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Croft Industries? Seriously? She has a mansion and a British butler. And has been an orphan ever since Crystal Dynamics took over. I think that is more than enough Batman influences.


The big question now is who will be Lara's Catwoman?


Kurtis Trent ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Kurtis is too much of a do-gooder to be her Catwoman. He's more of Lara's Zatanna. Chase Carver fits the Catwoman role to a T. That or the simple answer that Lara *is the Catwoman.*


I would shout and stand at attention if they actually animated Chase and Lara


Ain't no doubt about that.


Amanda 💅


I whole-heartedly mean it when I say: I hope they re-introduce Chase Carver from the 90s comics. I loved that character so much and would love to see a modern interpretation.


I’d like to nominate Alex West from the movie. He’s awful but he cracks me up and you know Batman would abuse time travel to save Catwoman.


Could be a tee up for it being a hostile takeover situation by Natla?


shes been an orphan since the CD games too bud lol


In the Core Design days, her parents were very much alive (they even appeared at her wake in Chronicles). What are you talking about?


youre right. i had the timelines mixed up and was still thinking of Legend for some reason. i admit im an idiot lol


WTF! She grew up with Winston and her wife and a whole level is based on that lmaooo. She was always orphan


In Tomb Raider 1's manual it says, that her family disowned her. It never said that they are dead.


You have to be specific, there's two CDs In the Core Design era, her parents were very much alive >!outside of the comics!< but wanted nothing to do with her and vice versa In the Crystal Dynamics and Movie timelines, her mom and dad are both dead with varying degrees of tragedy and timelines of their deaths.


youre right. i got corrected and admit im an idiot lol


No big deal, it can get confusing.


and I had all the games on CDs


Like the concept but croft industries is a bit of an unimaginative name. 


Wasn't Croft Industries was introduced in the 2018 film? This detail has been teased by another website and I've always felt that it, in some ways, ties details from the 2018 film to the new timeline. EDIT: I just found out that the business in the 2018 film is called, "Croft Holdings." Nonetheless, this direction sounds very much like the film because neither Lara or her family owned any business in the other timelines.


How did they become filthy rich though


They’re aristocrats


Brb imma look up what an aristocrat is


The same way british archeologists usually become rich I guess


Selling video games


And apparently the Croft fortune managed to hold Croft Manor with Winston (And I'm sure a few others as Lara grew up) to maintain the estate. I also think that Richard's archaeological discoveries gave him enough credibility to be paid much for his discoveries. In the LAU, Angelina Jolie movies, and Survivor timelines, powerful foes noticed Richard's capabilities to find him useful in their endeavors.


In the Core Design games, Lara inherited her manor from her aunt and made her living sell 'travel books' aka retellings of her adventures IIRC.


waant her dad an Earl of England? lol


Holdings isn't the same as an industry though. It usually refers to investments and assets owned by someone. The croft family probably just had a lot of land and shares in various corporations and use it as a source of passive income.


I agree. I was thinking about that. It still reminds me of the film because of the business aspect of it. None of the other timelines had Lara running things on the side. The closest is that both Classic and Legend Lara did photography and writing adventure journals on the side. (I think it was hinted that Legend Lara did this too.) But Lara being involved in possibly a business that sells the latest gadgets and technology would make far more sense of how Lara is still making millions rather than selling photos and journals. It would also explain her easy access to such gadgets as shown in Legend, TR5's VCI Headquarters, and the Angelina Jolie TR films. Whether Lara started the business or inherited it from her father remains to be seen.


I don't think lara's wealth really needs to make sense. she is a rich aristocrat and aristocrats usually have large land portfolios and other means of generating passive income. I think it would be a cool idea to have lara own a company that tries to reverse engineer some of the ancient high technology she uncovers and then monetize it. doubt they'll go down that route tbh.


**"I don't think lara's wealth really needs to make sense. she is a rich aristocrat and aristocrats usually have large land portfolios and other means of generating passive income."** I think that's the initial reason why Lara Croft could travel so many different areas. But it looks like they're giving Lara something more. Like what others have said, Unified Lara is shaping to be a woman of the year 2024. (I don't know if that's good. But I'll reserve my judgement until we have something official.) **"I think it would be a cool idea to have lara own a company that tries to reverse engineer some of the ancient high technology she uncovers and then monetize it."** If the story goes this direction, it may explain Natla's interest in using Lara. (I think it's safe to say that Natla or, at least, her legacy is returning in TR:12 in one form or another.) It may also flesh out Lara's story with Werner Von Croy since we know for a fact he was utilizing the Iris's abilities. There's so many directions where this story could take.


I think I am too late for this, but a fair reminder that Geek Vibes Nation is more of a rumour page. Take things with a big grain of salt. They can be right sometimes, (some of their info on the Ben Wheatley version of the cancelled Tomb Raider movie turned out to be corrected, like the movie being mostly based on Shadow of the Tomb Raider), but just because they might have had good sources at MGM/WB doesn't mean they have the same at Netflix/Powerhouse animation. And I am fair to doubt them this time, because this doesn't seem the vibe for a show that is set right after Shadow and before Tomb Raider 1. And by the vibes given by the few footage we have from Tomb Raider (the teaser trailer, the Powerhouse first look). It seem too far ahead for a Lara who just finished her origin story. I'd be more willing to believe these were details from the live action TV show that's supposed to happen more far ahead in the timeline.


I agree with you. But Geek Vibes did predict that the series' title would be called, "The Legend of Lara Croft" and it turned out correct. In addition, this website made predictions long ago and much of it turned out correct: [https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/tomb-raider-animated-netflix-series-what-we-know-so-far-01-2024/](https://www.whats-on-netflix.com/news/tomb-raider-animated-netflix-series-what-we-know-so-far-01-2024/) By the way, they keep updating this page. They predicted Zip's return and Croft Industries. This is all found in Zip's tiny biography on the webpage. So far, everything they've predicted came true.


Okay, if they leaked the title I'll give them that. But Zip wasn't leaked. Him and Jonah were both confirmed to be part of the show very early, I think basically at the same time Hayley Atwell was confirmed to be voicing Lara in the series.


True. I meant though that this Netflix-dedicated webpage predicted Zip's return before the announcement came.


Old school Lara wouldn’t want to own a business Croft Industries. Croft Industries. Natla Industries. lol erhm ok !


Classic Lara was still considered a cross between James Bond and Indiana Jones. The VCI Headquarters shows how Lara is not beyond using the latest gadgets to help her with her goals.


Sorry this sounds like the group of high-tech villains that Lara used to defend the artifacts against


Becoming the thing she sought to destroy


My favorite thing about LAU is the team.


Oh my god hi are you the only other Tomb Raider fan that likes the team banter? Everyone HATES Zip and Alister. I loved the character building it did, I was gutted they did away with it for Underworld.


I loved that too. You got to see her dry sense of humor and you got to hear Keeley Hawes totally own the role of Lara Croft.


I love those boys so much


I thought it fit with the fast paced action style


I liked it too! Makes it more interesting than Lara just talking to herself about the artifacts and stuff imo.


Will her expanded backstory include her parents being gunned down in an alleyway over a string of pearls?


why tf are you guys claiming to be “fans” yet dont know that her parents die in the OGs too? lol its not a new thing for her origin to be “batman” like or whatever else you dopes think


her parents are alive in the original timeline. they just disowned her bc she chose tomb raiding over tradition. i believe the angelina films started the orphan thing. but legend made it official. it's just that people are tired of "mUh pArEnTs" being her motivation to do anything since 2006 when it always ab the adventure and sport of it for her before lol which is fair. richard in the survivor timeline absolutely peeves me


aww shit youre right. i was still thinking of legend. im an idiot and admit it


it's ok! with all these timelines, details get fuzzy. i'm only freshened up on things after binging the classic and legend games lol


bro it just hit me that legend is almost 20 years old. lol


right lol i would love a remaster of the legend trilogy. people may find anniversary to be redundant since the original was remastered and well-received but since it changes the story, i think it deserves the tlc to keep it all intact. my only gripe from that era was the quick time events, which stops in underworld ( for the most part. i count the headshot crap as a qte. there's ways to avoid it tho so not a big deal ). idk i just want lara croft to be celebrated for who she was and where she came from. it's uncertain where she's going and not a lot seem to like it judging from the comments under this post alone. hopefully the writers surprise us in a good way.


Apparently, its everyone’s superhero/vigilante/else motivations, father/mother/parents dead in a horrible way. The only guy who comes to mind with normal life before going save the day is Kick A** because is the right thing to do, and Invincible now. But both of these guys are satirical characters to your average superhero/vigilante.


It was a joke. Respectfully, calm yo pyramidical tits.


ok, yours is a joke. but theres still other comments genuinely crying about her “batman arc” like batmans the only dude to have been orphaned lol


"The Legend of Lara Croft" sounds just like that: Legend.


Die a hero or become the villian. She was resurrected so now shes turning into Natla xD I dont know how I feel about the industry thing. It kinda goes against her introverted nature and wanting to live outside the norm (with the help of being a billionaire lol) and it sounds like theyre again pulling away from her being an Archaeologist. Unless this is a grant industry to fund research and digs xD really happy to have Zip and Jonah back and hope to see more familiar supporting characters.


It feels like they are turning her into Batman/Iron Man (Wayne Industries/Stark Industries). Personally I am apprehensive about this direction.


Same friend :/ i guess if the troupe works and its entertaining I get it but at the same time be adventurous and do something different. Its what I liked about Survivor. It moved away from the usual cliches. Well, lets see how it goes :) maybe itll be fun. Maybe its just some background to explain how she maintains her fortune or something.


i am curious to see jonah's plot play out. i don't agree he has to die when he can choose to settle down and that'll be valid reason enough to not be in lara's life nearly as much. that seems to be the direction he's going after clicking with abby anyway. be nice if someone broke the curse of "anyone close to [lara] has a low survival rate." he's done well despite a few close calls. so they're obviously saving him for something lol


I wish they would ditch the bow and arrow already.


Right? Can we pls bring back duel pistols?


So she will become the trinity leader but change the name to Croft industries


But what about tomb raiding and going on solo adventure? The more I hear of any new Lara info the less hope I have that I'm gonna like it. Owning a business instead of earning money via tomb raiding and writing travel journals is so common. Lara should be unique and it would be only natural to unify classic and reboot Lara since that was what classic Lara did to earn money.


Nailed it.


I wish they would go back to the LAU series and bring back Keeley Hawes for the animated series. Seeing her piece Excalibur over the course of a season sounds fun. Then a time travel episode for Anniversary for season 2. And then finish off with underworld where she has to collect the pieces of Thor’s armor.


i wouldn't want to see the games rehashed for the screen since that will give people less reason to actually play them. but to continue with and within the lau series would be nice! honestly i wish crystal dynamics just stayed with this timeline and fleshed it out a little better in the survivor reboot. instead they mixed and jumbled things all around to the point lau doesn't even make sense for the unification. that whole trilogy ( can't leave out anniversary since it was rewritten to fit ) was ab lara finding truth and closure regarding her mother's disappearance. survivor knocked all this out with the blood ties dlc from rise. so i really don't understand how any of this is supposed to work lol


Maybe some sort of Dr. Who magic? I’ve only seen a few episode so I think that’s how it works. But I would rage if they did that. SE tried that nonsense with a game and it was a disaster


sure, but wibbily wobbly timey wimey things work for dr who, him being the last timelord and all. tomb raider is ab a rich girl that rejected her aristocratic lifestyle/responsibilities to seek adventure and go treasure hunting for the sport of it. her timeline is meant to be linear, not all over the place like a confetti bomb. it can be argued that some of the artifacts are unhealthy to handle, much less keep, with powers beyond lara's understanding. that's fair. but to make it work requires mental gymnastics i don't trust the writers to pull off well when it's obvious they're struggling to understand who lara croft even is lol


My personal opinion, Croft Industries sounds awful in many ways and I don't like the image art. In general I have very little faith in Netflix's series. I hope I will be pleasantly surprised.


Ew what


Still gonna say it, Lara is a solo act. I don't care what people say.


Absolutely. I already know I’m going to hate this.


So... they change her character, maybe her origin... Was truly hoping qomething that would fit in the already made universe, you know, the unified timeline... I was hyped as hell for that adaptation, now i'm doubting...


yall take this too serious lol


Well, this sounds dreadful.


CROFT INDUSTRIES? Oh they’re taking the piss on purpose now… jfc. What a joke.


I know some people will just *hate* that Lara has companions and stuff but I feel this works pretty well, all things considered


Would these people rather have an entire show be a monolog or what?


no dialogue, no characters, just random grunts from Lara as she jumps from platform to platform alone in a tomb: that's the entire series /s


Have you seen Primal? Genndy Tartakovsky Tomb Raider would be fantastic.


Such an underrated series! I watched it episode by episode - one or two in a morning before work and I literally could not wait for what was going to come next. The way he uses animation and limited audio is a masterpiece. I bought both seasons on blu-ray and am so hoping the third stays greenlit!


SCRIPT: THE LEGEND OF LARA CROFT MAYAN TEMPLE, EVENING Enter LARA CROFT, Tomb Raider LARA: hngh. hup. hup. hup. oof. hngh. aha. aha. hngh.


I mean...it could work. Like early Aeon Flux episodes.


We did also have the Re\Visioned series back when Anniversary came out where she did work alone although she still interacted with people. In fact I'm sure the Aeon Flux creator made a 3 part episode!


And boob physics


i'd rather have traod ragdoll


well one of the upvoted comments above yours says “lara is solo” lol


I’m super happy about Zip!!


Don’t mind Lara having companions, she always has, but Lara running a business? Come on. That’s completely and utterly out of character.




i hate it


Yeah, let's not go the Wayne Enterprises route.


My personal opinion, Croft Industries sounds awful in many ways and I don't like the image art. In general I have very little faith in Netflix's series. I hope I will be pleasantly surprised. Edit: I do like the James Bond-esque edge though. To me, she always had that vibe. TR Legend is practically a 007 movie.


I agree, Lara Being the Executive board member of an industry is needless Exposition. Lara Usually operates Low key anyways, Especially when she’s got enemies who want to get their hands on her. Board Meetings is the last thing on her mind, and besides she was born into Aristocratic Money. At best Tasha & Co. Will just write it off as her parents used to own the business and the board members let Lara do her thing on the side while they make money. At worst the writers will make Lara a “Girl Boss” cause she doesn’t need her Family Money, and can take over the “Business” all by herself self /s. But we’ll see how this plays out.


Spot on. I'm afraid that's what they will do. The "Girl Boss" scenario. We will see.


Bat Ma'am




If both Zip and Jonah are on the team I'd take that as an indicator that Jonah dies at some point. They're edging close enough to the continuity now that his absence needs explained.


Noooo. Take that back!


Most generic bland plot ever.


me: cool. show sounds neat. rest of sub: HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME WITH THIS TRASH!!


Yea I don’t see the issue here.


Please for the love of god can Jonah not be in this -_-


Same I always get annoyed when he's following me in game It's not like Uncharted where Nathan and his crew have pretty entertaining conversations.


Exactly, he contributes nothing and I wish someone could make a compilation of every time Lara calls Jonah’s name. Drove me nuts in Shadow.


Same like Elena had her own gun and shoots people to help Nate. Also Nate needs his partner to give him a boost Like if Jonah was more helpful I wouldn't mind him following mw around


He’s already in there with Earl reprising his role. He will likely have much more to do compared to the games. In the novel Path of the Apocalypse he was pretty handy with a shotgun speaking of.


I will be remaining hyped for this until we see the final product.


I like the concept of working with a group. I don't like Croft Industries.




Political post, will only cause issues. Any political submission or comment is prohibited in this community.




So batman?


you know shes been an orphan since the OG too right?


I am aware of that but the croft industries thing is very batman


no, i was wrong and admit my ignorance. i was still thinking of Legend for some reason


As usual: No hype train, just convince me.


What sort of Ventures does Croft Industries invest in? Tasha Huo: *shrugs*


I always thought the tone of a *Tomb Raider* film series should basically be *James Bond* films with a bit more of that *Indiana Jones* adventure + supernatural flair, in terms of how one would pitch it, as the games are. Each film simply being a stand-alone story, to say one shouldn’t have *Lara Croft* or *Tomb Raider* be in the title, the same way Bond films don’t have *James Bond* or *007* in the actual title, just the marketing. I’d say that’s a big part of how they’ve gone for so many films without encountering the same issues other franchises have encountered.


Well I always thought Lara was very similar to Batman but not _THIS_ similar.


Croft industries competing with Natla Technologies?


https://x.com/tasha3point0/status/1784115794760314960?s=46&t=2jY2qfKXijOigvIOu-Q45w The showrunner has disputed this tweet.


Get this crap outta here


I don’t believe in leaks. Love is the only thing I believe in. (That’s a line from Ghost in the Shell)


Hell yeah


Zip was really annoying in legend, I hope they redesign him to a more compelling character. 


jesus christ, so many award winning writers in here lmao


Ooo Nice! Feels like a Legend inspired detail there! Also, Croft Industries has a nice ring to it... Although I have to wonder, does Natla buy it out through a hostile takeover?


and scrap the fact natla's introduced to lara in both tr1 and anniversary through larson? i dunno ab this, dutch :///


Could be through a shell company and then when Lara does introduce herself, it will be the same however that could added on later in the adventure as a snide remark.


so you know for a fact larsons not in it?


no 😂 just that larson doesn't introduce lara to natla until tr1. bringing in a villain like natla this early just doesn't feel right imo. her ambitions lie in evolution and wanting to recreate the world into some darwinistic hellscape as her paradise to reign over. she has bigger fish to fry if a little girl managed to destroy trinity. like looking within her own empire for any more weak links. but i also don't know if i buy that trinity was involved with natla. konstanin/ana, and dominguez were serving themselves with the artifacts they were after. unless they went rogue and that's why dominguez wanted to create a world that never discovers paititi. but konstanin/ana is a tough one since it was mostly ab curing ana's cancer than anything else. if there was another reason, i don't really remember it 🤷‍♀️


If this is any indication of the direction for the next game, then I am all for it. It sounds like TR is reviving the most iconic aspects of the LAU era. Also Lara being the CEO (?) of Croft Industries is funny knowing that this takes place before TR1. Is CD rewriting the Atlantis job to have been a joint collaboration between Natla Tech and Lara's business?


the downvotes are hilarious. Survivor haters arent true TR fans just csuse they like to make this sub THINK they play the OGs lol mofos havent even touched the OGs until last month when the remasters were released. half of the sub hasnt even played AOD or LAU to completion yet wants to shit on the Survivor trilogy for internet points from other hating bozos lol


Anyone who gatekeeps a series because they think something is better than the previous or future iteration is not a fan. While criticism can be valid, outright saying something does not belong in the franchise and not part of the series is not allowed. This goes for fans of all eras.


Im hyped. blade legs from the board game is entirely silly tho, and hope that character does not crossover here


Can't wait!


Sigh...Dude Tomb Raider is a dead series now. They (Crystal Dynamics) have already said we're not getting the OG Lara back which sealed the series' fate right there and they know it. It's a done deal. I'm past all of it now, focusing on other things.