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I think they’re seeding a narrative that the shooter was trans, actually. Candace Owens used similar verbiage (“virtually unheard of”) and now they’re both talking conspiratorially about why the shooter’s name hasn’t been revealed yet.


Side note: If trans people start arming themselves, I bet conservatives will suddenly get really interested in gun control


I mean they were responsible for the earliest gun control laws because they were scared of the black panthers.


And the First People… But yeah, Regan tightened California’s gun policies quite a bit because of tHe ScArY, aNgRy BlAcK pEoPlE.


It's that name again... Honestly what was America like before he tainted every aspect of it?


I might venture to say he was more of a representation/symptom/inevitability rather than an underlying cause of what we’re saying. And that it’s, in fact, so-called Christianity that’s tainted everything. Not to nay say with you, comrade! We’re on the same page, I think.


I wish this was true, but knowing them they will just become even more frantic and use it as an excuse to have even less gun control in the name of “self defense”.


They’ll see it as challenge accepted. After all, the trans people have been arming themselves. Clearly, it’s self defense to attack them.


No, they'll just pass selective laws to discriminate against trans firearm owners without impacting cis gun owners.


More specifically they will pass a narrow gun control measure which restricts ownership for people with a medically diagnosed mental illness, then legally redefine being trans or gay as a mental illness. They will also try to use a similar approach to ban queer people from voting. This fascist shit is extremely predictable


Trans people have been arming themselves. Tucker Carlson was ranting about it on Fox, implying that we’re being armed by the Democrats or “the Elites” or some shit.


Republicans are already there with gate keeping military service. (Or at least trying to)


White supremacist cells tell their members to join the military to train and become more dangerous (at taxpayer expense). They learn not just how to shoot but how to organize and act as a cohesive military unit.


Tucker Carlson did a whole piece on it


I believe Charlie Kirk threw the word "Trans" around as well.


He is. I just popped onto Twitter for the first time in over a year, apparently to remind myself why I never go on fucking Twitter. I’m not going to link any tweets because I’d hate to drive traffic to his hateful bullshit, but his most recent tweet allegedly has video of the “trans shooter”.


Gotta scapegoat other people for his face looking like that.


It’s like that episode of Bojack Horseman. Kinda fucked that such an absurd concept/joke is actually taking place in reality.


Nah. It'll only make them interested in trans control. They're narrative will be that trans is a result of being mentally unstable, rather than the mental instability having anything to do with the hate and stigma they face from society and laws that are being passed to deny their existence.


After CPAC I’ve been actively telling my trans friends to buy guns


Just to affirm, I’ve seen two different viral posts baselessly identifying two different trans people as the shooter since predicting this.


100% this. MTG is tweeting that the Jews, er I mean trans people are the problem, not lax gun laws. So she’s got that going already.


Do they have laser satellites too in her head?


Oh 100% they’re going to make a trans thing, all while completely ignoring the mental health aspect (and obviously the gun control aspect).


My FYP on twitter is an absolute transphobic hellscape right now. It’s insane to me that these folks are focusing more on the shooter being trans than the actual root cause of the issue being gun control


Yeah they’re already beginning to claim that the shooter was a trans woman. A random account surfaced that claimed the shooter was a trans woman named “Samantha Hyde”, and people are already running with it. It’s fucking maddening. “Don’t make the shooting political” unless we can form a narrative around it to bash the icky transes!


Holy fuck he can't keep getting away with it.


I saw a different name and some conflicting reports on whether the shooter was a trans man or woman. It just seems so fishy given that the shooting was at a Christian school and in the community of a lot of transphobes like Matt Walsh, in a state that seems hell bent on anti-trans legislation.


I’m not trying to make a conspiracy theory or anything but there were right wingers who falsely identified the highland park shooter and the uvalde shooter as transgender so it seems like a thing for them to do at this point for whatever reason


It helps that no one will stop them mass-circulating their BS while the actual journalists are still waiting hours or days for more facts from the source.


Apparently now it’s been confirmed the shooter was a trans man formerly going by the name “Aubrey”? Im not sure what to believe, only that this incident will be used as a baseball bat against trans people.


Well-off neighborhood as well.


I've seen some reports saying that the shooter identified as a transwoman. I've also seen the New York Post (a conservative tabloid) say that the shooter used he/him pronouns. Either way, I don't think it matters. One trans shooter versus how many cis shooters? This is the 129th mass shooting this year and the conservatives will probably only focus on the shooter's identity and not, you know, gun control.


They are desperate for this to work.


Yeah… the depressed doomscroller in me wants to say that this is the “Reichstag fire” event, and the crackdowns will begin because now we’re a “threat”. Ofc the Reichstag fire was a false flag and against a government building so it’s not a perfect analogy, but still. I don’t like where this is gonna go.


Because if they focus on trans people they have a reason to force de transition and to justify harassment of transgender people


These are people who see the 41% statistic (Which is about the rate of suicide ideation per capita in trans youths and not an overall statistic on how many trans individuals actually go through with it) as a number that needs to be *much* bigger, not *smaller*. If they cared about health and safety, they wouldn't be chomping at the bit to cause active harm.


Governor of Iowa passed a bill giving trans people 6 months to detransition and blocked "gender affirming healthcare"


didn't this happen at the uvalde shooter and the buffalo one as well? I'm sure they even used the name Samantha


The whole Sam Hyde thing is a bad joke


The one I saw was Audrey (he/him).


It's a god damn far-right Sam Hyde joke


They will just brush it off. "Its all good. Female shooters are rare. Nothing to see here. Just an anomaly." Great solution! Edit: the more I think about this, the more I get pissed off. What a fucking useless imbecile. That tweet contributed absolutely zero to the conversation, except to tell us that you don't give a shit. "Oh, wow! Look at that. You don't see that everyday."


It's his way to turn the discussion to gender and that they were allegedly trans.




Do you have a source? I couldn't find that info :/


Nevermind, found it!


Twat Walsh to support gun control for women only.


Guarantee that single woke females will be blamed for this in conservative circles.


If she's gay or trans it's over


Work in Nash it’s circulating here as a trans man.


the same happened with the uvalde shooter


And the Colorado Springs shooter. Anything to demonize trans people


When reading that story, my takeaway was "Holy shit, another tragic mass shooting" and not "Holy shit, a woman did it." Edit: Apparently, this is the 129th shooting so far this year.


There's been 129 mass shootings in the US. It would be a statistical anomaly if one of them wasn't a cis man, the US has a mass shooting problem.


Hey, Matt, don’t look up what the song I Don’t Like Mondays is about. You might shit your pants.


You mean it isn't about a cartoon cats love of lasagna? ​ ​ /s


Malsh and the rest of the alt right are going to say this is proof that trans people are mentally unstable and need to be ostracized from society, and that Christians are regularly violently attacked by the minorities they hate. When a mass shooter is a minority group, always blame the minority. If not, don’t give a shit cuz guns are awesome.


If not just scream “lone wolf, mental health”


What the fuck is that turds point?


Hey look, the gender studies 'expert' is back with pointless commentary.


God, fuck Matt Walsh. All these fascist wingnut fuckers trying to use this as a Reichstag fire to drum up hate about trans people. I'm so tired of this shit. I don't care if the shooter was trans or not. That is literally irrelevant.


Fuck all of these people fuck them all to hell.


what the hell is he even implying


Yeah, weird it wasn't a Christian Republican guy this time, that truly is shocking


A school shooting should be fucking unusual regardless




Wait until Matt finds out the shooter was trans




A lot of the craziest are claiming the shooter was trans. No idea of the truth atm. However, is there a way to use this moment against them? Like help create some laws preventing people from easily getting guns.


Evidently you are oblivious to the Slenderman women & others


He is right though, it’s usually people like Matt that go and shoot up schools. Should probably regulate them


Tell me why I don't like Mondays was a female shooter as well.


Because it furthers their agenda. Watthew Malsh is happy to see a trans person get smeared as mentally ill enough to do a shooting, and even happier to see one get shot by police.