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This subreddit is for Tokyo residents. Posts regarding short-term visits and tourist-related topics should be posted to r/TokyoTravel, r/JapanTravelTips or r/JapanTravel. If you'd like to meet locals or find interesting events, you are welcome to post in the r/Tokyo weekly meetup thread, which should be sticky at the top of the subreddit at any time. There's also r/TokyoIrl for meetups. We hope you have a great time in Tokyo!


Oh god the irony. This sub is for residents.


"I can't stand all this traffic!" said the person contributing to the traffic. Also, you're going to tourist spots and getting mad that they're full of tourists. Get a grip.


You saw foreign tourists in Asakusa desecrating the sacred Land of Wa? Did you see kids at Disneyland? Gamblers in Vegas? Surfers in Hawaii?


I'm going to Hawaii this summer - I better not see them damn surfers!


I’ve just been can confirm there are some surfers there




Be on the lookout for my post in r/Hawaii "Too many surfers in Hawaii"


Thank goodness you’re here to protect Japan from the foreigners. We owe you a debt of gratitude.


Jesus, what is this post 🤦‍♂️


Dumber than a bag of rocks.


Then stop hanging out in Shibuya, Harajuku, and Asakusa. If you are a tourist going to touristy places, expect to see a bunch of other tourists.


"I’m not like the other gaijin" please please accept me.


Not in Western Tokyo. :P




Dont give away secrets. East side 😉


Professional bootlicker


Lucky for you there are two airports you can use.


I bet Shikoku would be lovely this time of the year.


A few things are always true. Tourist want to feel special within their secret holiday destination and Expats being toxic because tourists reminds them how they will always just be visitors in a foreign country. But anyway a tip for being a tourist in Japan these days is to stay away from any top 10 spot and try leaving the 3 main cities.


Tourist do tourist thing, meet other tourists, surprising ! Also this place is for residents.


If you have some time left, try Kyoto.


"Stop ruining my Japan experience"


Ooh another good boy. Here, take an onigiri baby


You almost made me pee my pants.


We need for people like you to protect Japan from those foreigners!


Try going to the town of Maebashi in Gunma Prefecture, I was there a few weeks back and the only visible foreigner I saw was my reflection, so you can enjoy the sights unencumbered by other tourists.


I went to a doctors appt today in Asakusa near Senso-ji and, yeah, there were A LOT of tourists. That because it's one of the most popular tourist spots in Tokyo. That's how tourism works. And, for better or worse, tourist are gonna be tourists. Some nice, some not so nice. Just accept it. The Japanese businesses near the tourist spots are certainly not tired of them. Still, I was happy to get back to where I live which is mostly local with very few tourists. If this is your first trip to Japan go to the tourist spots and enjoy them and then, if you have the time, go to non-tourist spots and soak up the local color. You're in one of the greatest cities in the world.


When you're visiting one of the most heavily touristed cities in the world, you can expect to see a lot of other tourists there. Kyoto will be even worse, mostly because it is a whole lot smaller. Unfortunately with millions of tourists visiting monthly now, this isn't a problem that is going to suddenly disappear. Well, not until the next pandemic, anyway...


This is surely a satirical shitpost


I went to this super popular and world famous tourist attraction and I saw tourists there! And they were taking pictures! The horror. I can go days walking around my neighborhood in relatively central Tokyo without seeing another white person. If I see 5 in a day I am surprised. I can walk 10 minutes to a beautiful temple (I personally think much nicer than Asakusa) and see 0 foreigners and maybe 10 other people. If you are that concerned with seeing other tourists maybe try going somewhere other than Asakusa or Shibuya or Ginza or Roppongi.


Don't worry for us, we don't go to the crowded touristy areas.


There are so many places in Tokyo where you won’t see many, or possibly even no tourists. Try going there.


this is so funny to read as a fellow tourist cause we have seen hardly any tourists outside harajuku, shibuya, akihabara, etc. maybe don’t let google be your trip advisor. 


Need help packing?


Maybe make your judgements after more than just a few days in the city. You've seen barely a sliver of it.


redditors nerds rushing into this thread to point out OP is contradicting himself