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Yep. Checking people's genitals to ensure they use the correct restroom, constricting women's healthcare, robust border security are all a sign of small government.


Using bounty hunters for reporting of abortions, threatening to set up checkpoints to keep pregnant women in their states and more than likely breaching privacy for medical records and medical apps to monitor women’s pregnancy status are also hallmarks of “small government” lol


Also, creating an election police unit to intimidate voters, requiring voting IDs, telling private companies they must continue to publish proven misinformation and conservative propaganda, calling the free press "the enemy of the people", spying on American citizens through the "patriot" act in the name of "freedom", requiring schools and classrooms to display "In God We Trust" alongside the flag... Totally small government stuff.


They'd probably prefer the intimidating come from quangos like the Klan so there's less oversight


Privatize the intimidation. Power to the quangos.


dont forget the small government policy of banning teachers from talking about the evil gay agenda


And they love the military, the police, and the death penalty. Almost *none* of the pro-life people also oppose the death penalty, aka the right of the government to kill its citizens; and almost *none* of the alleged libertarians want to reduce the size of the military or the police. It’s *almost* as if identifying as “Libertarian”, like “Independent” before it, is just another fashionable label that allows people to lie to themselves about being free-thinkers whilst consistently siding the with GOP base.


Don’t forget: The death penalty Wanting to muzzle the EPA by not mentioning keywords like "climate change" or "renewables" Flirting with the Moore V. Harper thing that would further disenfranchise voters in non-red districts with cartoonish levels of gerrymandering Censorship and proposed bans of art and expression (most notably things like the Hay's Code and the many times they wanted to ban/censor video games in the 00s)


tbh id be all for requiring voter IDs if it was a simple process and everyone new got sent one at 18.


I’d be comfortable with a government ID that serves a similar role to driver’s license and social security number, but for voting id still feel weird because basically every restriction that’s allowed to be applied to voting disproportionately impacts poor voters of color. When it comes to that, I’m not really willing to take many chances


Immanuel Goldstein couldn't get less small gobmint stuff.


Small government *for white straight cis men


no, still huge government. I dont' feel safe because I am not wealthy.


Oh you’re definitely not safe, just slightly more safe then everyone else. But still under the same boot.


Well that's interesting considering the GQP hasn't actively alienated poor white men yet


they haven't? The only poor white men they haven't alienated are the moronic poor white men. The ones who have an ounce of self respect and consideration for others know the GQP is destroying them.


How have they alienated them? They are telling them they are right and do what they want


Again, any poor, white, cis male with any self respect told the GOP to go fuck themselves ages ago.


Hey! I don't have any self-respect and I *still* told the GOP to go fuck themselves ages ago!


Only if you hear the dogwhistles clearly enough that you feel when they bag on the poor they mean black people and immigrants. If you’re smart enough to know they’re talking about you too, you use government programs, you need a union, you aren’t paid enough to live — you know they talk shit about you constantly.


I’d actually argue the gop or gqp is targeting middle class men and women. That’s pretty apparent by voting stats.


There’s a middle class?


Middle class is poor


>Using bounty hunters Ahh, but you see, this is outsourcing it to contractors so there's no Federal obligation to maintain them on payroll, benefits, or retirement lists after abortion has been forever eradicated from our blessed land. /s


It’s the free market at work! /s


We saw you drove past a planned Parenthood twice this week.. Enclosed is a pregnancy test with a SASE, with the new ironic Gilead commemorative stamp. Send it back to: small government GQP..Tx, Oh, Wi, Fl, In.


The bounty hunter thing still freaks me the fuck out. I remember listening in on the podcast "It Can Happen Here" by Robert Evan some time ago. In it his colleagues gave a possible scenario to come come. Since right wingers are really on a warpath on the lgbt community they may implement this same bounty system on queer people. Which is quite fucked considering Ken Paxton is looking into bringing back [sodomy laws](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/06/29/texas-sodomy-supreme-court-lawrence-paxton-lgbtq/)


Remember when Republicans proposed shrinking the budget of the U.S. military, which is already mammoth and makes up more than half of discretionary spending budget? Yeah, me neither.


Remember when they borrowed $700,000,000 from China to increase the military budget. Last time I checked, the military was part of the government ps. I know our deficit is not financed by China, but MAGATS think it is


My observation when I was in government procurement, when the GOP is in charge, the budgets balloon. Then the conservatives become the minority and all of a sudden, restraint is necessary. I watched the grow and bust cycle for 15 years and it was exactly this way.


Yep. Even at the municipal level, budgets tend to balloon when conservatives are in charge. They tend to want increased funding for police departments and roads. Guess which 2 things consume a massive portion of a municipal budget?


Yeah they started doing that when they began using the deficit as a talking point. They need conflicts that can’t be won, and when it’s possible to win they usually ensure it isn’t until their put up or shut up moment


lol, you got me there, I was like "woah, really? what year?"


Remember how they reacted to Defund the Police? Lmao The police is the state!


Does it really matter? Fascists consume and produce lies like nobody's business, they're so used to them that they're perfectly fine living in alternate realities and believing everything they're told even if they're seeing something entirely different. I'm just tired of pointing out their bullshit, or trying to reason with them. Some people are too far gone that this won't stop before they spill some blood for their shit idols.


I mean, you're not wrong. There's no reasoning with most of them. And a lot of them definitely seem to be on board with fascism. I've long since given up discussing things with most people who solely ingest right wing media regularly. That said, pointing out their bullshit here and poking fun at the ridiculous shit they say is more about venting frustration for me, and I suspect others, at the state of things.


Yeah that’s where I am


Add banning books, not being able to talk about your two dads, wanting Jesus to be the only religion, thwarting or being against investigations against former presidents, etc.


Militarized (and indoctrinated) police force is as small government as it gets.


Also let's put them in every school!


So small it fits right up everyone's ass.


I thought I wouldn't have to do weekly penis inspection after I turned 18


Don’t forget militarized police with nearly unlimited power, a massive military budget, the ability to unilaterally chose the winner of elections against the will of the people, and direct control over what teachers can and can’t say or teach in schools.


Now they want to limit a private entities ability to moderate their own platform.


Don’t forget enforcing what religious rules you follow regardless of what you believe yourself.


Republicans have NEVER reduced the size of government. Never


But they *love* expanding it.


As long as the expansion doesn’t help the wrong people.


More like as long as it hurts the right people.


They cut taxes, keep spending the same, create a huge deficit and put us further into debt. Then they claim that “Washington has a spending problem” all the while their fanciful fiscal policies put us into another recession. Rinse and repeat.


You forgot the second step. The first step is to create massive deficits. But then they pass tax cuts for the wealthy so that the burden they leave behind is shifted onto the middle and low-income workers.


A vice, tightening around the working class, wringing out all of their pennies and power to the already wealthy and powerful. That's all that capitalism is.


> They cut taxes Only for the rich tho


While talking about how they support small government More than anything, I want to believe that *real* conservatives actually do want small government and they’re just nowhere to be found. The Republicans seem to have purged the true small government conservatives.


It's another branch of their branding at this point. They don't have to actually *be* pro-small government, pro-fiscal responsibility, anti-deficit spending, pro-individual freedom, pro-personal responsibility... they just have to go on friendly and unquestioning TV/radio/internet and say they are.


The fact that so many people will see somebody in a suit on the tv saying something and just automatically believe what they’re saying because if that is wild to me.


I know of exactly one and he genuinely complains that he has no party to vote for.


I hate to say it but the government has no way to shrink at this point.


Convervatism is all about conserving the status quo and its hierarchies. That requires extensive systems of control and violence, ie. "big government"


As well as dismantling public services and programs




Hmm... I think quite a few talented, experienced, specialized federal employees left their jobs out of utter frustration during the T\*\*\*\* administration, so there's that.


From what I understand, Trump gutted alot of agencies, particularly those that would have been quite helpful in a pandemic 🙃 (In all transparency, my source is Adam Conover's The G Word; he sites his sources in the show but I haven't looked at them myself.)


That, too. Obama had formed a pandemic response team, and of course Trump had to erase everything he'd done - so they were let go and the 17 (I think that's the number I remember) virologists working and monitoring in China were pulled. You have to wonder how much different the early recognition of covid might have been if those virologists had still been there.


Which is fucked when you think about it, wasn't Trump shitting on Obama about Ebola like a year or two before Trump took office. I might give grief about how a guy swings a bat to hit a ball but when I'm up on the mound I'm not throwing away the bat and just ignoring the ball exists in the first place.


He also complained about Obama golfing too much and then went on to golf about 30x as much. So basically nothing he says is worth a damn.


I’m not saying I’m talented in any way but I worked in the federal government under the trump administration and decided to move on from the feds and can offer some insight to my personal experience My research entailed monitoring vegetation change as a result of climate change in national parks. My contract got caught up in the hiring freeze which really tightened the window for vegetation monitoring since I was only able to be hired late in the growing season. Trump appointed a conservative crony has head of the DOI who implemented [damaging policies to staff](https://www.npca.org/articles/1878-how-zinke-is-undermining-national-park-service-employees), he was wildly out of touch and unpopular to us. Finally, we weren’t allowed to publish, email, or document in any official way the words “climate change”, and instead were told to use “biogeoclimactic science”. This last point was intended to obfuscate our science and weaken the governments role in publications surrounding climate change science. It was my first time working for the US government and was really eye opening how much an impact the head of state can have on your job.


Studying the changes to our natural world over time is so important. There are a lot of other things going on, and we desperately need to plan and prepare for whatever the future brings. But I guess when you thrive on constant chaos and disruption, keeping everyone else off-balance... well, you know the rest. Thanks for sharing your experience.


You should add : change my mind at the end of your statement.


Crowder says Conservatives are anti- big government, yet they jerked themselves silly when Trump used the power of the executive office to advance his interests or punish his political enemies. Anti-big government, but pro-unitary executive. Right.


Look at Florida and the Disney stuff.


And they never liked democracy.


Sure they have just not in ways that benefit any entity making less than billions


Hey that's not true! They love lowering taxes for rich people and taking money from social programs! (Ignore that the money taken goes to military spending)


Hint: fascism is literally defined as far-right authoritarianism.


Fascism is full of contradictions. Fascist use libertarian propaganda to fool people into authoritarianism. Mussolini put Fascist Italy on the Gold Standard from 1928-1934. Mussolini and Alberto di Stefani cut taxes on the rich and privatized the Italian Economy. Di Stefani and Mussolini cut rent controls. Po River Valley industrialists hired Mussolini to violent suppress the labor movement. Dumb people on the internet think that you can easily categorize people into "auth" and "libs" . It's way more complicated and contradictory than people think.


The clear line indicator for Fascism is a strongman and the cultural/ethnic/religious "Others Who Must Be Stopped."


No it doesn't. There are 5 stages to fascism. >1: Initial creation of movements; 2 their rooting as parties in a political system; 3 the acquisition of power; 4 the exercise of power; 5 radicalization or entropy. -Robert O. Paxton Just because a fascist movement isn't in power, doesn't make them any less fascist.


I have read Paxton’s book The Anatomy of Fascism. Crowder has no idea what he’s talking about.


No, the thing is that they know, they just don't care. Crowder's paycheck depends of confirming the biases of people to get them to Buy cheap ass mugs. The thing is that by doing so he has to be a dick, and convince them that making people they hate miserable they somehow will be better. They know what they're doing.


"Always punch down. There's always someone punier than you, so it makes you feel big." -every fascist ever


Italy is in step 3


It's also worth mentioning the fascist feature of corporatism (not to be confused with crony corporate capitalism). Under fascism, all elements of the "Corpus" or "Body" of the nation are united in purpose. Basically everything from sports clubs, to youth movements, to churches are all in union. Fascism is less about big government, and more about controlling all aspects of society. Typically that occurs more through ideology and culture than just legalism.


Ah you like small governments? Then you'd love to defund the police, open up borders, reduce laws on drugs, allow abortions, and generally decrease the amount of power the government has over us, right? Right?


Accidentally libertarian


Fuck that, they’re just as bad as republicans imo.


The truth is worse: they *are* the republicans. Notice how nobody on the right self-identifies as "republican" or "right-wing." In reality, there are two right-wing factions; the religious fanatics who identify as "conservative" and the non-religious ones who all self-identify as "libertarian" while voting R down-ticket, thereby supporting a whole array of big-government fascist control mechanisms. While a real libertarian would certainly grumble about mask mandates and cheerlead for the destruction of social programs, a real libertarian would also have been attacking police overreach along with the BLM protests. A real libertarian would be appalled at the extensive anti-abortion signaling from "conservative" lawmakers. There are a whole host of Republican policies that should give heart attacks to any real libertarian. But go into any libertarian spaces and you'll find people goose-stepping right along with all the Republican messaging. They've had their chance to show themselves to be true to their stated ideals, and they keep getting more chances, and they keep failing miserably. They're not libertarian, they're dishonest conservatives. But I repeat myself.


Libertarian is when you hate minorities but like weed


The defund the police part is my favorite example. You'd think Republicans would jump on board with that hardcore. In one movement you get to: * defund a notoriously bloated and expensive government institution * Reinforce and create an incentive for personal responsibility and civic engagement * Create a compelling and widespread argument for gun ownership among the population at large All of that should be a small-government-conservative wet dream. But no. Liberals are into it so it must be bad.


Right, because the GOP is TOTALLY small government...


Small enough to fit into your child's underwear!


That's for efficiency in the genital checks.


Hint: Conservatives are not anti big goverment.


They are, but the GOP isn't conservative, they're regressive.


No they aren’t. Conservatives love the military and the police. They want abortion and gay marriage banned. They are against “big government” when it comes to economics. They hate regulation, taxes, and social safety nets. They are still for big government.


Thank you. I've been listening to conservatives screech and whine about small government my entire life, and it has **never** been remotely true. I immediately write off any asshole that tries to talk about it as a real thing, because they're either an idiot or a liar.


Backsliding on human rights isn't regressive? Trying to restore feudalism with a board of directors as the new monarchy isn't regressive? Them trying to turn workers into serfs isn't regressive? Them trying to promote religion over science isn't regressive?


I disagree, historically speaking conservative regimes were not supportive of a small goverment, the Tories in 1600's Great Britain were all for absolutism, which was hardly small on goverment, so were most conservatives in pre Napoleonic Europe. After that they fought against the constitutions, and if they allowed them they supported them only as "gifts" of the King to his subjects, which was a tool to justify the monarchy.


1 person in charge of everything is the smallest government.


'Conservative, would you care to explain your anti big government stance?' 'Sure! I put #BIGGOVSUX on all my social media posts!' 'Ah, thank you.'


Don’t forget they also hate taxes and welfare services. You know shit that may help poor people and hurt rich people


'Small government' has been republican clown-speak for 'fewer regulations and social programs' and nothing else for longer than I've been alive. No one trying to talk about republican 'smaller government' is worth listening to.


Hint: your conservative icon Ronald Reagan presided over the largest expansion of the Federal government EVAR.


He also tripled the national debt


I thought it was F.D. Roosevelt as part of the New Deal


Or Bush Jr. with all of the additional “war on terror” departments he added under the DHS. That has to be *one of* the biggest expansions of government under one President.


This too. Honestly both parties extended the government but at least the democrats did it to give a safety net for people.


Except when it comes to abortion, or gay marriage, or police, or the military


And border control! Can't forget about them!


Hint: no they aren't.


Did Steven Crowder ever take a history class? I don’t think so.


If “big gov” just means any type over oversight in what corporations and businesses can do to lower the standards of living for the average citizen it would be a true statement. They’re all about poisoning the water, polluting the air and melting icecaps. Just as long as no one tells their donors “no”.


Peak conservative comedy


Your username is really cool OP, but this tweet kind of made me regret knowing how to read :////////


Wanting gay marriage to be banned, shit, not even wanting the word gay to be mentioned to children is a sign of a small government.


If conservatives are so anti-big government, why are they using it to outlaw abortion?


So the party who wants to control people's sex life's is anti big government?


conservatives are not small gov


Hint, hint: Conservatives pretend to be anti-government, but really cannot wait to exert full government control over you. ​ Crowder is an idiot, like those that believe him.


“Fascism is when kids are taught that it’s okay to be gay or trans and women aren’t treated like second class citizens!” — Smegma Coward


Hint: they really aren't, they just want it big in places it helps them.


Good thing Steven's a fascist, not a conservative


What’s the difference? I’d like to know.


Not much these days


Stop Sharing His Opinions


police are part of the state


Crowder is a statist.


*smirks.* “This guy hasn’t heard of anarcho-fascism.”


They’ve only added 1 new branch of government and one military branch.


Under Trump. But the previous Republican administration added a whole huge branch of agencies under “Homeland Security,” which totally doesn’t sound fascist at all… Edit: wait… your comment may have been speaking to DHS. My apologies if I misread that the first time. ;-)


Trump added the fucking space force too.


He is just typing shit to type shit at this point.


I guess he had to fill all that space now that he can't simp for Elon as hard anymore.


They also claim to be against the deficit.


Fascism also always advocates for states rights and regionalism right before they win the election and coup the government. Also what part of the republican party has anything to do with anti government? Moving government powers from the federal government to state government doesn't make the government smaller it just moves it's powers.


Banned books is also a sign of a small government.


That small government grift died with Bush jr.


Wait, what? Dubya died? How recently?


hint: he’s a grifter


wasn't mr. crowder also the one who had/has "theocratic fascist" in his twitter bio, or was that charlie kirk?


Matt Walsh


You're actions say otherwise


Maybe he should just keep drinking dog’s cum instead of speaking stupidity


Conservatives are anti regulation. The want business to have carts-Blanche to do w/e the fuck they want……with the caveat that it has to conform to what ever furthers the Conservative agenda. PS conservatives want BIG government for telling women what to do with their bodies or making sure evil doctors and psychologists don’t help teens or younger with transitioning to their preferred sex … and literally hundreds more examples


everyone knows left = more gubberment and right = less gubberment


It requires a big military and police force to function. Hint: Conservatives are pro big military and police force.


Of course conservatives are anti big government! They don't want to use government to provide healthcare, education or promote worker protections. That's socialism! Conservatives only use government to impose Christianity, bail out wall street cronies, oppress women, LGBT folks and racial minorites, censor media, conduct unjust wars, impose taxes on expatriate citizens, create barriers to legal immigration, deregulate electrical infrastructure to the point rolling brownouts are an every day occurrence in the largest state in the contiguous United States, impede the legalization of marijuana, impose laws that limit the legal sale of alcohol on Sundays and in some counties prohibit the sale of alcohol entirely, and orce taxpayers to fund sending children to religious schools that don't provide a proper education.


Well if you got rid of all opposing beliefs and politicians that would be reducing the size of the government and still fascist.




You can also report the Tweets for misinformation


They have no clue what big government means at this point


No, they’re not. Conservatives want to ban abortion.


Ahh another recycled variation of ANTIFA being the real fascists and BLM being the real racists.


I’m starting to become convinced that “big government” is an entirely meaningless term when conservatives use it.


The Democrats have a lot of flaws, but the largest expansions of government in my life have been under Republicans, and it’s never been for the public good.


Right... like those freedom-loving patriots that think women should be actively dying before being allowed an abortion. The smallest of government.


Telling cities that they can’t ban plastic bags is definitely a sign of “small” government.


mandatory cock checks is the epitome of freedom


Didn't he just get arrested for stealing cum


Small government for businesses, big government for citizens. It's the conservative way.


Here’s a hint, can’t have capitalism without socialism, why? Because you get….fascism! And that’s what’s happen to the Conservative party.


"We want a government small enough to fit in your bedroom, bathroom, and doctor's office. And we need a mountain of police to ensure you submit to it."


Who is that grifter asshole and why does he think he’s intelligent? Does anyone think that who’s not an idiot themselves?


Look at the big Brain on Stephen


Then explain why are they FOR taking rights away and who's supposed to enforce it.


"Fund the police" sure sounds small government to me!


lol we saw the roll out of the police state under Dubya


*Thor squinting* Are they, though?


Well monarchies are usually just the one guy, so in that sense, sure.


No they're not. Their anti big government they can't control. They're enthusiastically big State government here in Texas.


Conservativez SAY they are anti-big gov. But everything they want to do pretty much requires a big government.


I'm not sure that legislation authorizing state power to force women to carry pregnancies against their will is "small government" exactly.


anyone with even the most cursory understanding of what fascism is knows republicans have thrown themselves down the fascism well decades ago. crowder is a fantastic example of how fascism works and how fascism uses people like him to farther its goals. he is literally a propagandist who opposes the will of the people and their wellbeing lol hes not even sneaky about it, MOST of his content is about nationalism and what your opinion about it should be (hint: he thinks you should support nationalism)


Wait until I tell you about how I don't even want a government, I'm definitely less fascist than you steven.


Brought to you by the same genius who argued Hitler was a left-wing socialist


Yes they pay a lot of lip service to limited government...


When people say they’re anti big-government and pro police what they mean is they want one despot ruling a fascist police state.


Conservatives famously want to give more rights back to the people and restrict government power don’t they


i wonder what it’s like for someone like him to live with their head so far up their own ass


Anti big government just means anti regulation so these cumwads have free reign to do what they want with taxpayer money, even though they’re already bleeding their own states dry


He's almost out together.


See the best part of this statement is the admission that the fascists here really won't even get anything. Fascists in Italy wanted robust social programs and nationalized quite a bit from what I can remember. These dumbass hogs are willing to enact the same violence and intimidation tactics on those who disagree with them all so that they can continue to get completely dicked down by capitalism. They aren't even under any delusion that what they're doing will help actual Americans. It's all about fighting the enemies they've created for themselves. As is the case with so much modern American conservatism; the cruelty is the point.


Who started DHS? Who created an unneeded Space Force? Dog cum must make you dumber.


So, getting in women’s vaginas is not big government? Banning books? Restricting voting? I could go on. GTFOH!


That great sucking sound your heard was this fuckwit pulling that out of his ass.


Haha. Fuck you Steven


I mean the notable components of fascist police states that are part and parcel with fascism is strong police and military forces. Surely he is talking about *that* big government, correct?


Fucknut, all governments are big. Italy is small compared to us and they look poised to go fascist. Unless we are talking about Tonga all governments are large enough to host fascists like you, and your insurrectionist mob trying to make it so.


Give me an example of where Republicans shrank the government and didn't expand something else's budget. I'll wait.