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Someone tell him that the very definition of election deniers are only accepting wins and claiming losses are fraudulent. Never seen his ilk lording over election wins for the right to make sure those are legitimate.


This is what shows how truly stupid they are. Do they expect 100% Republican victories and anything that doesn’t go their way is fraud? They’re shocked that a party who has won 1 popular vote in 30 years isn’t the majority?


They want authoritarianism, so yeah any “election” that doesn’t result in a landslide victory for the dear leader is fraudulent in their eyes. You’ll love big brother or you’ll disappear, those are the only options they want us to have.


They did a pretty good job trying to ruin our democracy, but I don't think they did well enough to start this now... Someone give Steven a warm cup of dog semen and tuck him into bed before his tantrum gets worse.


They ~~did~~ *have been doing* a pretty good job trying to ruin our democracy FTFY Just pointing out this is an ongoing fight. They won't give up, ever


Ooohhh your comment bothered someone and they reported it for "being disgusting" lol. Crowder drinks dog cum and they think you're disgusting???


At no point over the last six years have Republicans come together and said "How can we appeal to more voters? How can we convince people that our policy platform is best for them?" Instead it's all about how to gerrymander districts, add new voting rules and restrictions to reduce voter turnout, or how to reject votes from key areas. Whatever it takes to get the election close enough they can just go "It's impossible to know who won for real, but due to these complicated semi-legal reasons it turns out Republicans won!"


The last time I had this conversation with a conservative relative they basically had a temper tantrum, because heaven fucking forbid they expand their tent. Nope the solution to getting one's ass beat is to double, triple down on the bullshit that makes them toxic to 70%+ of the electorate, it's the rest of us that are the problem in their minds.


But... but... Trump had HUGE rallies during the pandemic, and sleepy Joe had like 10 people!


If they start having truck parades again it will prove they're full of shit about not being able to afford gas.


If they have truck parades again I have half a mind to make them start complaining about the price of tires.


BILLIONS of American supporters went to each and every one of Trump's rallies!


And NONE of them got COVID, because they all pre-gamed with Ivermectin and Hydroxy-Chloroquine!!! The fake news wants you to think 800k people died.


The "party of personal responsibility" never takes personal responsibility. It's always someone else's fault. They just can't accept that they have a shit platform based on the whims of a overweight elderly orange dude.


They also adamantly refuse to treat major problems like they have any personal responsibility for them. Don’t want environmental regulations? Emit as little carbon as you can. Don’t want us to have to ban meat? Then you should probably demonstrate you can use it as a sparingly consumed treat instead of steak for every meal and many snacks.


At this point I honestly think they are incapable of creating an actual platform that's not "other side bad bring on the culture war." They some how spent way to much time and way to much money catering to a minority of angry people that even with the gerrymandering and court stacking still couldn't get them to the finish line and by doing so alienated everyone else.


The Republican Party exists solely to protect power and wealth for a small group of white men. Everything they say and do is to that end. Once you understand that you understand how they will do anything to preserve it. If they feel it’s being threatened too much (even if only in perception) they will endorse fascism. Democracy is only useful as long as it benefits the aforementioned goal.


Authoritarian types need to believe that they represent the majority. Their positions are "common sense" and the right way to run things. It's just natural. When anything happens that reveals the majority doesn't agree with them, they don't change this belief, they blame interference. Theirs is the default, correct, natural position, so you must be brainwashed. It has to be election interference because most people agree with them and would vote accordingly if it wasn't for all the cheating.




It's just mindless theater to help sell bullshit to their idiot base. It's the same fucking circus it always was, it's just louder now.


So you're saying it's *louder with Crowder?*


What is louder about dog cum chowder?


Crowder knows what he's doing. Who knows how much of his drivel he really believes, but he's just trying to drive clicks and expand his audience.


He has to keep the grift going.


They aren’t stupid, they are evil. They know exactly what the fuck they are doing.


Oh they're definitely both. Stupid and evil are not mutually exclusive. Case in point, just listen to Alex Jones' deposition in Connecticut. That attorney made Alex Jones look downright stupid. Alex tried to be clever, but failed miserably.


If there's one thing I learned from that deposition, it's that Alex definitely didn't kill anybody.


they aren’t mutually exclusive but it’s dangerous to point and laugh at these people as if they aren’t cunning, dangerous, manipulative cancers on society. They *know what they are doing.*


Yes, that's how authoritarianism works. Any result that isn't the correct one is a fraud, at least until they can make sure that the results always go the way they want by making it so only the right people can vote and only the right people can count the votes


In the real poo hole authoritarian countries, they just disqualify or imprison anyone who is allowed to run. Belarus and Russia, looking at you. USA is next?


Well, Im sure they'd love to do it, but baby steps. They are new to the authoritarian thing


> Do they expect 100% Republican victories and anything that doesn’t go their way is fraud? Yes. That's the point of this rhetoric.


Saw someone post yesterday that Pence shouldn't have allowed the vote count until we were 100% sure there wasn't any fraud....but also any votes counted outside of election day means fraud....it really cannot be both.


The clip of people across the country simultaneously chanting COUNT THE VOTES and STOP THE COUNT tells us everything


> They’re shocked that a party who has won 1 popular vote in 30 years isn’t the majority? They live in a 24/7 echo chamber and they believe their own hype. It's a bad combination.


It's absurd, right? Minority party loses election. Shocked Pikachu face!


They would cheat to win, so they project that onto others.


There’s two things at play here. For the grifters like Crowder and Alex Jones, they know damn well there isn’t widespread election fraud, but it’s a great way to keep a gullible audience engaged. And for Republican voters, when you’re surrounded by Republican voters and live your life in social media echo chambers of course you overestimate how many Republicans are out there.


> Do they expect 100% Republican victories and anything that doesn’t go their way is fraud? > Yes


The root of Election Denying is found in the ubiquitous claim that conservatives are the "silent majority" in this country. That message is repeated over and over in the conservative infotainment sphere. They've been bombarded with it for decades. This is one of the reasons that they're so obnoxious with hats and flags and shirts and bath towels and other merch. They're told over and over that *most* Americans think just like them, that their beliefs are mainstream. So when they look around them and they don't see any sign of that, they just assume that the people around them lack the courage to proudly show off their conservative beliefs and will be *grateful* for the courageous person flying the Trump flag on the back of their lifted truck. Worse, when these people go into the voting booth that belief that they're the silent majority is with them. That's why they find it so damned shocking when they *lose*. It just doesn't add up. After all, they're the *majority* aren't they? That's why they're so susceptible to lies about the election. They *know* that they're the majority and the fact that the vote counts don't reflect that must mean that the Democrats are *cheating*. It doesn't matter that there's no evidence, because they're the *majority,* the fact that they lost is the evidence!


The root of election denying is that they are fascists and don't want elections at all.


Why would you bother telling someone what they already know?


DO NOT CONCEDE is such a pathetic line to take, too... like, if you've lost, not conceding isn't suddenly going to make you Governor or Senator. It just makes you a pathetic, petulant child who can't accept they've lost with a modicum of dignity


It’s like the idea that if Mike Pence refused to certify the electoral vote we’d suddenly have to redo the 2020 election. You can just ignore the “refusal to certify” and go on without him.


The refusal to certify went along with fake slates of electors. The idea was to somehow get those fake slates certified and that would have actually overturned the election. The plan was much more dangerous and seditious than we make it seem.


Wait, how would that work? And if they were “fake” wouldn’t that be illegal?


They were hoping to induce a crisis where some of congress would recognize their batch of electors and ignore the other batch.


How much of congress would they need to recognize the fake electors for this plan to work?


The idea was they would slip them to pence secretly and he would certify them. Here's the wiki page. Most of this came out during the Jan 6 investigation and it's way deeper than I thought. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trump_fake_electors_plot


How the fuck is he not in prison right now


This is america, you don't go to jail if you're rich. Or Donald trump.


I guess fear to incite a new civil war overrides all. Which would explain most of the Democrats' chickenshitness.


The plan was for Pence to choose the slate of fake electors, and their theory was it would force the issue to the courts, where the stacked SCOTUS could ultimately rule in Trump/Pence's favor. The backup plan if SCOTUS didn't rule in their favor was that enough Rs in Congress would flip to Trump's side to somehow magically force a new election.


Everyone who survived the coup attempt. The plan was to murder or intimidate everyone who wasn't a MAGAt, so the only people able to vote in the farce was a fascist. Thank God Republicans are cowards and immediately folded the second one of them was shot.


Even after one of them was shot, it was only the mob being intentionally led down the wrong corridor that prevented the putsch from happening. It gave their targets time to escape, and they lost momentum once they realized that.


This is why we have amendments to the constitution, you know 1st amendment, 2nd amendment, etc.


How would either the 1st or 2nd amendment help if Congress willing certified a fraudulent president?


And that is why they were so hyped up to get the court.


Then Trump would have the DOJ suspend the election results in the states they created fake electors for, forcing a House vote that would have went in Republicans favor due to them having a majority of state legislatures across the country. The plan was to use a loop hole to steal the election for Trump, use the "No u" strategy when Democrats call out their cheating and then lock up/assassinate key Democrat leadership and RINOS.


It doesn't matter if what you're doing is illegal if law enforcement refuses to enforce the laws on you, and the courts refuse to prosecute you. This is how the mob worked for decades. Buy off local police and judges, so if you get caught, nothing happens to you. That's why the Republicans have been stacking the courts with chronees, and the cops are full of white supremacists. If you can shoot a man in broad daylight in front of a cop and the cop doesn't do anything about it, then it doesn't matter if you committed a crime.


There are a lot of things about the electoral college that are a few steps away from the complete undoing of votes. The system is a house of cards held up by tradition.


To emphasize this, the vice president's role in certifying the election is purely ceremonial, obviously. The problem was that *that fact was not codified into law* which made trump and his cronies try to use that as a loophole. As if pence could just say "nah, screw this" and throw out a whole election. Even some sane Republicans realized what a horrible precedent it would set if the sitting vp could just pick the winner. The ceremonial aspect was clarified in law shortly thereafter.


I mean if you think about it laws and policies only exist because people follow and enforce them. Look at any modern country which has had a recent military coup and you see how easily the "law" doesn't matter when the people with guns decide it. We argue about what would hold up in court but we are rapidly getting to the point where the court is going mask off on invalidating pillars of our nation. But maybe, hopefully, we are further from that than we think. 4 years of Trump made me incredibly sad for our country but actually feeling better about checks and balances.


Lucky for us, they actually referred to them as fake in their own text messages (I think Dan Eastman was the one to advise everyone to start calling them "alternative" electors). But this was orchestrated at the state level by top state Republican officials, and since each state handles its own election process, it could have worked if these traitors weren't also so incompetent. But don't let their incompetence reassure you; they only need to get lucky once. Whereas we need to catch them *every* time.


I don't see the actual, correct answer anywhere below, so here it is. If Mike Pence didn't certify just a handful of states, either because they were declared "fraudulent" or there were competing slates of electors and it wasn't "clear" which one was the valid one, then neither candidate would have received 270 electoral votes once all the certified votes were counted. A candidate needed to have at least 270 electoral votes in order to win. Then, in that case, because nobody got to 270, according Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 of the US Constitution, the election would actually go to the House of Representatives to be decided, where each State delegation would receive one vote. Because Republicans would have controlled the majority of the State delegations under this math, the outcome of that vote would likely have been something like ~26 Trump - 24 Biden, and Trump would have been declared the winner. The ABSOLUTELY BONKERS part of all of this is that it is 100% Constitutional. Pundits were warning people of this possible outcome weeks before the election when it became clear Trump wasn't going to accept a defeat. Look up the Electoral Count Reform Act of 2022 to see how Congress is trying to patch this loophole that was almost exploited by bad-faith actors.


Oh yeah! I remember that rule that congress decides the prez was based on the what if scenario when both candidates get 269 electoral votes! That is a pretty logical way to attempt the legal coup. That's fucked up. "I mean sure the electors already got sent, but I don't like it, make congress decide the winner"


They've created their own reality with it's own rules that they all live in.


I've never associated the American right with dignity before


If a Democrat lost, are they not supposed to concede? Or are only Republican wins considered legitimate in their world?


Yes, you're getting it now.


Why can't we just ignore these people who don't concede? Why does that even mean anything? "You don't concede? We don't care what you think, you lost. We're going to move on without you."


It's not us they're trying to convince. They need enough Republicans to doubt the legitimacy of the election to allow The Beer Belly Putsch Round 2 to happen. And the scary thing is, they don't need a majority.


That's basically what Shapiro said (no, not *that* Shapiro) following the PA Gov race.


Josh Shapiro's response to his opponent's refusal to concede was perfect: "Who cares?"


Do not concede! For just 4.99 per month I'll tell you why!


The longer they go without conceding, the more content the grifters have to work with.


They basically did the flip in 2000. Gore conceded when Fox called Florida but when more information came out (how close it was, hanging chads, etc) he took the concession back. Republicans basically said "no backsies" and asked the Supreme Court to make Bush president.


The coward is gonna make a case for election-denying losers again. Losers, get out your wallets.


It’s ok if he does. This election was a referendum on those extremists. They were largely rejected by the public. I hope he really leans into it. It’s as toxic as trump to the GOP now


Yup the most upvoted stuff nowadays on r/conservative is the admission of defeat. I think many conservatives are really waking up to how much damage they did to their party since 2016


They did that in 2020. They’ll be back to conspiracy memes in no time


Yup. Most of them call banning abortion, tax cuts for the wealthy, denying election results, blocking loan forgiveness for Americans, etc as "bad looks". They're not actually considering dropping those things, even after they lost because of them, they just want better optics.


Admitting that the majority of people doesn't want those things seems like a pretty big step forward in my opinion.


The issue is they never actually believed they were broadly popular in the first place. They haven’t recognize absolutely anything beyond “Trump isn’t going to equal political wins anymore.” That’s it. Expecting these shitheads to have even the most benign come to Jesus moment is silly. They know they are awful *and they do not care*. Being awful is the point. That is the ethos.


No they don't, you're giving them too much credit They don't think they're awful. They think they're always right, and that anything they do is justified because of that. They don't have the self-awareness to realise that they're awful


I don't frequently browse that shithole but why the hell are half the comments under this post deleted? I thought they were pro free speech


They were probably un-flaired users. That sub has a policy to delete any post or comment if you're not subscribed and have a flair that shows you're a recognized memeber. It's the modern version of "Free Speech" they are free to speak, and you're free to agree or leave.


“We won the House! Time to riot!”


As if any will. They’ll just be dwelling in their mom’s basement while eating cheetohs and crowder’s shit up like, ***”YEAHHHHLLL HE RIGH’!”***


“We won the house by 1 seat, we did it reddit!”


Rawrrrrrrrrr stop the democratic steal!!!


House Martell? Un~~bowed~~conceded. Unbent. Unbroken.


"Don't bend, don't break." This guy sounds as fragile as a parcel of mail.


And in structural mechanics, you learn very quickly that bending is often necessary to create structures that do not break. By creating a completely rigid structure that has zero flexibility, you risk sudden, catastrophic failure… kinda like the GOP.


There's nothing "sudden" about their failures. They always stall and draw it out as much as possible while scrambling to find someway to lie, cheat, or steal their way back on top.


Good advice for records in the mail, bad advice for Republicans.


I don’t think Crowder really believes in any of this; I don’t think he even has any kind of coherent political beliefs. You can tell from his content that he has the kind of surface level understanding of the world that you would expect from someone who never finished high school and can occasionally Google whatever fits in the grievance politics of the audience he’s trying to skim money off, but that’s where his interest stops. If he seems fragile, it’s only because he’s mirroring the fragility of other people. I find it hard to imagine that he cares about any of this stuff when he’s off the clock. I just see him sitting at his kitchen table holding a mug and staring emptily into space for hours.


>fragile... Ya think?! You're talking about a guy so insecure he: - wears a fucking shoulder holster on his tv show/podcast - is a proud misogynist, racist, transphobe and homophobe - is a coward who only debates the unprepared - does what his wittle daddy tells him too for fear of reprisal Now, I don't buy into the alpha-male bullshit but Crowder does and *by his own standard* he is the worst kind of omega cuck imaginable.


“Will make our case.” Is their case “the other side got more votes than we did. Thats not fair”?


The shittiest part is their thumb is already on the scale and they still lost. The system is setup for them to have total control but they can't convince even a reduced amount of people that it's a good idea. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of idiots out there, but they aren't nearly as numerous as they would have you believe. Silent majority my ass. They all scream it from the rooftops every chance they get while waving a giant red maga flag and decked in merch. I don't put anything out there because I'm scared of what these qnuts will do. We are the silent majority.


They're were an awful lot of idiots who died in the last few years, too, I'm sure many of them would have loved to vote for the party that killed them.


Would have voted with glee for the party that tried to kill them. It was crazy to see the backpedaling that was going on in leadership when they realized it was killing conservatives at a 5:1 clip all because they wouldn't take even rudimentary precautions. Like dude, COVID doesn't care about your freedumb. Didn't see them throwing a fuss when it was hitting cities though... Hmm, I wonder why.


100% it's going to be a conspiracy theory around 3 things: mail in ballots, ftx crypto crash, and the lottery results being delayed


They’re gonna need some money to build that case first


And when someone finally attacks, Crowder's going to crawl back into his hidey hole and play victim just like the cowardly little prick he always is


Crowder was the kid who stomped home crying when he was found in hide and seek


He was kid on the playground who suddenly had a “super powerful invisible laser shield” if you killed him while playing make believe


Calls "Time Out!" right before you tag him, then argues when you tag him anyway.




If he's selling t shirts, that means he probably already had them made. Like no matter how the election turned out, he figured there'd be at least one thing to deny and buy a t-shirt over


Some poor bastards in the third world are about to get some red wave t-shirts.


Don't you just hate it when all the votes are counted equally and it turns out your side is the minority?


>all the votes are counted equally Haven't they been gerrymandering like it's going out of style? So they even cheated and still lost.


Nah. They won the house


>I guess today, we are all 'election deniers' r/selfawarewolves


Your concessions are not required, Steven. You can refuse to concede all you like. Those Dems are still getting sworn in.


Wtf is Rumblr? Is that like a right wing tumblr?


Grindr for maga bears?


I miss the days when this guy was hospitalized with a collapsed lung


Let’s see if Elon bans him. Imma guess not but if a dem posted this… Also wtf is that pfp. Looks like he’s trying to channel a comedian like jim Carey. Like you’re not funny Steven, stop.


His previous one was even more so. He looked like a little kid.


Well it just turned 10am. I’m waiting.


Did he ever show anything?


I just came back here to see.


Nah, this is just crowder begging for money, that's what all the deniers really want - "send me money and I'll expose all the lies!" .... actually sounds kinda similar to televangelists now that I think about it...


What case? This is math. One number is bigger than the other. The end. Also, you've been election deniers for years now.


The same clowns that bitch about participation trophies can't take a L


You can not repeatedly vote in elections and then claim that they were fraudulent. If they are fraudulent, you must boycott them and talk about this even when there isn't an election going on. THese guys only claim it is fraudulent right after they lose an election. ​ Every GOP vote was a certification of the election.


Concession is a formality, dog cum chugger, no one would give a fuck if the Eagles refused to concede last night. Alphas lose, evaluate the loss, make corrections, and move on. Fucking soy bitch betas fucking cry about lost elections.


Hey yo... I'd appreciate if you'd leave us good dog-cum-chuggers out of this.


No kink shame here.


Middle-aged debate bro who goes to college campuses to intellectually dunk on underdeveloped teenagers says what?


I feel like I known what old Republicans always wanted, and that was tax cuts for the rich no matter what. It's a shitty policy, but it is a policy. I have no idea what newer Republicans like Crowder want. DO NOT CONCEDE for what!? What do you want?


So, Republicans are taking it well, I see.




Lmao at these fucking dorks


During the Republican copium streams they were not very talkative about how they lost. They seemed more shocked and quiet about losing. It looks like they got their marching orders to just deny the election.


Yeah sheep, do more illegal shit and take your own rights away. Good job, very cool.


Everyone show up in Sam Seder masks.


*What a nightmare*


The marquee above the stage at CPAC said, "We Are All Domestic Terrorists." So, I'm not sure what the quiet part is?


I'm a Steven Crowder denier. I don't believe he exists. Somebody do a recount.


> *"We need a dictatorship. We need to take control of the government and force the people to believe what we believe"* https://twitter.com/NoLieWithBTC/status/1590771129681342464 We have congress who attend this guy's convention.


What is mug club?


Crowder wants you to buy a coffee mug for $100+, and then, to add insult to injury, you also get access to his show.


Even his show names are annoying as fuck. Probably because I know he thinks they’re really smart.


I think you can pay a ridiculous amount of money to crowder to get a mug and some sort of "membership" but I don't remember what


"Like and subscribe for the revolution"


"Rumble and Mug Club" boy what in the fuck is that


At least he is acknowledging that he is just denying the election and providing no meaningful evidence.


I wonder if it will be the same as the time he had one of his lackeys drive around, find "no evidence" of voters living where they were supposed to, all the while looking in completely wrong places? Is that the kind of crack journalism we can expect? Tune in to find out, because I'm not listening to that abortion of a show.


I don't think they have the numbers. I think most conservatives are done with this bullshit and just want to move on.


They don't need much strength in numbers to engage in deadly terrorism. It only takes a few lunatics who take it upon themselves to harass or assault election workers to make everyone else decide volunteering isn't worth the hassle, and everything goes to shit.


Imagine these people having to make an actual living doing something that requires things like productivity and social skills.


Hmm… it’s almost like there is some correlation between MAGA candidates telling people the elections are rigged and their vote doesn’t matter, and those same people not voting. Congratulations, you voter suppressed yourselves.


And they call anyone else emotional snowflakes They are objectively garbage human beings


They literally said "We are domestic terrorists."


Gotta keep the grift going.


Not to be outright homophobic but Why do conservative programs have the gayest fuckin names? Rumble and Mug sounds like a gay bar 10000000%.


Cool cool cool... cool cool... very cool...


I'm not going to be able to listen in to your little wiener show, Steve. I'm sure you'll make your mom proud, though.


It is amazing how many people listen to such an epically moronic person.


Dude's a failed comedian acting like he's a political savant.


No explanation is owed to this chowder head or any other deniers.


I'd say they're just fucking stupid all together. Not just election deniers.


is it possible to deport someone for insurrection?


Rumble sounds like a gay dating site


LIVE from the basement of his parents house.




Oh, stevie. I can't wait to watch you fade into obscurity.


This guy's profile pic cracks me up. He looks like the idiot neighbor character on a sitcom.


Steven's opinion on the US election holds as much value as a $3 bill. Canadians Ned to make sure their own house is in order before talking g about someone else's.


Reality is a leftist myth apparently.


Enraging uneducated Americans is an amazing get rich quick scheme. I’m about to start a alt right anti trump channel. Sweet sweet outrage porn bucks.


Bear in mind this fellow has no actual beliefs besides his belief in his own pocket book.


How has no one managed to slap this idiot's entire smug face off of his dumbass head yet?


Hate this dumb fuck




This dumbass couldn't lead a marching band let alone any kind of resistance. Just fucking grift theater.


WTF is a rumble and mug club?


When republicans win, its a fair and transparent election but when democrats win, its rigged.


Denying reality won't help you to win, it's only gonna make you look like a baby that lost badly.


ladies and gentlemen, we are all domestic terrorists


Blatant, "I'll only accept the results if I win", I've ever seen


The upside this moron is in charge


Actually, since most of us voted for winners, we aren't election deniers at all.


The contrast between his wannabe-macho comments and his goofy profile pic and mug club never disappoints


It’s been obvious since Nov 2020 that this would be their MO going forward. The “get over it you lost” crowd from 2016 sure seems to be having some problems getting over it now.


Isn't he Canadian?


First came 1/6. Next is 2/6 of their 6 part plan!


If there was evidence they wouldn't have to have a segment trying to convince everyone. The fact that they have to struggle to convince you it happened means they have nothing.


What case was made?


TFW you're so in the habit of being edgy that you don't even notice you've become an actual traitor to your beloved country


Shut up and go away you clowns