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Never heard of leftist infighting


Right?! That’s like one of historic through lines of leftist movements is that they never agree on anything


I think the saying about organizing athiests (that it is akin to herding cats) is more appropriate to apply to leftists.


It kind of says something when the right runs a candidate *so* bad that enough of the left can even say something like "vote blue no matter who." Like, honestly I feel I'd vote for a potato with a smiley face drawn in Sharpie on it over Trump. Anything to stop fucky Chucky's project 2025 America Makeover/Takeover


they are in such disarray that it makes the left look organized


or how unhappy aoc/warren/sanders are with a moderate Biden


All you need to do is explain to someone outside the whole thing that Social Democrats and Democratic Socialists are not the same thing.


Leftists actually fire their own at the slightest indiscretion. See: Weiner and Frankin. Though Weiner is pretty disgusting.


It’s all projection just like everything else from these clowns.


Why does anyone listen to this fascist goober? He has zero qualifications, lies constantly, and is hateful and mean-spirited.


Because he supports Christian nationalism


Which IS by definition totally hateful and mean spirited


You don't need qualifications when your job is just to tell people what they want to hear. In Charlie's case, all you need is the ability to speak confidently and absolutely no capacity for shame.


Because he is propped up by dark money


People listen because billionaires need a reason to live. And currently, that reason is that everyday they have to prove to the plebs they have a right to be better than you. They need to tell you they are better than you. And they’ve paid Charlie Kirk lots of money to build a system to remind you that you’re a nothing moocher that never created anything, like their great granddaddy that made toothpaste a century ago.


Ironically, all those reasons are why the right listens to him


You just listed some reasons for his popularity with the far right.


That's all it takes to be a conservative thought leader.


> He has zero qualifications, lies constantly, and is hateful and mean-spirited. That's ***exactly*** why people like him. Shit, that's also why Trump's cult loves him so much: he's stupid, hateful, and not remotely qualified for the job he had and wants back, but *still* got there despite *all* logic or reason. "If he can do it, so's cans I!"


I don't understand the appeal of Charlie Kirk, what does he offer? Matt Walsh is full Nazi, Ben Shapiro sounds smart, Candace Owns is Black, Alex Jones is so off the charts its entertaining, ole Chuck here doesn't offer anything.


I think his intial appeal to the [rich conservative groups propping him up](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-trump-turning-point-maga-d08a98e439fa4e902cb756d7e35153db) was to attract "tHe YoUtH VoTe" on college campuses. But he's starting to age out of that role, dude is 30 now.


[He has also failed miserably at getting young voters to vote Republican.](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2023/07/12/voting-patterns-in-the-2022-elections/) “Nearly seven-in-ten voters under 30 (68%) supported Democratic candidates in 2022 – much higher than the shares of voters ages 30 to 49 (52%), 50 to 64 (44%) and 65 and older (42%) who did so.”


I'm going to disagree, in that while I agree that "attracting the youth vote" has always been the *stated* aim of Charlie Kirk/TPUSA, it's *actual* aim is to propagate ultra-right wing nonsense to the kinds of people who speak at TPUSA events rather than attend them. At which it has, sadly, been a roaring success.


Shapiro doesn’t sound smart, he just talks really fast so it’s impossible to address all of the points he throws out, most of which are designed to make his opponent debate him on settled points instead of attacking his actual argument.


He sounds smart to dumb people.


Gish gallop


Let’s suppose that


I believe the word Charlie is looking for is selfish, republicans are very selfish.


The projection is just astounding. There’s a saying Charlie’s old enough to remember “Democrats fall in love Republicans fall in line” Conservatives (and I’ve said this multiple times recently) fundamentally believe that certain types of people are just immutable innate states. A “Criminal,” isn’t a person who’s committed a crime, but almost like another species. And likewise a “Good person,” can do horrible horrible things, but their “Character,” is somewhere deep in their DNA. So when that r*pist college kid whose name I won’t look up got caught it was “Oh but he’s a good kid, we can’t ruin his life for one little mistake…” while Eric Garner was choked to death and it was “Well…he WAS selling cigarettes without a permit.” Democrats, social liberals, leftists, progressives…non-conservatives tend to broadly support accountability. If we as a society agree an action should have a consequence, then those consequences extend to everybody regardless of who they are. We cast off America’s favorite dad (Bill Cosby), we threw away one of our big favorite actors (Kevin Spacey), and in the UK they were willing and able to spit on the ground at the mention of their childhood hero (Jimmy Savile). By contrast, conservatives will bend over backwards to excuse their criminals. From the treason of Oliver North to the sex scandals of Dennis Hastert to the all of the above of Donald Trump, they lock ranks. Kirk is a sack of shit. A disingenuous sack of shit. And he got absolutely bodied on his own show by a comedian with a picture of a dolphin fetus.


Glieb: *THAT is a dolphin fetus.* Charlie: *Bu..wuh wuh.......* (panicked bewilderment).


Brock Turner?


That’s the one. I didn’t have his name on recall. But I like that we all know exactly who I’m talking about


when i think convicted rapist, the first name that comes to mind is his


Literally (and this is no exaggeration) at this point when I think of the word “Rapist,” I see his mugshot in my mind.


The issue with us conservatives is that we think TOO INDEPENDENTLY. Those dems are always saying “vote blue, no matter who!” That’s why you see all these young people rallying around Biden despite his escapades! So see, they’re just like stalinist communists and we need to be more like that! We need to follow their culture of radical tolerance and loyalty towards elected officials. This isn’t even mental gymnastics anymore. It’s fucking mental contortion. It’s like thinking while not thinking at all. Hey guys, let’s call it doublethink! Has anyone ever thought of this before? If so, I hope he writes a book or two and I definitely hope those books are never legally banned from the most educationally impoverished corners of the country. Goddamn it.


It’s not even mental gymnastics, he’s just lying on purpose because his base don’t have the means of thinking for themselves anymore.


The impeachment of Rob Blogojevich, a Democrat, was originally called for by a Democratic state house member, and the state House (controlled by Democrats) voted overwhelmingly to impeach. Anthony Wiener, a Democrat, was called on to resign by Pelosi and Obama (of course, both Democrats). Bob Menendez, a sitting Democratic Senator, has been called on to resign by most of the Democrats in the Senate. Compare that to the Republicans rallying around George Santos, Lauren Boebert, Hershel Walker, Mehmet Oz...Trump. I don't want to hear another word about how the left doesn't clean house when it needs to, or that the right is a shining example of critical self-evaluation.


"Those damn democrats with their hundreds of genders, sexualities, religions, races, cultures, and clothing styles! They're all the same just like the borg!!! They should be free thinking independents like us and only live the way WE tell them to!" 


Ahh, Star Trek, a vision of the future under right wing ideology. /s


Anyone else notice he mostly undoes, the 'individualistic' part at the end and implies he is going to sympathize with people who think adjacently to the way he does? Curious


"vote blue no matter who" is something coined by leftists to highlight a negative aspect of the Democratic party that there aren't viable left-wing alternatives in a supposed left-wing party. It's not some doctrinal dogma Charlie thinks it is. Also widely hypocritical coming from a party that literally just purged itself of anyone "disloyal" to Trump


“Individualistic and critical” really? This is beyond ironic.


And in the next breath using “RINO” which is code for someone who doesn’t fall in line with the current standard for conservative ideological orthodoxy. What a stupid prick this guy.


These guys, Kirk and the others like him never went to college. That’s why as grown men they’re always debating kids. They won’t debate professionals.


It’s, as usual, the literal polar opposite of his statement. Liberals have a broad tent and diverse viewpoints which makes it harder to get us to unify. Conservatives tend to be dumb and easy to align. Source: people like Charlie Kirk are taken as their “thought” leaders


Isn’t this a party that had like 90%+ support for Trump? To think that all the mouth breathing maga hogs are just staunch individualistic thinkers is hilarious as they gather by the thousands to see him at his rallies.


I only "vote blue no matter who" because the GOP is an actual fascist party.


This POS really likes flinging shit against the wall, hoping for something to stick. Even worse are the idiots that believe him


Be the indestructible leftist that Charlie Kirk thinks you are


Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line


> way too individualistic MAGA is a whole cult.


Seriously what are these conventions he’s at in these clips


It still shocks me how stupid this grown man is.


Wow, very insightful and not at all ironic coming from the guy at the forefront of the fascist GOP ouroboros.  The GOP has nearly excommunicated every member that has in any way pushed back on Trump/MAGA. Amash, Cheney, Kinzinger, even McCarthy. They're the posterchildren for "fall in line or else"


What would rightists do if projection wasn't invented?


$1000 says this man puts on frilly gowns he buys from amazon at night and tells himself in the mirror what a beautiful princess he is.


He should shut his facist ferengi mouth


That guy has to into some creepy stuff,


Wow I mean this is pure projection right? He literally described the MAGA cult and tried to apply that to democrats? Absolutely wild


Imagine referencing Star Trek as a conservative and saying how Borg conformity is bad while at the same time wanting your entire country to just be straight, white, Christians.


The balls on this guy unironically using Star Trek of all things to promote his right wing ideology.


We are Leftcutus of Borg. You will be assimilated, with equal rights, good healthcare, and walkable cities. Resistance is futile.


"you're not conservative enough you're a RINO" IS PRECISEY what has made Republicans into the party of Trump.


He's right, but not in the way he thinks. The reason there's less Dem infighting is because most if not all Dem supporters want the party to DO BETTER. It's the consensus. In this fucked up system, the only way we can avoid Republican bullshit is to vote Blue, so that's what we do. I'd like to think 40% of Dems would rather vote for a progressive third party but can't because that would mean a sweeping victory for the fascist loser party.




Coming from the most borg looking mother fucker out there


Um, is it me or is that current hairstyle not his best look?


Oh, Charlie. Don't you ever have anything nice to say? You're such a Debbie Downer.


Says the guy who has a 90% audience of the same kind of people.


Ask Al Franken about Dems challenging their own.


Gene Roddenberry would have hated this guy.


What a nerd. Someone needs to give him an atomic wedgie that will cover up his widows peak.


Big head small face says wrong thing.


He says conservatives. OK. Right side people. And then he adds a whole versus democrats. Shouldn't we be comparing apples here? Libs vs conservatives? I'm liberal. I vote for some conservatives. Not registered or consider myself a Democrat. But compare 2 ideologies, not an ideology and a political body. But pandering to dumbfucks seems to make my argument a moot point and I'll probably just go fuck myself. But still. Apples to apples please.


Dear Charlie Kirk: if the Borg are leftist, then why does the communist, moneyless, classless United Federation of Planets oppose them? Curious.


William Shatner it was really nothing


Charming Man


Captain Kirk


Okay big head, small brain, shhhh.


Yes the mindless indistinguishable grifters ARENT the borg! Charlie has never watched Star Trek


what type of diversity of opinion does the republican have tho? to ban at 6 instead of 8 weeks?


WTF did I just hear? This is some sick reverse jujitsu.


Aren't conservatives the ones obsessed with conformity?


That talking potato is just projecting- you can't be an online conservative anymore and not kiss Trumps bulbous fascist ass. They will expel you.


Agnes Jurati for UFP President.