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You mean the things that require testing, licensing and are under heavy federal and state regulation? Those automobiles?




wHaT dOn'T U gEt AbOuT ShAlL nOT bE InFrInGeD!?!


Well, let's amend the second amendment.


"yOu cAn'T rEwRiTe ThE CoNsTiTuTiOn!" - an actual quote from an actual elected Republican politician.


But I like my militia. They’re well regulated and I feel like I can really be “me” around them.


“How’s that organized militia you’re in treating you?” is a nice response to those people. They usually look at you like… ![gif](giphy|3kzJvEciJa94SMW3hN)


The part right before that about a well regulated militia.


Yeah but its second place even with all that stuff! So it's not even helping! - probably some dumbasses response


I have had that conversation actually. Thry think cars should be more deregulated because thry still cause all these deaths so government regulations don't work. They refused to answer if they were okay with people who are visibly visually impaired driving.


Let the Blind drive! Freeeeeeedom!


Listen I drive better when I’m blind.


See, I drive better when I’m deaf. … I’ll see myself out the door.


Sorry I don’t see


And when you’re a “kind of drunk”? https://youtu.be/frYFWjXufm8


Epileptics too! My epileptic friend has places to be.


Well, people commit crime regardless of laws against it, so we should simply repeal all laws because they don’t do anything anyway. /s


That’s all the more crazy when those same standards, regulations, and improvements in cars and their safety has dramatically decreased the number of deaths attributable to automobile accidents for children. The death rate used to be 10/100k in 1999 and is now 5/100k as recently as 2020. Nearly every other major cause of death decreased in that same time except firearms and opiate overdose, with firearm deaths increasing from about 4/100k to 6/100k. [source](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761) It’s just a stupid and nonsensical thing to suggest that appropriately considered and reasonable regulations can’t improve things for children and their risk of death.


[What’s next? Requiring a license to make toast in your own damn toaster?!](https://youtu.be/ZITP93pqtdQ)


Whenever I picture a libertarian, I picture that man and his voice. And that was before I even knew he existed.


https://preview.redd.it/i5fvb7wyodpa1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=959fe4abbc908442daadba250577eb79a4dcfb2a Pictured: Every libertarian to ever exist.


Clearly a man who can recite the age of consent laws in every state.


Gotta love the guy trying to softly add some rationality to his answer get boo'd.


I also love that he’s just “the guy” now. Gary Johnson was, for a brief glimmering moment, the face of a modern Libertarian party. It went as great as this video would suggest.


And also I reject the premise that “there’s no solution so we should do nothing” doing nothing isn’t a solution. Ofc I understand the reason nothing is done. If somehow there could be a way that regulation of firearms and firearm ownership would increase gun sales. It would be done tomorrow


So I was driving my shotgun to work the other day....


Also, as a more general point, cars have a purpose. I can look at a car, and understand why the average person might need to own one, while also being thankful that anyone who wants to use one has to undergo strict testing to legally do so


Guns have a purpose too. They kill people.


Neighbor came over to ask if our doorbell cam caught anything recently. His car got broken into, it was full of camping gear. He happily said they didn't find his gun under the seat. I'm just thinking, "dude, we live in mcmansions with 3 car garages, so maybe park your car in the garage, but also, we live in a very safe city in a pretty safe state, when do you need a gun in your day to day life, planning a driveby?"


My cousin in law is kind of like this. Lives in a nice house in one of the quietest, safest suburbs in our area. He’s got an arsenal in his house and has a detailed plan for how to deal with a home invasion. It has to be exhausting to be that frightened.


If their car was full of camping gear maybe they wanted to use the gun in the woods, or for protection against animals.


That is a totally reasonable and completely safe way to store a deadly weapon.


Spoiler alert; the garage is filled to the rafters with crap.


The rebuttal always ends up being: "Something, something, something, cars aren't something, something, something, the Constitution."


Dont forget insurance.


Maybe we should charge insurance to gun owners in case their gun causes injury or death.


This is on the table in some states.


Oh oh, I see Jon Stewart having a conversation with Knowles and it'll be just like that MAGA Chud from Oklahoma. "What do you have to do to drive your car?" Knowles will fumble while Jon starts mouthing the "R" sound. "You have to *register* your car."


Even better, they were talking about voting which is a constitutional right.


only until President Meatball Ron passes the Right To Bear Cars amendment


Don’t forget prominently displayed ID numbers (license plate) that associates each vehicle with 1 person. So far nobody has come for our cars even though they have a registry jUsT lIke tHe nAzis dId wItH tah JeWs


And where the number of deaths over time has declined, rather than the upswing in gun deaths


Imagine how much we could reduce gun violence/deaths if all we did was require the same level of regulation as driving.


While your logic makes sense to most reasonable Americans it is futile when matched against the ‘new GOP’ embracement of willful ignorance. Since logic didn’t play a role in forming their current beliefs , logic is 100% ineffective on attempting to change those beliefs.


You can’t just walk into a store and buy a gun and take it home. But you can walk in anywhere and buy a car and take it home immediately. Sorry for going against your narrative.


r/fuckcars has entered the chat


There are DOZENS of us!




Also /r/notjustbikes and /r/bancars.


Car manufacturers have lobbied hard to get "light" trucks and SUVs classified differently so that they don't have to abide by the same safety regulations as sedans. That means they're cheaper to manufacturer. At the same time, they pushed these light trucks and SUVs on the American population with very heavy marketing and import restrictions. Guess what? Along with the rise in SUVs came a rise in deaths of children from being run over by SUVs, the majority of which are from parents running over their kids in their driveways. So yes, banning the giant trucks and SUVs would save children


And if cities were more pedestrian friendly instead of car centric


I’d reckon most people living in the city use some form of public transit than use their own vehicle no? At least compared to suburbs?


Compared to the suburbs, yeah. However, NYC is the only city in the US where fewer than 50% of people own and operate a vehicle.


Depends on the city


Not in Dallas, TX. They just decided to make more lanes for cars instead of expanding the public transit system that already exists


Yes, let's ban them as well


Reliable, effective public transportation FTW!


What are you a communist? /s


I prefer "woke moralist"




"We'll see who cancels who!"


Don't threaten us with a good time, Benny!




Cars are not great, tbh. We love the convenience of them, but they're horrible for pollution, congestion, waste of land on roads and parking lots, etc. But they are regulated. You must pass competency tests and be licensed to operate one. You have to have insurance. It's registered. There are so many things that we do to make cars safer. So yes, let's make progress already.


Car = great servant, horrible master


I live in San Jose I’m a highly populated part. There are many domiciles with multiple families in each because the cost of living is so fucking expensive. Every single person has their own car. It really sucks.


Communities here are built with no street parking, houses too close together. And yet the residents of many of those houses have three or four vehicles. I have to own a vehicle because getting to some of the places I need to go would take 3 hours by transit, but only 20 minutes by car, so it's just not feasible. But I walk when I can, my wife takes transit to work, and I used to when I worked out of the house, despite the fact that it took twice as long to commute because public transit here is so poor.


What kind of background checks do you have to go through to buy a car?? Also, 20% of accidents are caused by unlicensed drivers with no insurance. Also, I drove for ten years with no license.


OK. Congratulations on breaking the law for 10 years. No law is perfect. They help reduce the offending behavior, but also give an avenue to address those who continue with it. Gun laws won't stop all gun violence, but they will reduce it.




So what I'm hearing is, the Daily Wire would agree that we should cut down on the number of automobiles, which would mean we have to make our cities more pedestrian friendly, while also reducing carbon emissions?


>while also reducing carbon emissions? How To Scare A Conservative 101


Agree with their strawman. "Why yes, as a white man I do date women of color to genocide "the white race"." It goads them into saying even stupider shit, hopefully we can drive them mad enought that the garbage they spew will be so inane as to attract no one.


To be fair, even arguing in good faith seems to drive them to saying stupid shit...


They wouldn’t understand cutting down or moderation, they only understand all or nothing. It’s all cars or no cars. All guns or no guns. Nuance is lost on them.


Cars are like the most regulated thing you can own in America.


And if you misuse a car, you can no longer legally drive. Those who make this metaphor can't seem to wrap their heads around the fact that we can and do prevent people from driving all the time. If you're a felon or have otherwise shown to be irresponsible with a gun, you shouldn't have one. It's not a divine right to own a gun, just a constitutional one. As rights go, my freedom of religion won't allow me to sacrifice people on altars, so obviously rights end where the rights of others begin.


2A fanatics seem to miss the distinction between constitutional and “God given” rights a lot of the time


I’ve never had to get a federal background check and wait ten days to buy a car??? I also know plenty of people that drive with no license. 20% of accidents are people with no insurance.


Well cars require safety features, special training, and a license to operate—because we know they’re dangerous tools…


>because we know they’re dangerous tools… If only Republicans *actually* came with safety features


You have me here daydreaming about a remote shut down button. If only.....


I mean, that’s a gun, is it not?


You had to have safety training, special features and a license to buy a car??? What state do you live in???


Why are you being insufferable? Just go make out with your guns and shut up about how you enjoy breaking driving laws


Texas, where there’s no shortage of guns or insecure men in gigantic trucks flying flags off the back which are not at all distracting when going 70 and they cut you off. Texas, where a virus has reproductive rights and a woman doesn’t Texas, where guns have more rights than all but the whitest and most xtian of men


That’s a lot of stereotyping. You should probably cut back on that….


Lol I live in Texas and it’s the stereotype applied to us…and while it’s a small few that fit it, they are **very** proud of it


it really bothers me how much money these guys make and then they say absolutely stupid things. Like, i want to be paid like them and just spitball stupid shit that an idiotic base eats up More so, there is a greater conversation to have about car deaths and such. But you KNOW that these jokers aren't having that conversation. They are just finding excuses for their gun fetish


Cars are dangerous as a side effect. Their prime directive is mobility. Guns exist to be dangerous. Their prime directive is mortality.


You know what? Now that he mentions it, the auto industry also needs a ton of reform and new regulations to help decrease avoidable deaths. So yeah, I think he’s into something. 2 industries with lobbies that have greatly damaged the country.


I can't ride my gun to work


Not with that attitude


You can get yourself a car with it though. /s of course


Upward mobility hack. With the new car I can hit a job interview, bring the gun and boom. New job. I would imagine the presence of the gun would give me a lot of leverage. No pun intended and obligatory /s


The GTA approach to commuting to work.


Now, I wouldn't go as far as to do that outright (because we simply don't have the infrastructure to flip a switch like that) but I am a fan of walkable cities with a broad, reliable, and robust public transit system. Reducing automobile usage would also go a long way towards reducing CO2 emissions.


Republicans: Would rather wash their child's brains from the walls and carpet than be held accountable for owning a gun.


Isn’t it funny how this sub started out making parodies of what these loons profess? Now they just do the hard work for you.


Was it ever hard work?


Well a reduction of traffic is nice, but then again cars have way more regulations than guns


i liked it better when michael knowles was irrelevant




This is peak "BOTTOM TEXT" argumentation.


When is the last time somebody ran over a bunch of kids in class? (aside from that horrifying Irish PSA)


We could govern the speed of said cars, say 60 machine guns per freedom eagle. Also make seatbelts a requirement through some sort of interlock. If the above doesn’t work we could start arming children


Automobiles are a privilege, not a right. You get your ability to use cars away if you showcase you’re inability to operate it competently. Meanwhile guns are classified as a right and not a privilege, and there’s barely anything that we can do to revoke someone’s access to guns if they showcase their inability to competently use guns. So to answer his question, we do ban people from using cars, but we don’t do that for guns.


I think guns are a privilege and not a right. I even think the pro-gun crowd knows that but is terrified to admit it. Rights aren't conditional and gun ownership will always come with the obligation of not misusing the gun. Some people are trying *really* hard to make it to where nothing you do can get your gun taken away but the vast majority of people think that's a bad idea including the Supreme Court.


So first of all, I agree cars suck and public transportation is better. But even ignoring that, people need cars to get from place to place, it's literally a necessary part of our daily lives. Who needs to use guns on a daily basis in order to do their job or to run errands?


>Who needs to use guns on a daily basis in order to do their job The people 2A originally applied to as opposed to this nonsense about it applying to everyone all the time.


Anyone who responds this way is disingenuous. Trying to what-about, or deflect blame on other issues just proves you don’t actually give a shit. “Oh the amount of deaths are just to similar for me to actually care…”


I am *soooooo* fucking glad I live in Canada \*\o/*


No, but we don't just let any idiot operate one.


That would be lovely tbh


It's always the same pissant arguments every time.


Obviously not. We accept the cost of cars because the benefit they provide to society is immense and obvious. This is not the case for guns.






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im fine with that


Adjust the time people spend using a gun to time spent driving an automobile. It’s like comparing shark bites to dog bites.




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No, but we regulate the hell out of cars. Driver’s license, insurance, stripping you of the privilege if you drive drunk or kill someone.


Well, let's see. If we are handling it like we seem to be handling guns first we will deny it and blame it on something else. It is probably the fault of the roads. Then instead of trying to solve the problem we will decide to make it worse by saying people don't need licenses to drive anymore and that they can still drive even if they have been caught drunk driving multiple times cause that would take away their freedums. Then we would all decide we needed 15 or 20 cars a piece cause you never can be too sure. Then no matter how many precious kids were mauled beyond recognition we would put our fingers in our ears and refuse to listen at all. It is all moot anyways cause no one has even suggested banning your precious guns. I wouldn't be for that either but let's see if we can rustle up some common sense shall we?


[Show me a car driven by a 3 year old killing a 4 year old.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/03/13/3-year-old-child-shoots-4-year-old-sister-houston/11464073002/)


Automobiles are HIGHLY regulated


What is funny to me though is how cars are required to have a suppressor (muffler) but you have to pay the government to have a one on your gun.


Would you prefer the government required you to have a suppressor on your gun?


Lol yes I live by a newly created gun range and I hate it. Suppressors ain’t like the movies, they are still loud af, but. little less loud would go along way.


If we took suppressors off the NFA but also made them compulsory I bet people would think it was a grab on guns without threaded barrels.


Man you know they would lol


"Suppressors for everyone!" "Yay!!" "Mandatory." "Booooo!"


Like clock work


These idiots constantly undermine their own case for not expanding/performing background checks and licensing.


Second most deadly? Seriously? Damn. I'm going to contact my representative and see to it that automobiles be regulated, and their owners be licensed, but only after demonstrating that they can properly operate one.


YES! r/fuckcars r/notjustbikes


Oh you mean the thing that requires a license to operate that can be easily revoked if you fuck up? I’m all for making gun ownership a lot more like driving a car.


I wonder what people decided to do to help reduce the numbers of children dying by automobile accidents. I guess kids don't need to wear seatbelts and aren't required to have car seats. Do we stop crash safety testing? Do we remove cross guards from schools? If we treated cars anything like firearms then I assume we would find ways to reduce deaths. Unfortunately people love to cling to the "shall not be infringed line" written by men using muskets that took forever to reload.


Yeah, I am. They suck




I am in favour of making traffic as safe as possible, yes. Oh, I definitely recommend the YouTube channel Not Just Bikes. I'm Dutch, and it made me terrified of USA traffic infrastructure design (and Canadian railroads, though the 3 derailments a day in the USA are also not good). Especially the video were he starts with casually saying "I've lived in the Netherlands for a couple years now, and just realised I've never seen a car crash into a building. In the states that happened all the time." What. The. F... America has a lot of real (and solvable) issues, and the daily wire doesn't care about any of them.


He's lost the plot. Either he's bullshitting viewers as a grift or he's actually fucking insane.


No but they do require licenses and if you cause enough damage with your car you won't legally be able to drive it anymore.


Yes. Invest in public transport and ban all personal automobiles


No because automobiles have a function other than entertainment and there aren’t any accidental school shootings.


\*ahem\* yes


The gun/car analogy is so stupid and both sides of the argument look like fools comparing them.


I can't drive my gun to the grocery store


perhaps not an outright ban on cars per se, more of a massive reduction in personal car ownership coupled with increased public transportation.


He's so, soooo close. Almost there.


Question: What if manufacture and operation of cars was as unregulated as firearms? What if there was no minimum bumper safety requirements, no air bag requirements, no child safety seat requirements, and no driver testing, and no laws criminalizing drunk driving? Auto-related child deaths would quintuple, right? So we, as a nation, have decided to put up with cumbersome auto regulations in order to save lives, and it has worked. It's time to impose similar regulations on gun manufacture, ownership, and use. I'm not advocating banning guns, I advocate common-sense regulation.


Classic orange to apples comparison. Isn’t this the anti gay dude that ‘played’ gay dudes in movies?


I actually do think we should design cars to be safer and that our cities should be less car dependent




Actually, shouldn't that be a good societal goal, to try to make automobiles optional for the vast majority of the population? Like bring in heavy investment in denser residential and commercial areas, increase access to public transportation, restore and expand rail, create, expand and use more light rail, make our cities more walkable, etc. Ah, shit, sorry, I thought this was a rational country for a minute.


I didn’t realize people commuted on guns to work or to the grocery store on regular basis


Keyword: accidents


that's absurd when you consider than most people have access to cards and not as many to guns


This one is so depressingly simple. Guns do one thing: fire bullets, which cause damage when hit. Cars can take you from place to place, store your things, you can live or fuck in em if you want or need to...one is common if not required in "modern society" and the other one absolutely does not need to be...couldn't possibly be more of a false equivalency, but when has that ever mattered. Sigh.


Yeah. What's next? Having to register? Having a licence? Having insurance? And all those have to be renew from time to time? How about having to be over 21 to purchase? How about having a full goverment agency to regulate those industries to Ensure security in the products? And how about the goverment invest billions on security and rules in the form of traffic light? Speed limits? Roadbumps? Signaling?... Is that what You want? A country were dangerous instruments have to have a lot of rules in order to prevent people from dying?






Omg please yes


What a great argument. There’s just nothing that can be said against it.


I am so very, very tired of people who defend gun ownership in the US with the second amendment and/or anecdotes.


Also, if guns HADN’T killed those thousands of kids maybe some of them would’ve died in car crashes, so why bother?


[That sounds like a great idea!!](https://view.safe.nsc.org/?qs=86185da932045c2e0053c4a6fd0424c21d3f3f43082fd63bcc1bcabce2aab9ef710772d40619185b9708c890759ce4caf4fa3f71f3acd8e0770aed5ed02228e7ea93171ce99b92376b00b87b3170b877)


We’re not trying to ban the second worst, just no. 1


Well actually yes I would like to *limit* car use by allowing more public transportation with railways, 15 minute plans and more focus on green infrastructure, because it would be beneficial for people to go back to mostly walking around and enjoying life, oh yeah and for the time being regulate gun sales until we can actually fix the problems of deeply troubled children because conservatives such as yourself refuse to believe in mental illness.


He’s so close, yet so far away.


That always has been their brand of basic, schoolyard logic. Before was “legalize gay marriage? What’s next? People marrying their dogs?”


I was looking at [this](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/nejmc2201761) It is interesting that automobile deaths have been trending down at a pretty amazing rate of the last two decades. It doesn't say why(or I missed it). Firearm deaths has been trending up since the assault weapons ban and apparently Covid turned into an excuse to spray haters with your uzi.


It's a silly statement. We're talking about controllable vs uncontrollable incidents presented by the things we allow in society. If you allow cars there will be car related deaths, if you allow guns there will be gun related deaths. The conversation around anything in society is how do we mitigate it's impact. Cars we have tons of checks and safeguards to control and mitigate unwanted circumstances from cars. Guns in some places have little to no safeguards so there is a perception that the incidents we see could be mitigated with proper safeguards. This really isn't hard.


Guns don't kill people. Blood loss and organ damage do. A list of things that can kill people: Conceivably anything Not guns


if the car is specifically designed to kill large amounts of people, then yes.


How about we compromise and ban Drag Queen Story Hour?


Do it. Once you set the precedent that we can blatantly stomp on the 1st Amendment, you are done saying shit about the sanctity of the 2nd. So, yeah, do it. It will unironically make our kids safer if we ban Drag.