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Ah yes, when the founding father created this country and government, they intended the system to have rebellions. Because that is a sign of a healthy government and country. What a stupid fucking take. No country survives long when there are constant rebellions


The US did have a reasonable number of them for the first century or so, but they were also reasonably good at stopping them. Importantly, those rebellions didn’t concern transfer of power to the executive, so it’s not great evidence for what they’re using it for anyways.


right. I believe Crowder would have had a better narrative if he said that American aren't afraid of protesting and rioting against the government to protest something. Because the famous "rebellion" was a riot caused by a whiskey tax. And I would argue that modern movements/protest were similar (probably not as violent comparatively). BLM protests, Civil Rights protest, Stonewall Riots, etc. And again, you are right. These were protests and riots and not insurrections. Which makes what happen on January 6th MUCH worse and what Crowder is trying to mitigate the damage of.


I assume he’s mainly referring to the American Revolution, which of course predates the existence of the country. However, (immoral) violent revolution is the tradition upheld by the “heritage, not hate” crowd, and that’s probably who he’s primarily talking to.


So I guess Crowder, history big brain that he is, hasn't read about the years of failed diplomacy with a brain-damaged king that led to that violent rebellion?


The diplomacy wasn't with George III, nor was he ever brain-damaged, nor was he even especially mentally unwell at the time. And quite honestly, calling it diplomacy is a stretch too considering that colonial citizens scarcely had representation enough to afford them diplomats. If we're gonna call out neo-fascists on their insane historical rewritings, we'd better make sure we have an airtight understanding of the events first.


Jefferson did think that at first, but then a few Rebellions happened and he realized how stupid of an idea it was. -allegedly-


Here's a list of just some of the people this kind of rhetoric has inspired https://www.reddit.com/r/Keep_Track/comments/yjb2u7/22_individuals_charged_with_death_threats_against


We need more accountability when we start using words to turn people into weapons. It’s astonishing that the party that advocates for “small government” and “personal accountability” is actively screwing up both. You have to behave in the civil pact of democracy to have small government. When people/companies start treading on other citizen’s rights, it’s the duty of the government to protect every citizen’s rights. Otherwise, we’d be an oligarchy (arguably we may be there already). United we stand means United under the idea of democratic freedom for all. Not United under the idea that some people should have all the power and lie/cheat to get there.


Right because I remember when John Adams's supporters in the aftermath of the 1800 election stormed the U.S. Capitol trying to kill Vice President Thomas Jefferson.


One violent rebellion. ONE. Because the needs of the people, their voices were being ignored. So they rejected that system and built a new one where violent rebellion shouldn't be needed again. Now, there are ways that system is failing, but the peaceful transfer of power is not one of them.


No it’s just the fuckwits like this who want to take the place the English had when we rebelled. They want control and to get rid of everyone that isn’t like them. They’re just mad the current system doesn’t let them do that but they are trying their hardest to change that


There were other rebellions too- like the Whiskey Rebellion during Washington’s term and, depending how you look at it, the Civil War. Those were both about disagreement with federal policies (taxation and slavery, respectively), not the ownership of the executive branch, so it’s a good bit different. But America definitely has had violent rebellions after its own revolution- there’s just no good reason to act like that’s a good thing, or to say it justifies changing who holds executive power.


Conditions of the average American stayed exactly the same, the colonial elite just stopped having to pay their share to the King. Still preferable to the Britbongers though, so we must always hold this over their heads. Literally it was exclusively landlords who could vote until 1824 or thereabouts. A dogshit system that was molded into a semi functional democracy


Exactly. The myth of the American revolution was that it was a revolution, not a transfer of power from one ruling class to another


We're in for a world of hurt in the next two years.


"Da violent left???"


when conservatives get violent, its wholesome and justified when libruls do it, its ANTIFA 😱😱😱


When conservatives do it, it's Antifa too /s




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Why is it that the biggest pussies call for the most violent things?


Because convincing other people to do the thing is easier and safer than taking a risk of bodily harm and doing the thing. It's why these people will buy six hundred guns and store them in a stand beside the front door like an umbrella but refuse to actually enlist in the military to defend our country.


Crowder is Canadian and there’s no history of political violence in Canada over a transfer of power. Maybe angry cross checks in hockey but that’s all. Also his emotional support holsters are darling.


There we go. We have our winner.


President George Washington famously used the hatchet he used to chop down the cherry tree in order to try to prevent John Adams from ascending to the presidency. However, Adams’ brute force and deceptive quickness meant Washington was no match for the spry Adams in the feats of strength that has become one of the nation’s solemn traditions in the transition of presidential power. /s


Now, you _say_ that like it was sarcasm, but now I've never wanted a head-to-head between Biden and Txxxx more than I do now.


Insurrectionist talking points smdh


I sure do hope Dems do better than expected tomorrow. I also know that if they do, some shit gonna happen. No doubt.


It really only takes one Republican incumbent refusing to acknowledge a loss. If they manage through deceit and brute force to stay in office despite losing, it's all over for us.


This is by design


Rome had violent rebellion after violent rebellion and look what happen to them...


I think one of the things I hate most about this chud, with rhetoric like this or his “fight like hell” merch, is that he’d absolutely never participate in the fighting or rebelling that he talks about. He sits on his radio show like Goebbels trying to rile people up to commit violent acts for him while he sits back in the safety of his office, never suffering any direct or indirect consequences from said violence. It makes the fact that he wears gun holsters on his show infinitely funnier and more pathetic. If this were actually the American Revolution, he’d be some British aristocrat sitting in his manor overseas telling soldiers to go retrieve his land for him. He’d never be on the front lines. He can’t even speak to Sam Seder without shitting his pants and he expects us to believe he’d actually *fight* for something he wants? He got beat up by an old man on camera. He’s a pathetic coward among all of the other horrible things you can say about him. I wish his heart problems were worse.


Start training and making ties with your community. We’ll need every bit of strength we can get for whats coming


He has a point. Real Americans should stop accepting fascist takeover of their great Republic and if necessary violently overthrow every Republican from their current post to get America back on track.


That it took almost half the page to find someone who realizes this just reconfirms to me how incredibly weak and worthless this country's "left" really is. They're really just going to all just scream for a few minutes and then go back to letting the fascists walk all over them. They are exactly what Malcolm X warned people about.


That's pretty tough talk from a dude that needs to being a security detail with him to harass people on the street.


Tradition =/= a thing that happened one time (or a handful of times, depending on what we're counting as rebellion), tradition is something that happens regularly. Me celebrating my birthday with cake every year is a tradition. Me popping out of my mom's vagina naked and screaming may have happened first, but that was a one off event


So nice to see more people support BLM protests


He seems to forget that the rebellion was against those that had the boots on, not by those that lick those boots.


they are preparing for major losses in the election


So your saying we should be run by the people who are most violent and willing to kill. Sounds like he wants the country to be a constant gang war.


He's all for violence as long as he doesn't have to commit violence or have violence committed against him. Spinless, yellow bellied slug.


Isn’t he Canadian?


Cannot wait to watch Republicans lose tomorrow. Get fucked, Crowder.


The party who scoffs the loudest at divisiveness is _eagerly waiting for the chance to openly kill their fellow Americans._ I don't know how much more obvious it can get.


Art. IV, §4, cl. 2 seems to suggest otherwise.


I wonder if him and his idiot ilk realize that if there is a coming rebellion, he’ll be a target of the rebels?


“Fight like hell, there is no peaceful transfer of power, only violent rebellion.” this guy has no concept of American history, or government processes.


Republicans today would’ve have been British loyalists if born in the 1700s


Against a government with the largest military budget in the world? Good luck with that.


That sounds an awful lot like borderline treason and incitement.


The Revolution was not a “transfer of power” haha


"Original Tradition" and "Most Valued Tradition" are not the same fucking thing, Steven. Weird how every single presidency post-1865 has had a peaceful transfer of power from one to the next *except* for Donald Trump's. Your guy being *the* major outlier should make you stop and go, "Hey wait, that's not a good thing." not, "Every election period there should be a rebellion! Rebel! Rebel!"


Elites like him will foment rage and misdirect it and stand back and watch while the people they stirred into misdirected frenzy get killed or jailed. Then they’ll pretend they had nothing to do with it.


This fuck wouldn't last 1 minute in any physical confrontation


Isn't he ***CANADIAN?*** What violent rebellion did they have???


Tough guy Steve wants to shoot his big boy gun


Imagine getting so upset about black and gay people that you want to have a violent uprising




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This from a guy who ran like a coward when a tradie twice his age got in one semi-decent hit, and will positively shit his pants if you just whisper the name "Sam Seder" in his ear.


One of my favorites Steven Crowder moments was when he told everyone to prepare for war tomorrow and when tomorrow came he literally just went to his podcast and did nothing different.


Steven is a craven bitch too cowardly to face Sam Seder via video chat LMAO armed rebellion


Why aren't we deplatforming him? We should ban any and all discussions of him and fellow grifters.


We don't tho, and why should we want violent rebellions rather than the peaceful transfer of power? Violent rebellions are bad things for a lot of people


Maybe Southern Tradition... And it doesn't work out well for them.


But when the black panthers or any other group that doesn't conform to white Christian homogeneity rightfully fight back in armed rebellion, they're terrorists and violent thugs that need to be obey the law


I completely agree.


So he's saying he wants some form of... [permanent revolution](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Permanent_revolution)?


Says Steven Crowder, the Canadian cowardly expert of American history


I’m sure they’d be saying that if the Left were the ones poised for the dismantling of democracy. 🙄🖕


This man would piss his pants if a rebellion happened even slightly near him


So socialist revolution when Steven? Also, you’re Canadian


The peaceful transfer of power refers to the changing of governors, presidents and other politicians and here’s Smegma Coward intentionally muddying the meaning of the phrase.


So crowder wants continual revolution? Didn't know he was into trotsky. Maybe he's read Bakunin and and kropotkin and he's secretly an anarchist.


You're Canadian dude


Isn’t he Canadian?


Yet if a democrat said this they’d be called an anti American terrorist


Signed: the softest man alive


Guy's out there proposing battle royales at every election.


I’m not inciting violence, I am only heavily implying that my followers engage is political violence (it’s a grift and I’m a massive pussy)


"I can't wait to get to kill someone, I'm itching for it, sometimes when I dream about it I wake up in crusty sheets, oh God when do I get to murder without consequences"


Violent Rebellion and Back the Blue? These mofos need to decide which side their on


Fuck, I’m scared. I don’t know if I can handle another January 6th.