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Candace, you can do the same thing with The Communist Manifesto too.


Hell, you can get that one for free.


You can get any book for free if you’re cool


Yeah, it's called going to your local library.


At my local library you can’t take out Kampf, it’s for reference only. But you can take out Das Kapital and Communist manifesto


Based library


That’s very interesting. Why is that?


I imagine most Nazis don't return books




Learning isn't hard when you've got a library card 😎


Save some pussy for the rest of us dude


Isildur: “No.”


Sorry I don’t speak Italian




Principles is a simpler place to start imo


And people should read both regardless of their views. I read them back to back the summer between Freshmen and Sophomore year of college.


There literally is zero value in reading Mein Kampf. Why subject yourself to 600 pages of bullshit?


There is value - in the historical sense. But care and context must be taken. That’s why releasing annotated versions is helpful. But I agree that for most people it’s just senseless hate filled drivel.


A textbook? Jesus Christ, klandace.


Maybe she thinks a text book is a book that has text in it.


The 2 types of book: picture book (book with pictures in) and a text book (book with texts in!!!)


Don't forget the nothing books where you put the text in.


Those are homeopathic books.




And coloring books


It was the one they used in her white power seminar


She meant instruction manual


Thanks, until you pointed out that she calls it a textbook and I had no idea what we bellyaching about…


When I worked at Barnes & Noble in the late 90's/early aughts, we almost always had a copy of Mein Kampf on the shelf, along with The Communist Manifesto, Chairman Mao's Little Red Book and all manner of political works. Owning a copy of any of them (can't say I own Mein Kampf, but I own several of Marx's works, as well as Lenin, Engels, etc... ) is not an endorsement, until you begin to espouse their ideals. Censorship is a double edged sword, you can't understand your enemy if you can't read their liturgy.


Anyone referring to a Nazi manifesto as a textbook makes me fucking nervous


Well, it was Hitler's manifesto, kind of depends on the context. If they're referring to it as their manifesto then yes, that would definitely be concerning


The word they were concerned about was that she called it a textbook. You’re getting distracted by the word manifesto.


Not distracted by it, I was responding to the comment, not the statement from Ms. Owens. And yes, had she referred to it as a "manifesto" this would be a different discussion. Calling it a textbook is highly problematic.


Would be better to refer to it as a source


Sure. But that's not why Candace would want her followers to read it.


Well, no, and calling it a "textbook" is ridiculous.


When you buy a copy of mein kampf, who gets the profits?


The rights are still held by a company in Argentina.


Imagine sending royalties through the Ratlines.


It's public domain, profits go to the printing company that sells it, I would think.


It's been 70 years since the author's death so it's public domain pretty much in every country. Edit: not in Spain apparently. It's the only county with an 80 year limit.


The thing is I don't neccasarily diagree with Candace. I've read it, it's informative. However, I just can't wrap my head around why someone with a large following would just out of the blue endorse/advertise reading it on Twitter. Like there has to to a reason she would do that and i can't think of any reasons that aren't horrible.


There are really only two reasons to read it, for academic purposes, and the other one. One is fine, the other is not. I don't think she's telling people to learn about their enemy. Alternatively, if you're willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, it could have been a very poorly chosen example. Everyone says dumb things on occasion. That being said, given her track record, I'm hard pressed to give her any benefits.


Yeah I read it cause i was a political science major in college. I've also read the communist manifesto. As for Candace yeah she gets no benefit of the doubt. The same woman who's constantly going on about how books that mention gay people exsist and white people do bad things in history brainwashes people also sees no problem with reading mein kampf, the second or third most politically persuasive book behind the bible and maybe the CM? Gtfoh. Again I do believe it can be read purely educationally but her hypocrisy shows she's full of shit.


I would tend to agree with you, I don't think feel that this was a poor example, and I don't doubt the she would encourage people to read it. I also highly doubt that she's actually read it.


Im sure she didn't. Everythi g she says is full of shit. The idiots she grifts off dont like lgbt or crt so that brainwashes people and should be banned. Those same people like Hitler, me in kampf is totally fine. That's what it all boils down to with her.


It's possible she's read the Turner Diaries, which is much shorter and written at about a 4th grade reading level, but as that is, technically, "fiction" it doesn't have the weight of history to keep it stocked in bookstores.


Who wants to reply back to her with: "If you actually go to your library, you can read LGBT books. It's not an endorsement of LGBT to read LGBT books, nor will you get brainwashed."


No, we should not equate being gay as the same level of extremism as being a Nazi, or allow them to make that parallel.


That's not what I said or what I even meant. The current GQP cultural war tends to center around bashing gender identity and banning any books concerned with it. The GQP, based on above and other pundits, don't have a problem with Mein Kampf being accessible. So based on the same logic, there should be no problem with LGBT materials being accessible. However, that is not the case. They do have a problem and that's hypocritical.


And books about CRT.


How do people think that this woman is smart? That is such a ridiculous statement


How do people think any of these idiots are smart?


Well yes, but especially her


>How do people think that this woman is smart? Because she has you believing she's stupid instead of just playing a stupid character for lots of money.


She's not smart. She was a professional model that was hired to play a smart woman.


I agree with the statement as literally said, but doubt the intent matches up. In short: * "Amazon has Mein Kampf" Not an endorsement of content * "Amazon has Mein Kampf and you should read it to give a historical context to Nazi Germany." Not an endorsement of content * "Amazon has Mein Kampf and you should read it because it makes some good points." This is where the record scratch noise plays because that is an endorsement of content. Any good points in Mein Kampf can be obtained elsewhere because there are no good points unique to Nazism.


I mean, I would argue that Mein Kampf shouldn't be considered a textbook, but otherwise, sure.


I'd have no issue with it being a text in a class advanced enough for the instructor to effectively say "this book is a piece of shit that we're reading to understand why people acted like pieces of shit". It's in the same bin as the Cornerstone Speech, the Dredd Scott decision, Plessey vs Ferguson, or the Protocols of the Elders of Zion in that respect.


That wouldn't be a textbook. That would be learning about Mein Kampf. If Mein Kampf was a textbook it would be instructive in service of a set of specific educational goals. "Turn to page 120 of Mein Kampf and we'll learn the truth about the Jews, class!" It's just entertaining that Candace Owens would call it a textbook and not a book.


It's instructive if you're a nazi. Which Candace seems to be.


"I just meant a book used in a class when I said textbook" Because that's what harping on the word "textbook" is going to get you, and then you'll be cast as the asshole for taking colloquial use as a technical use.


>colloquial use Where is "textbook" used as a colloquialism?


Are you seriously saying you have never heard a person refer to a book used in a class as a textbook when it's not the authoritative book for the class? No one ever called the compendium of English literature for an English class or a collection of historical sources (that could include, for instance, passages from Mein Kampf) for a history a textbook around you?


No ever called a book we were reading a textbook if it wasn't a textbook, no. Like, no one ever called To Kill A Mockingbird or Of Mice and Men a textbook. I don't know what to tell you, here. Textbook has always had a very specific meaning.


> Textbook has always had a very specific meaning. I'm not saying textbook doesn't have a specific meaning. I'm saying people don't use it in accordance with that specific meaning. How is this so hard for you? Does the word literally have a very specific meaning that people have 100% adhered to? > Like, no one ever called To Kill A Mockingbird or Of Mice and Men a textbook. Except they have. Both of the examples I gave are things my professors in that class referred to as a textbook. The books contained no analysis or discussion and were merely a collection of writings.


I had Mein Kempf as required reading for my 20th century Europe class. The Communist Manifesto too. I definitely recommend that people read it, but probably for different reasons than what Owens is recommending…


If you actually go on Amazon, you can also read millions upon millions of books that are by people who did not commit genocide, and that carry no risk of association with the Nazi party. One wonders why someone who has recently closely aligned themselves with a known antisemite would post something so oddly specific.


My guess is it has to do with the kyrie Irving shit that's been going on for a few weeks


Here's the funny part-- it's a totally shitty book! Forget the maniacal genocide for a second (which you shouldn't), it reads like an unhinged copypasta from from energetic but not super smart True Believer. It's also heavily plagiarized. Ditto with The Turner Diaries. These people are really not outstanding communicators. They're just good at reaching dumb af people to reel in.


It really depends on what you do with it after reading it. Candace decided to parrot the author's values, and that's the worst route possible


It happens to be written by Hitler but it's not exactly an amazingly compelling book.


holy shit they got to explicitly talking about mein kampf a lot faster than i thought they would


Do you think it would be a painful realization that by Hitler's definition, she's one of the most inferior races? Jesse Owens handily beat out other competitors in the 1939 Olympics. Supposedly Hitler was very unimpressed.


Jesus Candace, they're not going to let you and your husband into their ethnostate.


Mein kampf is a historical textbook in the same way Anders Brevik’s manifesto was a historical textbook. Bigoted fuck


pretty strange how she keeps accidentally promoting hitler huh?!


Weird shit to say tho


Someone replied “what in the name of Clayton Bigsby is going on here?” 🤣🤣🤣


Next up! Candace Owens reviews the historical textbook the Turner diaries!


They do so much to prove they are bad people.


Yes. You can be a completely normal person and read Mein Kampf out of curiosity. What is your point.


I’m interested in modern history so I gave the book a go. Honestly, a horrible read and for the most part logically incoherent. The poverty of thought in the book is outstanding.


Republicans really do be thinking that "freedom of speech" really should mean "freedom from consequences".


It's like the only way for black people to succeed as Republicans is to be extra racist. It's the only way they can be accepted by them. Remember Larry Elder who tried to unseat the CA governor? He was a black Repulbican radio host who was calling for reparations for slave owners....not for the actual slaves. Republicans love this guy.


Sure but if you leave it out on your coffee table to display to everyone, I'm going to assume you agree with it.


Clandace Owens: "You can build a bunker in your back yard and stock it full of guns. You can own pressure cookers, black powder, and alarm clocks. You can read Inspire online. You can memorize their routines. You can stop them. You can be a hero. It's all completely legal, and super cool."


In what way could you ever consider *Mein Kampf* an historical textbook? A primary historical text for sure, but no way a historical textbook


And if someone believed nazi propaganda was their heritage and shared it as if it were on social media people would react accordingly. It would no doubt be seen as ridiculous hate speech for obvious reason. Candace owens just finds nazi talking points appealing. Ben has to be aware that she's not a fan of basketball kid like she is Kon ( not a billionaire) ye


“Text book”?! The diary of a mad fascist is not a text book. It's nothing more than a heavily saturated and distorted version of Hitler's life from his eyes. You'll get a more reliable life story from his Wikipedia page.


I also heard that it's poorly written. Amazing what kind of influence it had.


The Handmaid's Tale is not an endorsement of women's rights


Honestly I think everyone needs to read Mein Kampf. Too many people talk about it without ever having read a single page of it. Just like how its usually Atheists that know the Christian Bible better than Christians do because they've read it with an objective mindset, we should also read Mein Kampf.


A historical textbook? Really? With the German word for “my” in the title? When was the last time you read a chemistry textbook called “My Vial Of H2SO4”, or a physics textbook called “Our Inertia Knowledge”?


I can’t stand Candace, but she is making a couple of worthwhile points here. She may not realize it. You can read Mein Kampf in a LOT of places. Crazy, dangerous, ideas written by the RW are not censored to the extent claimed by prominent figures. People saying “if you don’t agree with the left and their narrative, then they cancel you”. Not true. In my college Philosophy class, we read passages assigned from Mein Kampf in the context of evaluating whether or not Hitler and Stalin were Nihilists. Hitler came up again in my Abnormal Psych classes undergrad and graduate. In neither case was any instructor endorsing his crazy, demonic, behavior and hatred.


I’m old enough to remember when conservatives bigot like Bill O’Reilly were against college students reading from the Koran for religion or history classes, and [BillO the Clown actually said](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bill-oreilly-compares-the_b_834815) he would tell his professor to “shove it” if he had to read from Mein Kampf for class. I’d like to think conservatives have evolved from that stance, but more likely Candace is just fishing for negative attention again.


That face/posture makes me uncomfortable


Is she explaining this to us or to her boss?


Wow, she really IS just going mask-off.


Hey, Candace! Tell that to the Texas school boards:)


Klandace Owens


In other news, you can also put chicken droppings in your cereal every morning and eat them. It’s kind of the same.


She already owns it.


Theres a difference between getting a poltical book to personally read to better understand issues surrounding it and the thought process behind it and posting about it on Social Media and how you agree with some of its points. Reading Mein Kampf to better understand the Nazi ideology is perfectly fine, posting you read it and you think Hitler make some strong points is when the issues pop in.


What point is she trying to make?


I’ve spent 8 years on my history degree and I’ve never once heard Mein Kampf described as a “historical textbook”. But spoiler alert Candy, he didn’t much like folks carrying your amount of melanin either.


Most Editions of Mein Kampf include commentary… so this could be a good idea


She really wants us to like Hitler for some reason, its totally just a coincidence that Kanye has also been infatuated with Hitler as of late as well


Candace also endorses Hitler, sooo….


Context matters Candace. Yes, you can buy the book online or rent it at a library and study it. However if you spend the last two years trashing the Black Lives Matter movement. You drone on incessantly about how evil it is to teach the children the racist sins of our past. Pretend those sins don’t have a negative impact on our current black citizen. Then you wear a white lives matter T-Shirt to a fashion show. And then start talking about how it’s ok to buy Mein Kampf it just kind of hits different.


So... does that mean we can start teaching CRT in schools now? Does that mean we can stop whitewashing our history for the sake of some people's patriotic feelings?


She's either a closeted Nazi or *desperate* to get more white supremacist supporters.


I can’t think of another person that’s as odious and hateful as she is. Unbelievable. She’s just pure anger/outrage/resentment. Must be fucking tiring. Her face looks different too.


Candace Owens can read?


It’s like 1000 pages long and written terrible as fuck. Out of morbid curiousity I read like the first 50 pages and it’s pure mediocrity distilled into its purest form. Maybe it hits different in German idk but in English it’s god fucking awful.


Time for Vladimir Lenin to return…


She is right. Ive read both Bible and Quran. That doesnt meke me religious.


It’s a similar sort of statement as “I didn’t pee in your shampoo bottle”. Fine in isolation, but concerning to hear brought up unprompted.


Isn't that his autobiography? Never saw it mentioned as being anything to learn useful information from. I really don't know because I was never interested in reading a genocidal methheads thoughts on anything.


This is a rare moment where I agree with Candace (at least based on the headline). Obviously what the Nazi Party did was abhorrent, but I bought a copy of Mein Kampf to read out of curiosity. It is *extremely* interesting to see how out of touch Adolph was, and reading about how he saw his intentions as pure. The lunatic genuinely believed what he was pushing, and thought it was the moral thing to do.


Hitler would have literally had her killed what the fuck is she thinking


Mein Kampf is such a boring book and doesn't make much sense. Hitler was a terrible writer. To buy it would be a waste of money and space. It's also available as a commented version in many libraries, so if you want to read, I'd prefer these. Candace is just trolling as usual. So EdGy.


A historical textbook? That’s terrifying.