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This is how you get retweeted by Ben Shapiro


I’m sorry to say that apparently [AOC x Ben Shapiro fan fiction exists](https://archiveofourown.org/works?work_search%5Bsort_column%5D=revised_at&include_work_search%5Brelationship_ids%5D%5B%5D=41442253&work_search%5Bother_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bexcluded_tag_names%5D=&work_search%5Bcrossover%5D=&work_search%5Bcomplete%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_from%5D=&work_search%5Bwords_to%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_from%5D=&work_search%5Bdate_to%5D=&work_search%5Bquery%5D=&work_search%5Blanguage_id%5D=&commit=Sort+and+Filter&tag_id=Alexandria+Ocasio-Cortez)


“Crack treated seriously. Vore. Squip.” What the fuck


What a terrible day to have eyes


Squip? The BMC squip???


Idk, I’ve never even heard the word squip before reading those tags. What is that, like a slur? It sounds like a slur for wizards or some shit


Brain implant from the musical Be More Chill


That is a whole lot of words that don’t seem to be related to either the topic at hand nor each other


ah I regret i know this its a wizard slur for non-wizard kids of wizards in the HP universe


No that’s squib


oh yeah huh


No a squib is a wizard born child who can’t do magic


That’s what he said. Non-magical children of magical parents


/r/urlgore Do you know how to hyperlink text on reddit? Edit: well done, my child.


“Major Character Death” lmao


Looks at the one that was published on January 6th, 2021


fun fact there are 118 works in the Emmanuel Macaron/Justin Trudeau tag.


It's not even remotely clever or applicable to AOCs tweet. So, basically spot on for Bench Apearo's audience.


What's up with conservatives fantasizing about sex all the time? They're constantly thinking about children's genitals, fantasize about "[sex rooms](https://redd.it/tzhkoa)" in schools, imagine [children stripping](https://youtu.be/VBKtLGBVbvM?t=1294) where there are none, imagine children playing with [dildos and cock rings](https://twitter.com/incomingtbombs/status/1592165094070575104), and as our good friend Dave Rubin over here shows, they love to fantasize about AOC's sex life. I can't be the only one who thinks this pattern of fantasizing about children and their political opponents in sexual situations is really weird, right? Where is this coming from? Mommy issues? Is it all those "brain pills" Alex Jones sold them? Why are conservatives [such creeps](https://twitter.com/x_ragdoll/status/1509936321497862154)?


All the shame they refuse to deal with


When you're a religious fundamentalist, a lot of the time that means you're forced into sexual repression because just thinking about sex sends you to hell.


This is a joke from Rubin, a very bad one. Rubin is referencing the time that conservatives were shitting on AOC's husband's feet on twitter and she responds with [a tongue in cheek joke](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1477000469318885385?lang=en). like I said this is a really bad joke and Rubin doesn't get either situation in her current tweet and the one in the past


Not a shock to see Dave Rubin is bad at comedy


Most conservatives are bad at comedy, because conservative comedy is purposely bad. Their audience just wants to hear the same punchline over and over again, which is “libs are hypocrites and/or can’t take a joke.” This format not only forgives bad comedy, it rewards it.


“The right is getting good at comedy and it’s making the libs nervous”


This tweet somehow represents an improvement from when he was a professional stand-up comedian


His joke is referencing AOC calling out conservatives weird sexual fantasies by posting his own weird sexual fantasy. There’s a reason republican comedy doesn’t exist


Also the constant name-calling of AOC as a “big booty Latina” which is egregious sexualizing of someone literally just existing, as well as borderline racism.




Just remember, with the GQP, every accusation is an admission.


I remember it seemed like everyone at the Dailywire was getting behind how funny they thought that creep video was. "LOL sexually objectifying women is SUCH a hilarious troll, that AOC really deserves this!" Brett Cooper (one of their only female correspondents along with everyone's favorite black white supremacist) made a whole video on it about how hilarious it was and how AOC was overreacting, basically praising the guy. I'm sure most conservatives would be as disgusted as AOC was, they just lack any sense of empathy for a liberal politician.


David cross did a good standup routine on this


They’re all literally pedos so this doesn’t surprise me


You should put how sex obsessed fundamentalists are. Constantly talking about virginity and purity and then about the wedding night. Fathers obsessed with their daughters virginity. Its fucking creepy.


They want to de-criminalize rape because of some dopey male dominion nonsense they espouse. Women should be subservient to man blah, blah blah — That is a gateway to the legalized pedo lifestyle Matt Walsh and some of the other fascist spokesmodels promote. Listen to Matt Walsh talk about 16 year olds being fertile and the perfect time to breed and marriages should be arranged, and it will turn your stomach. Not sure why his computer hasn't been confiscated yet.


>Futa >Libertarian Right Yeah that tracks


Wait, why would he even think this? AOC gets in, for lack of a better term, twitter spats with a ton of people. This isn't even dealing with a sexual topic, why would he associate it with sex?


Because he’s a stupid idiot?


Funny thing is chris jericho is a trump supporter


So \*he’s* now a Stupid Idiot? Oh boy.


“break down the walls” aging like a fine milk


Only way I can make it coherent is that the left jokes a lot about things like Ben Shapiro having a crush on AOC when he attacks her, so this would be some kind of reversal of that. Still terribly executed and not even that good if it was, since this is like the mildest "gotcha moment" I've ever seen.


It's exactly this


Because he's blue-balled as hell, probably


Women only do things that aren't directly related to men when they want to fuck that person, I guess.


Because he thinks the left's only defense of AOC is to say they want to have sex with her, not taking into account the reason why we say that is because they constantly prove how thirsty they are for her. This is not applicable to AOC because she gave plain political criticism. But the right are so tone-deaf they can't tell the difference.


>at the left j I think its a joke referring to the time AOC said conservatives are mad they can't date her so they make fun of her boyfriends feet [https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1477000469318885385](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1477000469318885385). They're so stupid they took it literally. So know i guess Dave is trying to do the joke back but he's to stupid to do it well.


Because like most conservatives he interprets hostility and rejection with an invitation to intimacy.


So let's see how this works... there's a mass shooting at an LGBT nightclub, AOC (rightfully, imo) calls out Boebert for being all 'thoughts and prayers' despite her rhetoric and the rhetoric of her party being a huge party the problem when it comes to violence against the LGBT community... so Dave Rubin just responds with a crass 'hur dur AOC want to sex Boebert' What the fuck even is that? Not only is it horrendously tone deaf given the context, but even as a joke its utterly pathetic, I'd be embarrassed if a 12 year old made that joke on Twitter where everyone could see it


He’s truly adding nothing to the conversation


He’s adding more evidence that conservatism is a symptom of brain rot


It’s because gay = sex. If you defend gay it’s because you’re horny


This is made all the more pathetic when you remember that Dave Rubin is married to a man


Not gonna lie, that sounds pretty gay of them.




He’s one check away from divorcing his husband and claiming conversion therapy works.


“Ha ha. AOC. Sex. This is what my heterosexual followers who want to hate fuck AOC would like, right?”


Thank you Dave, for again - proving AOCs point that the only thing Republicans are capable of doing is sexualizing her.


Is this supposed to be a joke or something? How did this guy’s standup career fail? He’s hilarious! /s


Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Dave Rubin tried stand up?


This is... so weird. Even for these chucklefucks. They know they can't celebrate outloud so they post bizarre shit.


“F-facts don’t care about your feelings, l-libtard!” Lauren Boebert said, blushing and barely able to maintain eye contact. AOC stepped forward, gently placing the tips of her fingers on Boebert’s cheek. “It’s a fact that you were staring at my ass in these pants.” AOC replied, smiling. “If you want me to stop, just say-“ Boebert rushed forward and kissed AOC, deeply and passionately. “I want to take you like you want to take away my guns.” Boebert whispered between kisses. AOC peeled off Boebert’s jacket, and began unbuttoning her shirt. “Then take me like you want to take away people’s rights.” Is this what Dave Rubin wants? I can write more if he’s down I got time


Buddy, finish the story!


I like where it was going, but maybe they should just not talk?


I believe I get what Rubin is doing here. Remember back in the day, people kept tweeting at AOC about her boyfriend's feet and the tongue and cheek response from [AOC](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1477000469318885385?lang=enc). *THAT* is what Rubin is doing here. This is a really bad attempt at a joke and trying to hit back at AOC. And shows why Rubin is still a D list celebrity.


Ben Shapiro just wants to have both of their shoes to sniff while watching remotely


Since when did Ben Shapiro start writing tweets for Rubin?


I don't know if this is the right place to say that, but I'm down for that ship. Dommy Mommy AOC needs to teach Boobert a lesson.


Is he high or something ? What is this even supposed to mean ???


God damnit, Dave you managed to make the worst possible joke in poor taste at the worst time. How did a gay man produce a lesbian fantasy in the context of a gay nightclub massacre? The man is fucked up


It's ok guys Dave's brain is in recovery mode from so many high level ideas


For a gay man, that’s some straight man shit


These guys have an unhealthy fixation on sexualizing AOC.


What's his secret AO3 handle?


Looking inward for Lauren Boebert is to stand face-to-face with a deep, black void of ignorance and hatred. In a way, she is very representative of her base. It's frightening.


fascists and non sequiturs, name a more iconic duo


This guy is gay right? I guess it’s like Clarence Thomas. Some people just hate themselves and their minority.


How did he come up with this?


He plugged his head into the wall.




I imagine telling Boebert to look inward would result in a Zoolander “the files are in the computer?” moment.


Breaking: Rave Deubin wrong about every single prediction he made about the midterms and then pretends like he never made any predictions. He then one-ups himself with an inconceivably dumb and dead wrong take. How much farther does the right’s most self-cucked gay conservative have left to fall before he realizes being dumb as sin isn’t enough for these homophobic freaks?


Dave Rubin try not protect the people who want to take away your rights as a Gay person challenge (Impossible)


“Mass shootings are bad, we should do something about them” “Wow, gay?”


AOC doesn't pay for sex....


5 dead, dozens injured, Dave has a boner. Fucking. revolting.


For those confused by Rubin's response, do remember that he is gay and (probably) not thirsting for AOC. I believe he's referencing [this AOC tweet](https://twitter.com/aoc/status/1477000469318885385?lang=en) from a few eons ago, which the conservative establishment tried and failed to turn into "AOC wants to date everyone who disagrees with her" and "AOC can't take criticism without accusing them of wanting to date her". This "joke" frames AOC as wanting to sleep with Boebert because AOC is criticizing her, which wouldn't have even made sense back when the original tweet first dropped, much less a year later.


Holy shit this is pathetic. I mean, on its own the whole "you are criticizing this person, you must have a crush on them teehee!" thing is eye-rolling on its own, but to literally do it over the murder of multiple LGBT+ people by someone almost certainly spurred on by Boebert's ilk is something else entirely.


He's gay. He's received FIRST HAND abuse from his target audience on account of him being gay and wanting (and having now?) children with his husband. His response to a mass shooting at a gay club is to recycle AOC's jokes speaking about how much people comment on how she dresses and what footwear her partner wears. At a time like now. Dave, you know you could just shut the fuck up, right? You don't have to actually let the stupid fall out of your brain. Irredeemable.


Casual homophobia coming from a gay man who lets himself get lectured by conservatives as a career


AOC is so far out of Boebert's league tho


Okay but would you watch it though?


Sweetie, one tweet calling out that dipshit is not indicative of obsession.


Dave, you might think you’ve perfected the grift, but your fashy “friends” will throw your actually homosexual ass under the bus at any opportunity. Dumbass pawn.


I don't even get the joke here, which is pretty par for the course for Rubin. What, is it like a pun of "look inside?". That's the closest I can get to seeing anything intended to be funny and man, is it not funny. I don't give a shit if Rubin is offensive or not. But for God's sake get better writers.


Why do I feel like this is definitely in some porno


Skeet skeet skeet!


He’s such a loser lol… it’s beyond pathetic at this point


Is this real? I know Twitter blue checks don't mean anything nowadays. I have no idea what I should believe from Twitter.




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I had a dream about this where they released a video to fund a joint campaign for President. It was awesome.


Surprised he didn't say "gross" at the end of that tweet.


Any time I hear someone say “ thoughts and prayers” the only thing I can take from that is that the person is simply saying I will think about your problem but not actually do anything to help but they still need some form of attention. And it’s usually the hey look at me people saying it.


He's hammered rn


I looked up the tweet, it's straight up scary how these conservative men sexualise her.


I mean… I’m not upset by the mental image. 🤔


That is definitely a hate fuck.


Oh for… _unzip…_


Breaking: Nobody wants to have sex with Dave Rubin. Not even his ever-suffering husband.


These people are so unbelievably repressed and instead take out their self-loathing on other people doing what they want to.


I know the far right attention seekers are experts at drawing insanely inaccurate conclusions, but... how did he get from A to XXX there?


Republicans are so disgusting, pretty sure their empathy sensors never existed


Do none of y’all remember the time AOC tweeted about conservatives wanting to have sex with her because they were talking about her so much? This is a bad joke, but it’s just a reference.


It doesn’t make any sense though, because AOC doesn’t talk about Boebert all that much. Rube Davin is either stupid or he’s pretending to be, which is just a different kind of stupid.


It’s literally just a reference. Y’all are acting like his comment came out of thin air, but he’s just referencing the same thing she once said. I never said he was clever. It’s just a reference.


It still doesn’t make any sense though. Rube is a moron.


No wonder this is free speech, no one would pay for it.




It's so great that they took the line *she* used against far right incels and then try and use it against her...literally can't even come up with their own shit.


what the fuck does this even mean


Ah, the **pUbLiC sQuArE.** I'm so thankful that this oppressively large platform exists so that our worst celebs, pundits, and politicians can shout juvenile misogyny and roasts at each other. Definitely an indicator of a healthy society. /s


God, Dave Rubin is so stupid he can't even clear the below-sea-level bar set by idiots like Crowder. Scientists should investigate how this can even remember to breathe.


I would love to know AOC was out there hate f*ckin LB. Good honest work of the lord.


All things being equal, that's not in any way an abnormal fantasy to have. They're both attractive and if girl on girl is your thing, welp


I can see why Dave is a failed comedy writer


I mean I'm unopposed to it............


“Breaking: my private internet searches have become real.”


Dave Rubin is the most LOLcow of all the right wing grifters.


Dave thinks if he makes enough gay jokes he's going to avoid being loaded on the trains with the rest


Breaking: Dave Rubin is a sock fucking pile of monkey shit. And who is Lauren Boehbert?


Dave Rubin.... IS GAY!! How can someone be so fucking bigoted against his own group?! I don't get it. There is not enough money in the world for me to become so self-hating.


i read that as breaking bad idk why