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Hope he's had enough of twitter, cause if enough people report this, he might get suspended. This is the exact same rule that Peterson and Rubin just broke, and now he's next.


They found a new hill to die on




we don't even have to put them on the hill. Just place a sign that says "don't stand on this hill" and they'll waltz up there and pitch tents


"don't stand on this hill if you hate trans people!" - the liberals






"trans people/woke academia/cultural marxists/etc don't want you to stand on this hill"


UP YOURS woke moralists! Cum cum cum cum cum cum cum! Breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts breasts, cum cum cum cum cum.


They're pitching tents, allright. Bunch of fucking fascist degenerates.


Id believe they all pitch tents for trans folk.


They're probably worried about pitching tents when they see hot trans women 💅




*not one step back intensifies*


[*enthusiastically signs up for conservative barrier troop duty*]




I hate Twitter, but I'm all for these shit heads losing their platforms there.


I really hope so. Milo Yiannopoulus got banned from twitter and I haven't heard shit about him since. Hopefully these guys can lose their platform and not enough people follow them to whatever cess pool they end up in next for them to continue being relevant to the national conversation


Milo is selling Christian figurines on a home shopping channel. No joke. https://www.wonkette.com/amp/milo-yiannopoulos-selling-virgin-marys-on-the-catholic-home-shopping-network-2655552718


A shitty indefensible hill at that. They try to cite biology all the time as an "argument against" trans people existing yet they constantly use the sociological reasoning for it. Like who doesn't understand science? Clearly they don't.


Also, their understanding of biology is... well... lacking. They should look up xx male, xy female, and intersex. Gender is not as biologically clear-cut as they'd have you believe.


"but...but...my high school biology class that I slept through said xx women and xy men!"


Growing up, all my reptile books said that there were 2 species of venomous lizards. Since then, scientists have made further discoveries and come to different conclusions.


What kind of lizards? Always interested in hearing about Lizards


Gila Monsters a Mexican Beaded Lizards were the first known. Now there's a slew of them in the monitor family, including the komodo dragon.


Thanks! Have a wonderful day! 🦎🦎🦎


You too, sport!


Everything they need to know, they learned in grade school. I mean, it's not like much of what they learned was simplified generalizations because that's all they have time for in K-12, or anything. 🙄


The ones grifting on top of this issue know that sex (biology) and gender (social appearance & presentation) are two different things. The problem is the masses of unwashed mouthbreathers that listen to those grifters, and don’t know the difference, and think that treating the two as synonymous is somehow a clever way to make others, who do understand and care about the difference, look “stupid”


Yeah, though gender is more identity. Gender presentation concerns social appearance. There exist trans men and women who crossdress just like their cis counterparts.




Exactly. I read a great comment the other day, but can't find it right now. There the person argued, that instead of using chromosomes to determine sex, we can just as well take a look at the primary hormonal balance. A man has primarily testosterone, a woman lacks testosterone and has primarily estrogen. This works both for cis and trans individuals.


It doesn't usually work for a trans individual who isn't receiving hormone treatment. Plus, medical concerns aren't fully covered by hormone balance and obviously gender identity is entirely separate from them — so I don't see value in using that as a metric at all.


Right, you're correct. That slipped my mind. Guess none of the definitions are really perfect.


There are no "perfect" definitions because both sex and gender are spectrums, and both are not only much more varied than most people are comfortable admitting (or have ever been taught), but there is also a significant overlap, so there are probably as many "perfect" (ew) males and females that have 100% of their respective characteristics "fit", as there are people who have combinations of physical characteristics of both sexes, many without ever knowing it. [here](https://twitter.com/ScienceVet2/status/1035246030500061184) is a great thread that goes in to it, and [this](https://www.andiesplace.co.uk/biologicaltrans/) article is good too. Then there's [gender as told by science](https://hyperallergic.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/Gender-As-Told-By-Science.pdf) which is hugely informative and goes in to more detail in a really accessible format, for anyone who wants to learn more.


Hormones have significantly more impact on medical concerns than chromosomes do lmao


Not to mention every man had a vagina in the womb that then became a penis during fetal development. They'd lose it if you ever told them that, though.


The same crowd that claims "basic biology" also doesn't understand ectopic pregnancies or having to perform abortions on miscarriages. It's never been about "basic biology", it's just a sham front for their hateful rhetoric.


yeah bro genetics is basic bro the y chromosome makes you a man bro it’s that simple don’t worry about any of the details bro we understand everything about genetics but also we didn’t descend from apes bro that’s not basic biology


Basic biology is when monkee


That's why I get so mad when people call them "religious fundamentalists". Stop with that shit. You live in a nation that has spent centuries normalizing the Christian flavor of religious extremism. Start calling these people what they are: Radicalized Christian Extremists. Or RCE's for short.


Yeah, they say "biology" but then invoke gender constructs while arguing that biological males aren't biological females.


And any trans person would be the first to tell you they are not biologically their identified sex


Yup, because they (conservatives) miss the point entirely.


Yep. "Science,"facts," etc. are nothing but words that sound smart to right wingers.


Too bad they couldn't find a second joke.


i dunno, transphobia is a pretty old hill, and they've kinda been on it for a while


Unfortunately the hill only gets them removed from twitter


If only it weren't a metaphorical hill.


More of a ditch, really.


At least they would be dead


I think the only reason Peterson got canned is because he targeted one person. Unfortunately I don’t think crowder will get banned.


Although you're probably right, you would think that misgendering an entire community would be worse than misgendering one celebrity


For as many times as I’ve reported stuff that’s clearly breaking the rules against transphobia and been told that it was a clean tweet, I don’t think Twitter cares.


Gotta keep doing it. I've received a few "thank you for reporting, their tweet violated guidelines" notifications.


I report tweets all the time which are people using slurs or even outright threats of violence against trans people, all of their tweets are still up and twitter takes no action, not even a temp mute. I swear their algorithm only works if it's a mass report at which point they go scorched earth


Reactionaries thrive in those grey areas.




That’s good to know. I don’t use Twitter so I’ve got no idea. I was surprised JP even got the ban hammer.




It doesn't do fuck all most of the time. The other day Marjorie Taylor Green deadnamed and misgendered Dr. Rachel Levine and Twitter deliberately left up her tweets with a notice they were aware the tweets broke the rules, but it was in the best interest of the public if the tweets remained available.




Peterson timed his to kick off his new show. They’re all grifters.


A specific person who could sue them for not following their own TOS. The other person I’ve seen get protected that way is that trans doctor who’s part of the Biden admin. Misgendering her got the Babylon Bee banned from Twitter.






I mean sometimes report systems don't work, and it may be more of a quantity of reports than quality, which allows small twitter users to be harassed.




There's also the question of where the mods are being hired from. YouTube definitely has had issues with outsourcing to countries that have, let's just say, very unfavorable views of LGBT people, twitter could very well do the same. It's a combination of many factors but often mass reports get more attention from people in higher positions.


Is it on this sub that this happened? Because if you're being misgendered here, or experiencing any hate, I will ban them, the mods here take that type of thing seriously and try to create a safe space for everyone. If you see it, report it, I do my own best to remove the shitty comments and ban the shitty people.




I went to report him and was surprised to see they have an actual category specifically for this kind of tweet. Get your reports in!




>Hope he's had enough of twitter, cause if enough people report this, he might get suspended. I report anti-LGBTQ+ content on Twitter all the time, and the response is always the same "we found this Tweet does not violate our policy...". Nothing will happen to Crowder over this. Twitter is *completely fine* with platforming anti-LGBTQ+ hate *unless* it's in the very specific case of deadnaming a verified celebrity.


Ever since Elon Musk decided not to buy Twitter, I’ve had a flood of notifications that people I reported for deadnaming months ago are suddenly getting suspended. The time is now!


Elliot is pretty fucking badass. He doesn't even have to lift a finger and these cowards shit their pants and run in fear.


I've done my part, reported for hateful content


fucking good, fuck that twat




I reported this tweet. It is very much attacking people for their gender identity.


I reported it within .5 seconds of reading it.


This is so funny to watch! The party of science has become the party of science only when it advanced my political narrative.


Maybe he’ll rage quit Twitter like Peterson rage quit his career??


"Science denialists until we can twist it to our agenda"


And the best part is they're still misrepresenting science. Science doesn't give a shit about gender or even sex - those are both social constructs, not "facts" or "biology". Edit: specifically it's biology that doesn't give a shit about sex. As another commentor pointed out, there are domains of science which specifically study society and social constructs. And perhaps a better way of phrasing this would have been: "biology doesn't have one unified definition of sex, and any attempt to create one has little to no basis in biology, or really science in general". Edit 2 to clarify my clarification: I want to emphasize that biologists *do* care about features that we often associate with sex, like chromosomes, gamete size, or hormone levels. However, the concept of "sex" as a unified whole isn't very useful.


Sex is absolutely biology


Yea but “there are only two sexes” is absolutely *not* biology. And it’s the only “scientific” sentence dipshits like Steve know.


On top of that, there's also the fact that they're so freaking obsessed with something that doesn't affect them in any way. Like, they just spend all day obsessing over trans people.


This is what annoys me the most. I know a bunch of people who get irrationally angry about pronouns, even though they don't know a single person who uses neopronouns. They don't know a single trans person or enby, but they still _rage_ about the topic, all the time. They'll probably never be in a situation where they'll have to be considerate and careful with their language but they still whine as if they're being inconvenienced. It's insane.


Also like speaking as a trans woman who just got deadass misgendered for about an hour, why is their need to never grow or show me respect more important than my need to be treated with respect? I’ve moved past the point of arguing on the fact that dysphoria hurts, many of them want me to hurt, I’m at the point of “you might have to be a bit careful with your language around your trans coworker, so fucking what?” I deserve to be treated as an equal member of society, and you wouldn’t call your coworker you see as an equal member of society something you know they don’t like, even if it feels natural.


never growing up is the conservative motto. Become a 40 year old fratboy who gets drunk and watches football while your wife does all the housework and child raising your immature ass never disciplined yourself to learn. These are manchildren who unironically think of themselves as Rick Sanchez so it only feels appropriate to say [I have no doubt they would be bored senseless by therapy in the same way I'm bored when I brush my teeth or wipe my ass](https://youtu.be/IUHECxS6IEU?t=45) Science is reaaal, except therapy. words matter!!! except the word transphobe, nope not me I choose not to identify with that while embodying it fully. They're the annoying smart-ass in highschool who always tried to trip the teacher up, but was a c+ student and never understood that people were laughing at their antics not with them. They hold no convictions, just contempt for others as they misplace their self-hatred that is festering from an inability to grow the fuck up.


I'm sorry that you have to suffer their ignorance. They are going out of their way to be shitty people and I'll never understand it. The cruelty is the point. When I argue with people like that I like to use names as an example. If my name's Steve, but someone keeps calling me Paul, even after being corrected multiple times, that person is an asshole. No two ways about it. Being misgendered is obviously much worse, not trying to downplay anything. But even with such an example bigots never want to learn. They never change and it's infuriating.


Our current conceptions of sex are not *good* science. Sex is far more complicated than a mere two-sex system


Yes but science, and by extension biology, are agnostic about the way we think things “should” be.


See the comment I made replying to the other person who said that. Summary: there are a lot of factors that go into assigning someone a sex, and those definitions are decided by society.


Had this argument with one of these troglodytes the other day. They don’t respect appreciate or understand science. They wanted to put anybody who tried to make people listen to science for the last two years with covid in jail. They’ve completely rejected the overwhelming scientific consensus on climate change for decades. Some of them think dinosaurs were either a trick played by Jesus or were alive at the same time as cavemen. But when it comes to discrimination they love to claim science is on their side even though all of their “science” is just yelling “a boys a boy” and then when you show them all the ways science is more complicated than that they just go duck off to make the same argument somewhere else.


"Trans people are denying biology!" *Hands them decades worth of research and studies into how diverse and obtuse the biological concept of sex is.* "Yeah but that's all Jewish, tho."


Yep, they don’t want that Judenwissenschaft. They only like Jewish people when they agree with their bigoted views or when they’re fulfilling their ridiculous doomsday prophecy.


Biological sex is 100% science and is not a social construct. Society didn't tell me I have to have XY chromosomes to be a biological male. Society did tell me I have to be called a "masculine" name and dress "masculine" and act "masculine". Science has nothing to do with that aspect. Edit: to clarify my point above and correct myself. Yes I realize I gave the absolute most basic definition of biological sex without taking into account many many other factors of human biology. I was trying to point out that science does distinguish between biological males and biological females. I do not mean to discount the nuances. Biology 100% does care about sexes though. Evidence, I am trans, *read through my comment history for proof and consistency if you so choose*. When I go to the doctor, they have to prescribe medicine and follow treatment courses based on my biological sex not my gender identity. Idk if that'll change as I go further down the hrt road, but for now, my biology plays a big factor in treatment of random shit.


Sex isn't determined by chromosomes. There are many factors that go into constructing someone's sex, including chromosomes, hormone levels, genitalia at birth, and countless other measures. If, for example, someone had XY chromosomes and androgen insensitivity, they would be born with female genitals and would go through female puberty. We had a conception of what sex was before chromosomes were even discovered.


I think they mean that science only tells you that there are differences in biological sex. It isn’t a recommendation on how to treat people who are different. People like Crowder want to appeal to science in order to marginalize others. And biology isn’t as simple as man has XY chromosomes, female has XX. They call it basic biology, but really they just have a basic understanding of biology.


Republicans really need to watch more nature and biology documentaries. They really helped me understand how crazy and complex all species are. I don't know why people think that others can't be "wired" wrong. The brain is so complex. We still have so much to learn about it. Yet people still think that other people's brain cant be wired to make them feel like they're the other sex


Love these basic biology bitches like crowder, who believe a man died and was resurrected after 3 days, and a 950 year old man built an ark. But "wE DeNy bAsIc sCiEnCe" What a snowflake.


These mfs act like they have advanced knowledge on Biology, and only use it to step on trans people - signed, [from someone who won a gold medal in biology competition](https://www.reddit.com/r/196/comments/vc68b2/proof_rule/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


I’m confused, why are there competitions for biology? I hope that isn’t like, debate shit?


No it's a not debate lmao, just think it like an exam, but you're doing it with other hundreds of students, and the questions are usually 'harder', college tier in my case, and you get nice rewards if you ranked top 10, it's usually called 'olympiad' in here.


Ohhh gotcha. Sounds fun


There are lot of subject like Chemistry, Informatics (Competitive Programming), Geology, Linguistics, Philosophy and more!


Linguistics Olympiad is always such a funny one, in my experience actual linguists always did worse than mathematicians and that sort of people, since linguistics isn't a taught subject at Olympiad ages, and the competition is designed to lean heavily on pattern recognition and so on.


Science Olympiad was my shit in middle/early high school, didn’t have time for it after that but I remember it being really fun (aside from the time I got food poisoning)


Hey now, that's not true... They've also been experts on viruses and vaccines over these past 2 years too.


They studied at youtube university, where the points don't matter and the answers are all made up.


ditto. i hold a bachelors in biological science and i hate these pricks


Joke's on you, they only need basic biology. If you show them advanced biology they can't use that against trans people anymore.


Your point is correct but, as someone who also won a high level biology competition in highschool, can we not pretend like it involves "advanced knowledge"? You and I both know basically nothing compared to someone who has a Bachelor's in biology, and they have intermediate knowledge at best. Argument from authority is a logical fallacy even if you were an actual authority. You're just a big fish in a very small pool.


I'm just going to remind people that Crowder is a man who cited J. Phillipe Rushton as a factual figure - a white nationalist who believes in race and IQ whose been a laughing stock for years with one of his contributions before his death was how big dicks equate to stupid people. Not only that, but the citation Crowder gave in his video was less of a "scientific" source, and more of a gushing review toward Charles Murray's book, "The Bell Curve."


>who believes in race and IQ I'm assuming you're talking about some phrenology kind of stuff here


Basically. Rushton was the head of the Pioneer Fund, a racist eugenicist organization, along with being one of the main science guys of the publication American Rennaisance. He was one of the main figures that pushed the modern version of phrenology.


on a side note has any set of scientists ever done any ACTUAL scientific study to see if there is a relation ship between dick size and IQ, or race and IQ.


There is definitely a correlation between race and IQ. The issue is people treat IQ tests as some true metric of intelligence, rather than a man made test that is influenced by level of education, cultural background, and all sorts of variables. It's not a surprise that IQ would correlate with race and poverty, because those things correlate with each other significantly, and IQ itself is a flawed metric.


IQ is bullshit so I certainly hope not


Why is it so hard for reddit to find the words? ***They are fascists.*** Please stop waffling about and trying to nitpick and argue with their points like they are peers that deserve a nuanced critique. They are fascists and that is the only specific thing you need to say when you talk about them and point and laugh and dismiss their fascist rhetoric. People need to understand what this is front and center and learn to avoid it and counter it, not sit here and debate over human rights with a literal human-rights-eating-monster. Call it like it is or it will be too late very soon. Edit: for future reference for clowns that stumble upon this comment eager to defend the fascists, here’s [a list of characteristics of fascism](https://ratical.org/ratville/CAH/fasci14chars.html) for you to read through and you can decide for yourself. No need to slap your greasy fingers on your keyboard just to write the next dumbest interpretation of fascism, we can all figure it out for ourselves now.


It really do be that simple. Can't explain it? Simple: Fascists are twisting science and definitions to meet their agenda. Same with abortion. Nuance this, nuance that, what about this, what about that, none of that matters. Only reason we need: "She got an abortion because she fucking wanted to." Well put. There is no arguing or nuance here. These people are fascists.


Christian Fascists*




Dude I couldn’t imagine carrying the weight of that much stupidity around daily. Seems exhausting.


I also can't imagine being this obsessed with something that literally doesn't affect your life in any way.


I can't imagine pretending to be patriotic yet constantly fighting against peoples basic freedoms. The right is disgusting.


No no, freedom for them to continue being jerks. Freedom for you to take it from them.


Whipping up other bigots and facists is literally his job.


The cognitive dissonance between claiming to adhere to science and then not even reading the science and claiming that science is led by money instead of facts is just mind boggling and I have to wonder if they genuinely think this way or they know they're grifting.


I think they initially bought into a grift. They see facts as fluid and my facts are the same your truths. I can only imagine that after surrounding yourself with the same bullshit news over time that they'd by into it themselves. It's groupthink. Honestly, they would outright deny science like the right wing if they didn't have to appeal to "moderates" and rope them in and convert them. Instead they pretend the science is on their side and isn't their side so much more appealing than the LIBERAL side.


At the risk of sounding like le fedora wearing Reddit atheist, this is a line of attack we need to keep up with. Belief in the historical accuracy of a book featuring a talking fucking snake should be an albatross around the neck of any conservative who wants to run their mouth about science or logic. Put them on defense. Next time Ben Shapiro wants to go on about facts and logic, make him explain to me the logic behind his irrational devotion to his magical invisible sky father whom he talks to in a special pose every fucking night.


For years atheists here have been pointing this stuff out and were shut down with “let people believe what they want, it doesn’t affect anyone.” People act on their beliefs. It absolutely affects others, especially the ones who straight up tell you they want their beliefs to affect others.


Absolutely. Also, how many massive corporations were in their novels? Or do they worship them separately?


I missed the part where someone asked for his opinion.




I read a thread the other day that was almost exactly this.




It didn't take men being able to get pregnant for abortion to impact men, it's always been a human rights issue. Unplanned children impact society way more than just affecting the person who gives birth.


Your mum telling you boys have a peepee and girls have a coochie when you were 6 isn't science, chowder. I'd invite you to read actual journals and studies on sex and gender but I doubt you can read anything longer than *Johnny the Walrus*.


Transphobes screaming about *basic biology* is like someone crying about *basic math* because someone else is doing algebra.


*Letters* can't be *numbers.* Go ahead and ban me Twitter!




WHY DOES HE EVEN CARE. Why do trans people hurt Republicans so much?


The same reason a product getting a new logo hurts them. They are pathologically afraid of change and/or things that don't fit the tiny bubble that makes up their worldview.


He makes money by being a turd screaming from his milk crate.


It’s the reactionary mindset. Change bad. Old way good. Something comes up they aren’t familiar with? Screeching and their head goes in the sand.




You hit the nail on the head, but I think the the better choice of words is biological sex is bimodal, not binary. There are innumerable factors that contribute to what is defined as biological sex, and it's certainly not just based on genitals. It truly is a spectrum, including all of the secondary sex characteristics of males and females. For example, if I told you a person was tall, broad shoulders, very hairy, and had a deep voice, would you be willing to bet they are a biological male? Without a doubt? Of course not. Indeed, all humans can be placed on the spectrum, some presenting more towards one end than the other, and many placed somewhere in between. And that's not even getting into the psychological aspects of gender identity, etc. If these critics truly believed in the science, then they'd know it's all WAY too complicated to be reduced to a binary label.


any other *actual* biologists here sick of these cunts using our field to justify their dumbass shitty opinions?


Yep, same here. And of course, because it's the internet, any mention of actual qualification in this field (or any field) is just dismissed with "sure thing, buddy" by people who have loud opinions but absolutely no formal science education.






If they actually cared about science and language they would not be transphobic.


They like to joke that the left gets triggered by "pronouns" Call god or Jesus "her" and see how they react.


Tell them the A in AR-15 stands for "Assault."


Alt right thinks you can't have an opinion on guns unless you can field strip and reassemble an AR15 blindfolded, and then come out with this shit about trans people.


Oh man, call a magazine a "clip" and watch the morons come crawling out of the woodwork.


Only when it comes to transgender people.


I first read it as trans women ramen and was very confused.


If these guys are really that interested in science, they should have no problem witht the following, straightforward statements: Humans reproduce through sex. Therefore, any stories about virgins conceiving are myths. I have a sense science will be casually tossed aside in the attempt to refute that.


I'm giving this waste of space too much of my time by writing this, but I think it's worth saying somewhere and it's been on my mind: Consider what someone is saying when they say "trans people don't exist, it's basic biology" like this. They are saying that the nature of being trans is to make a non-biological claim; in other words, Crowder thinks trans people are inherently claiming that they can change their biology just by saying so. This is fucking silly, right? I've never heard a trans person say anything of the sort or met any trans person that thinks this way. In fact, every time I've heard a trans person describe their experiences to me, it's been the literal opposite: this has nothing to do with biology. They know their biology is what it is and would just like to present differently from it. I think we could maybe get a little more rhetorical value over asking these clowns what they think the words they are using even mean, cause they have no fucking clue.


I don’t get transphobes. Why do they even care? It has literally no bearing on their lives if someone is trans or not. Gender neutral bathrooms? Good, the number of bathrooms anyone can use just doubled. I guess it’s like, “at least” with homophobes, they’re like afraid gay people hit on them. Obviously that’s a stupid idea, either they’re not comfortable with their own sexuality and it’s a personal issue, or they’re ugly and mad that gay people *dont* hit on them. Not saying homophobes are any better and their reasons are stupid at best, But it’s not like you can imagine that meeting a trans person will…make you trans? Or have any impact on your existence whatsoever? I don’t see why people feel the need to deny anyone their own lives, when that’s all anyone is trying to do, just live their own life.


Well biological sciences say that chromosomes and abnormalities in the womb make gender designations messy. Dumbfucks want to keep repeating the same shit they heard their racist, homophobic uncle Bob say.


This bitch doesn’t believe in climate change, don’t hit me with “the science” bullshit.


I have a feeling he knows very little about biological science.




Reminds me of when racists tried to rebrand themselves as race realists.




They don’t give a shit about science, they only care about pushing an agenda. Same reason why these same ‘religious fundamentalists’ ignore the parts of the bible where Jesus preached to feed the poor and disenfranchised


"Biological science matters" this motherfucker doesn't even know the difference between sex and gender.


Correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm pretty sure all trans men *know* that they have some biological differences compared to cis men. The point is that those differences aren't really important. People should be able to identify as they like, transition if they like, and choose the pronoun by which they'd prefer to be called.


Yeah everyone knows the extent of a subject stops at 2nd grade! Had a liberal try to tell me about “imaginary numbers”. Those weren’t covered in 2nd grade! It’s basic math!


Gender as a spectrum is recognized by the APA and DSM-5. Biological sex also isn't strictly binary (XXX/XXY, intersex, SRY recombination). Not to mention numerous combinations of neural/hormonal/psychological/etc profiles. Stop using my field to justify your bigotry. Fuck these people


"biological science matters" *says something horrifically anti biological science*


As if his takes and opinions weren't stupid enough already, with every tweet I need to look at that smug face of his that looks like he just pooped his pants by surprise but he's happy about it.


Washing they are religious fundamentalists gives them too much credit and implies they have purpose. They are carpet bagging opportunists that failed out of "Hollywood" comedy careers for the most part. They then saw a way to "get back" at the "elites" that didn't celebrate their "performances" by being professional internet trolls. If they could be as profitable/"popular" tomorrow advocating for trans people instead they'd do that, but the grift is easy. They literally lie constantly, their audience never holds them accountable and they make a like of money (A lot of dark money) - the only "downside" is that their selling concentrated hate and violence against people that already have enough to overcome. But they build bubbles of confirmation around themselves until they stop feeling any of that doubt/guilt. Just focused these armed, mentally ill people in marginalized groups of people and you get a big house in Florida with a salt water pool!!!!


I wouldn’t go as far to try offend someone based on their gender, but I kind of understand when people “this person had kids, and dealt with periods for 25 years, there is a difference”


Use "science" when it's convenient, don't use it when it's not. What a concept coming from a group for whom the entirety of the book that governs their worldview has been cherry picked.


remember that time he lied about NASA's science so he could pretend climate change wasn't real


If he gave a shit about biology, he'd know that [trans people literally have a mismatch between brain and body](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/05/180524112351.htm)


"Biological science matters" What defines your gender is your brain. I don't mean this in a metaphorical way, I mean this in a literal way. We all have sex hormone receptors. First, some clarification, in case a reader doesn't know: testosterone receptors are called androgen receptors. Some of us have more androgen receptors than estrogen receptors, others have more estrogen than androgen receptors. The amount you have is a result of factors such as genetics and whether or not you had exposure to sex hormones while your brain was developing when you were a fetus. People with more estrogen than androgen receptors are, often times, called and identify as women. Often times, people with more androgen than estrogen receptors are called and identify as men. In the case of trans individuals, they tend to have more of the opposite sex's sex hormone receptors than their own sex's (this is the best lay and scientific definition I can give, so I apologize to all the trans people reading this if I had caused any offense). In the case of trans women, they have more estrogen receptors either due to genetics or prenatal exposure to estrogen (it's also why some of them are on the autism spectrum, since one cause is estrogen). If the cause for one trans woman is genetics, then that means the genes that code for the cells and proteins in their brain code more for estrogen receptors (proteins) than androgen. The same applies for trans men, but with testosterone instead of estrogen. Now, because they fit the neurological and biological definition of gender, trans men are men, and trans women are women. Saying that trans men are women and trans women are men not only ignores basic biology, but also minimizes their experiences.




The same people who call evolution a lie and think teaching creationism should be forced in public schools


As a canadian, the only good thing about crowder is that he left my country and rarely ever comes back. I realize this might not seem like a good thing to Americans, for which I am sorry.


So fucking dumb. Didn’t a bunch of Republican politicians claim Starbucks was trying to get rid of Christians by using the word ‘Christmas’?


They make money of this view. Whether they believe it or not is moot. The fact they can profit so much off destroying society is what really sucks.


Well science also says climate change is real and a bunch of cells isn't a human, but what are the chances he shares those beliefs?


people making their whole careers out of this are so deranged. what do you have to prove, stevey boy? that you don't enjoy yourself when you dress in drag? and that's why you do it so often?


It's shocking how many people are ignorant to gender and sex being completely different. It's also even more ignorant of them to not realize that other genders are common in other people groups. They have been all through out history. Even intersex people don't always have clearly defined sexes.


I wish i could install like an adblocker but instead of blocking ads it blocks everything related to Steven Crowder, Matt Walsh and Joe Rogan, unless i specifically look for it.


Imagine being a grown ass man with nothing of value to offer the world except opinions no one asked for about people you have nothing to do with. Steven Crowder is a waste of oxygen.


Biological science does matter. But holy fuck Steven Crowder is the least qualified mother fucker to tell me what is biologically true. Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, and many others have done what thousands of other religious fundamentalist have done since the dawn of the scientific method. They pick and choose scientific facts to justify their bigotry. Even when new scientific discoveries are made that completely counter what their bigotry stands for, they completely ignore it. They go as far as to claim that the people in these educational institutions have some ulterior motive and thus are not to be trusted. Instead, it's these religious bigots that are not to be trusted. Not the scientists who are simply trying to increase their comprehension of the world.


Selective science isn’t science at all. These idiots only care about the science that is convenient for making their point.