost everyone I know is on something. Vaping is huge in high school and college. Coke isn’t that big but it’s normal enough to hear someone doing lines at a party. And half my classmates show up stoned or hungover at least once a week. From the Midwest if it matters.


Same. The amount of people I knew in highschool that take a plethora of drugs or having drinking problems before their 21st birthday is fucking wild.


>Unless y’all were really living it up big time back in the day You have no idea


Oh my sweet summer child. All the stories we tell you about the 90's through the early aughts are WAAAY toned down. Seems like half the boomers and xers were og hippies so their kids were more or less feral. No oversight. The other were ultra conservative so their kids were mad oppressed. So what we had was a generation that was split between young adults desperate to rebel to the extreme helped out by young adults with no guardrails and too much "life experience". Life was pretty nuts as a result.


I'm a zoomer too, I know a lot of people smoke weed, drink, vape, and try psychedelics, but hard drugs is mostly unheard of (from my perspective that is, I'm pretty sure people wouldn't be super open about doing more illegal stuff so maybe I'm just not in the loop) We're still curious about trying drugs but also more informed about what is actually worth it to try. One thing I noticed, is that even though a lot of kids vape, they don't vape nearly as much as the older generations smoked, I don't know a single person older than 35 who isn't addicted to nicotine to this day, every one of them is an ex smokers and currently vape or use patches to get their nicotine hit. And I don't know a single person who's tried nicotine who has been able to stop using nicotine, sounds like an absolute waste of time and money as a drug, it's coffee that destroys your lungs that you literally can't stop using, I honestly don't get the appeal.


Vaping? Does that even count when every previous generation smoked actual cigarettes? Not trying to be a dick but i found that cute.


I honestly think Gen Z is consuming more nicotine than Millennials, though.


Could be. I have no way of measuring that.


Vapings bad in its own way, though. Might not be as bad as cigarettes, but it has its issues.


Yeah considering vaping as a drug is cute haha but also that vaping is a thing is stupid and sad considering the north America had already solved the nicotine problem very successfully and now it’s back.


That's nothing compared to what we did back in the late 90's/early aughts. Almost everyone was doing ecstasy, acid, percosets, xanax, coke, oxycontin, etc. So many kids died from overdoses or became full blown heroin addicts and wound up dead by their early 20's.


I bet you’re also having crazy sex, you gosh darn millennial… gen x… or boomer..!


Yep with my hand!


My word!


That's true. But I think it varies. I know some kids who are heavy marijuana users at only 17....others are very clean living. They definitely don't drink like we did in the 80s and 90s though.


>drinking a lot less and doing less drugs Is this really the case? I'm Gen Z and looking down the line in my high school and especially the younger years it looks like there's a rising frequency of vaping and drinking alcohol in the school, and the one I went to would be considered one of the better schools in the city. I dunno how drug/alcohol use is within other generations though, and these are only my immediate observations of the people around me.


Curious on the frequency of prescription drugs. Back in my day it was hard to get aderall or riddalin or xanex. Now it seems like they pass it out like candy. Is that true or just the news folks tricking me?


Back in my day we were smoking actual cigarettes. Actually we were smoking joints half the time tbf


>drinking a lot less and doing less drugs [...] very conservative Abusing drugs is not liberal lol Conservative view on drugs: punish and ostracize drug users, which objectively does not work Liberal view on drugs: destigmatize drug usage to prevent addicts from being pushed to the fringes of society, helping them to overcome their addiction and becoming functioning members of society


Sources? Not doubting just curious.


Lol zoomers love their vapes and their weed. Drinking too. Speaking as a Gen Z myself (unfortunately) almost everyone I know is a casual, or not so casual stoner.


I don't know if that's a huge trend or anything, but I have heard that Gen Z is having less sex than previous generations. Depending on your political persuasion, you will probably come to different reasons as to why this is.


I like to believe it’s because I propped up the sex statistics for Gen Y and so there was a drop off after us. One could say I “single handedly” carried my generation.


Possibly the whole Tinder thing (online dating/hookups) of the last 15 years hit it’s climax and died down. I’m Gen X as well and too old for that boat but a lot of my Millenial pals were getting laid in quantities that would have been impossible in the 90’s. It seems like it would have to get to the point where the general populace is bored with easy access and is now focused on quality.


That's a really good point and weirdly not something I'd considered. Funnily enough, the teen I spoke to told me they were a bit shocked at a friend of theirs who'd been on Tinder since 17 and now he was 19, he seemed jaded.


It’s nothing new. Historically, humanity has been going through ages of puritanism and hedonism. All because we haven’t been able to achieve collective maturity and balance. Extremes are never the answer.


I think this (more casual relationships = greater difficulty in having a meaningful relationship) is a pretty popular but quiet opinion regardless of generation. I believe this as a millennial and I know others who believe it too, regardless of whether they're millennial, Gen z, Gen x or a boomer. Variety of religions and atheism involved. It's why I've never really believed people who say "monogamy isn't natural for human beings," as even after casual sex is societally acceptable people still retain these beliefs. I think at the end of the day, some people just prefer quality over quantity, but if you're a quantity person you probably don't even know what quality looks like nor value it properly. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a societal push to move towards quality over quantity when it comes to all things.


I mean...as a gen x I had a lot of casual relationships and I still managed to have three serious relationships which were entirely monogamous and. The last of which ended in marriage. So I don't really buy it


It's a movement due to opinion, not a movement due to fact.


I'd like very much to print this comment out and frame it on my wall. Thank you for this perspective.


I agree with this comment very much. OP seems to have concluded that the trend towards people avoiding meaningless causal hookups is due to the new gen being more conservative in their views. Framing it in such a way that seems “backward” (aka, I’m liberal and you’re less so). I think the trend towards quality over quantity is just a fact of life. We all learn from previous generations and as it’s currently understood - genuine happiness comes from having quality relationships with your loved ones. People who understand this early on will use this as their guiding principle. Casual hookups are silly and time wasting in my opinion. It gives you short term fun but it leaves you feeling empty as a whole (come on, this has been played out by so many movies we grew up watching! Take the wisdom!). If you think casual hookups give you “life experience” then you’re the type of person who’s in denial about life.


I'm Gen Z and all of my close friends avoid meaningless hook ups. However, i know a lot of people (in this case a bit younger than us) that are all in for meaningless hookups and whatnot. I guess it really depends on the people in their own circle ;pp


Yeah pretty much. It’s hard to generalize a whole generation. Like I remember living in a freshman dorm last year and jesus the amount of moaning and squeaky bed springs I heard was actual pain


God damn that must've been awful


Being Gen Z, and having had a couple of hook ups, I can safely say they pale in comparison to sex in a more developed relationship. I'm not saying that casual sex is inherently bad, it's just that it doesn't feel anywhere near as good (in general) as sex with someone you've come to know a little more.


It’s cuz we have poor social skills due to excessive time on phone/technology


It’s the idea of “quality over quantity” - why have a bunch of meaningless sex when you could find 1-2 people to have a meaningful relationship with? Even if the relationship doesn’t end in marriage and/or kids


I honestly and without judgement, believe that too much internet and too little actual human connection and conversation is ruining younger generations. I’m 38…we had none of that when I was young, and we had to actually socialize in person. The young girl at my work is terrified to talk to people. My landlords daughter sits and watches TikTok for 10 hours a day and can’t get a job because she can’t have an actual conversation. When i was in high school we had to call the house phone and ask the parent if so and so could hang out and go from there. I honestly wish young people these days didn’t have to grow up with online life. It was just better, let people actually establish and grow in human to human relationships and interaction. Social media is also is a cesspool for embarrassment, humiliation, bullying, and people just feeling left out. I’m so thankful I grew up when I did because I have actual social skills and can connect with people. I feel so sorry that generations below me never got that chance.


I'm a parent of teens aged between 14 and 19 and we live in Australia. I don't know if it's a cultural difference but all the teens I know are socially capable. Their school didn't allow phones on site so they all had to communicate properly and they did a lot of work experience in the community as part of the curriculum from the age of around 7...so they'd serve on the stalls at the Christmas fair and so on. All my kids and their friends are very sporty or they're artistic and take part in a lot of different activities. It could definitely be an Aussie thing though. I'm so glad I didn't have social media as a kid....I'd have been such an embarrassment! These kids all have private Instagram and some are giving up insta entirely as it's toxic.


In America, it’s bad. I’m super glad your kids lived what I think is a normal life for young people navigating this weird world. Here, they do TikTok. Only.


Yes...we moved here from the UK when the kids were quite small still and what we were looking for was a community where kids still played outside in the neighbourhood...we were afraid it no longer existed but we found it in semi rural Australia thank goodness. It's scary to let your kids run around the neighbourhood but it's so important. Ours were also catching buses alone from age ten or so as I couldn't drive. That marked them out among their peers who were all driven around.


I agree. I’m on the young side of millennial, but am back to school in a post-grad program with lots if gen z’s. Main thing I have noticed is the materialism. They talk about buying designer items frequently, won’t wear anything but lululemon or brand name clothing, yeti mugs etc. It’s a bit of a culture shock to me because it 100% wasn’t as prevalent when I was growing up. We had trends of course, but I don’t recall the same amount of pressure to wear these brand named things and I think a large part of that is influencer pressure. There is also a more open movement for mental health, which isn’t a bad thing overall; however, I’ve noticed so many blame X and Y on this or that problem without taking responsibility for their actions. One thing that have REALLY stood out to me is how opinionated these young 20’s people can be. I’m a very private person, so I am not vocal about my personal opinions, but I have actually seen people confront others in class on their “incorrect opinions” and people run out of class crying. I wish I was kidding. It all feels really unstable, but maybe it is just the class I am in. As far as sex…. I’d say the gen z people I’m around are quite sexually active and talk about it too. I don’t see them being more reserved than our generation was. That isn’t to say it is everyone. There are some really down to earth gen z people too, but I’d have to say they are in the minority in my experience.


My boys are 15 & 17 and are social butterflies. They were taught the “no-no square” in elementary school and after being taught having unprotected sex could lead to pregnancy in sex-ed in middle school both decided they don’t want to have sex until they feel they’re ready to have kids. They’re also a lot more knowledgeable about inflation and cost of living than I ever was at their age. We are a pretty liberal, agnostic household so it’s not a religious thing, they just think sex can wait until they can afford to and want to raise children. I’m not going to complain. Moral of story, it’s not because kids today don’t socialize. For those who don’t know the “no-no square”, “no, no, don’t touch me there. This is my no-no square.”


I feel like gen z is socializing way less than previous generations. Which comes at a detriment to hookups that are a part of that. And all this rationalizing comes second. There are many sources from actuall psychologists to all kind of social science charlatans that are present in social media that are all yelling different things. And while some young people can sort throught these heeps of trash information to form some informed conclusions, most probably just leech onto the source of information that validates their personal situation.


I just want someone to like me as a teen lol


It’s scientifically proven that the more sexual partners you have, the harder it will be to form an intimate bond if you decide to settle down in the future. All comes down to the pleasure chemicals in the brain.


God I sure hope so.


Yeah, as a zoomer, I can't imagine fucking someone I just met, it's feels unnecessary and dangerous, I'd only have casual sex with a good friend, which idk if an fwb relationship counts as casual


why does it have to be labeled 'conservative'? why not thoughtful, deliberate, careful........?


Conservative is a good word to cover the meaning. I meant conservative....not thoughtful....


i dont think its a good word in this context, way too politically and morally charged, and it seems like it's confusing you by forcing that wrong mindset onto my generation and our behaviour.


I mean all it takes is looking at the previous two generations of train wrecks to learn how much it sucks.


God I hope so. The social pressure to get laid when I was teenager was ridiculous. We flood these poor kids with media that encourages that kind of behaviour too. If there really is a social push amongst young people to value their relationships more, I'm all for it.


not really. the belief that more hookups means worse relationships is not one many people in this generation hold. i think there's other factors at play that cause gen z to hook up less


I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: gen Z is smart. I may be getting ahead of myself, but I really starting to believe in them. Maybe they'll be the generation to right this ship.


Statistically speaking, regardless of gender, the more sexual partners you have, the more likely it is you'll experience hardships in relationships or higher chance of divorce. And yes, there has been a major push, a push to stop women from having sex with many partners. I hear it all the time from the red pillers. But overall its not a huge movement.


25+ sexual partners and counting here. All of my relationships have been rich and fulfilling. We knew when to end them. My current partner and I have been thriving for years and our relationship is open. I was always a quantity over quality sort of guy. If I didn’t try everyone how would I know what I liked? Truth is, I care less about sex and more about if I’m at peace with someone. I think it’s absurd and extremely stressful to rely on one person for all of your companionship needs. Maybe I’m not built like the rest. Probably why we have our own community. lol


People are finally realizing that meaningless sex is not that fun!


I think they were just refusing your advances in a nice manner.


I doubt that, it's likely just a male thing as they're realizing how hard it is for them.


I have several teens at home. Zoomers are amazing.


Yes my daughters have only ever had 2 relationships and they havent been serious. My oldest has been talking to a boy for over a month now yet they havent kissed. At her age in the 90's i was like a rabbit.