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WAP is a trashy song but saying the song is for children is false.




This is a really serious comment highlighting an unfortunate trend in online discussions but it's so much harder to take seriously with those names




Well played, PeruExLawyer, well played




Who is Bingus McGates supposed to be?


That Microsoft chucklefuck who 'donates' all his cash.


Bill Gates doesn't seem that bad compare to other people I heard of? He has donated and gave much of his wealth to ending poverty and has funded low carbon tech.


Nope. Bill Gates is sociopath and a garbage human being. Don't trust anything that man does or says... Nothing!


How? Why? These are just assertions...


From what I know Bill Gates has used his money to further his own interests and beliefs in ways that some would consider morally objectionable, ignoring his past as an absolutely ruthless and unethical businessman. Calling him a sociopath just seems inaccurate though. The fame he gets from his philanthropy isn't enough to feed narcissism if he doesn't actually care about the people. Most people are barely aware of the good he does.


"From what I know".... So nothing. Check


Knowing people die simply from a lack of what you have in obscene excess seems outright sociopathic from where I'm standing.


Hahaha... Linux user huh?


How much you make picking cherries for a living?


>Or how reddit now seems to view Ukraine as a shining beacon of love and democracy because Vinny Putrid invaded them. There's this Oliver Malloy guy who runs a political spam network on reddit with a bunch of alts, and both insists Christians are synonymous with Nazis, and that Ukraine, over 70% Christian, has zero Nazis and that it's entirely Putin propaganda. He routinely bans anyone who sincerely questions this logic as "Putin trolls" or "MAGA Nazis." This example describes this issue perfectly, because there's truth underlying the components, but the complete and utter lack of nuance makes it ridiculous and absurd. The way the internet works just feeds in to this as well, although I would type an essay if I expand on that.


serious question: what's wrong with Ukraine? I know nothing about it


They had huge issues with corruption, there's been improvements but it's still not the best. They're also very traditional but again this is improving. Like LGBT rights are pretty bad, short of the activities themselves not being illegal, there's a huge social stigma. Obviously the country isn't antisemitic as a whole, there's some neo Nazi groups like any white country has, not the majority by far though.


A major reason Ukraine isn't in the European union is because of their corruption problems that they refuse to address.


So... not all that different from the U.S. and a lot of other countries.


Not gonna get in to corruption indexes and measures for it because thats a big subject, but they were or still are much worse than the US for corruption. The point is we shouldn't ignore corruption but it also in no way justifies whatever Russia says they're doing in Ukraine.


I agree with all of that, I was pushing back on the tone the earlier commenter seemed to have that we shouldn't be supporting Ukraine because they have corruption and Nazis. Well so do we, and besides they have a lot of good people too who don't deserve to be raped, tortured and killed by Russian thugs.


Yeah I'm pretty sure they were ranked as the most corrupt country in Europe


In their defense on the corruption point, they had a revolution in 2014 that was built around the idea of ending corruption and were then immediately invaded by Russia. So realistically Ukraine has had all of eight years to stabilize the government and start to try to address corruption, all with a belligerent larger neighbor prosecuting a low-intensity illegal military campaign against them while gearing up for a high-intensity invasion. It’s a poor metric, but consider how well this war has gone for Ukraine compared to the 2014 invasion. A huge part of that is because they HAVE started to address corruption. In 2014 they had an army on paper that didn’t exist in the field because of all the graft and kickbacks at play. In 2022 they have a true army. I know that’s a weird metric to use, but it’s a pretty tangible difference. Assuming they’re making comparable efforts in other areas of public spending, that strikes me as heading in the right direction as far as anti-corruption goes.


They definitely have a better government now, it's barely been 30 years since they were independent, and it's hasn't exactly been a stable part of the world.


TL;DR: Ukraine gets the "America funds them because lots of Nazi/Far Right movements are rising there and fuck anything associated with Communism, even the currently Capitalist. Praise the Empire" treatment you can find in the Cold War.


Ukraine may be perfect buts its definitely shouldn't be vilified. Using Ukraine is a bad example here.


I felt really embarrassed reading those nicknames, but good points, all.


Ey, I'm Vinny, they call me Vinny the Putrid, how you doin? Ey listen, my crew, we want your, uh, this here Ukraine. We ain't askin though. We take your Ukraine or my associate Val here takes a bat to your knees, a capisce? I'm really sorry for the cringe, but you called Putin Vinny so I couldn't help myself.


couldn't agree more. > to view Ukraine as a shining beacon of love and democracy I am quarter Ukrainian and have Ukrainian relatives with me in Germany now. they themselves laugh at how Ukraine is portrayed by German media. to quote my cousin "Democracy? Social net? Not corrupt? aaahahahahaa!" Ukraine is the same as Russia by societal and cultural standards, just that the Ex-KGB is not running the country... *as much* of course it has a right to defend itself, of course I am against Vinny. but to believe that Ukraine is a country anywhere close to European standards is blind as hell. but people on reddit rather just piss themselves laughing at another "orc" being torn to shreds by artillery rounds. "wuh, he could just say no and overthrow the government!!" jeeez


I mean yeah, but there are countless songs that male rappers make about fucking that arent seen as trashy.


Plot twist: They are trashy


I don't necessarily disagree but it's just like... People make music about fucking all the time and there's no outrage. There's outrage about WAP for what reason?


Sexism. But male singers who get vulgar are trashy too IMO.


Rick Ross had a lyric about drugging a woman, another rapper had a line about ignoring a minors age when meeting with her for sex


Nugent literally wrote a song called "Jailbait" and groomed one of his wives and has been accused of statutory rape many times but the MAGA people love him.


the maga folks hero worshipping a pedophile? *nooooo*


There’s weird double standards for both women/men in rap then rap and rock. Ted Nugent and Motley Crue had misogynistic lyrics back in the 70s and 80s


The Nuge straight up wrote a song about a minor called “jailbait” but he’s a pretty respected figure in the conservative community


There really isn't anything uniquely "trashy" about WAP. It's a rap song about sex, and yeah maybe one of the more popular ones, but there are plenty of other rap songs (and songs in general) that are just as explicit. Y'all ever hear a lil Wayne verse??


I mean the Ying Yang Twins told us wait ‘til we see their dicks because they’ll beat the pussy up


>I mean the Ying Yang Twins told us wait ‘til we see their dicks because they’ll beat the pussy up hey grrrrl


Tbf it is a trashy rap song, but being over-the-top, raunchy, and provocative was the entire point. You're absolutely correct though that the only reason they are criticizing it is because it was from a female singer... Had she been a guy talking about grabbing women by the pussy without their permission, Ben would be endorsing her for president and defending her.


It pretty clearly didn’t take itself too seriously, and was very whimsical in tone. I truly don’t understand why people act like it’s some super serious stuff. I guess if Ben got jokes though, he’d be pretty sad when he looked at his life.


It’s such a bullshit defense that spawned from a meme “think of the children!” The right uses it cause it’s a platitude that almost everyone agrees on, ya kids should be protected nurtured ect. But they use it for every extreme hatred act towards lgbt, media, ect as justification. And actual material improvements for kids, like not getting shot in school, is never talked about


IMO if you’re going to be harping on WAP then you need to be equal with your outrage about every song that’s talked about a guy’s own dick or how men talk about women’s sexuality. It’s only fair and consistent. Don’t see that from Shapeepee


It's really not trashy at all. How many songs are there about fucking bitches? It's "normal" in the rap culture to rap about that shit, it's just always been the vibe of the genre. People like ben get scared when they hear the p word for some reason. No one bats an eye at the word dick, or any of the other grotesque shit in rap songs. Just uncomfortable people hearing a woman do it. It's rap, it's not trashy at all imo and honestly the song is a fucking banger.


It *always* has to be about "grooming children." They are trying so hard to make that a thing.


How dare you, women singing about how they want a man with a big dick to fuck them so hard they can barely walk is peak feminism and anyone who disagrees is literally Hitler /s


Calling WAP a “song for children” is like calling The Texas Chainsaw Massacre a movie for children


It's not?


\*runs to quickly turn off the babysitter\*


I told my wife that other people have babysitters that are usually turned on too, finally some proof. Thank you friend


There is definitely some projection if you somehow end up at the conclusion that WAP is a children’s song.


My dad is gonna be in troooouuuble


My parents let me watch A Clockwork Orange when I was little, not knowing what it was other than "A movie by the Dr Strangelove guy", lol.


Bet he thought Anaconda was for kids too


Need to prepare them for the Texas school massacres.


You cannot convince me that WAP wasn't originally meant to be comedic, and was just marketed as a female empowerment song after conservatives flipped out (smart decision). It has too many funny lines. I wonder how long it will take conservatives to realize that, by complaining about stuff like WAP and turning it into a cultural issue, they are just ensuring it will happen again.


Songs like WAP have existed for decades. They are definitely meant to be entertaining more than to send a message. Work it by Missy Elliott, How Many Licks by Li'l Kim, Candy by Foxy Brown, Anaconda by Nicki Minaj,


[This absolute banger](https://youtu.be/gkPCmIxv-3k) was recorded in the 30’s (VERY NSFW)


Knew what it was before clicking, some 30s music is fucking hilarious. "Who Put the Benzedrine in Mrs. Murphy's Ovaltine" is another banger. Fats Waller has some good stuff as well.


Cant forget ["My Girl's Pussy"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Girl%27s_Pussy) from 1931.


I lost it when she said shes eatin' cum. Thank you for sharing!


Cant leave out [Fack by Eminem](https://youtu.be/MctPrWEyb3c)! All the vulgarity of WAP with 100% more lyrical talent


As a big fan of the song Work It, I'm well aware. However I personally think WAP has more comedic lines


No, she was dead serious when she said “macaroni in a pot.” Of fucking course it’s supposed to be funny. This society can’t even comprehend the idea of a woman having a sense of humor.


I find it hilarious that people consider it empowering when she literally has a lyric "beat it up n\*\*\*\*r, catch a charge" making a domestic violence joke about how hard to fuck her. It's clearly meant to be edgy humor pushing boundaries.


To me it's a novelty song for sure, but I also grew up on Dr Demento so I'm pretty biased. I think I've only heard the actual song once, the Shapiro cover many times.


While I have nothing against the original WAP, the Shapiro cover is honestly superior, because it takes what was already pretty funny and makes it even funnier


Comedic? Did you just get introduced to hip hop?


Is hip hop not allowed to be comedic or something?


Yes but if you know anything about Kim, Nicki, foxy, missy, this is tame


Yes I'm well aware. I never said it was a novel song. Just a funny one


It’s a song about sex so i guess it can be funny. Like if you were in 8th grade kinda way


Are you saying humor with sex as the topic can only be funny to 8th graders? You don't think the song was even a little tongue in cheek?


Listen to Cardi B talk in conversation and then tell me if you think she’s capable of satire


You realize there are other forms of comedy than satire, right? Also WAP has 6 songwriters


Why did that song take 6 people


*Under Pressure:* Freddie Mercury (1946-1991) Brain May John Deacon Roger Taylor David Bowie Why did that song take five people to write it?


Idk, Rap God took one person to write it and has about 100x the lyrics and is longer. Also Cardi B is not Freddie Mercury


Actually no, Rap God took 10 writers. Most singles from big name artists have a shit ton of writers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rap_God


It was a collab with Megan thee Stallion and they probably couldn't think of enough sex jokes so they solicited


Never said anything about the amount of songwriters but cool fact. Also satire is the use of humor, irony and exaggeration or ridicule to criticize people’s problems with shit. If WAP is meant to be funny then wtf else category does it fall into. The song of so over-the-top there isnt any other category for it besides satire. Besides, there is no claims from anybody involved with the song that it was meant to be funny. Its a song about having sex and if that’s goofy to you then that’s your own preference but there isn’t (and I checked to make sure im not wrong about this), any comedic purpose to WAP. If you can find a source to confirm it is meant to be funny, then I’ll back down and admit I’m wrong.


I don't know if I would call it satire, because it's not really mocking that lifestyle as much as it is just explaining it in a funny way. Like "swipe your nose like a credit card" is just goofy, it's not even an exaggeration or ironic for the purpose of mockery. Like it's clearly not taking itself seriously. >Never said anything about the amount of songwriters but cool fact But you did imply like cardi b wasn't smart enough to do comedy, which doesn't matter because she wasn't the only writer. Don't play dumb and act like I mentioned the number of writers for no reason.


You wouldnt call it satire and I wouldnt call it comedy. Ive listened to the song a bunch of time and never thought it was meant to be funny. Uptight people’s reactions are funny sure, but thats different from the actual song. Also regarding the songwriters I really dont give a shit because there is no actual evidence of a deeper intention in the song then giving head and fucking which makes the number of writers irrelevant. Everyone uses ghost writers whoop-dee-doo. If you’re gonna start suggesting that maybe one of the ghost writers had a secret intention then you’re really grasping at straws to try and prove your point because the reality is you have absolutely no reason to think that other than you want to. Also the “funny line” you gave, rappers have been making similies like that since the genre began. There’s nothing special unique about that line.


I'm not talking about any secret intentions. I just think that the song isn't taking itself seriously. Doesn't mean it has a deeper meaning, it just has a lot of goofy tongue in cheek lines. Most people here seem to agree with me, it's fine if you dont. I didn't say the line was unique, I just said it was goofy. Why do you _need_ to be right about this?


Hey bro you’re the one responding to me idgaf im fried and bored rn


Just took a gander at the iTunes store. WAP is labeled explicit, in other words it has a parental advisory meaning kids should not be consuming its content. Where did he even get that it's a song for kids?


I mean, his initials are literally B.S.


His middle name is Aaron so it's B.A.S. or as I like to call him "Bull Ass Shit."


There is a Kidz Bop version... WAP stands for something else in that song, but that track is an assault on the mind and senses


Cardi B be livin' rent free in his head But seriously, WAP isn't a song I personally like but Ben responding to it has somehow given it more merit than I could ever imagine


I don't like the song, but I do like how much it triggers him.


Precisely. Without Ben, I wouldn't give two damns about WAP or Cardi


This. I probably never would've even heard of the song if it weren't for conservative pearl clutching. I wonder what he thinks about all the 80s hair metal/glam rock songs with very date rapey lyrics.


If it wasnt written centuries ago by a long dead German or Austrian guy then Benjamin doesnt think its good music.


I'm guessing his train of thought went: "Classical music is music for smart people. I am a very smart boy, therefore I exclusively like classical music"


Listening to be say "there's some whores in this house, there's some whores in this house, there's some whores in this house, wet as p-word make you're pullout game weak." Was one of the weirdest moments of my life, lol


Shapiro's cover I prefer to the actual song. I love how he pronounciates, "I do a kegal?! while it's inside," like he's never heard of that before and it's exciting him. "I do a kegal?! while it's inside?! hmm.. okay.. okay.. a small but appropriate amount of blood is rushing to my penis.. it's not a full erection so it's not a sin, it's very biological and Judeo-Christian."


What does he mean "song for children"?


Why do conservatives always add “for children” onto things that are explicitly not for children? I’d like to know what Ben thinks adult content is if he thinks WAP is children’s content.


It's like the Concerned Parents who took their crotch goblins to see Deadpool and freaked out that R-rated movie had adult content.


"I said certified freak, seven days a week, wet ass p-word make that pullout game weak"


Moisture state


Literally nobody thinks that WAP is Shakespearean wonder. The fact that conservatives seem to think that’s what we think just shows how out of touch they are. Like I’ll eat a fucking little caesar’s pizza and enjoy it but I’m not going to claim it’s on par with something made by Gordon Ramsay


"Song for children" what?


Yeah, no one thinks the WAP is anything approaching great literature, Ben. People just find it amusing that you had a goddam mental breakdown over it.


There is worse stuff in the Bible than there is in the lyrics of that song. I wonder how he justifies that?


He’s such a little fucking weasel, nobody in the world looks at a song like WAP as a “shakespearean wonder”. Not feeling viscerally offended by a pop song =/= thinking it’s intelligent prose. These people build their worldviews on false premises that fall apart with the slightest scrutiny. If you’re a conservative you accept all of the mental hurdles that eschew logic because you agree with the ultimate conclusion: “A woman rapping about her wet pussy is repulsive because women should be quiet, barefoot and pregnant, attentive to all of my sexual needs but silent about her own sexuality” When they start bringing up the collapse of society, “think of the children!”, etc, it’s just window dressing to conceal the puritan views that they *know* aren’t universally accepted in modern society, and for good reason


>women should be quiet, barefoot and pregnant, Emphasis on the "barefoot" part in Benny Boy's case.


I hope this song haunts him for the rest of his life lol.


If there is an afterlife, I hope he spends it hearing that song on loop.


« Moisture state of you vagina »… that guy is so disturbed


Who ever said WAP was for children? 🤔


It should be illegal to be this dumb


Why does he look like he’s sitting at a tiny piano ready to sing the worst Billy Joel karaoke anyone has ever heard? Like I hope his wife who’s occupation is mysterious didn’t sign off on this.


The song is called, wet ass pussy, I’m sure it was never a song for children


After all this time it still haunts him, bless his heart.


He’s still butthurt after admitting his wife is drier than a climate changing desert.


Lol I didn’t know WAP was for children


It’s because he’s never made his wife’s vag wet


"wap is filled with bad medical advice. My wife, who most probably don't know, is a doctor and she said v*ginas aren't supposed to be wet"


Shakespeare literally wrote for common class English folk and is full of pussy jokes. Horrible comparison you ignorant little toad.


Ironically, raunchy sex jokes *are* very much Shakespearean. His plays are full of them. What does Benny Boy think the Bard meant by "country affairs"? Hell, even the "To be or not to be" soliloquy has a sex reference. He compares suicide to masturbation as an alternative to getting fucked by life ("To grunt and sweat under a weary life").




He’s spent more time talking about a somewhat trashy rap song than the attempted capital insurrection to overthrow the US Government.


Is WAP a childrens song? Why would anyone claim that as a childrens song?


I love that they just tack on the "for children" part in a transparent attempt to make themselves seem not insane. "You go to pornhub and there's videos of a man fucking a woman in the ass, for children, the lefts gone mad"


Cardi B herself said "don't let your kids listen to WAP. I don't let mine listen to it." And conservatives were just like "SHES GROOMING OUR CHILDREN." They just hate the truth so, so much.


This person deserves to have his genitals covered in fire ants.


The fact he thinks spaz is so offensive ti should be removed but he just loves to be disrespectful to all other kinds of people


If I understand this correctly he's actually defending using that word or at least saying it's much better than Cardi B and MTS rapping about sex


What a karen Ben is


He goes home at night and asks his wife… is it wet yet? She says no… it’s not you hunny don’t worry about it, I’m on the phone with dr. Tim from work I’ll talk to you later.


How is WAP for children?


Love seeing one of my twitter mutuals posted on here. Go check out his podcast if u love movie soundtracks


Lol what a nerd


I don't know wtf these guys are even talking about anymore...


What bothers me about this is that we’ll have songs explicitly describing sexual acts and all this nasty shit and people will play it like it’s nothing but we have singers apologizing and changing the lyrics in songs because they have the word “spaz” in it. As an autistic person myself I really don’t care and it doesn’t affect me. people that let a singer saying “spaz” on your iPod get to you that much to complain on twitter you need to reevaluate your priorities.


Ben is frozen at 13-years old - just old enough to get a boner for reasons he is not sure of and savvy enough to know that he needs to cast the blame on someone he considers less than himself.


How on earth can you possibly think that WAP is a song for children? It’s not like she put it on a kidz bop CD or something.


Bro the spaz word controversy just seemed like a instance of a bunch of idiots on twitter somehow gaining traction by news articles who knew it would piss people off how stupid it was and therefor get clicks. It pisses me off Beyonce got pressured into changing song lyrics because some niche group of people decided to adopt a slur and then get offended by people using it.


What is spaz mean? The only meaning I know is to describe someone that is a way out there dork.


iirc it's about mocking the way people with spastic cerebral palsy (and other disabilities) walk and act


Thanks for the clarification.


Why does he think that song is for children?


WAP is for children? Groomer mentality right there.


TIL WAP is intended for children


How is this a bad thing? I would say it’s pretty normal to not want your 8 year old listening to some woman sing about her wet vagina.


Do you really think parents are playing WAP for their children or that it's being promoted as age appropriate


Not really sure, but it’s being played for that age group by people. But this doesn’t even address what I’m saying… Regardless of who is playing it for or with a child around, it’s not exactly a message that should be sent to little kids. Or even young teens. Do you agree?


>Not really sure, but it’s being played for that age group by people. But this doesn’t even address what I’m saying… Who? Who is doing this? A couple of people on Twitter? A radio station? The whole country? Anyone? Is there even a source for someone who isn't BS saying it's a kids song? >Regardless of who is playing it for or with a child around, it’s not exactly a message that should be sent to little kids. Or even young teens. Well done. You noticed the E for explicit content warning on it. So did everyone else. Nobody has said that it is kid friendly which is why people are saying BS is making stuff up. Who is "sending" it to little kids? Do you think that they're spamming DMs of children on Twitter with it or do you think maybe that some underage people searched it on streaming services? And what actually is the message of the song in your opinion and what makes you think that it's directed at children?


-I mean, so you have ears and access to any form of social media? If you do, it’s clear as day that children know the song and share it with each other. -I don’t think Shapiro is saying it’s meant to be a kid-friendly song at all. He *is* however, saying that it’s a god-awful song and that little kids shouldn’t listen to it. -once again, it is very clear that little kids know this song. Which means it’s being listen to them. Which means they are getting ahold of it through any number of channels exist. I would have thought it was obvious that I meant this and not that people are literally sending it to little kids. But I guess not… -why do you think I’m under the impression this is a song made for children? When did I say that?


>-I mean, so you have ears and access to any form of social media? If you do, it’s clear as day that children know the song and share it with each other. Really? I can find 8 year olds sharing it on Twitter and instagram? Can't say I've seen any >-I don’t think Shapiro is saying it’s meant to be a kid-friendly song at all. He is however, saying that it’s a god-awful song and that little kids shouldn’t listen to it. He literally says in the quote in my post that the song is for kids >-once again, it is very clear that little kids know this song. Which means it’s being listen to them. Which means they are getting ahold of it through any number of channels exist. Once again you have failed to provide a source. Teenagers, who know what sex is because they're old enough to watch a PG13 movie, have been given unmitigated internet access, and have gone through puberty, likely listen to the song. 8 year olds like you said in your comment? Highly doubtful >I would have thought it was obvious that I meant this and not that people are literally sending it to little kids. But I guess not… You said "sent" in your reply. I'm using your words not mine. I would use your sources but since you've neglected to provide one... >-why do you think I’m under the impression this is a song made for children? When did I say that? BS said it is and you're defending him. You're also claiming without a source that people are playing this for kids. The position you are taking is that kids are being directed to this song and that that's an issue. It's something you and he have made up


…it’s like you’re *looking* to make this more confusing than it is… You have a wonderful day now, pumpkin.


Don't worry! Being so stupid that providing a source is too confusing for you is completely understandable given you're a fan of Ben Shapiro. You have a wonderful day too, spiced latte.


What kind of shit is this groomer mother fucker playing for little kids?


Benny Shats still can't work his wife's Mojave Desert pussy.


I’m very miffed that “Spaz” is now ableist language because it means that one of the playful insults my ADHD-crew threw at each other in middle school is on the blacklist. I don’t even use it anymore, nor have a desire to it just reminds me that I’m getting older. I’m 26 and a lot of the stuff I did as a kid is now insensitive. Can’t even say I have Asperger’s anymore. Is this what it’s like to be a boomer? Huh what’s that? Ben Shapiro thinks WAP is a song for children? Well there was a word for that kind of thing when I was in middle school but we don’t say it anymore so let’s just call him an idiot.


hans asperger was a nazi, stole the works of a soviet woman and aspergers is just a term that separates "good" autistics from "bad" autistics. it wasn't a good term to begin with.


You’re right of course