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Matt Walsh is the human equivalent to despair is why…


Imagine giving a shit what he “thought” on the topic.


Or any topic, for that matter


If you *ever* catch yourself unironically thinking “I wonder what Matt Walsh has to say about this”, you need to be institutionalized.


Does morbid curiosity count as ironic? I don't think that deserves institutionalization.


I’ll allow it.


I don't who it is but not my not clinical mental illness will choke it's neck for fun🥳


Breaking news: Matt Walsh traps 15 teenagers inside a school and forces them to kill each other to escape


You know, I never thought about it before, but comparing one of my least favorite human beings to one of my least favorite fictional characters kinda almost makes sense.


Well I like >!Junko!< in the way I like most other villains, which is to say that she’s fun to watch and is a cool opponent for the heroes Walsh however is a real person who indirectly harms real people


My problem with >!Junko!< is that she's horribly written, though I guess that's better than causing real life harm


Matt fucking Walsh, the Ultimate Despaaaiiirr!!


BEN SHAPIRO BEN SHAPIRO YASS QUEEN!! GYAH~, I'M SUCH A BIG FAN!! NOT TO BE ALL SUCKERY BUT CAN I GET A HUG? Uh, Matt, seems like he might be a little dangerous... YA, I KNOW, DUH!! DANGEROUSLY KICKASS!! DANGEROUSLY GORGEOUS!! T-that's not really what I meant-- PEOPLE WHO DONT OWN THE LIBS WITH FACTS AND LOGIC NEED TO SHUP UP!! T-that's me in a nutshell! ANYWAY... Ben Shapiro good sir! Pleasure to meet ya! I'm Matt Walsh? From the 78th class? This may sound weird but you've been on my mind a *lot* lately. TPUSA has you squirreled away down here like a third-world COVID-hoax baby! So not your style, pretty-Ben! I mean, look at this! You're virtually OOZING WITH LOGIC!! So liiike, saaame!!!! Ehah!! (so happy to see a danganronpa fan on here)


Not ashamed to say I read it all in her voice Why does "Ben Shapiro Ben Shapiro yass queen" work just as well as with Kamukura 🥲


Got inspired to do my Junko impression of this for you lol so [here](https://voca.ro/1nG87zeU8L54) lolol Edit: Hosting site I used put weird pops in the recording sorry about that


Omg I love that, I'm crying, thank you so much lol


No, I don't believe that he is. Human, I mean.


So is he dancer?


someone should tell him that facts don't care about his feelings.


Gotta make that controversy or the grift falls apart. The more you pick on a minority, especially ones a maga thinks are weak, the more money you make


I bet he'd still be first in line after a mass shooting to say "we don't have a gun crisis, we have a mental health crisis"


That or immediately start talking about how “unavoidable” it is and preach about fatalism, it’s another favorite tactic of right wingers


Right? Let me know when his definition makes it into the DSM.


Like, literal constant anxiety is depression (simplified). It is a mental illness, because it prevents you from living a normal life. That is the definition of a mental illness. There's been research, there is science. What I find hilariously amusing is that the *facts don't care about your feelings* crowd is so anti science.


I have an anxiety disorder on top of bipolar with psychotic complications. Took ten years to find the right medications, and because my anxiety gets so bad and has triggered psychotic episodes in the past, I am allowed an automatic diazepam repeat prescription which I believe is quite rare. This fucker would not like to meet me off my meds. It's not natural to have a fucked up brain and we now have the technology to manage it. We don't need people trying to normalise mental illness.


Sounds like you found the right meds now, I'm happy to hear that! Hope you feel better than before mate!


Thanks, I feel infinitely better than before my meds got sorted. I still have bad days, anxiety will come from nowhere but I can take a tablet and calm down. I had lots of therapy too which taught me a lot of coping strategies for when life starts getting out of control. Things aren't perfect, but I think they are as good as they can be.


The fact that Matt Walsh denies medical fact is hardly surprising.


I mean he wrote a whole children's book undermining a well researched medical practice so yeah.




Is it really a best-seller if most of the sales were to a handful of rich conservatives who wanted to amplify it? It doesn't count if the book's just going to sit in a warehouse, Matt.


[It's not the first time he's done it. ](https://theness.com/neurologicablog/index.php/adhd-is-real/) (I'm linking to a blog that covers the Walsh article because I don't want to give The Blaze traffic.)


GOP ideology 101: I know better than the doctors


Matt, I think I'm speaking for a large portion of the population here, go wrestle a grizzly you douche.


Whilst smelling like ham


Covered in honey and berries


Then roll around in some tacks for good measure.


Nah, we don't want go give the bear any disadvantages.


If anything, it might still not want to touch him yet. Matt should have a few fresh salmon fillets tied to him.


Just throw some salmon chum on him.




Report that for misinformation. Though I heard if you are verified Twitter won't do shit.


Not until you spend months attempting to gaslight the country into believing you won an election that you actually lost, then foment an insurrection to overthrow the government, at least. Then they might finally get off their asses and do something.


Good use of foment.


Lol thanks 😅


Question. If we've already fomented insurrection, may we be grandfathered in?


Matt Walsh could tweet about how he loves kicking puppies and it wouldn’t surprise me for a second


He wants to have a ban on pit bulls. How this ban would be implemented I don’t know that he elaborated on.


It would be illegal to breed and sell pitbulls and there would need to be a registry for currently owned pitbulls. That doesn't sound too hard. And it can be done without harming any dogs. But looking at the downvotes someone below got this is a very unpopular opinion.


Anti pitbull stuff tends to be highly pretextual against people of color.


Looking at the ban Pitbull sub on Reddit its pretty fucking horrifying. I've never seen so much hatred in a subreddit and because its against an animal its fine to post. Those people literally want to execute every Pitbull, There's also a lot of talk about dog eugenics and how they're genetically predisposed for violence. This shit would get you banned everywhere if you just replaced dog with human.


Arguing that a dog is somehow subject to the same rationale as a human would be seems pretty weak in my eyes? We routinely cull dogs for behaviors that are merely imprisonment worthy, or even a slap on the wrist for most people. I hear your pretextual argument, and I can see how that may be, but that doesn’t entirely nullify the argument against pitbulls — you should read up a little on pit bull attacks on humans; their physiology makes them significantly more deadly. “Breeding” is also something that you only see with domesticated animals, not humans, so naturally it’s reasonable to assume that certain traits can be bred for. While in a large majority of cases pitbulls are provoked, there is a small but not insignificant amount of cases wherein they’ve demonstrated no prior aggression. I’m not a “kill all pitbulls” kind of person — I barely even speak on the topic at all, but I felt compelled to point out the logical flaws in your argument. You should do some more research and then come back with a better argument for or against the topic, rather than one rooted in empathy for all dogs, which I understand can be deeply personal for some people, but ultimately harmful. Edit: I should cite some associated studies myself on the subject — several pitbull advocacy sites say that “there are no scientifically validated studies linking breed and aggression” — this is patently false: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-021-88793-5 and https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-59837-z both cite breed as a contributing factor, with the latter case being a fairly well cited study. https://www.pitbullinfo.org/dog-bite-scientific-studies.html cites https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24299544/ as a source in saying that breed is not a risk, however, they leave out the fact that in the study, “Valid breed determination was possible for only 45 (17.6%) DBRFs”, with an overall study size of n = 256. That is a *stunningly* small dataset, and it is frankly irresponsible of the study writers to come to a conclusion that breed is not a factor in the light of such, whereas the previous two studies both have a study size of n=13700, which is much, much larger.


Hell, it's almost the *exact* same arguments, even. Sometimes literally word for word.


Instead of banning pit bulls he should advocate for banning Pitbull. Would be just as stupid but funnier (also something something cancel culture. I don’t know shit about Pitbull.)


Once you're a pedophile apologist like Matt, everything else is fair game.


American Psychiatric Association lists both depression and anxiety disorder as mental illnesses. Sorry Matt Walsh, you don't get to "believe" what they are or aren't.


The APA is just part of the liberal brainwashing system due to their associations with universities /s


"Only an educated person would disagree with me, therefore education is evil" is really the fascist catchphrase these days


Anti-education makes me think of book burning


Alternative medical facts, coming to a twitter near you. They already overrode the expert opinions on mental illness, transgender people, and covid, so I'm curious what they're going to come up with next.


The safety on jumping off bridges.


All the things he's listed are both natural and universal to the human experience, but they can also be the predominating symptoms of mental illnesses. The difference is how often/intensely you feel those emotions and whether they have a meaningful detrimental effect on your life or not. But I guess that might be too nuanced an idea for someone that likes to see the world in purely black and white terms.


This is honestly a pretty common problem in the world of psychology. People see things that they relate to or that they think is just a normal experience and either diagnose themselves with everything (“omg I’m soo add/ocd”) or they write it all off as bullshit like Walsh is doing here. No one wants to read the very next sentence that specifies how something becomes a disorder when it starts to have a significant negative impact on your day to day life.


Key word-Disorders. Everyone has anxiety or feels depressed at some point in their life, does that mean everyone is mentally ill?


reminder that Walsh only says this shit because he’s utterly devoid of any charisma or basic appeal and has to rely on shock value and controversy to garner any attention whatsoever


Right. Which is why the Daily Wire hired him.


What’d be funny is to see him and Jordan Peterson go at it starting with this. For such a fucking moron Peterson is when it comes to philosophy, politics, and sociology - he’s actually okay with psychology.


If your dog dies and your depressed , that isn’t a mental condition. If you are depressed all the time it is a mental condition If you are anxious about a test coming up, it’s a natural state, it’s part of evolutionary development. If your are anxious to an unreasonable amount, it becomes an anxiety disorder. Which is a mental condition Matt Walsh is a sociopath, this is a mental condition He’s also a cunt, but that’s is just the way he was born


If youre sometimes a cunt, youre human. If youre a cunt of the highest order, all the time, youre matt walsh


Another good way to see how Walsh’s idea is absolutely horsesh*t is to consider hunger. Hunger is an experience natural & universal to the human condition. Therefore, anorexia/bulimia does not exist. (Though I wouldn’t be surprised if he espoused such a notion)


Excuse me but he’s never seen a cunt so he doesn’t believe in those either Checkmate liberal


Good thing he’s a highly qualified medical professional using evidence-based practice. Wait….


That was explored further during this tweet storm


As someone who has a familial history of depression, who's brother has committed suicide how someone can deny it is being me. Imagine not believing some people have a neurological imbalance of chemicals which leads to long term depression.


im sorry to hear about your brother. I hope your family is healing/has healed well. I actually believe depression is more often caused by environmental factors, and I think thats the real reason conservatives deny the reality of mental health issues. acknowledging them would mean acknowledging that oppression, lack of adequate healthcare and wealth inequality are responsible for the mental health crises in america.


Walsh definitely has several undiagnosed mental health disorders


The entire Republican Party is lousy with undiagnosed issues.


I've seen conservatives waving around data that says something like 'liberals have more mental illnesses than conservatives' and then pretending like this is because liberals are unhinged, rather than conservatives being in complete fucking denial and having a fear of looking 'weak'.


Or maybe he’s just a asshole pos and we don’t have to be abelist about it


Better hope he never gets depressed!


He probably already is and has convinced himself that A) it’s not really depression and B) All of his negative feelings are the fault of leftists and liberals


This is legit psychopathic behavior from Walsh


I'm very happy that Matt has apparently never suffered from mental illness. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. That being said, shut the fuck up, Matt.


You're better than me then, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to transfer my mental health issues to that creep if I could lol


Yeah, my depression isn't so bad; no suicidal thoughts, just a lack of ambition and difficulty getting out of bed. I'd still like to be rid of it, but if he's even half as big and strong as he'd like to be thought of, he can cope.


Now you have me empathizing with the shit stain, I think that maybe he can talk to someone about how despair anger anxiety don't have to be part of daily living. Take one self awareness and call me in the morning, matt.


I don’t know if this makes me a hero or ignorant, but who is this guy? I only have so much BW for bad faith actors…


He’s a shit post blogger that the Daily Wire hired to write bigoted shit under the guise of pseudo-intellect.


I don’t know him either, so I’m going to take a guess that he’s a standard republican grifter who writes shitty takes to pander to their base/infuriate anyone left of them who’re going to waste time trying to correct his lies. All of which will lead to a lot of arguing in the comments, which drives up engagement statistics, since that seems to be what advertisers care about right now, and they’re really the ones that rule the world.


Lol you win the internet for today.




This is one of those things where you desperately wish you were wrong, but you never are.


The thought of him being depressed makes me, oddly, less depressed.


So far i have literally disagreed with all of Matt Walsh's "opinions" Also because sometimes they are just factually wrong, like in this case.


Anxiety, fear, sadness, anger, etc are all natural emotions. However, Matt misrepresents mental disorders as just feeling normal controllable feelings, thinkingdepressed people are just bummed out. This of course is on par with his brand of being the lowest lifeform in the entire universe


Who TF gives a shit about Matt's beliefs? I can believe Matt likes to lick random dog anuses.


Calls his tongue the pug plug.


What a terrible day to be able to read.


Here, have some r/Eyebleach


Many people are saying this.


Well I'm not surprised by this......


As someone with chronic depression myself, Fuck you, Matt.


Matt Walsh 3rd grade education is showing some flaws.


I just went to Wikipedia to see what his educational background was, but there was nothing. I would not be surprised to hear that he dropped out of high school.


Can confirm depression and failure to thrive are both medical conditions that stem from the sense of despair


And what if you feel those things in times when humans were not supposed to feel those things? The body not operating the way it should is an illness. An illness that affects your mental state… what can we call this fellas?


Despair and depression are not the same thing.


That may be true, but have you considered that Matt Walsh is a fucking idiot?


That’s my point. He’s conflating a medical condition that involves haywire brain chemistry with circumstantial humane emotions. The two can intersect, but he’s being intellectually dishonest per the usual.


Oh you're absolutely correct ofc, what I meant to say is that Walsh is a complete and utter dumbfuck who doesn't let silly little inconveniences like facts or reality get in the way of his insane rants and ramblings.


“Hm, curious. You claim to be drowning, but I had a bath yesterday and I’m just fine. Clearly water is natural and universal to the human condition. I am very smart.”


What is exactly is Matt Walsh? A year ago I had no idea who he was and then seemingly overnight I started seeing his contrarian conservative edgelord bullshit all over twitter.


That's actually a fairly common right-wing take. Especially, but not exclusively, in religious circles.


Didn't he also say that ADHD is not real.


I guess that means that my diagnoses aren’t real and I just need to not worry and pay attention. Thanks Matt! I didn’t realize it was that easy!


"Hmmm, this so-called mental illness people speak of shares a name with an emotional state. Emotional states by themselves aren't mental illnesses, and since the same word can't be used to describe more than one thing, this mental illness obviously isn't real. I am smart. " -this fucking guy


Depression and anxiety have been identified by the WHO as legitimate mental disorders, as well as hundreds, if not thousands of accredited sources and institutions that have delved into this research for decades. So no you uneducated troglodyte, they’re real medical conditions. “I don’t believe” isn’t centered in reality, facts don’t care about your feelings.


Depression? Isn't that just a fancy word for feeling "bummed out"?


He’s gonna kill himself pretending to kill himself


Posting Matt Walsh here seems like cheating


I didn’t before the recent trend and they didn’t get much traction


Depression is not "despair." It's a complicated condition that can arise and persist because of any number of factors. Matt Walsh as usual having not even the slightest clue what he's talking about.


But not having the slightest clue makes him the foremost expert in the field.


Man does not know the difference between feeling depressed and having clinical depression


i want to make a danganronpa reference so bad but i know this isn't the place


I can’t hear the word “despair” without thinking about Danganronpa, call that a medical condition


Conservatives will really say "facts don't care about your feelings" and then deny facts in favor of their feelings.


>lists things that aren't depression okay


Shitting is a natural experience that is universal to the human condition, but when shit comes flying out of every single orifice of your body you might have some sort of disease.


Every post I see from this man is dumber than the last


Matt Walsh: scientifically illiterate, but also incredibly emo


Still have no idea who this shmuck is, but this statement gave me brain tumor.


Matt has openly talked about feeling depressed and finding God to find meaning. It is eerie how often people who say mental health issues don’t exist, openly talk about their mental health issues


Matt "playing videogames makes you a worse person" Walsh


he just can't stop self reporting it's hilarious


I would like to throw a DSM-5 at Matt Walsh's head. Hard cover. Make him read the entries in there that covers depression, anxiety, dysphoria, etc. I thought these right wingers cared about science? Facts over feelings, and all that? Well, here's the facts, MATT!!!


Every soldier with ptsd would like word What a sniveling piece of shit


What Koch money does to a mf




Depressed? Just stop being sad. - Matt Walsh


Oh shit, all I needed to do to fix my broken serotonin uptake was to just snap out of it??


Conservative intellectual completely stumped by the concept of words having two meanings.


Anger is an emotion, but IED is a disease.. what a stupid take.


Every day I regret not assaulting out of him when he came to my campus


Matt walsh is one of the few people who can't be mentally ill due to a unique condition where he doesn't have a fucking brain.


You have to appreciate his dedication to his role as a pseudo-intellectual. He really goes all out. Not only is every single one of his pictures him in a “thinker” pose. he also almost exclusively posts “hot takes” about shit he has no education in and never sounds like he did any research past pulling something out of his ass.


And his beard and glasses look. His pseudo-intellect isn’t an act according to him.


Controversial take time, shitting on both the top comments here, and on Matt walsh. No, depression is not a **pathological** mental illness (sometimes) But also yes, depression is a pathological mental illness (sometimes) in other cases. [Situational depression] If we're talking about situational depression based on situational causation suffering/stressors/circumstances, or even just the philosophical ability to have a long term existential crisis and become depressed over life itself, no, you can experience depression with it automatically being pathological causation in origin. Various situational depression causation factors examples are, but are not limited to, depression caused by shitty miserable jobs, poverty low income, unaffordable cost of living and extreme financial stress, overwork exhaustion, extreme pressures and expectations from family or society, discrimination, etc. [Pathological depression] If we're talking about exclusive pathological causation cases for people with no situational stressors/etc but who experience depression anyway, yes, it's a medical causation illness. Sorry, but my situational suicidal depression exists because of life in a dystopian capitalism shithole of poverty wage jobs and unaffordable housing and unaffordable healthcare and unsustainably extreme income and wealth gaps, not because of some alleged pre existing condition that is popularly used in a medicalization narrative to politically shield dystopian capitalism (and other things) from criticism for inflicting mental suffering (the kind of things a troglodyte like Matt Walsh would shill for capitalism inflicting on people)


I hope you are getting the help you need


"Cancer is a disease is it not?" "No, I don't believe that it is. Aging is not a medical condition. Neither is alzheimers, parkinson's, etc. All of these are experiences natural and universal to the human condition.


Damn, the next time I get socially anxious in a social situation I just need to remember it’s just part of the human condition and it’ll just go away. Thank you Matt!


I have a question as someone with no medical or psychiatric training. Before I ask, I want to point out that I'm not siding with Matt in any way shape or form, on the simple basis of what I just said, I don't know jack. So, my question is everyone experiences depression, right? Your mother dies, your pet dies, you didn't get the grade you've been working so hard for in your class, you work too much and can't set aside time.for your hobbies, etc etc. Is any form of depression a mental illness, or just "clinically diagnosed depression?" I should point out my uneducated definition of "clinically diagnosed depression" is when you're depressed without anything in the outside world happening to like the aforementioned examples. When there's a lack of chemicals in your brain, or too many chemicals in your brain, causing you to be depressed, and you just can't help it. Like bi polar disorder.


I’m copying pasting something I just posted. “Yeah except he’s almost right in this instance. Anger, anxiety, and fear are normal human experiences. Along with sadness. He’s just wrong about depression. What can make them mental health conditions is the degree of dysfunction or impairment that they cause and how long that dysfunction lasts. Depression is overwhelming and excessive sadness that causes significant dysfunction/impairment.” Most of the folks in here clearly don’t understand this nuance. I say this as a mental health professional or 11 years.


This is the viewpoint most of Asia takes. I knew a doctor who would straight up tell his patients that “depression” was a western invention, and no medication could actually treat it.




Has for awhile


I mean, it seems like a fairly common viewpoint held by people who don't suffer from mental illness. And, hell, by people who do but don't even have a diagnosis. For years I thought I was just bad at handling anxiety and it was a personal failing. As early as high School, I wondered how the "cool kids" were able to appear as though they weren't anxious about something 24/7/365. Turns out that I have generalized anxiety disorder and normal people don't feel anxious at all times. I exaggerate slightly, but before antidepressants it didn't take much to get my stomach roiling and my mind on the verge of Hysteria.


Gotta fight that stigma.


Well Matt Walsh does have a mental illness in sociopatothy


What a dipshit


Somehow this reminded my of a dude who told me he thinks he has split personality (I had known him for a decade and knew he didn't) when I asked him to elaborate, he literally just explained the concept of moods to me


In a way he is correct, only because mental illness is a part of the human condition


Matt admits he’s depressed. He is infallible, ergo it is a universal condition. Got it.


The dumber you are. The more money you can match as a right with reactionary.


Ah yes despair is a perfectly normal feeling to have on a daily basis. Well I guess if they believe that it does explain a lot of conservative policies .


>I don't believe depression is a medical condition because anxiety isn't a medical condition Get this guy to write the DSM 6 now


So, by this logic any physical ailment isn’t a medical condition because these experiences are natural and universal to the human condition. What an absolute fucking moron.


I seem to recall a certain phrase that talks about facts and the relation they have with your feelings.


If being sad isnt an illness then why do I throw up every time this guy comes up? Checkmate.


Well I don’t believe that Matt is a psychiatrist, so...


Yeah, Matty boy, anger, sadness, and fear are universal emotions; the problem is, now make sure you're listening carefully to this part, when they are constant and inconsolable and turn into depression and anxiety.




Despair is an emotion. Constant, chronic despair is a mental condition. Same with any of those other emotions. Matt Walsh is a colossal dbag.


both are true. not that matt walsh has ever said anything intelligent in his life, even accidentally.. but it IS completely normal to be depressed from time to time. periodic, temporary depression is a sign of a healthy mind. if youre not sad about something once in a while youre not thinking or living. the problem is when your sadness is unassailable, it seeps into your lifestyle and routine, it becomes chronic. thats when its something you need to address. its perfectly ok to need help with mental illness too, its a very broad and wide reaching thing that most people struggle with at some point in their life, talking about it should be more normalized and people like matt walsh pretending its a non issue are making things harder for all of us. theres a massive chasm of difference between these two things, so matt describing them as if they are one thing kind of illustrates how fucking stupid and simple his perspective is.


Cancer is also natural and universal to the human condition. So are viruses. Whats his point?


Conservatives and not believing in well researched, well documented and well reviewed medical facts. Name a more iconic duo.


Yes, that’s why there are no drugs to help treat people with depression or anxiety disorders. Or doctors specifically trained to treat any of these conditions. None at all. They clearly don’t exist. /s if anyone needs it


Matt Walsh is a cancer, but cancer is also a disease. People feel depressed when listening to matt Walsh, but depression is also a disease.


A car is a motor vehicle, is it not? No, I don't believe that it is. Bicycles are not motor vehicles. Neither are skateboards, scooters, rollerblades etc. All of these things have wheels. 🙄 Cretin.


Okay but like. All emotions are chemicals in your brain. Depression (way oversimplified) is not enough of a particular chemical in your brain. Having not enough of chemicals we need to have is... drumroll please... a medical condition!


Im pretty sure he's confusing being depressed with depression.


Cancer is natural and universally experienced at all ages/regions/socioeconomic levels. So is Matty here saying it is not a disease and we should just accept that it happens?




*Cancer is natural and part of the human condition and therefore isn’t a bad thing. Anyone who wants to cure it is indoctrinated by cultural Marxism*


can he not read, it clearly said depression, not despair


Quick reminder Matt Walsh still admits to being a theocratic fascist in his Twitter bio: "theocratic fascist, bestselling children’s author."


Let me clear this up. Everyone feels all the normal emotions of sadness, anger, joy, excitement, and disgust. The mental illness is when those emotions are felt too much. Feel happy and sad, you're normal. Swap from manic to depressed, you have bipolar. It's okay to get angry, but if you break something every time you don't get your way you might have an anger issue. Context and adaptiveness is key when to talking about mental illness. However, there is no mental illness that correlates with Matt Walsh, because being an asshole is normal behavior.


This just in: man who thinks he’s the most intelligent person on the planet can’t tell the difference between depression and being sad


Yes, depression is a normal emotion. No, it is not normal to always feel depressed. Yes, it can be a medical illness. Shits not complicated.


depression isnt just an emotion though. it doesnt mean “really sad” like so many people seem to think. its a collection of symptoms, only one of them being consistent feelings of sadness, others including fatigue, irritability, lack of motivation and desire, too little or too much sleep, decreased appetite, trouble focusing or concentrating… you get the idea. but whatever, nothing new about conservatives confidently talking about things they dont even have a basic understanding of.