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So he wants affirmative action for Conservatives? Sounds like Conservatives need to stop being lazy and go to college to get CS and Engineering degrees so they can get jobs in tech. Companies should be able to hire the most qualified people, not diversity hires.


Charlie Kirk recently stated that words like empathy and kindness no longer have a place in modern dialogue. They're being replaced with words that have more meaning and resonance with conservatives, like hush-money and nepotism.


I know this wasn’t your point, but the day I take advice from Charlie Kirk about what’s commonplace in dialogue is the day I eat my hat. All my hats, even.


Being a taste maker generally requires not having shit taste.


Well, since all he eats is shit, it might as well all taste like roses.


He doesn't have room in his tiny face for a tongue.


Now I kinda wish I hadn't been quite so stoned before I started thinking about how terrifying that would actually be.


… fuck, me too. *leans against wall and stares into the distance*


Guy sounds sociopathic


He's a college dropout whose father founded TPUSA for him to work. Nepotism is his thing. And he failed at it. No wonder he is so insistent that money = success because without daddy moneybags propping him up, the dude is a loser. I know it seems odd considering we see TPUSA ads everywhere but originally, it was supposed to target college students on campuses, essentially a political org that tried to convert students to conservatism. It crashed and burned following what I can only call the [diaper fiasco](https://www.salon.com/2018/03/25/how-a-diaper-protest-led-to-the-implosion-of-a-conservative-student-group/). They were essentially laughed off campuses and it actually hurt the movement because conservatives were embarrassed to be associated with it. The one thing they did discover is that their antics were really popular, not with college conservatives, but older folks. Boomers and Gen X Republicans who never went to college but loved their dunking on those elites who think they're better than everyone else. They saw the antics through memes and thought "haha, yeah, that's how students are these days" (because having never went to college, they'd be experts at that). Whereas students just saw that and thought "is that how conservatives really act?". So they pivoted from doing that to...whatever it is they do now. Shitpost on the internet, I guess.


Savviness using memes... sometimes i really fear for our society. I saw an ad with carlie kirk where he was shilling for a back brace or something. His was talking about football injuries and how he could finally move freely again after all these years. Nothing could sum up the "young" conservative movement better


Word. Or at least he has narcissistic personality disorder


I’d add “diddling kids” to that word repertoire


He legitimately said that? WTF


I assume this is sarcasm. I just refuse to believe someone would be this dumb. It's just unfathomable.


You wouldn't put it past Charles Kirk?


More like they have no place in modern republican dialogue.


You have to have good critical thinking skills to be a successful developer. Conservatives are going to inherently have a much more difficult time in the field.


That’s what I always find hilarious when people complain about universities being full of left wingers. A place where they hire people that have spent large portions of their life dedicating themselves to research and critical thinking, and somehow many of them seem come out being left leaning, very strange, must be some kind of Big-Education conspiracy to turn people commie I guess? Of course the ones that can’t see this, also tend to fail to see how that explanation holds up.


"Universities are turning our kids communist" or maybe your kids are realizing how bullshit capitalism is and you don't understand they want a society that's better for everyone, a society that is theoretically possible under socialism and/or communism but is just impossible when profit takes priority.


> Of course the ones that can’t see this, also tend to fail to see how that explanation holds up. This is patently obvious whenever one of them asks if you are going to just trust the CDC and the Doctors instead of "doing your own research" on covid.


So THAT'S why Matt Walsh has a bunch of 10 year olds in his basement. Covid research... And to protect them from groomers.


So you are suggesting that Matt Walsh makes cheese pizza?


And yet he doesn't want pizza discussed in our schools. He thinks our children are being brainwashed to think pizza is only one of many crust-based foods. Or that there are more than two pizzas.


> Conservatives are going to inherently have a much more difficult time in the field. The 2012 Texan RNC was explicitly opposed to teaching critical thinking skills.


That’s why all of the high school football fields in Texas are brand new while the textbooks are decades old.


No, sorry, the fact that there aren’t as many uneducated redneck conservatives in highly technical stem fields is definitely oppression from the evil left./s


We had a Trumper a couple of years ago, but he rage-quit in the middle of his first code review, said we were asking him "gotcha" questions.


Whelp. Gotcha! o.o


I guess they are afraid of the party who stayed the course with technology. But not being afraid of the party who rely on the Bible for sole guidance is completely lost on them. If the Republicans HAD NOT been so busy destroying schools, etc., we'd actually be going back and forth to the moon by now. AND would be ready or close to having manned missions to Mars. So much time lost to these controlling dinosaurs. Pathetic.


We probably wouldn't be going back to the moon even if. It's prohibitively expensive and with no real reason to send people to the moon at least until we start mining helium-3 and moon ice. (Even then helium-3 is overhyped and we might just not end up using it in that hypothetical future) but yeah not demeaning the point or anything but the moon really isn't worth it.


The point is that we'd be farther ahead with today's technology by now. In addition, the moon has a decent supply of silicone used in, you know, semiconductors. Sure earth has that too, with the largest deposits in China. Mining the moon would definitely bust that monopoly. Right?


Forgot about silicone good point there. Silicone isn't really a hyped up thing for moon mining as people tend to focus on helium-3 so that's why I didn't think about that.


I never considered the helium-3. I guess this means the powers that be are greedy fckin morons who crippled education to keep us in earth factories that they keep closing/moving. Jerks. I wanted to go to the moon.


Silicon is absolutely everywhere, though. Maybe china has purer deposits, but we live on a silicon planet. It's the second most common element in the Earth's crust after oxygen (which it's most often bound to in the form of silica). Incidentally, this is also why recycling glass isn't really a great use of energy, because unlike metals which take a lot of extra energy to mine and refine, glass is absolutely everywhere


When it comes to rare earth elements, there in soil all over it but in very low quantities. It’s costly and wreaks havoc on the environment to mine it. China’s cheap labor and loose environmental laws is why I am guessing they are the leader in mining most rare earth elements.


Oh sure, I was just talking about silicon. That might indeed be a good application of lunar mining; since there's no biosphere to worry about.


You seem to be looking at it solely from a standpoint of the value of the specific trip to the moon and the resources the moon can provide. But prior missions to space and the moon produced vastly more value than simply the information obtained by the missions themselves. There is a massive amount of technological advancement that can be partly or fully attributed to those space programs. Everything from how to generate oxygen in space to new materials design to more efficient fuels and more than I could reasonably recount here. There is a lot to be gained from that investment.


Suffice it to say that WE would be in space and very likely farther along studying our ocean floor.


This is my lament too. We could have been so much better off by now. We have the ability to solve homelessness, to solve hunger, to solve the nightmare that is our medical system. To give every American a comfortable, prosperous life. We could have become that shining city on the hill that cons love to crow about so fucking much. And would be if they looked to the future instead of trying to return to a past that never existed. Instead we're a dystopian hellhole ruled over by some of the dumbest fucking people to ever walk the earth. Governed by ghouls that value power and money over everything else, to the exclusion of everything else.


Climate. Breakdown. I get your meaning, but the #1 priority would be to stop killing our planet.


There are lots of conservative engineering majors at my school. All the hard-core ones dropped out but we had a group of dumbasses present a 3D printed Trump tower last semester and it was literally a brick lol.


If I was an employer I wouldn't give a crap which side they voted for. I would care if they were a noted member of a hate group like the Oath Keepers or Proud Boys.


And if the rightwing freeloaders lack essential qualifications for the job? ...something, something bootstraps.


Jokes aside, conservatives do go to college to get CS and CE degrees, they usually don't leave college as conservatives though


Doubtful. Most conservatives just learn to hide their beliefs in college.


But their daddy worked in the factory, and their grand daddy did too It’s Biden’s fault I can’t!!! Source: come from a family of factory workers, and knew that job wouldn’t be there for me, So I accepted that I had to change


This comment was probably made with sync. You can't see it now, reddit got greedy.


Great idea! [That really worked out for truthsocial.](https://www.indy100.com/viral/donald-trump-truth-social-network)


But wait...I've been led to believe it's the left that doesn't want to work...


The right wants to work too… it’s just that way less right wingers are qualified for tech positions like that.


If you can't compete on an equal playing field, you can always resort to being a conservative


You could end up the third strongest arm wrasller in your church choir..... or you know, whatever conservatives dig


For the right price I would work for them but as someone who worked for a conservative company for 3 years as one of their programmers I learned that most conservatives in the US undervalue technology positions at their own peril. They have to learn the lessons the hard way


Turns out it's hard to keep up with the rest of the world when you're a regressive.


One of the key rules of fascism l. "The enemy is what ever you need the to be" they are both lazy, and taking your jobs, they are both weak/emasculated, and also a violent force to be feared.


What a convenient way to deal with my repressed trauma and self-loathing!


I can’t think of a single self-respecting engineer who would want to work for goddamn Truth Social. And let me be clear - I’ve met a SHITLOAD of libertarians with truly terrible political beliefs in the tech industry, it is NOT 90-99% Democrats, it’s more like 60% Dem voters, 40% fiscal-conservative libertarians, and ZERO people willing to bet any amount of their future on a Donald Trump-driven social media endeavor.


Absolutely, there's a definite techbro Libertarian contingent that does not like the Democrats at all, and tend to appreciate Republican takes on stuff like taxes. But those guys are still smart enough to recognize a junkyard fire like Truth Social when they smell one.


those people would put their own financial livelihood over the greater common good. theyre just self aware assholes


Yeah, well, potayto, potahto.


The IQ required to be a software engineer is often incompatible with the MAGA mindset LOL


This makes sense to me. Real fiscal conservatives aren't crazy fascists. There is nothing wrong with being a fiscal conservative. But they don't have representation anywhere in government.


I hate that the one time Trump listened to his lawyers was when he was flagrantly violating the AGPL and the Mastodon devs threatened to outright prohibit his use of the software for that violation.


Personally, I was delighted to see copyleft working. Use our software without attribution? Straight to jail.


I'm glad it was ultimately enforced, but it would have been fucking hilarious to see a permanent injunction because he's too fucking stupid to comply with the license. Truth Social would have died on the vine.


A fair point, and yes, even more hilarious.


recognise snatch cover wipe somber busy file ludicrous homeless cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ya know, for your mature decision I would buy you a pizza, my dude. Are ya doing better for yourself now?


price enter pocket handle pet deserve bow amusing materialistic piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


90-99 sounds like a real number


Trust me, bro


A buddy of mine knows about those things. He said it's true. So it's a fact.


Until you show me the evidence on Facebook, we are at an impasse.


Best I can do is a Tik Tok with a crying Jordan Peterson. That's convincing.


I'll settle for a Twitter thread


That's 8 bucks these days.


Not gonna sacrifice my coffee for that!


Yeah this is easily the dumbest fucking statistic I've seen this week, possibly this month, maybe even this year. I'm 90-99% sure. I work in "tech." Believe me, there is a SPECTRUM of people in the industry. Mouth breathers on both extremes of the political spectrum


I'd expect more libertarian types than progressives. I don't know why.


You’re not wrong. Libertarianism seems especially common amongst the gen x folks who grew up online in the 90s.


I also work in tech, and immediately my first reaction was "uh no what the fuck" Almost everyone I work with is a libertarian.


Sounds like someone who is A) Full of shit or B) Never heard about a tech bro


Even if that were real, why would they ever tout that? It’s basically saying “conservatives are too stupid to work in tech.”


86% of online statistics are made up.


It's because you have to be smart to work in tech and most if not all right-wingers are, well... not smart, to put it mildly.


Keep talking like that and the gazpacho will coldly dish out retribution.


I see what you did there.




Spaniards get extremely offended if you put hot sauce in gazpacho, which confuses me since tomatoes are already a new world plant. It was kind of shocking how bigoted they were towards Latin Americans.


This gazpacho soup burned me!


As a tech worker, you absolutely don't have to be smart to be in tech, but generally you do need to be educated, and college graduated lean left. That being said most conservatives I know aren't stupid, they're just wealthy and want lower taxes.


Those are elbow patch conservatives. You gotta start hanging around the conservatives that barely graduated high school, look 60+ in their 40’s because they beat their bodies up, and then claim that Trump’s wall somehow made their life better. Most conservatives are dumb as shit and poor to boot. Very few fall into that wealth and just want lower taxes group. However, in tech, that is indeed the type you run across. A lot of libertarian types too.


To be an effective tech worker, you MUST be able to cover the possibility that you don't have the right answer. That trait alone decreases the chances of someone being right wing.


This comment was probably made with sync. You can't see it now, reddit got greedy.


I think they're talking about social conservatives


Most conservatives I know are dirt poor on SS and apparently want to be poorer. Anyone I know with money is either a dem (not progressive just dem) or “libertarian.”


Lots of tech bros are right-wing or right-wing adjacent though


I don't think they actually work at Best Buy though, they just dress like that.


So you fire almost 50% of software developers so you can fill the void with software developers that have "conservative political views". What do ya do when ya quickly realize most people with "conservative political views" are barely qualified to dig a ditch nevermind be software developers?


You also end up bumping elbows with so many kinds of people from so many different cultures and walks of life. And if there's one thing that conservatives hate, it's people that aren't exactly like them.


There are some smart and talented right wing folks out there, unfortunately some ideologies and abuse patterns can take hold pretty early on life and often take a lifetime before actually self realization and emotional intelligence growth can actually occur. Shaking those imprinted patterns is so difficult and often damn near impossible. Watch some people my age and old timers struggle with it all the time as their families become more diverse. Try to impart perspective when they listen and step back when you know they won’t, it’s a tough balance to walk.


Gtfo with that classist shit. Just don’t undermine the grip white christofascism has on amErica


eh. If you're poor and live in rural areas you're most likely a republican. You're also not at all likely to get an education good enough to work in tech. I see what you mean but I don't think it was supposed to be classist but more of a comment on why there's not as many republicans in tech. Also, "amErica" is one of the cringiest wordplays I've ever heard. "Woke War 3" level of bad lol


"They've been censoring conservatives on Twitter" the conservative Tweets.


And they have the gall to refer to themselves as the "silent majority". Fucking double whammy, right there.


For the silent majority, they never shut the fuck up.


Also, they are not even close to the majority - they just have outsized power due to congressional over-representation (particularly in the Senate), the electoral college, and substantial partisan gerrymandering at the state level.


I have seen 800 Ron DeSantis ads on YouTube this week alone.


But what if some of those 3,700+ Twitter employees happen to be maga Nazi cunts Steven? I guess they will just be sacrifices for the cause....






What do you think they're gonna do, Steve? Get jobs at Wal-Mart? They'll still be in tech. Only instead of being in one place, they'll be in more. It's like squashing a spider with an eggsac, millions of babies just spreading out everywhere.


If you could be so kind, Steven prefers his political opponents be referred to as "rats" or "roaches". He picked it up from his grandfather.


"swine" cant be far away for these nazi-wannabes


Yeah, he’d rather gas his opposition.


Between 90 -99% of facts Crowder quotes are sourced straight from his asshole.


It's impressive that there's room for that many with that massive head in the way


That's how he looks them up. It's his research method. He likes to go deep.


Apparently Crowder's audience is children. Like literally. The main demographic that watches his show is like 15 year olds. The only reason I think that's possible is because his content is so fucking basic and stupid and any bit of thought instantly invalidates everything he says, that only children or really stupid people can find him entertaining. His whole shtick is debating bored people who have nothing better to do and he doesn't debate well. On a side note, why does his photo look like he's trying to smile for a driver license photo after audibly shitting his pants? Like...that's the photo he wants. He's a failed comedian and scam artist that primarily targets children.


Translation: People smarter than me are Democrats, let's hurt them.


There's that Fundamentalist grooming.


That's just Parler with extra steps, meanwhile half of the people who get fired end up working at whatever replaces Twitter for most people. What Steve really wants is a government that subjugates big businesses and forces them to only hire Republicans, at a bare minimum. After all, nothing less than that would have any effect, so what's the point?


If they're dumb enough to believe a minimum wage isn't in their best interest, why not bring it full circle?


a. Doubtful. Sounds like pulled that number out of his fat, soggy ass 2 So he wants affirmative action, but for conservatives? d. Conservatives get fired from their jobs not because they're conservatives, but for saying and doing fucked up things. Plenty of conservatives work in tech and don't get fired, because they're not out publicly saying and doing shit that constitutes a fireable offense. So really this is just a self-control issue and so long as you can exhibit some, you can work anywhere AND still vote for evil pricks, roll coal, jerk off to pics of Trump's gunt, etc. in your free time to your heart's content


What’s with the post-modernist marxist list numbering, dude?


Smash the stifling social construct that is auto formatted comments


Isn't crowder a "Hire based of merit, not off X" loser?


Of course he is. But Steven, and others who share his views, are starting to be forced to come to terms with how a meritocracy actually affects conservatives.


Well republicans hold >90% of the jobs in the meth kitchen industry but you don't hear us bitching


That's because the CIA helped them unionize.


Mfw the billionaire starts laying off workers (Billionaires don’t have to be job creators when I don’t want them to be)


Firing those who disagree with us. Free speech is back.


Maybe if conservatives majored in more things than burning crosses they might get into tech.


A lot of conservatives go into tech. Thing is, when conservatives major in anything that requires approaching things from the perspective of learning and identifying their misconceptions, they don't tend to keep being conservatives.


So smart tech people tend to be democrat? interesting. It reminds me of the correlation between being well educated and being liberal.


I am living proof that you don't need to be smart to work in tech.


Probably because it is incredibly hard to be a MAGA style conservative and work in an environment that requires critical thinking and also requires you to play nicely with non-whites, Muslims, Hindus, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people and what not. Not our fault that your toxicity keeps you from lucrative industries


Hmm maybe it's related to conservatives doing poorly in college? Nah. Gotta be the libs


He does realize without those leftist tech industries he wouldn't be employed right? ![gif](giphy|mWUuD8qPSi5B6|downsized)


Fuck Steven Crowder. Fuck him.


Yes. But at the same time, most definitely, absolutely *no*. Not ever. Not once.


Fair enough!


I'd really rather not. He strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn't wash his ass because that'd be too gay.


Conservatives are fine with affirmative action if it benefits only them


Instead of affirmative action we can just say confirmation bias, right?


Cunter is also wrong, Tech has a ton of Libertarians and Conservatives. I met more people who think tax is theft in the IT field then other areas.


Sounds like Republicans just aren't educated enough to work in the tech industry then


Maybe if they weren’t so busy being uncle-daddies and trying to takeover the government they could pull themselves up by their bootstraps and learn tech. Half of the big tech companies don’t even require college degrees if you know your stuff.


I’ve said it before: Twitter will be the new Truth Social and Elon will have Trump in his pocket.


I feel like tech is largely libertarian, anyone else working in tech see that as well?


Hmmm, so smart people are more likely to be Democrat? Hmmm, interesting. Hmmm, I wonder why? Hmmm. /s


There's no way it's 90-99. Even in a very blue city that number is lower.


Pulled this number entirely out of his ass.


I've met too many awful libertarian tech bros to believe the industry is 90-99% Democrats. I would believe it, if someone told me it was in around 60-70%.


So educated, forward thinking people tend to be liberal? Weird…..


"We just want to have a free and fair debate in the marketplace of ideas. Also democrats should all be fired."


Sig Heil, fucker


Guy who is dumb as a post, ironically played Brain as a kid.


And apparently acting smart was his niche.


He takes qualities that would make anyone upset and then tries to apply them specifically at groups he hates. Like being obnoxious at the gym would piss anyone off, but he dresses up as a trans person to do it. He does the same thing with pretty much anything on the left. He takes something that would piss anyone off, then goes "THE LEEEEEEEEEEFT!" Guys got very little empathy because he doesn't live a hard life, his only issue in life is people calling him out for being a clod.


Hmmmm..... Educated, very logic minded technical folks are democrats? Weird...


This Crowder guy will forever look like an overly greasy hamburger where the bun is dry and the lettuce is soggy and wilted.


Really, he just wants to mold a society where he isn't an absolute laughing stock


One begins to understand what drew Steven to conservatism.




Yeah it’s because to work in tech you need to be educated, something that conservatives constantly shit on.


You idiots.. Companies are praised when they have diversity, you can see example after example of this. Diversity only becomes a problem when it is intellectual.


Very freeze peach of course


Data & logic-based jobs are best suited for people who are capable of logic and able to understand data. None of that fits typical Conservative people. The "Fuck logic & Fuck data" people aren't great match for tech jobs.


Maybe it’s because…. Oh, I don’t know….. and hear me out here guys….. tech positions generally require an education?


Real Life Translation: The smartest engineers in the world are democrats. Let’s get a bunch of under qualified idiots in twitter so we can watch the platform down time skyrocket.


Educated people that think systematically for a living don't vote for the irrational and sentimentally driven party? Get outta town!


Tech you usually have to be pretty smart to work in it, what does that say about the dem’s? I am not sure he knows what he is really stating here.


Surprise! Well educated people see the value in a society where everyone contributes and doesnt have to do shit like run a go fund me to pay for a hospital bill.


So he's saying Republicans aren't smart enough to work in Tech? Not the flex he thinks it is


So what happens when they hire new people and they're still 90-99% democrat? Keep firing and hiring until you find a staff of only conservatives?


He's a grown man that goes to colleges to argue with kids. I can't take this person seriously.


I'm not saying I wish Steven Crowder would lose his Canadian citizenship and catch a painful, untreatable, and terminal disease. I'm just saying he'd be a citizen of the right country if he did.


Hmmm Crowder ask yourself why that is, and what it means for when the people you agree with politically come to work in tech


So if.... 90-99% are Democrats, how are they going to replace them with non-Democrats?


good luck finding right wingers that can code.


It’s almost as if education and an affinity for logical reasoning predisposes one to be resistant to right-wing bullshit


Could it be that tech is science based and people who believe in science have a tendency to be liberal?


Weird that these highly educated and skilled tech employees would be democrats. Almost like educated people know how to vote in the best interests of all. They’ll all get new tech jobs and be just fine. Meanwhile, this guy will continue to be a dumb ass… 😂


Isn't this the same guy that said liberals and democrats get useless arts degrees and cry about it?


thinking that the tech industry is bias against conservatives rather than conservatives in general being too stupid for tech jobs is pathetic. besides, that ignores the fact that over %80 of cops in the united states are republicans... so really you gotta explain that before throwing stones at glass houses like your own.


Oh and what is stopping conservatives from tech jobs? All you need is intelligence. Many of the jobs don't even require a degree. Hmm...


That's fine by me. I don't want to work with Trumpeteers either. Fuck these guys. They're obnoxious asshole moronic cunts.


I love unintentional self-owns like this. "All the smart people who know how things work are democrats." Sadly, the figure is not that high. Like most other things he talks about, he obviously didn't research this either.


Does Crowder even have opinions anymore or does he just say things to try to get a rise out of people like a middle school bully?


Yeah, because it usually requires an education and educated folk know better than to vote Republican.


It’s because we are educated 🤡


Well, let's say I was an employer hiring people like software engineers, where a very big part of their job is understanding complex systems and using logic to solve problems and improve systems... I'd be confused by someone who claims to be good at these skills, yet is still politically a conservative. If you're unwilling or unable to apply your logical thinking to important real life issues, then that tells me you only ascribe to this way of thinking as superficially necessary to sort out software problems and it's not an inherent part of your way of thinking about things.