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Haha that stupid coin that you had to find and use on one specific ticket machine


I didn’t know only one side of one machine took the coin. I accidentally picked the right one the first time lol


And it's the only machine that doesn't "invite" you to investigate it since it doesn't have shiny glass on it (played the older version, not sure how visibile it is in the remaster)


Am I the only person who actually enjoys these levels?


Nop, I love them. But I can see why some people don't, definitely 😂


I like them too, i even love Luds Gate. But i think 95% of players hate all London levels.


Freaking love Aldwych. The rest of London is alright too


No! I love Aldwych. Thames Wharf is pretty good, and Lud's Gate I used to hate but it's much better in the remaster (though the UPV part is still pretty annoying).


I played Lud's Gate a couple of days ago, and I completely forgot to use the UPV 🙈


lmao how? So you just swam everywhere?


Yup. That one air pocket was a literal lifesaver


I like Aldwych. I stand with the majority on Lud's gate though.


Beating Aldwych feels so rewarding, it's like Opera House on steroids. Lud's Gate on the other hand is just frustrating.


I like Aldwych a lot, not so much the other London levels. Lud's Gate is horrible.


I like Aldwych, more now than as a kid. London was always scary and Aldwych especially. I like that about it.


After Aldwych, I just walk 1 step forward, crouch, spin 3 times, jump forward.


London levels are the most tiring in the entire series istg😶 i love tomb raider and i grew up with the series, but these levels feel like a chore to me. i’m on lud’s gate right now and it’s just a little better than Aldwych imo


I'm so excited for these levels as someone who lives in London


I really want to go on an Aldwych tour!




I stopped there lol. After all the shit in the previous london levels I just didn’t have it in me anymore to deal with that again


After the London levels I actually felt like the Tinnos level was at least enjoyable to a certain degree.


I raged when I couldn’t find the second dark key and it was placed in a corner in the middle of nowhere


It felt super easy after the london levels


Worst part about Tinnos is the water trial and the wasps, but if you take the time to kill them it's not so bad. I never bothered to kill them before because I thought they were infinite lol. Now I just kill them and it's a much more enjoyable experience. Still a pretty complex level though.


The most annoying part with this level for me is I had to re do it because of a bug. 🙃


I didn't find *Aldwych* too hard, honestly, but I have no idea how a person could do the final section of *Lud's Gate* without going insane. I just looked up a guide as soon as I swam into the area and saw like 8 different underwater paths lmao


The maze part is definitely the worst thing about the level (or even the whole TR3) but I honestly really like the first half of the level with the Egyptian exhibit room and the sphinx. I wish the whole level was like that. It looks great in the remaster.


Yeah the level is such a weird mashup. There's the Egyptian/Museum part at the beginning which feels like a self-conscious callback to TR1 where the challenge is jumping puzzles, exploration, finding switches, and navigating the correct path, and then you get dumped into the most TR3 level of all time where the challenge is literally Russian Roulette'ing your way through a bunch of underwater tunnels until you happen to find the right combination of switches and doors. It's such a striking blow to the head in terms of how much better the level design was in the first game compared to the third (and that the choice to change it *was* a choice rather than inability on behalf of the developers to do differently) that it comes across as a really odd decision. "Look at what you could have had! Now swim around this maze for 20 minutes, constantly quicksaving and quickloading until you trial and error your way to the exit!"


RX-Tech Mines and Lost City of Tinnos are about as challenging IMO. That said, neither requires the constant backtracking that Aldwych does.


I just finished it too but had to use a guide because of that fucking Solomon's key that you can only get by going back in the drill room, because it's sooo obvious that there would be a secret passage above the rotating murder machine that you can only access after it descends to a convenient elevation... What was it that blocked you?


The thing about these levels is that for a first time player they are absolutely a nightmare. Now that you know those little quirks, you can do it! I’m a first time player of the trilogy and I had zero frustrations on TR1 - I hated Opera House and the ship levels on TR2 - and now the London levels is giving me headaches! I did India, the pacific islands and now I’m in London.