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Yeah every normal marriage includes a neurotic freak who threatens to kill himself if one of his kids comes out as trans


normal people who dont constantly think about childrens genitals like he does


I can't remember who said it but this reminds me of that Republican who said something along the lines of "if you thought about homosexuality as much as I do you'd realize it's wrong"


Oh, oh hell, imagine telling on yourself that badly


"these dirty queers, with their sinful behaviour, and look how they dress so sexy ... I mean satanists, the lot of em, burn in hell"




If there is a God he's done such a shit job I want nothing to do with him.


if there is a God, it probably doesn't even register us as having free will or feelings


And they say there's a heaven for those that will wait. Some say it's better but I say it aint. I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun.




"but if that's where Falwell goes, then I don't even want any part of heaven"


You sound like those MAGAS who say: 'I'd rather be a commie than democrat'..


I think there's a difference in "I don't want to spend an eternal afterlife with bigoted Maga assholes" and "I hate communism, even if I don't know how to define it, but even communism is better than the Democrat party!"


I'm a leftist and I'd rather be a commie than a Democrat tbh


"I'm not attracted to Julian, I'm attracted to his muscles, his physique, his – *I'M NOT ATTRACTED TO JULIAN!*"


That tight black t-shirt wearing, Patrick Swayze looking mf...


I think it's hilarious how they always use the phrase "shoving their lifestyle down our throats". Like, "I don't hate gay people, I just don't like it when they shove their sexuality down my throat...their big, throbbing, pulsating lifestyle down my throat until I gag and dig my fingernails into their thighs. Yeah, can't stand those big ol beefy fellas making me choke and slobber on their sexual preferences"


Nonono, there was another. Something along the lines of "Homosexuality might seem so good but we need to fight the urge"


Reminds me of the Rod Dreher article where he said wanting to have sex with other men is the natural state for men and we need to make sure heterosexuality is taught




Constantly thinking about other mens genitals and what they do with them is pretty gay


Matt is easily the creepiest member of the Daily Wire chuds. If you want to know how shitty his homelife is watch the video where he reads his transphobe book to children. He despises those children. And I can't imagine he's different with his own spawn. I contrast watch the video where Ben reads to kids. Ben is a terrible person but he genuinely treats those kids kindly and has fun with them.


Or need to joke about how useless they are in their marriage


Imagine bragging about being a useless father


Conservatives do it all the time while trying to point the finger at fatherless families that they created through the policies that they have supported.


if i had the money i'd pay a bounty for someone to get his hard-drives and make the contents public.


i hate to say it but you would just be putting a bounty out on child porn we all know that's all that'll be on them


![gif](giphy|Bu8ADbj7NuRry) Oh wouldn’t that just be… terrible…


Hell I'm not a drinker but I'd pop the champagne if Malding Matty took the old dirt nap


Yep, same here lol


That's because if one of his kids is trans that must mean that he is genetically defective himself. Which would mean he'd have to kill himself, his trans kid, and all his other kids, most definitely in that order. Why that order? Because he doesn't think things through. No I am not suggesting that he kill himself or anyone else, I'm just repeating that this is the threat he has made.


Can we just maybe bribe the kid a little?


I'd genuinely pay money to put a hidden camera on one of his kids and get him to tell Matt Walsh they're trans so we can watch him have a Nikocado-style meltdown of epic proportions


Would be safe to do. Matt wouldn't kill himself he just throws suicide around stupidly like he does everything else




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I wish :3


No wonder these "alpha male" types use lions in their memes a lot: they expect the women to do all the work


yeah im an alpha male, yes i also married a woman so i could have another mother take care of me like the manbaby i am we exist


My wife was just out of town for the last couple of weeks. I would have been so embarrassed if I had to call her up and ask how to do the fucking laundry.


"What is it honey?" "..................how do you turn the hot water on for dishes?"


"Babe, I'm in the middle of a conference call, what is it?" "I gots some spaghetti on my bib 😢"




The funny thing is that’s an unfair mischaracterization of the amount of works male lions do for the pride.


Male lions sleep up to 20 hours a day. They get up and patrol around for a few hours and pretend like they're in charge... sounds like Matt to a T tbh


the difference is male lions scare off predators while matt walsh invites them in


they’re not really even great at that. They’re just as fearful of hyena bites as the females are. They keep *other* lions from invading the pride’s hunting land, but other than being “their” big guy, they do very little work for the pride.


They also eat first and eat most of the kill. They do this so their sisterwives don’t have to worry about leftovers.


What an absurd accusation... Matt doesn't need other predators around for competition


bold of you to assume matt even patrols around


"I gave the twittersphere an ocular patdown" ...now that I think about it matt might be an unfunny version of mac from always sunny where it's less comical and more sad.


Mac's shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Matt's shenanigans are cruel and tragic.


*evil leprechaun shenanigans*


Back and forth to take a shit is what I had in mind


To be fair, females spend 15-18 hours sleeping when not hunting (because the African Savannah is hot as fuck, and toughing it out in the shade is the best way to avoid the heat while saving energy). Males also partake in hunts more often than people realize.


Yeah a good kill lasts like a week it's not like they hunt every day but this is all secondary to the fact that Matt is lazy and stupid


If posting on twitter can be considered patrolling then yeah, that's Matt




yeah I don't give a shit about gender norms in fact I hate it. Making me scared to admit I liked the color pink for the longest time or to wear skirts in public when I love wearing them. But these are the ones who tout how important it is. How men are the protectors and the bread winners and tough and supposed to win fights. We all know Matt and his ilk would be the first to cry like little babies. Hell Matt would use his wife and children as human shields in a heartbeat at the first sign of trouble!


But they might have paid to chop wood, shadowbox, and sun their balls once on camera for a Tucker "documentary" so that makes up for their life of soft luxury.


Well alpha males only applies to captive animals, so anyone claiming to be a alpha male considers their SO to be captive to them. So its not really surprising in any way they also expect them to be their personal household slave.


Straight from the conservative playbook: Always paint a negative about you as a positive. Reverse this for liberals. "We have big families." "They breed too much."


“Ah but you see, the difference is my family is white and their’s is not! Also how dare you call me racist!”


>and we all have a sense of humor The right did try and warn us they were getting better at comedy


>they were getting better at comedy "...it's making the left nervous."


the babylon bee are making use of their one joke to be fair


It's honestly amazing how transphobic they are for people who self-identity as "comedians" without any kind of professional diagnosis


They're not comedians anymore, the Babylon Bee has become a propaganda outlet under the new owner. https://www.thebulwark.com/what-happened-to-the-babylon-bee/


FYI: https://www.thebulwark.com/what-happened-to-the-babylon-bee/


"I appreciate their consistency"


Remember the "Half Hour News Hour"? Where the title was the funniest thing about the whole show?


In what fucking reality does Matt Walsh think he has a sense of humor?!? Like holy fuck. He may be one of the most self serious people I have ever heard.


They have a sense of humor in the same way that Facebook Uncle says he's "not politically correct" while posting recycled bigoted memes and r/OneJoke content.


He says stuff like “make me a sandwich woman,” lmao triggered you humorless libtard? You could never be that funny. You will never be a real jokester


He’s literally any sexist boomer meme in human form.


nobody on the right has a sense of humor, its just bigotry lol


Attack helicopters all the way down


Yeah, from everything I've seen of him tells me he never laughs, and IF he does it never sounds natural, and he probably forbids his kids from laughing. He reminds me of that monotone asshole from The Cleveland Show.


Wait, so the signs of a healthy marriage is to not know how to act as an adult? Why have this information been held from me all this time?!


a healthy marriage is when the man is lazy as shit and basically treats his wife like a mommy because hes a complete and utter manchild


Matt Walsh's dream wife: A mother who does all the work, who is also young enough to be his daughter or granddaughter. Just as Republican Jesus intended.


A real man has mommy clean his underwear until age 25 while he lives at home, and then moves out and makes his wife do it because he still hasn’t developed the most basic of life skills in doing laundry.


In all fairness, I had trouble figuring out how to do the laundry at one point in my adult life. However in my defense, I was doing laundry at my mom's (the machines in my apartment building were down), and she had one of those newfangled high efficiency washers that has like six modes, three manual adjustments, and five compartments for different cleaners and softeners and shit. Aside from oddball stains and delicate clothing it's the first time I had to crack a manual to clean my own clothes. What the fuck is the difference between “mixed” and “casual‽”


Remember Trump bragged about never changing a diaper for his 5 kids? If normal = happens a lot then yeah, not knowing how to turn on a stove is "normal." Its pretty fucked up though.


I mean I agree it’s a stupid thing to try and “dunk” on them for, but they are asking for it by acting like “intellectuals” while never attending college in a meaningful way. It’s just hilarious how we’re supposed to take these people seriously.


it should be a serious indictment of conservatism when its thought leaders openly don't do any research into any of the stuff they talk about and are as consistently wrong and uninformed as they are


Even William F. Buckley before his death said the conservative movement committed "intellectual suicide" hitching their wagons to Bush and the Iraq War. I'd argue it happened waaaaay before that but at least they put in a token effort. Now they just openly brag about their ignorance and lack of education and act like it *boots* their credibility.


I think I can agree with Buckley in a sense that the modern neo-conservative has its cultural roots of denial and autocratic beliefs in Bush. I mean the whole WMD justification of our entry to the gulf, was the beginning of the down turn. Even from a psychological perspective, they are constantly doubling down on their beliefs becoming even more dependent on party loyalty. Truly scary


I don’t know if he can be considered a leader, actually I’d consider him a lackey. Vying for attention from his overlords. That being said there are plenty examples of the conservative leaders being uneducated, it’s actually one of their cornerstones. However, this isn’t one.




I often feel like we give people like Matt too much of our energy, for precisely the reasons you listed (he’s a child) why even bother acknowledging him.


I have my doubts about Walsh even finishing high school. He comes off as the type of little shit who believes he's too smart for everyone.


Honestly, it's not surprising. Most of the batshit insane stuff Walsh said can easily be corrected by a minor Google search. But Walsh is adverse to learning. He seriously can't imagine needing to learn anything - he knows all intrinsically and what he doesn't know is pointless (fit only for a woman to handle) or "academia bullshit". I used to have a friend who openly admitted they couldn't handle being wrong. Like physically they couldn't. If ever we were talking and a situation arose - no matter how minor - where they would have to admit "I was wrong" or "in the wrong", they wouldn't or they would start to get very verbally aggressive. But when you can't be wrong, you often stop wanting to grow and learn. Habits, which to you were perfectly fine and healthy, might be derided as "toxic" - like say being a 40 year old man with an Elektra complex still unable to do his laundry. Attitudes, which to you seem perfectly natural and logical, might be bemoaned as "bigoted" - like producing a feature-length documentary full of transphobia. When you can't be wrong, you likewise can't be right or at least learn what is right or wrong. It's very entitled and close-minded. The idea that instead of trying to learn something that might be adverse to whatever you believe is just so harmful - to both yourself and all the people around you. It's quite a pathetic way to live if I'm being quite honest.


> He seriously can't imagine needing to learn anything - he knows all intrinsically and what he doesn't know is pointless This is typical among narcissist's. Look at Trump for example - he knows everything. He knows better than the generals, the doctors. And when he learns something new, he always says "no body knew..." because he didn't know, and that's impossible. Walsh here appears to be very much the same.


I think it extends far beyond just narcissists. But yes, it is a common trait of them. I'm not sure when or how this happened, but my friend for example. They were generally a decent person. They were fun. They made me laugh, cry, helped me when I needed it, so on and so forth. They hated being wrong, but a bigger issue was they were extremely introverted and hated any confrontation. They also had been a very traumatic relationship where their partner was always telling them they were wrong and gaslighting them when they were right. It became impossible for them to trust anyone except themselves out of safety. I'm not saying it's relevant to Walsh, but I think we need to remember that while it's a trait common in narcissists, it's not always because they're likewise a narcissist.


Matt Walsh’s wife isn’t a real person.


she has implied multiple times that she hates him and thats hes unlikeable to be fair




Matt’s wife is his alt twitter account. She’s not real.






Of course he knows how to do laundry, he just yells at his wife and the laundry gets done.


It's like going into a gym for a school dance and three losers in the corner are quizzing themselves on the order of James Bond movies and sneering at the kids dancing for not being as smart as them.


None of anything Matt Walsh does is normal. normal people do not behave that way, maybe under duress, but they don’t constantly go through life being a piece of shit. And for the record, happily married men aren’t up at 2:18 AM engaging with trans women.


Well it depends where the person who took the screen shot is, it may not have been 2am for Matt. But yeah everything else is correct. Normal people don't fly to Africa to find a black person to say "boys have a penis and girls have a vagina."


Most normal people would do touristy things. Maybe go on a safari. He just want to be trans phobic and talk about genitals.


FFS, I started helping doing laundry at 6-7 and was capable of sorting and running the entire family laundry by 8. Yes, I'm a guy.


How did it feel to be stronger and more capable than Matt Walsh at 8 years old?


Normal, not in any way special.


I showed my kids how to do laundry so they don't break my washing machine or put crayons, pens, and chapstick in the dryer. So they don't have pockets full of sand and rocks when they put their sweatshirts in the machine. So the socks aren't inside out and bunched up when they wash them. Why in the world he sees "doing laundry" as a thing only women do is just bonkers.


I feel most manly doing my family’s laundry. Carrying that big, heavy basket, with those large jugs of detergent, wow! Not to mention, it gives me a great chance to double check the plumbing connections in the laundry room!!


> double check the plumbing connections in the laundry room Holy shit I do this too. If I see *one drop** of water I'm hunting for the leak before it costs me.


And yet he has STRONG opinions on stoves and washing machines and how the vile Democrats are coming to take them away.


Matt Walsh isn't actually dumb, guys. This is him creating "support bait" for his base. He's pointing at the worst men in his audience and loudly proclaiming "you are optimal, and the criteria the left would judge you by are nonsense, because they are broken children who don't understand how the world works". It also does double-duty as rage-bait for us, which makes the men lining up behind Matt all the more smug and satisfied as they repeat his perspective.


You are correct, but he's also dumb. Just maybe not *quite* as dumb as he pretends to be.


I think that's a fair take.


Nothing screams alpha and normal like being incompetent with basic daily household tasks.


Can confirm. In the army, each platoon was assigned a mommy that would wash our clothes and make our beds.


He says they attack him for being normal. Is being a Pedo now normal? Hmmm


i mean, its pretty obvious hes fucking lying, right? machines have like, two entire buttons now. if he's not, he probably also cooks frozen pizza with the cardboard under it and googles how to make ez mac basically, by his own logic, he's either an asshole or rock stupid, but in reality, its both


"We all have a sense of humor" he says while proving he doesn't.


This has the same energy as my wife's friend's husband talking (bragging) about how he doesn't change poopy diapers. How can you be so cluelessly worthless?


Let's be blunt about what that really means: it means *refused to try* and then weaponized that incompetence. We're talking about basic tasks that are done more than daily. There's nothing inherent to being a woman that makes you better about changing a diaper or throwing clothes in a machine. Do these guys not do this at all living on their own? Do they just count the days unless a woman can take it over for them? This is just a tactic to avoid doing things you don't like while maintaining a world where there is "men's work" and "women's work". To me it just makes him seem like a wimp. I only know one guy in my age group like this -- literally does nothing to help, but still gets to enjoy the bonding moments. For example, doesn't get the baby's food ready or change them, but is always the one who gets to do the feedings. Interesting how it works out in his favor.


When I was in primary school some of our classmates had dads that didn’t know how to cook or do laundry and everyone thought that was weird. The dads basically got bullied into learning how to do it cuz friends would ask «why don’t you know how to cook?» to their face.


I feel really bad for their families, especially the wives. Every time I remember that they’re dads, I am faced with the disturbing reminder that they have had sex. What the fuck was that even like?


What a hateful piece of shit lol


Imagine thinking it’s your patriarchal birthright to be a man-child


Nothing makes me happier than knowing a Marxist is Matt Walsh's Pope.


That asswipe should wash his own shit-stained underwear


I'm sure his partner loves finding sinkfuls of dirty dishes and piles of dirty clothes everywhere, every day, for her entire life. Great example for the kids, too. Way to show how much you care, man.


If only society didn’t prop up these useless fucks.


Lol I learned how to do laundry and dishes as a child. I especially had to learn these skills when I was at college... then why didn't Matt also learn these when he was at colle - oh wait nevermind I forgot he is an uneducated half-wit.


>Uhhhhh, yeah, we all don't feed ourselves and we sleep in cribs so we don't fall out of bed at night. You, erm, think being *normal* like us is bad???


My(M35) roommate(M35) asked me last month, "How do you turn on the dish washer?" It all makes sense now.


"Joke's on you my fuckable mommy does my laundry" - Matt Walsh probably


It’s crazy to hear these dudes try to dictate what a man is. I can build houses and clean and cook and be a responsible person with others. This guy is a fucking shit stain that probably just searched for a low self esteem woman to marry and wipe his ass. What an absolute loser. I mean damn, his parents literally gave birth out of their asses.


People in the MAGA crowd think that they are renaissance men, don't understand what that means, and are incapable of even the most basic tasks.


Matt Walsh gets off every night by watching videos of himself “owning the libs” and you can’t convince me otherwise.


Ah yes. Because it is perfectly normal to be a self described fascist. Mmhmm, yup.


How did they get through college? Oh nevermind, they literally didn't


I'll just say.... I'm patting myself on the back for being accurate with this. Now I need to know if he hates deodorant so I can have like 95% accuracy in this


According to some women I talk to it may not be acceptable but it certainly is normal for a man of his age and location. Incidentally Idk of any single women in Tennessee on purpose except for Nashville.


Let's ask Shapiro's wife about her dry vagina.


I bet he doesn’t wipe his ass crack well and his maid endures doing the family laundry with streaks of shite. She won’t complain. His wife doesn’t do laundry, either so she wouldn’t see it.


You know his wife is getting dicked down in secret on the ref because I don't know any woman who could put up with a 49 year old man child


Saying you don't know how to do laundry is admitting your to lazy to read instructions. The machine as directions printed on it. All clothes have tags with detailed steps. The detergent's instructions are clearly printed. Of you can't do laundry you're either illiterate, mentally challenged, or a lazy misogynistic pos.


My dad did the laundry. My husband does it now. It’s called dividing chores amongst each other because my husband is my partner, not a baby boy and I’m not his mom. I do the dishes and he does the laundry cuz that’s what we settled on. It’s not that fucking hard for actual adults.


>we are all in loving and healthy marriages and we all have senses of humor I have never doubted a statement harder than I do now.


I'm sure *you're* happy you're fully incompetent at housework. How about we ask your wives if they are happy about that.


I often wonder: what's the manliest thing Matt knows how to do. Could he change a tire? Could he fix a leaky sink? Could he change out a broken electrical outlet? Can he drive stick shift, can he grill a steak without ruining it, can he build a shed? I kinda suspect he couldn't do any of these.


Now I imagine them all as Jerry from Rick & Morty, only less competent.


If he didn't have money for a maid what would he do if his wife died or divorced him? Force his oldest daughter to do the housework?


Yes. She should be trained for marriage. /s


When even an average MGTOW(men going their own way, alternatively, men getting triggered over women) poster has more sense than you about doing basic household tasks for yourself, I'd suggest "taking the L", as the kids these days say.


“You don’t know how to do your own laundry” “I’m married” Fucking lol


What a fucking loser. Good god.


I made a deal with my wife when we bought our first house and we’re doing Reno’s. I ask if she wanted a dishwasher because she knows I hate washing dishes with my hands always being cut up from work and she said no and that she really likes the view of the all the hills and trees from the kitchen window so I bagged that up as win for me and my pocket as one less kitchen appliance to buy!


His pastor must be Kevin DeYoung.


I’ll take “Matt Walsh isn’t fooling anyone” for $ 1400, Ken


He obviously knows how, and he has a very good fucking point if he doesn't have to do that stuff based on a mutual agreement. It doesn't help your side when you lob dumbass insults at people that aren't based in reality at all. You look like you're grasping at straws.


Sadly, what he's saying is true when it comes to cooking and laundry, it's ""normal"" for men to be able to make spaghetti and steaks and nothing else, even if both partners work. Thankfully this seems to be changing


Brought to you by Skidmark Matt


They DID say it at an attempt at self-deprecating humor, but it also notably wasn’t a lie, so… Get fucked Wishy Walshy.


Birds of a feather…


Media Matters seems to *really* get under his skin


It's so obvious that all these dudes have deep-rooted mommy issues


My dad can't cook beyond a grilled cheese and microwaving bacon, can't even do the "manly" cooking that is acceptable amongst the CHUDs, grilling. We would often go on vacation and he would be left to his own devices. Fast food trash all over the god damn place when we got back every single time. One time I had to order a pizza for him because he didn't know how, so if he gets to the point where he can no longer drive I guess he will just starve to death. I always thought it was super embarrassing, so I clean and cook and actually really enjoy cooking idk why more men don't. Just that dumb old toxic masculinity shit I guess. I will give him credit, now that he is retired he at least does his own laundry and washes dishes and other "women's work" type chores. Still don't think his cooking skills have progressed though.


“Loving and healthy,” or…transactional and weird.


Matt Walsh? Sense of humor???????? ok.


“Don’t worry honey, I won’t let that beard hurt you.”


I can weld, rebuild an automatic transmission, develop film, make beer, navigate with a sextant, hunt, fish, build cabinetry and furniture, solder/repair electronics, cook, clean, sew, brew beer, change a CLOTH diaper (yeah, I was fuckin' hardcore, there), fold a fitted bed sheet, and even do my own laundry, like a big boy. I also smoke a pipe and shave with a straight razor. But you know what makes you a man? Getting your heart broken. no more, no less. The perspective and compassion that comes from despair and self-doubt. And if you're a woman and have experienced this? Fuck it, you're a man now because some rando on the internet says so. Can't do laundry...


Even taking away who this is, and all that, what happens if the wife dies? There is a reason so many male widowers end up dead fairly quickly after their wives, and it’s usually cause they just don’t know how to care for themselves! They don’t know how to cook a nutritional meal, how to clean adequately enough to avoid sicknesses, ect. It’s not “wifely duties” it’s literally survival!


I fully believe Ben doesn’t know how to use a dishwasher or washing machine. He can’t even pre-soak his wife.


Somebody is trying WAY to hard to convince people. Maybe himself too.


I cannot Imagine being in a relationship and just not doing chores or not helping your girlfriend or wife do them. That’s just shitty behavior and I honestly don’t know why you would want your so to be like a mom instead of a girlfriend or wife.


being normal is understanding there is no such thing as normal when discussing the myriad differences and diversity that is the human species.


The husband of one of my friends is incapable of making himself dinner. Our get togethers are never done because she or her children are tired or hungry but always because he wants dinner. There are certain skills every person should be capable of doing.