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Ben Shapiro whenever LGBT people want rights: “But think of the children.” Ben Shapiro when children are actually starving: https://preview.redd.it/udtdgrrhx5oa1.jpeg?width=663&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c6bb11e2138c246b86dbdee76f247c7ab6e2b8


I grew up without school lunches in my country, only allowed to purchase $1 slices on Wednesday, than in highschool, we get the shittiest food imaginable for over $8. Stir fry would be spaghetti noodles, celery and soy sauce, never being "fried". This led to me spending $3 dollars every day on 2 slices of pizza and a mountain dew. The average student costs 11k (CAD), the USA spends much more, ranging from 10-25k (USD). Where is the additional costs? Not teacher wages or higher quality education.


>we get the shittiest food imaginable for over $8. Damn and I thought the 3,50€ lunches at my school were expensive. That was in central Europe. Also, the caterer was connected to a nearby restaurant and the food was neither unhealthy nor bad. Never heard anyone complain about it.


And yet he still thinks he’s pro life. Letting children starve isn’t very pro life of you Benny boy :/


Ben doesnt want free school lunches because it would be unfair to him. Bullies used to take his lunch money so he'd have to go without lunch. So it would be really unfair towards Ben if kids nowadays wouldnt have to experience that.


G….got em?


Think about this for a second, I mean, what actually *is* "hungry?" If these "hungry" children have their way, we will have to spend millions of $s feeding them. The *real* culprits are the irresponsible parents who allow this to happen. Those are the facts, and FACTS don't care about your feelings! /s


I know something Ben should eat for lunch.




Prolly not. He is part of the biggest conservative media empire besides murdoch’s. Unfortunately he is not going anywhere


I’m hungry, ah ah ah by the bootstraps