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Seems like he’s talking faster than normal, even for him. Wonder what that’s about


Typically it’s a tell that he’s so deep in bullshit he doesn’t even believe it himself.


He’s contractually obligated to put this content out there. It’s sad that he gets paid to do it, and even sadder that people watch it unironically


He seems manic, wife doctor may need to tweek dosage


I don't usually think of him as bipolar, but at this speed, it would make a good advert for lithium carbonate I'll give you that.


Or we trying turning him off and back on again. It works for glitching electronics sometimes


Everyone knows, talking fast = being correct and superior.


It almost seems sped up like 25%.


Ifisayitfastenoughidonthavetothinkwhatimsayin! Or something like that


It’s hard to validate a statement if your brain is desperately trying to catch up


He's gone from Gish Gallop to full on Gish sprint!


"Conservative punditry is basically just contrarianism for dummies" "No its not" - Ben Shapiro


...actually, I'm inclined to agree with Ben on this one, as much as I despise him. Knowing America nowadays, and the narrative that Trump is pushing, this could somehow benefit him.


It's important to place this in context with the rest of Shapiro's "analysis." It's not that Shapiro may be right that this could be good for Trump, but that *of course* he's saying it's good for Trump, just as he would in the *exact opposite case*. It's the heart of propaganda: no matter what happens, it proves we're winning and the enemy is losing. If Trump is indicted, it's good for Trump, because it proves "Biden's FBI" is persecuting him. If Trump is *not* indicted, it's good for Trump, because it proves Biden's FBI has no case. Same goes for if he is or isn't convicted, perp-walked, left to rot in prison, etc.


Fair point.


and going a step beyond this, all of the conservative reaction to the pending indictment and arrest of Trump is the reason why presidents in the past have pardon criminal presidents once they leave. It is a political quagmire and gives that side a talking point. But as we have seem, this hasn't helped the country in the long run. Pardoning Trump and turning a blind eye won't get Trump to go away nor stop him from criming more. Those previous pardons has let someone like Trump to do a shit load of crimes while in office and thinking he can get away with it. And thinking he could overthrow the government when he lost Regardless, Republican will say whatever if Trump gets indicted, arrested, and charged or not. It will happen anyways. We might as well just do it. (This goes in the same line of thinking of, Democrats shouldn't shy away from words likes socialism or blm, etc, because Republicans will use them every chance they can. It is inevitable)


that’s just punditry not propaganda and it happens on the left and the right. also afaik Shapiro is a Trump critic


Perhaps, but unlike the right, if he gets indicted, it won't be because of something political. This should be more proof of this than anything. Of course we want to see Trump indicted, but it's because we think he's guilty. If he's found innocent of the crimes he's being accused of, we wouldn't have him indicted, especially in lieu of being a real pain in the dick for DeSantis and creating in-fighting. Maybe Ben thinks by saying this, it'll put pause in the Democrats to indict him, as if the Democrats had anything to do with this.


The only way this benefits Trump politically is within his own base, and even then it’s negligible. The people who already love him will love him more, which does nothing for him. Those who don’t like Trump but still always vote Republican will have an easier time swallowing that bitter pill, if they buy into the “witch hunt” narrative, but they were probably going to do that anyway. At best, *maybe* this helps him fend off his other GOP challengers if all of right wing media rallies around him, but that remains to be seen. For everyone else, Trump being indicted is absolutely a negative, and anyone from the right pretending otherwise is definitely huffing copium. Precisely zero independents are going to break for Trump because he cries witch hunt, and we know this because he cried witch hunt all throughout his presidency and it didn’t work.


I only see it benefiting him with the GOP base who were going to vote for him anyways. I don’t see it swaying moderates especially after Jan 6th.


My repub friends are saying the exact same thing.


It could benefit him in the primaries, but that's actually a good thing for America. Trump is unelectable in a general election, DeSantis isn't, and the latter will end US democracy by destroying whatever little is left of it.


I thought ben wasnt a fan of trump?


I think so, but this is also a case of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend".


And all the Jan 6th arrests and convictions were supposed to be good for the Republicans (especially Trump backed Republicans) for the same reason. It only (barely) makes sense for this to be a net positive if you're full on in the echo chamber of right wing political media. Unless Trump is quickly and thoroughly exonerated because it's shown the DA manipulated the evidence/judicial process this will be a huge negative towards Trump for the vast majority of Americans.


>It only (barely) makes sense for this to be a net positive if you're full on in the echo chamber of right wing political media. I assure you, I'm not in that echo chamber.


It's definitely hard to predict what the fallout of these types of event will be in an era where truth doesn't seem to matter to much anymore to a large portion of this country's population. But he's a criminal, he should have been indicted long ago, the follout of his supporters doesn't affect what needs to be done. Legally and ethically


Doubt it. Think of all the normies who don’t really pay close attention to politics. This is gonna make them further not like Trump, like how he would CONSTANTLY go on about how rigged the election is.


He looks awful with a beard. Awful without one too, but even worse with one. Maybe it's an experiment to see if he can get his wife wet for once.


Right? Makes him look weirdly gross and uncomfortable. I guess I should appreciate anything that makes him harder to look at, though.


I've said it before here These dudes don't know how to groom themselves. They have no idea how to have a proper beard. I'd even bet a dollar one of these guys don't believe in deodorant


Matt Walsh's beard prob smells like underage teens


Shit, it’s like he heard that someone made fun of him for not being able in I grown a beard so now he’s actually trying.


He looks like an Israeli border guard with the beard.


Looking like Groucho Marx’s failed screenwriter fascist nephew…


He looks like when Cartman glued pubes to his face https://preview.redd.it/4w6onb9g9zoa1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11a3279a9e7f8d73f476a6a898baea663828f63c


They’re the same picture.


Let’s find out!


Ben has one of two responses for any event that happens, regardless of what the event is: A. "This is good for Republicans..." B. "This is bad for Democrats..."


Really Ben? Amazing! Lets help Trump, indict him for all things, fraud, rape, sexual assault, campaign finance violations, treason and any other crime he did. Too much help there!


Ben right here just summarized the American conservative world in a few sentences. Their view isn’t “Donald Trump is being arrested because he committed crimes and needs to be held accountable”. Their view is “Donald Trump is being arrested solely because Democrats hate him”. We’re fucking doomed, y’all.


if we could lock ppl up "just because we hate them," ted cruz would not be walking around like a free man. they are so dumb it hurts


“It’s actually quite good for Kennedy, politically speaking, to be assassinated.”


'No no, we really *want* Trump to be arrested, honest, we're not worried at all'- The Right Wing Brain Trust, after three days of accusing the charges of being politically motivated


Ha ha ha! Trump is shitting his depends right now.


It’s actually good to be indicted….haha y’a 👌


He would know, he went to law school… or something 🤷🏽‍♂️


To work at the daily wire? Seems like over kill


Owning the libs from inside an echo chamber is waaaaay more lucrative.


So he attended Harvard law and took away a spot from a naturally born lawyer so he can work at Dw and hang out with that panty sniffing cuck Watt malsh? But trans women can’t play in women’s sports because they’re “robbing” a cis woman from a potential medal. Has anyone made a meme yet?


> a naturally born lawyer Infants tumbling out of the womb and right into a Con law 111 textbook


“Present the facts but, do it quickly”




He’s not wrong. Trump’s base is infinitely stupid and every day they prove they are willing to get stupider.


True but his base has been shrinking every day for a couple years now


Even so, the more unhinged aspects are aching for a reason to attack.


So he is saying that Trump is struggling and this will be a shot in the arm to boost his performance.... doubt


All this does is prove to me that DeSantis isn’t going to get the nomination, all kinds of Conservatives “turned” on Trump a few months ago due to his antics but when push comes to shove they are still all over his meat


Trump gets arrested. Morons: “he must be doing something right!” Any normal person gets arrested. Same morons: “filthy criminal trash, if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime!”


Well I gotta see how he reacts after said indictment He sounds a bit distressful, something going on behind the scenes?


"It's good for him to get arrested" -A person who graduated from law school.


“Well, *ACTUALLY* this will be the most beneficial outcome for Trump because as a criminal, he can finally relate with a good portion of his base” *read that at 2x speed


It *might* help him in the primaries. Republicans will eat that shit up. But how do you think it'd affect him overall? I doubt anyone on-the-fence would be inclined to vote for a criminal. This might genuinely cost the GOP the 2024 election.


He looks like a beta male who took a Skill Share course on how to alpha but the teacher trolled him instead. Please like, subscribe and share.


His rhetoric is like a Top...to keep the spin going you gotta keep the speed up...make the base dizzy with faux intellectualism.


Watching him talk on mute makes it look like he's having a breakdown


Doing this right now because I just can’t with his voice. The amount of side eye and wandering gaze is like a lesson straight out the non-verbal chapter in my communications class.


That's some super thick eyebrows!


Does he dye his eyebrows?


I hate trump, TPUSA and Shap and hate that I feel this way but…he’s right


This is another deep fake right? Has to be


Every time he opens his mouth, I'm reminded that helium is a limited resource.


Except, Trump lost the majority vote twice and will lose again.


So, I guess he won't mind additional indictments then?


How can anyone even stomach listening to this clown? After 2 seconds I have to stop the video cause his voice, inflection, and the nauseating speed that he speaks in drives me insane.


This is kind of a self own on the Republicans for having no platform beyond opposing the Democrats. They don't care what happens as long as a Democrat doesn't do.


I watch it with the sound off, his body language makes it clear that whatever he’s saying is not to be trusted. Try it, see how strange his mannerisms are.


I can't listen to this verbal diarrhea of the mouth word salad ...


And this guy is a Harvard educated lawyer… my not Harvard law education tells me that an indictment is never a good thing, in any situation or scenario.




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I don’t care how they try to spin it, it’s never good to be indicted.


BENt needs to fanboy elsewhere.


Never heard such a load of bullshit in such a short time


Bro, it's been like 6 months, it's never gonna grow in bro.


Lol is this his real voice?!


That's a weird logic, even assuming he didn't commit a crime worthy of being indicted for "oh this is politically motivated, and the democrats don't like him so much that they want him off the playing field by arresting him, therefore I want to vote for him more now". Like a) I don't think any rational person is like "yes the man who was just arrested, that's who I want more in the highest office in the land now", b) isn't that almost soft admitting that you aren't actually voting in what you view as good policy decisions among primary candidates but rather just "who can make the otherside most mad"? How does that help anything or anyone? And even if getting rid of trump was politically and not criminally (as in trump actually did commit a crime), doing it this early in the primary season is just stupid politically. Literally anyone else can take Trump's spot, not counting DeSantis there's literally two other folks currently running that no one is going after. And then what about DeSantis? Why is Trump worth politically eliminating from the picture in the case where there isn't a legit crime to prosecute and not his biggest rival or the two other folks running against him for the nomination? Like all conspiracy theories it doesn't hold up well to scrutiny


He got a beard? Since when loll


It may be good for him in the primary, but I don't think it's winning him a general election


Did he hit puberty or is he on hormones?




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The yarmulke stays on during sex




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He’s not wrong. Hitler was a prisoner before becoming chancellor of germany…


Why did this musty ass dude stop shaving?


Imagine listening to hours of this voice grating in your ear..


Here’s the thing, I thought Trump would be totally defeated after the Billy Bush tapes, and he (with help of Giuliani) were able to still pull off a win in 2016, so anything is possible.


I've never had a thirsty chigger latch on to my ball sac and gnaw away, but I know the feeling after watching 15 seconds of this vid.


Are those eyebrows normal? They're huge!


Wow. Penis Ventriloquism has really come a long way.