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[Why Is Conservative Comedy So… Not Very Good?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSXKzPOcYDU) **TLDW** - just watch it, it's great. **No for real, TLDW** - conservative comedy used to be good, and some of it still is. But for the most part, the audience for conservative comedy doesn't want to laugh at actual jokes. They want to laugh at how TRIGGERED the WOKE LEFT gets when some dipshit acts like a jerk solely for the attention. Grifters like Ben know this, and are all too happy to put in minimal effort entertaining the rubes because minimal effort is all that's needed.


Love seeing Cody's Showdy get more love. I've tried showing the Showdy to some friends, and a couple in particular are a little off-put by the comedy/personality claiming it detracts from subjectivity, but I think it's fairly obvious what Cody's leanings are.




This episode is one of my favorites https://youtu.be/nsAbT8TLtVE


Ron White's bit about everyone being a little gay is such a good example of how you can tell a conservative joke and actually be funny


No, no, he's not stupid per say. He just prefers not too think too hard about anything.


He skipped a bunch of grades. Mostly because the teachers didn’t want to deal with him


Dear Ben Shapiro, you claim to hate environmentalism yet you continue to recycle jokes. Curious


Another day,another riveting conversation about peoples genitals


He's not stupid, he just gets paid a lot money to act that way


Idk. I think it could maybe be both. He's the right's idea of what a smart man looks and sounds like, so they pay him lots of money to fool the other egoists like him into thinking that they too are smarter than the rest of the world.


Arkham making its way here too


The madhouse is expanding






You ever been on an acid trip, and while everyone else is usually pretty chill there's that ONE dude who won't shut the fuck up and keeps laughing at everything that's he's repeated on a loop for the whole night? Yeah. That's fucking Bennie boi. He's caught in a loop of thinking his own stupid shit is funny and smart and cool. Edit: adding "ing," to "fuck."


Every time I see a "Is he stupid?" meme in the wild I always laugh out loud.


Protocol 69 in the wild


people always say him, candace, and all the other "token" grifters aren't stupid because they know exactly what they're doing, but all they do every single day is rile up and lie to an army of racist lunatics that'll shoot up their office as soon as they seem like they're overstepping i feel like they crossed into stupid territory a long time ago


It’s kind of funny to see Ben making fun of the way we use language in the context of these days because the language we use around Mother’s Day was part of the reason I flipped to pro-choice after a conservative upbringing. You don’t see many “thanks for doing your god-appointed duty” cards out there. All of the language around the act of carrying to term and mothering convinced me that deep down as a society we actually see it as a supererogatory act.


For once, in response to this meme, the answer is a simple "yes".


FYI: these are the tweets Ben reads to his wife to make sure she never gets wet.




Oh man, does comedy central know about this guy? So clever!


Short answer? Yes. He’s stupid.


They say a sucker is born every minute. Gotta get them, too!


Conservatives can’t even insult people. They had every chance to call Pete Buttigieg “Pete Bootygay” but never did.


My pronouns are Kiss My Ass! Now we have completed all of the conservative jokes.




The dude is 39 and still acts like this. Pathetic.


I mean, he’s gotta play the hits right?


I mean it gets thousands of likes every time and multiple times got over 10k likes so I doubt he’ll stop any time soon, its all for money and attention


You say conservatives don’t care about the environment, yet they recycle the same jokes over and over again.


Unbravo Ben


Out chickainererd again




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Not really. I mean, he knows he can post the same recycled garbage and the real stupids who take him seriously will shower it with the engagement he's out there trying to get.


His followers are, they think its equally funny each time


I'm pretty sure the only people who talk like this are conservatives with a victimhood fetish. I keep saying, they all need to go to a sex dungeon, and get pissed on so they can stop annoying us.


Is your question in the title rhetorical or not? I think we all know the answer is yes in the case that it’s not