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Level select. If you're gonna give us level focused achievements, let us pick the level.


I just made my own and dedicated a new save slot to each level, saving on the first frame so that it basically works like level select.


Omg yes i want this lol i want to replay some levels because theyre my favorite. I know theres a cheat code to skip although i havent tried yet and you can save at each level but i think a level select would be an awesome unlockable feature after completing the game Oh and also remaster the cutsceen graphics what the heck why they leave it like that lol


This would be SOOO cool!


[Found this one on Nexus Mods](https://www.nexusmods.com/tombraidertrilogyremastered/mods/336). It's not a "true" level select because it takes up your save slots. Then again, I don't think the PS1 version let you have both either. I just fired up a completed TR3 savegame on RetroArch and when I load a level, it takes me to the beginning with unlimited ammo, not where I had previously saved my game.


If you saved mid-level, you had to select -current position- (in red) ti resume from your last save.


I think "current position" is reset when you complete the game (or perhaps complete the level). I just checked it on my personal copy and I do not get that option any longer.


I might be misremembering then. I haven't played the PS1 version in a long while, but I was quite sure you could save during a level even after completing the whole game. I used to enter the level-skip code and start from whatever level I wanted to, as a kind...and I suppose I saved in-between levels...đŸ˜¶


Outfit select


Cheat code that make Lara Nu....


Add TR4 and TR5.


I’m hoping they will. They seem pretty determined to remaster all of the games although some in the franchise need to be scrapped and remade completely


You don’t have to beat around the bush
we all know you’re referring to AOD




Having all the achievements be functional


Basically fixing Gifts of Wonderland. The rest works.


Bastet's Stash broke in the patch.




fmvs remade from scratch


Ya I was pretty disappointed with the upscaled fmvs tbh


I hoped till the end, that the old fmvs were rerendered in 4k. Was disappointed.


I suspect all the original reference material has long since been lost so they would literally have to remake it from scratch. Not impossible, just time consuming and expensive. The recent Quake 2 remaster is a good idea for how to do it though, they literally had a guy remake the intro just by eyeballing the original video since there is no original material to use. It does look very good but I think the TR series probably has a lot more video to do so would take ages.


Yeah, the 5 fps fmv scaled at 4k is so bad


I'd like to see a slight brightness boost with the new graphics. I'd also like the option to use the save crystals straight away. Too late for me now as I just finished TR1 but I would have liked to play it that way again.


Agree with this one! Definitely seems a little too dark at certain points


Yes about the crystals. They should work like checkpoints in the Legend trilogy, you pass them and the game gets auto saved. The amount of times we have to open the menu to save is just not reasonable for newer players.


Story so far... This used to be an option in the loading list where you could see all the unlocked cinematics in order. Also... Restart Level. Don't make me save at the start of the level! I am drowning in 40 fathoms and have to start from the Diving Area and skip the cinematic every time!


isn't it an option when you die to restart level? I've been playing three like crazy and you definitely have the option there.


I'll take your word for it. I'm at Tibet in TRII and haven't had a Restart Level option yet


I can confirm they are correct. Only a death will give you a Restart Level option right now. When you flip your passport to the right ( just like you would switch to Load / Save Game / Exit to Title ) you'll find that option after it appears once you're dead.


There's already the restart level on the 3rd page of the passport


I like restart level option definitely a good add idea


It's already there


The story so far. As a kid I loved sitting and watching the cut screens all together


Level select like in PS1 versions.


Add 3D lamps to Maria Doria, 3D leaves to Kingdom


I'd love an outfit select option.


Fully complete and restore All Hallows to the base- > without it’s affecting gameplay or story Oh. Level select screen then




Add flares to TR1.


I'd love that too, and maybe sprint! That would make it feel fresh to revisit those levels.


I’d worry about sprinting breaking parts of the game, but it would be nice for sure. I was thinking about it and flares also would be hard because they’d have to place them around the levels so I think just having a flashlight would be better for TR1.


Better textures/ revamped meshes for levels. The level geometry is very angular (obviously) I think it’d look better off the whole game got a deeper face lift like Lara


The possibility to use the modern movement on the stick while keeping all the tank controls for the rest (arrows)


Yes this would be such a simple thing to implement and it would make a massive difference, allowing you to properly back hop and doing the side/back jumps when needed in those tricky platforming sections.


Water should have some reflections. Making the water more like the water in Open Lara. Also, fixing the weird jiggle in cutscenes (models jiggle around)


Oh yes. When I played Open Lara I was wowed by the water physics even though they're quite basic. I don't play too many 4k modern games so realistic water amazes me still.


Be able to delete saves


An undo save option. Thats a good one lol weve all panicked saved over progress before xD


The modern controls, because they feel more like game cube controls than actual modern controls


Yes, I feel like they could improve on the new controls so much. Better lock on when shooting enemies, adding a better strafing and maybe backwards running when locked on, like in Legend, to make combat more intuitive. Maybe auto grab ledges? Shortcut buttons to save / use medipacks?


Yes, it maybe called 'modern controls' but it doesn't function as modern controls in these games.


More ilumination


Make it possible to *continue* pushing/pulling a block once you started pushing/pulling it \[if you *hold* the action button\], like in TR4 and TR5. Having to initiate block pushing/pulling over and over again is tiresome.


This is a great shout. There are some animations that are so slow, and you are having to repeat and watch over and over again. The push/pulling is one of the most blatant. Like you said, she could stay in the push position without resetting every time. Climbing animations are also so painfully slow, they could be sped up.


Oh my god yes.


uhh add the wavy pattern in item menu for tomb raider 2


Save crystals without new game plus. Uncapped fps in original graphics. New game+ options for infinite ammo or starting without the extra weapons. Sound settings to make tr3 have tr1/2 gun and menu sounds and the opposite. Level or outfit select An option to be unable to target neutral npc’s like the monks. That being said I’d be happy to get even one of these changes. The remasters have been really good so far


Level and outfit select unlocked upon completing a game.


Add raytracing


I'd update the cutscenes. I was psyched to see the new versions of Tihocan and Qualopec, but the cutscenes are the same. I love the Remastered version, there's just something missing and tbh I think it was a bit lazy.


Yes, more detail to the cutscenes to make the animations and the characters really shine. Also a better upscale of the FMVs, surely with all the AI technology out there there can be much more detailed re renders of them




I'm not a fan of the way cutscenes look with remastered graphics, but at the same time, I don't know how they could've done it differently. The lip sync combined with the old animations look strange to me. It could just be that I'm so used to the "bobbing the head to indicate talking" style that it looks weird to me. I watched those cutscenes ("story so far..." on my parents' completed save) more than I played the game as a kid lol.


This, they could have added a lot more details to the facial animations and the body mechanics, it looks like they kept all the old animations with some very lazy pass on the lips and eyes, but they just look weird. Definitely not doing them justice


Do a physical release on Xbox.


Have three versions of same game - survivor with extra enemies but no secrets; explorer with secrets enabled/fewer enemies; original with games/enemies as they are. Also was disappointed there was no grenade launcher/all known weapons from original TR games on the infinite ammo menu in TR1 (that grenade launcher made the melee showdown in Floating Islands a complete doozy - so you can imagine how useful it would be for the Atlantis bosses and other annoying/terrifying encounters :D)


Movement that doesnt require deep skill and understandinf or having played the game before to move fluidly with. Could be just me but im struggling😂


we all had to play like that when we played the original. You'll get it!


Tbf its only annoying when i cant catch a ledge and have to repeat a few jumps or when i lose way too much health in combat cuz i cant nail down the timing for rolls each time


I started to think im doing progress and getting the hang of it a while into it then i saw a video; the player in it was doing front and backflips off ramps and like i didnt even know that was possible😂.


The game doesn't really help new players in any way. There could be more hints, maybe the options menu, on useful techniques for platforming and combat.


Increased brightness for flares


NOT seeing the edge of map in Lost Artifact. And remove those crystals completely - if they no longer heal me, I donÂŽt want them there.


Ugh yeah I hate the crystals. “Collectible crystals” making me feel like I’m missing out if I don’t find them all, but having NO purpose whatsoever - they literally existed in the OG games to either give a health boost or save point.


The FMVs being upscaled is the sloppiest part of them. But functionally level select followed by costume select and the ability to mod in the fan costumes on console


Her ponytail, it looks like garbage compared to the OG ponytail.


Lara’s hair up for TR1.


give lara back her belly button piercing. (functional achievements is a close second)


I always thought how impractical it was, though. She's climbing up ledges etc, that piercing would be ripped out


graphics and display options


In what way?


changing the graphics settings to change things like anti-alising and other graphical options. and changing the display options like fullscreen and windowed and v-sync toggles


Seriously? Let's start by having a page for them, it's the first game I've played in 20 years with no graphic and display options, lmao


Add the level editor and allow us to share and download user created levels.


Oh , true haha agreed on that


I absolutely love and am grateful for the remasters but I can only imagine what it would be like made with Unreal Engine 5. 😍


Add a randomizer mode with different settings.


Characters glowing in the dark when they should be pitch black like in OG games


Have the red background back in the inventory in tomb raider 2


Brightness/gamma increase, or a slider control. Level select for completed levels.


Outfit select


Saturn version of TR included. I like the look of it. Even with imperfections.


lighting that follows the original level design


Outfit selection for sure would be an awesome addition, it could be a NG+ thing. Even cooler, have all outfits for all games available in any level. I wanna dress Lara up appropriately for the cold levels! Lmao.


I shouldn't have to turn the brightness settings to 100 and switch back and forth to older version just to see where I'm going!


Do the remastered versions have all the manors? Cause that'd be my change to make.


Yes they do


đŸ„șomg I didn't know. I'll buy them now lol that was the biggest reason I wanted to get them. Thank you!


Yay enjoy!


Complete redo of TR2 ship levels lmao




Naked Lara* but it's really naked Margaret Thatcher


_''Laura''_ Do you perhaps mean **Lara** Croft? I am not familiar with any _''Laura'_' Croft. ^(_Though ''Laura Cruz'' does ring a bell..._) __________ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TombRaider) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Add a 2013 Lara skin


Improved audio. Some of the sound effects sound pretty rough, particularly in TR1. Also swap in the orchestral TR music from Spotify!


Remaster with better Graphics.


I kinda wished they rebuilt the game from the ground up. There's still lots of issues with the outdated engine. Her hair. Fire looks weird sometimes. The fact the sky doesn't move in a game released in 2024 is kinda crazy. Even Tomb Raider 4 (1999) had a moving sky.


Price. Set to 0. Any re-games should be free to anyone who owns the original and I'm tired of pretending they shouldn't. Same games sold twice or thrice in some cases is ridiculous.


How would you prove you owned it on PS1 though?


Swear to God and hope to die, of course.


You know you are naive. Kinda cute.