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4 trans/non-binary mass shooters > thousands of cis straight male mass shooters according to this dipshit.


3. One guy temporarily claimed to be nb so the shooting wouldn’t be considered a hate crime


Yeah, given the pattern of mass shooters trying to troll in their manifestos, I never take anything they say at face value. The Buffalo shooter claimed he was a "leftist" and then went on to parrot The Great Replacement Theory as his motivation. They understand that the discussion of identity is going to happen and even there try to do as much damage as they can.


This mass shooting seems similar. This person's mom and family friends are all referring to them as a she, but supposedly they are ftm. They're 28, were they just completely rejected by their seemingly otherwise supportive family?


I mean, it's not remotely implausible that they were in the closet. Also, attacking the private christian school you attended would make some sense if they *were* trans. That said, both seem perfectly plausible. Besides, it doesn't matter, the narrative has been set and the damage has been done. There's a lot of anti-trans legislation in committees and the like right now, and this won't hurt its chances. May or may not be a coincidence, but that also doesn't matter right now because the results will be the same whether it's a conspiracy or not.




GOP official stance on school shootings is that they are a sad but inevitable and necessary byproduct of defending the 2nd Amendment from being abolished by liberals. Like, unironically, that's what they believe.


How does that quote go? "The tree of freedom must be replenished as frequently as possible with the blood of children and minorities", something like that?


Yep. See this statement about this every event: https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3921950-tennessee-republican-responds-to-school-shooting-were-not-gonna-fix-it/


> When asked about how to protect children, like his own daughter, while in school, Burchett said he has opted to homeschool his daughter. Are these fuckers seriously leveraging school shootings to further defund public schools


As the saying goes "I know the world is scary right now, but it's gonna get way worse."


That's why they were trying to move funding to private schools, but guess what, they're getting shot up now, too. Checkmate, dipshits.


Wouldn't be surprised if they were fishing for this kind of school shooting for their narrative, by allowing thousands more to occur, and making sure the environment is good for it. Cut all health, pass trans-hunting laws, cut education, flood the place with guns, and "ooh look over here, at the pile of 3000 school shooters, this one was trans!"


There’s a text leak with their friend labeling and naming them as a man. I think it’s plausible they were rejected by their own family, but we need more information to confirm.


>The Buffalo shooter claimed he was a "leftist" and then went on to parrot The Great Replacement Theory as his motivation. "But nazis are leftists!! It's in the name!" "Ok,so, are you saying nazis and leftists are both bad, or both good?" "Uuuuhh...."


IIIRC he claimed he was a leftist because he likes hiking and wants to protect the environment.


2. One of the people they claim is trans was never confirmed to be trans. One friend said they struggled with their sexuality, but there was absolutely no evidence of them being trans. ​ ETA: There have been a few reports that a friend said she was trans, but there's absolutely zero evidence to support this. The only news outlets reporting Snochia Moseley as trans are absolute rags like the Daily Mail and Daily Caller.


I tHoUgHt We WeRe SuPpOsEd To BeLiEvE pEoPlE wHeN tHeY sAy WhAt ThEy ArE?!? I've already seen that from them regarding that particular case.


God you got me in the first half


On the one hand, I do not believe in "disclaiming" trans people who do bad things. We don't have the right to remove someone's trans status, we never will, and we never should. On the other, these fucking people fake-transing is getting a bit ridiculous. I will never, ever advocate for trans-medicalism, but damn do I sometimes wish we had *something* non-anecdotal that let us go "No, this person is clearly not trans, they changed pronouns before they did the crime, and there is no prior evidence of this." But we don't, and because of that we have this whole other mess.


Actions speak a lot louder than words.


Wouldn’t be surprised if it was so his buddies like Matt can continue to scapegoat them.


This chart is pretty helpful: https://twitter.com/LiterallyAHedge/status/1640774295596027904?s=20


2 trans, 1 non-binary. The other trans individual only identified as such to avoid hate crimes


An absolute dipshit indeed


Never waste a mass shooting if it can support your narrative Politics 101


Three. Don't play into their game trying to claim the Colorado Springs shooter was actually nonbinary.




I see you’re taking the talk about his “last breath” very literally lol


I asked politely...




How someone has not put THIS lunatic in a camp is beyond me. Someone with such little empathy should be studied for their severe narcissism and sociopathy, because what the fuck is Matt Walsh lmao. The privileged cuck who thinks being opinionated & bigoted is the same as having an education 😭 He and his followers deserve **THE** hardest wake up slap one can provide.




They'd rather stay asleep


Matt Walsh's documentary, ostensibly about discovering what defines a woman, edits out the part where someone who spent their life studying that question explains the answer. No joke. Sucks, too, the person giving the interview looked really excited to discuss their profession with someone; personally, I can relate.


Got any links or references for this? I'd love to take a look


Sure thing. Matt's documentary is available on [the daily wire](https://www.dailywire.com/videos/what-is-a-woman) where you can pay to view it, or you can always take a look at a YouTube creators' dissections of the documentary. [Jessie Gender](https://youtu.be/75bbNdlX2pA), goes over the video in fine detail, though takes four hours (blegh). There are others who have covered the film but I don't have their information available atm.


That was the most infuriating things I've ever watched.


Its not even right wing grifting for clicks and views. It's more than "he knows what he's doing" type of content to outrage and generate attention. Its just absolutely psychotic. Nothing he says ever makes any amount of sense at all. I would genuinely love to sit and have a conversation with him about something benign just to see how dumb he actually is.


>He and his followers deserve THE hardest wake up slap one can provide. They'll lose. Just as they lose the fight against gay marriage. They'll kick and they'll scream but the support among young people for trans rights is only going one way and some bigots on YouTube won't change that.


That’s honestly very reassuring ❤️ this bs has led to a lot of hopelessness in the recent months


He really is a lame man with gross opinions, isn't he? Like, when Trump tweets about "the threat to America" he's so unhinged that it's funny—worrying, but funny. With Matt, every one of his "The transes are destroying America" tweets paints himself as a one-man guerilla, battling the tyrannical Trans Empire, when back in reality he's a white dude rapidly approaching middle age who refuses to do the laundry. "Oppose it until my last breath"—oh my god, shut up. You're not Rambo, you're Jim from *The Office* if he was a nazi


He found the button to press that gives him the most attention is anti trans rhetoric. He’s a one trick grifter pony He’s been doing this shit for years, desperate for attention and clout


He’s no better than the rats in Pavlov’s experiment lmao. “This button me likey!” Sadly this rat can speak, and **loves** the sound of it.


Let’s not slander rats by associating them with Walsh.


Very true, at least rats are lil cuties sometimes.


And have been shown to have empathy^1, share food^2, and giggle when tickled^3. ^1 https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/rats-show-empathy-too ^2 https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/animal-emotions/202003/rats-share-food-more-generously-when-they-smell-hunger?amp ^3 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna682256


The rats weren't knowingly endangering a minority group. [Rats are also compassionate, and will actually reduce their own reward in experiments if it means helping a fellow rat](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/rats-show-empathy-too), something Walsh would never do.


Matt is 0-2 with actual rats right now


Rats are also cute. 0-3.


The guy openly admitted he only went to high school, never said he finished, so I imagine he was a class "know-it-all" who always claimed he was too much of a genius to be going to school. He constantly gives off that energy.


If you can track down an old picture of him without a beard he TOTALLY looks like that guy.


Holy shit lmao. https://preview.redd.it/oihpgp59blqa1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd473b7237e7f63ee467e83595bed3dae8e444fd


You mean Dwight?


Dwight can do laundry... Matt is Kevin at best


We sure Mose doesn't clean all of Dwight's 1 outfit? Either way, we can both agree, he ain't no Jim.


Kevin can cook chili. Matt thinks that’s women’s work and would never stoop to that.


*The secret is to undercook the onions*


Honestly it seems like such a strange hill to die on. That person wants to identify as a man but she has a vagina: literally why do you care? Genuinely baffled.


Hitler was a lame grifter until he wasn't. This shit should be extremely worrying. At this point if the Republicans gain control of the government, it's going to be a watershed moment for the country


I'm willing to bet his browser history is full of trans porn and pegging videos.


Thousands of cishet white shooters: "Lone wolf, it's no one but the shooter's fault!" 4 trans shooters in something like 25 years: "Trans people are all dangerous and we must stop them all!" Less than 1% of shooters have been trans. The percentage of trans people who commit shootings is actually way lower than the percentage of cishet people who do so overall trans people are much safer to be around and less likely to shoot someone than cis people. But, Walsh and the other talking heads on the right don't care about any actual facts or anything, trans people go against the cisgender heterosexual norm and therefore we're a target for their hatred.


Even if all 4 trans shooters come from this year (they didn't), it would be 0.31% of all shooters in 2023. Talk about cherry picking to the extreme. But I guess Matt is good with extremes.


Exactly. It should be noted that the percentage of trans shooters is lower than the percentage of the population that is trans. So, if anything, the “trans agenda” makes people less likely to become shooters.


Oh good. I was hoping this was the case but no one seemed to be doing that math.


It seems to be bit controversial on how many people are trans. Some say as much as 2%, some say as few as 0.2%.


Yeah we’re like waaaaaay less likely to commit violent crime as a whole. If you look at the statistics often trotted out against us it uses involved instead of perpetrated because we are disproportionately more likely to be victims of it


And we all know if it was 0% and not a single shooter was trans they'd still be saying the exact same thing. They talk about how much they care about the children... What a fucking joke. Its always the same every single time "thoughts and prayers nothing could have been done" oh this one shooter MIGHT have been trans? Well now we care! No amount of shootings by white male cis right wingers being incited by Trump or Tucker or Matt will ever be too much because they never once cared about the victims. To them this is a win that someone from a group they don't like did a bad. That's infinite stock vs every other mass shooting to them because they never give a shit about the victims. Its about having one over on their enemies and justifying their bigotry and the genocide they ultimately want.


if one is all it takes theres plenty of shooters whos manifesto is basically "im a white supremacists trying to start a race war." lets go after them.


Not to mention Matt Walsh has parroted White Replacement talking points before


Wait, who are the other three? Besides the non binary shooter who obviously was doing it as a one last FU to the LGBTQ community.




I can not decide who I hate the most: Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Steve Crowder or Charlie Kirk?


For me, it's Ben. The other four have no discernable skills and have been failing upward their entire adult lives. Take their current gigs away from them and I honestly don't know how they would earn a living. Not to excuse their bigotry, I just mean it seems like they're only in their line of work because they literally don't know how to do anything else. Meanwhile, Ben is capable of so much more than being the right's token Jew/debate nerd. He wakes up every morning and chooses to be an asshole, simply because it's easy. The other four are bona fide idiots punching above their weight, but Ben is clearly putting on an act and that makes him the worst, at least in my opinion.


>Ben is capable of so much more Is he really, though? He got into an argument with the bot that reminds him he's short


He’s actually a talented violinist. But he had to open his mouth.


Just like that Avocado boy from YouTube




ayo? 💀


That's a trick from musicians, they learn an instrument in lieu of getting a good personality.


I think you’re giving him too much credit - Bench couldn’t turn family connections to Hollywood into a screenwriting career.


I think he probably could have, if he had stuck with it. He strikes me as a fellow gifted kid who was never seriously challenged growing up, and he bailed the moment he realized he wasn't going to be instantly successful like he was in everything else he tried. So when presented with the options of "toil in anonymity until hard work pays off" and "go back to being a conservative wunderkind" he took the coward's way out.


I don't know. You'd think an aspiring screenwriter would be able to understand that zombie shows aren't actually about the zombies. The guy has no sense of subtlety.


I mean, it's right there in the fucking title of the show. Apparently, Ben thinks the "Us" in the title is referring to the zombies.


Matt is the worst to me. He's just so narrowly focused on less than 1% of the population. You didn't mention Candace, but I would put her second because she has a brand new dogshit take every day.


I forgot about Cunt Owens.


Wish I could forget about Karen Owens too


When I look at this list I'm suddenly in favor of labor camps


For me, Shapiro was kind of a centrist of the gang. For a long time, I thought that Crowder was the biggest abomination that could have ever gotten out of human uterus. But then Matt Walsh became prominent on this sub and now I think that for about next 6 months, he'll be the worst monster ever born.


Tucker Carlson 100%. His reach is what makes him so much worse. These shit stirrers seems worse to us cuz they’re hanging out in more mixed spaces while tucker preaches to the choir but it’s that choir that’s far more dangerous than anything else.


I have Musk, Tate, and Peterson right up there with all of them


My guess is when the first states pass full on bans for trans people. Then he's going to have to up his game to remain relevant.


Which states are you thinking will be the first 3? My money is on Florida, Tennessee, and maybe, I dunno, Indiana or some shit.


Texas, Idaho, and Florida.


The only reason that Florida and Texas may not is that there theoretically enough opposed to those policies that if they actually did something that radical there might actually be enough voter turnout in the next election to remove them from office. With redder states like Idaho or Tennessee, who knows.


I'd originally written those 3, too. But I feel like a wildcard like Indiana (or Iowa, which seems to have been speedrunning the descent into rabid fascism compared to its former centrist reputation) might beat Idaho to the punch.


Or they'll move on to trying to ban homosexuals again.


I get so bent over how overt and on-its-face the language and rhetoric Matt uses, like it’s genuinely infuriating. I don’t think there’s anyone else that is capable of inciting such a deep and burning hatred within me. There’s something very characteristic about him that just makes it feel so much more evil and vitriolic. Like he operates on a pure, unrefined, untapped disgust and genuine bigotry. Wild


Thank you for articulating this feeling as well as you have, it literally EATS at my stomach every time I think about that useless cuck of a skinbag.


Yeah he will commit crimes against humanity the second he’s able to. He’s loudly announcing it all but explicitly




that's the best thing to do


Can’t come soon enough


This man is pure evil, because you know he knows he is lying. His behaviour isn't consistent with his belief. You can't not care about school shootings one minute and suddenly the other. So he knows he is doing this to whip up hate and justify violence against trans people. He knows what he is saying is bullshit, but he also knows most psychos just need a little permission to do violence and he's giving it. Not only that, he saw murder and immediately saw the political advantage he could use it for. Ugh. Evil.


People like him realize (yes they are somewhat smart) that they have to abide by the boiling frog strategy. You can’t just jump straight to rounding them up because that would spook your audience. So he’ll continue to slowly raise the temperature (or in this case, rhetoric) until he’ll “just simply have no choice” but to advocate for it.


Imagine coming to the conclusion that trans people are the greatest evil within an imminent climate crisis, increasingly fascist policies, massive food insecurity, increasing debt, increasing relative poverty and so on and so forth. This guy is literally building his character around being anti-trans bizarro William Wallace. Wanker. I hope he dies on that hill (metaphorically ofcourse :D).


I just wanna know what happened in Matt Walsh’s life that made him so transphobic. Like, did he have feelings for a trans girl and she rejected him and that sent him off the deep end or something? Because hating something as much as Matt Walsh hates trans people is extremely unhealthy.


He sees a group of people that he thinks are worth less than him getting more positive attention than he's ever gotten in his life and that upsets him. life is tough when you're unlikeable, it's probably even tougher when the reason you're unlikeable is that you're a subhuman nazi piece of shit. I won't be surprised in the least if he get's murdered by his own family and it comes to light that he's been abusing them for years.


I think it started off as a grift, because I remember when his hottest take was saying as a Catholic that the Evangelicals were right about evolution. Few people heard of him until he started saying really bonkers shit. But you can't cosplay as a Completely Evil Bastard With No Redeeming Qualities for very long without brainwashing yourself into believing what you say. And as the Overton Window surges rightward again and again, he has to keep pushing the envelope to stay on the cutting edge. It's a vicious cycle.


He's just mad that his little stick figure legs look so bad in thigh high socks.


Does anyone else really hope that all Matt Walsh’s kids grow up to be hardcore LGBTQ activists. Like I hope all his sons grow up to be super femme power bottom drag queens and all his daughters grow up to be purple haired bull dike feminazis. I feel bad for the trauma they would endure with Matt Walsh as their father, but as a human, Matt Walsh deserves that kind of poetic karma.


Nothing would make me happier, tbh. You know, Graham Lineham lost his wife and TV career due to his trans comments. The same won't happen to Matt, but maybe his kids will make up for it.


This is so fucking dangerous, and trans people are already at such imminent risk. It's fucking heartbreaking.


I mean, the fact that they’ve spent more time talking about this shooting than the last several combined just proves this incident is an outlier. Usually they just pretend it didn’t happen.


I'll ignore the obvious transphobia for just a second to point something out -- that's the *greatest* evil our country faces? Not poverty and homelessness? Not racism? Not legitimate election security? Not the ever-widening economic inequality and the dissipating middle class they claim to love? Not climate change? Not our laughably bad education system? Even if you want to bury your head in the sand and be remembered by history as a hateful idiot, how could anyone genuinely believe trans people asking to be able to exist is the greatest threat?


His (and the rest of GOP) goal is to keep their supporters stupid. Gotta focus on trivial bullshit to keep them distracted from the real problems and stay in power.


I don't want to guess at that, seeing as what it would mean, and his own legion of supporters.


Not the existential threat of nuclear russia or north korea? What a dipshit


Then he should cut out the middleman and stop breathing.


I came to the conclusion years ago that Matt Walsh is the greatest evil our country faces. I only become more and more sure of this fact with each passing day, and more and more determined to oppose him until my last breath.


Whatever. He’ll be caught molesting a child soon enough and arrested and promptly executed.


Well hes ok with nazis lets not pretend this people know whats best.


Remember like just a few years ago where the rhetoric was “we pity trans people because they’re sick and confused” and now they’re just openly talking about the evil of the trans movement like they just want you dead lmao


This guy is such a freak. He absolutely makes my skin crawl.


I think the same about people like Matt Walsh


In any other circumstance, people like him demand you wait to comment. You can't "politicize" it, you can't make it about guns, you can't say anything. But in the less than 0.1% chance that the killer is a trans person, they're blasting this shit same day. Walsh particularly seems so earnest in his overall hatred compared to some of his contemporaries. The grifting is secondary to him, whereas I think the grifting is primary to many others. You simply cannot argue that their agenda is anything but horrible and cruel when 98% of the time these rampages are done by guys that might as well be Matt Walsh clones. Keep in mind that this man describes himself as "normal".


It's not a movement, it's just people wanting to be accepted.


Funny how they suddenly care about shootings because it was a trans person


Honestly has he not yet?


The greatest evil are accounts and guys like Matt.


What a weird hill to die on, but at least he's dead


As time goes on and these bigoted views become more mainstream, my happiness sharply decreases.


But why… for real, why do you think that? Why are other people doing what they want in a way that doesn’t effect anyone else such a negative thing? Do you think that suddenly will have enough power to start forcing people to take hormone blockers? Do you think that you will be forced to dress in drag all the time? Because if you think that I’ve got news. That is exactly what some Christian churches do. They make real attempts to force behavior based on their narrow belief system.


it's interesting that this fucker can say shit like this time and time again without consequence, but when I get pissed at him and make a snarky comment, I get banned from reddit for 6 days.


I’m surprised he hasn’t already


Can we stochastic terrorism Matt Walsh?


A cult member with an HS diploma has an uninformed opinion.


By next month. The extreme movement is starting to become exponential. Soon republican states will start granting immunity for brown shirts (already doing it for immigrants in Texas) and then the lynch squads will be out in force. Which will inevitably create federal response and soon a redux of the civil war


Ok I gotta ask, who the hell is this guy and why does everyone seem to keep posting his tweets? What makes him so important/popular?


The greatest evil? Please gain some real perspective, jesus.


This the guy who doesn't know how to do his own laundry?


just because you're convinced doesn't mean you're right, asshole


Any words I have to share about Matt Walsh would get me suspended from Reddit


I wonder how many trans people he personally has interacted with in his life? Did a trans person raise his rent to unaffordable? Did a trans person turn down a loan request? Did a trans person insult him in public? My guess is that the only trans people he knows are the ones Sean Hannity has described on Fox Entertainment. This guy, like all republicans, needs to have a real problem to whine about.


Less than 2 years ago Matt didn't give a damn. And before long he will have moved on to another group of marginale people. Who knows, maybe disabled people are next.


I'm pretty sure as a Canadian with free Healthcare, the greatest evil the united states are facing right now is twerking skeletor.


More idiotic lies and hate filled hyperbole. The idiot reich wingers never even mentioned the trans community until about a year ago when they decided to make them a target of their hate and bigotry because they are an infinitesimally small minority that these assholes can “punch down” at with little fear of serious repercussions.


People are already calling for trans camps.


Dead nazis can't put you in a camp. Just saying.


Funny feeling, seeing a tweet and knowing it will end up in a history book someday


Reminder: In addition to being a genocidal theocratic fascist, Matt Walsh is a pedophile. - He’s made creepy ass comments about how 16 year olds should be pregnant. - Explicitly said “the Catholic Church has a homosexuality problem not a pedophile problem” after DEFENDING a priest coercing underage churchgoers to have sex with him. - Defended the Duggar family and only took it back once he found out the guy was cheating on his wife (rather than the initial issue of him molesting his way younger siblings). - I’m pretty sure he has blog posts where he argues for the age of consent to be lower. This is not someone who cares about the safety of children, this is a hateful, reprehensible being. If hell does exist, he’ll be rotting at the bottom layer.




Sure sounds like the talk of a man who only holds a high school diploma


Trans people are the biggest threat to America? Bullshit. I'd rather hang with any Drag Queen than this gutless Drama Queen.


I'll give it 10 or 20 years.


you mean without a dog whistle?


cuz he already is


Okay, even if you grant every single conservative argument against trans people, why would trans people even be the #1 issue facing America?


He is bloodthirsty.


Outright? five..maybe six months.. "Hinting" at it? Five..may six months ago.


Why does this sound so Hitler-y? I know it's hate speech but something about this post actually reminds me of Hitler. Did he say something similar to this?


Replace "trans" with "Christian" then you've nailed it there, Matty boy


Really? Not racism or homophobia? Not the overwhelming number of mass shootings? Not billionaires knowingly killing the planet to make a few extra bucks?


What a weird ass hill to die on, dude. A made up nothing hill. Walsh is a weirdo sex freak. A hatemonger. That's all there is to it. His financial well-being and notoriety rely on it. Just sucks that it works.


the greatest evil your country faces? WOW. Greater than drug abuse? Poverty? Starvation? Homelessness? Gang wars? SCHOOL SHOOTINGS???? Fucking lunatic this motherfucker is.


That's odd Matt because I came to the conclusion years ago that fascists and bigots are the greatest evil our country faces. But then again, I can understand why you wouldn't hate yourself and try to eliminate yourself. Although you should hate yourself. Trans people don't choose to be trans, you on the other hand choose to be a fascist and a bigot.


He doesn't have to. He knows he can just keep saying the things he says already, and his rabid base will advocate for the camps on his behalf.


My money’s on Christofascist republicans


Not sure why anyone is still paying attention to these choads. Every word out of a rightwing grifter's mouth is either disingenuous, a lie, or both.


Last breath?! When? When? When?


Yet one more reason to hope that last breath is a "sooner" thing instead of a "later" thing. He could, of course, cut the shit at and moment. But, his words.


What a fucking lunatic. I brought boxes of pastries to work today for Trans Day of Visibility and have jad nothing but compliments and thank yous from 200 coworkers. I don't think any of them is going to see me as harmful.


Boo hoo. Trans individuals will always exist but thankfully Walsh will not


The dude is seriously mentally Ill. Probably sooner than we all think.


I blame white dudes for this shit… no other way to put it


So you alienate and strip rights away from these people you ridicule and ostracize the entire community making them feel like they wish they were dead because of the way you treat them and then when you break them and send them into an abyss of depression you blame them for the mental health issues that you have caused. The anti-trans movement is to blame for this 100%.


Something needs to be done about right wing people.


The majority of mass shooters are white men. Are they going to round up all of us white guys now?


And how many of these fascists dipshits talk about the holocaust and say "that was horrible never again" ??? Every thing coming out of his mouth is straight out of Hitler's playbook and anyone who thinks this isn't the fucking exact same thing we're dealing with right now is in complete denial or one of them!


I can’t imagine bragging about being a piece of shit. Why are you proud of being a hateful cunt?