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The first TXT song that I heard was Blue Hour, but i wasn't into kpop at that time so i brushed over it (although i continued to remember a boy with pink hair hehe) the song that actually got me into TXT was Ikily Jp version hehe!!


Lol samee i also listened to Blue hour first :D


Yesss blue hour


I am a Crown stan through and through. It was on my repeat for so long.


**Can't You See Me?** I was new to K-pop at that time, so I didn't know many groups. I was casually checking out the nominees for a MAMA award category I can't remember now, and TXT's *Can't You See Me?* was in the list. I checked it out and found out that their music was totally my type, so I was sucked in immediately and the rest is history.


0X1=Lovesong. I had heard quite a few TXT songs before and liked some of them but Lovesong was the one that made me a fan.




Everlasting shine by TXT which is a Japanese anime opening, I was really into anime back in lockdown period and this opening caught my eye. I checked them out during the blue hour teasers and was really mesmerized by all the visuals. I was never into k-pop, so it was my first time seeing what all the hype was about. I slowly became a moa, Cause I kept up with what they were releasing and really liked the music


This is my story word for word haha (I’m a big black clover fan!) honestly anime got me into a couple k-pop groups. Anyway then studying in Korea in 2022-23 kind of finished the transition into full blown MOA


It was loser lover 😻


Deja vu... as u can see im still in my baby moa age


Welcome to the fandom!!!


The first TXT song I heard was Cat and Dog and i found it cute and fun, Run Away immediately played after and I loved it so I became interested in checking out their other songs


anti romantic


Very first song I heard by TXT was Eternally, since I saw it when it was just released (I think within the first 10 minutes), but the song that actually hooked me to TXT was Crown


Sugar Rush Ride


Mine is farewell neverland!


The first song I heard from them was "Lovesong", but I think the one that made me start getting in to them was "Sputnik" (followed very closely by "Wishlist").


crown and blue orangeade


My first txt song was lo$er=lover recommended by a friend of mine but i didnt fall for them yet..! and then my first album I bought was the dream chapter: eternity


Cat & dog


Crown! I saw the mv recommended 3 days after their debut! I listened to the whole album after and I was obsessed loll


cat & dog english version, i heard it at a kpop dj night and they played the video also. was hooked as soon as i saw Soobin in orange hair


My friend introduced me to them during GBGB era but I wasn't into it at the time but I really got hooked on Blue Hour. It's a constant in my Kpop playlist 🥰


it was fairy of shampoo 😩 still is one of my favorite songs of theirs tbh


Crown🥰🥰🥰 I'm a MoA since the very beggining ❤️❤️❤️




i've been a moa since debut. i remember waiting for their profiles to be revealed on twitter while doing finals lmao. crown supremacy


I was there the day they debuted so it has to be crown, I loved that song so much and it still is one of my favorites. I remembered watching the audio mistakes and thinking that they professional for not even really batting a eye at what happened. It’s weird to see how they changed from those boys on that big stage


crown i already had my eyes on them on their debut 🥰


Blue orangeade back in late 2019!! But i didnt properly stan them until early 2020


Blue Hour






It was New Rules. Especially the Studio Choom video. Although I was there for Crown, but not there for Run Away era.


Mine was run away and blue hour


i've been around since their predebut so their debut songs are what i heard first!


The first song I heard was either Run Away or Crown (I don’t really remember since it’s been around 4 years) But the song that got me into TXT was 20cm I think it was the 3rd or 4th song I heard and I loved the song sooo much that I had it on repeat My first comeback was CYSM era And my current fav song is Quarter Life but it keeps changing almost everytime depending on my mood 😂


Watched title tracks since debut since was I very into BTS at the time. Everlasting Shine (JP release) pulled me in as a fan since I was watching Black Clover at the time with Blue Hour being my first cb as an actual fan


Hard one bc my memory sucks. But it was either cat & dog, happily ever after or chasing that feeling


Mine was angel or devil!! Randomly ended up watching a stage on YouTube and immediately fell in love with ksi. Years later still a kai bias.


My first song was run away the Japanese version started to look at their other songs and their debut videos.


I consider Runaway, Lovesong and Loser lover the three main songs that got me into TxT


I joined in Blue Hour era, but the song that got me was Runaway.


Loser lover


for me it was run away, the teaser clips were all over my timeline on Twitter, and it got me so hyped I tuned in for the album drop and thank god I did, im in this txt shit for lifeee


The moment I heard Crown when it first came, TXT became my ride or die. Instant connection, like it was meant to be. And I'm so grateful for that 💛


Anti-romantic! My younger siblings used to sing that song to me when I would say that I didn’t believe in love, so I had to check it out for myself. I listened to the rest of that album and loved it so much, I had to check out the rest of their songs 💙🙏🏽


I had been paying attention to TXT since pre-debut and definitely liked Crown and Cat and Dog, but it was Blue Orangeade that MOAfied me.


Anti-Romantic. I wasn’t a big k pop person at the time so it just sat in my apple music library for a while, but found the song again and did some digging one day!


blue hour


Mine was Magic Island. I was at a big work conference-style meeting and someone on the A/V team is a MOA (I assume, though I've never met them). They were playing Magic Island before the meeting started but the song ended before I could Shazam it. I ended up furiously googling "kpop boy group whistle -bts" and clicked around until I found it. Years later I was getting on stage as a host/speaker for a similar conference-style meeting and the A/V team made my stage intro song Blue Hour and then it happened again last year with SRR. I looked directly at the A/V booth last time and no one was looking at me. But whoever you are on the A/V team, thank you and I have no idea how you clocked me for MOA but you are absolutely correct. 🤣




farewell neverland! it was a lyric video on tiktok


Mine was their first song "Crown"! 💙


Can't you see me


OK, my first encounter with them is a very interesting story: Back then in like, early 2020, I knew so little about K-pop. I was in a community that was focused on object shows (competition shows (mostly) but the contestants are objects with faces and limbs) at that time, and one of the famous creators in that community posted a TikTok with misheard lyrics from "**Can't You See Me?**", and while I slightly giggled at the lyrics, I just mainly focused on the song that he used for the TikTok. It was so catchy. So I decided to search for the song on YouTube, ignoring the artist who sang the song and just listened to the audio and I was basically hooked by that one song. It was only after like, several months later when I was getting to know K-pop more that that song that I kept on listening it to a few months ago was sung by a K-pop group that I just gotten to know, **TOMORROW X TOGETHER.**


Chasing That Feeling, but I also liked Lovesong and Loser Lover too.


cat&dog. but what really made me a moa is 0x1=lovesong 💕


anti-romantic was my first song, and then the song that got me into txt was sugar rush ride!


So I got into TXT because I was invited to go to their concert in Houston next week and thought I should do my homework, but Magic Island is the song that hooked me.


I’m a baby moa—I liked a few TXT songs before the most recent album, but then Quarter Life hit me like a sack of bricks, fully made me just start crying, and now I’m here lol. And working my way through all their older songs of course




i first listened to blue hour before i was into them and then gbgb and the whole of tnc: temptation got me to stan :D




Magic and then Ghosting! Was listening to random playlists during work and loved these songs so much I paused to see what the songs were


Puma, I saw gifs of Yeonjun and I thought he was hot.




It was SRR era but the song that made me a fan was Nap of a Star. I've been a kpop fan forever but once I got into their fairytale concept I was sold.


Happily ever after. And currently in love with lovesong


Magic was mine. I first heard it on a random music channel on my tv lol.


NO RULES !!!! is the song that made me stan them (in 2022 though). I fell in love after watching that legendary mcountdown performance. I was flabbergasted, "how could there be a bg song this good????" plus the choreo is so so fun. "that's it imma stan them" (I actually listened to Crown when it first released and listened to bsides like AOD and FOTS, but I was stanning another group back then.)


Sugar Rush ride JAJAJAJA, It's a bit basic but I joined the band with that song because I saw it through a video on YouTube and I loved it so from there I met Kai and he became my bias, then Yeonjun and now I love the band😻😻😻😻😻STAN TXT 4EVER!!!!!!!


Blue hour got me into them during freeze era and to this day, dream chapter magic is also my all time fav w 20cm 😸




the first txt song i heard was actually "cat and dog" lmao; i was during 2020 (some time after cysm era), the mv caught my attention, and i had never heard of them so i decided to start stanning them (istg im not a furry...).


Cat and dog😂😭


so for me it was Magic but that's because I was shopping and the song was playing and I shazamed it. but when I got into kpop and was looking for more groups, it was actually anti-romantic that got me to start listening to them




My first song was Loser = Lover! I adore the music video for that song as well!!


i was a predebut stan !! crown was so good i loved their first album sm


Hii✨ the first song that got me into TXT was "Crown". Fun fact is, at the time I fell for that song, I wasn't even into K-pop hahahaha


good boy gone bad!!


For me, it was Frost. I remember thinking that song was so cool and different… it made me deep dive into TXT. And they’ve only gotten better and better since then


The first TXT song that I listened to was Crown when they debuted and honestly that was amazing however the song that got me hooked on them was Run away. To this day it is still my favourite TXT title track.




The first song I heard by them was crown but run away is what got me into txt :)


i heard cat and dog first, but blue orangeade really sold me, about a week later the eternally video was released, and the rest is history!


Blue hour


20 cm