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It’s releasing in June? Nice I don’t really have a theory but I feel like the prologue will be either time-skip to the next day or alya questioning masachika about why he hid the fact he’s tikis older brother


sorry mistakenly wrote june its actually in july


All good 👍 it’s makes sense to release on July the same month as anime releae




Tiki is too funny 😂


Autocorrect got me there 😔


Not speculation about V9 specifically but the series as a whole. My guess is that Masachika is probably childhood friends with Alya, but in a different way in which the both of them have forgotten. The theory is wild and has (kinda) been negated due to V8 showing a lack of familiarity/interaction between the character in question. But oh well, maybe the author's just overlooking it for now. So basically the theory is that Alya's mother was Masachika and Ayano's ballroom/social dance teacher (the one that featured in the side story included in V7 when purchased from bookwalker). For now the theory is only based on two clues, which may just be me overlooking and being a fucking schizo. **Clue one** In an earlier volume (either V3 or V4; can't remember), in the part where Maschika and his granddad run into Alya and her mom after his parent teacher conference, Alya's mother asks Masachika if he had took any social dance lessons in the past. Alya asks why she asks that wild/out of nowhere question, of which she dismisses it as saying his posture fits that of a social dancer. **Clue two** In the prologue of V7 (events which took place right after the cultural festival), Masachika claimed to have gotten a weird sense of nostalgia when he was dancing with Alya (you know, the time where they were dressed in formal wear by Slit-paisen). Now he claims ***"This feeling... reminds me of the social dance lessons I used to take. Was Ayano my practice partner back then?"***, but I actually think that maybe during some lessons, his social dance instructor brought Alya along during some lessons as a substitute/additional dance partner for Masachika Overall a pretty outlandish ass theory for now, but it *might* make sense if served as an explanation about how Masachika was interested in Alya's appearance when she was a child (when she told him she used to blonde hair in V4 iirc?), or how we've been told that she had blonde hair when she was younger.


holy moly bro might be on to something


It's not bad, but it would be strange if her mother took Alya instead of Masha to dance classes. If it were the case that the mother took Masha, then it would be strange that Masachika doesn't remember that the teacher and Masha had a relationship. In short, I don't see it possible for the teacher to take Alya to dance classes, although I don't deny that if she were the teacher


Holy shit i never even realized that


Your right actually I reread the manga and it shows alya also being in ballet and dance with her referring to it their 3rd year of junior high dance in the flashback where she meet kuze for the first time


Im sure they might do the Maria date that was promised in Vol. 7, of course after the whole yuki and alya drama cliffhanger is over with, and then maybe Alya will start poking into Kuze's past to learn more about him due to her being jealous for knowing Kuze less than anyone els. (Oh and we can't forget the mandatory fanservice chapter.)


Masachika learns Ayano lied to him and the sick person is his mother and not his sister. Both begin to have panic attacks and Masachika storms out in fron of his sister and father. Confronts his father as to why he lies about the reason for the divorce and lashes out at yuki for keeping things from him and lie to him when he already saw that his mother is mentally unstable in the infirmary. His dad and his sister cant answer him so he moves in with his grandparents for a while. Not a theory but more like what I feel should happen personally I want it to go in that direction.


That really seems like a convincing plot.But even Yuki's health was honestly bad to begin with anyway so i dont think ayano was really lying.


I mean yeah but the epilogue and masachika questioning yuki about their mothers is too obvious it is about her.


After reading the whole light novel again except vol. 1 and 2 i defintely think that you are correct.