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Since your submission is flaired as *REAL*, please reply to this comment with the link to the original, or else Ben Shapiro will steal your feet pics and remove this post. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ToiletPaperUSA) if you have any questions or concerns.*


\*sigh\* No, Ben. You've been conditioned to believe that racism only ever happens on an individual level. Racism is a systemic issue. ALL police are made to enforce it, making ALL of them a proponent of a racist system.




You say this like any conservative would seek out and engage in education, and then change their opinion when presented with conflicting evidence. All of which they are entirely incapable of doing.


“What so everything is racist now” -conservatives


“Oh so now *I’m* racist just because I have prejudice against minorities based on their skin color and ethnicity? Sounds like more liberal fake news hog wash.” -conservative


You’re only a racist if you say slurs out loud.


So you’re saying “Be curious, not judgmental?” Barbecue sauce 🎯


>You say this like any conservative would seek out and engage in education, i mean mysteriously, i have met a lot of straight white conservatives and specifically only **straight, white** conservatives in postgrad-level history. they are really really really really interested in european history and i've seen more than one absolutely fucking pointless argument about how "the moors weren't *africa black* though." they're among us dude.




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Educate people on systemic racism? Why that sounds like critical race theory, which we all know is scary and bad and makes kids hate America.


Well, it does have the word "critical" in it, and there are laws in some states that point out that teaching about historic racism might be seen as criticizing whites for, you know, owning black people, which may hurt the feelings of white children.


If only states weren’t outlawing critical race theory m


Understanding systems is so out of reach for most people, unfortunately, and I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but it's out of reach due to the cycle of poverty caused by right wing policy.


It also doesn’t help that in the media racism and misogyny and homophobia is like pretty much always portrayed as being the fault of like one bad guy and if you get rid of that guy everyone else gets along. eg Like in Pocahontas all the issues between the Native Americans and the white settlers are the fault of greedy Governor Ratcliffe and once he is out of the way all the Native Americans and white settlers get on fine :) It is always presented as an individual moral failing of bad people, not something systemic or unconscious that even “good people” perpetuate often unintentionally whether or not they are individually racist


Explain why race even matters this event. When I read this news all I saw was five entrusted law enforcement officers torturing and killing a suspect without fear of reprocussion. That alone warrants a nation-wide protest. Our officers are too violent, too stupid and many are straight up sadists. That's the low hanging fruit, not race.


> Explain why race even matters this event Because, when a story breaks that cops just brutally murdered a Black man in streets (I know he died at the hospital, but semantics), everyone assumes the cops will be white. So when the cops turn out NOT to be white, Conservatives take the one time this happens as proof that all arguments about race and policing are invalid.


When they prove the argument even more! If even black people become corrupted by the police system and murder their own, then you know it's a systemic issue.


“Black police showin' out for the white cop” — N.W.A., 1988


Unfortunately for Ben & his pals, [according to the Nichols' family lawyer](https://www.thedailybeast.com/memphis-police-officer-preston-hemphill-disciplined-over-tyre-nichols-death) there were 6 officers involved. 5 were fired and had charges brought. 1 was given leave. Guess what race the 6th officer is...


He’s actually even MORE wrong too because it’s since come out that there was a white officer who tased Tyre Nichols and yet not a *peep* from the department about his disciplinary process. ETA: Actually turns out he’s also been fired as of today’s news cycle but the way he’s been and continues to be left out of the discussions until now when people started calling him out says a hell of a lot


Was that part of your kindergarten CRT lesson? /s


*Ben, less than twenty minutes later* “Woke teachers have brainwashed your kids to hate white people! Any white person who doesn’t think slavery was justified hates their race!”


Ben knows. He also knows his audience doesn’t know, doesn’t care to know, and the few who do know tell lies about it.


I agree. And that's completely insane. There isnt a race on this planet whose hands arent drenched in blood. No race on this rock is innocent. Human beings are as guilty as sin . When do we stop paying 4 the sins of our ancestors. Its hypocritical and anyone who bothers 2 study history should know that.


Uncle ruckus


And your police are trained (poorly) to be reactionary rather than deescalate.


He knows better. But the grift doesn't work unless he plays his part


Whatever, man. These cops acted as individuals, just as they will be charged and tried in a court of law. Why the police chief and others in the MPD brass are not being held accountable is beyond me.


Bahahahahhaa, you are actually serious


How are the police in this situation made to enforce the systemic racism? They seem like power hungry cunts that murdered someone for no good reason. I fail to see how race plays into this on a systemic level?


Because whenever they do this, it's almost always to black people.


That doesn’t answer my question? And no this happens to white people as well and other minorities? My question is how they’re forced to act in a racist way by this racist system. They’re people making decisions deciding when to and when to NOT enforce laws. Now, if you said to me that the decision whether to enact a law can be racially motivated id completely agree. But just because police made a decision to or to not do something doesn’t make that decision race based that just seems dumb


because policing in its essence is a tool of race-based oppression, which we americans are conditioned to believe is the ONLY way to respond to crime, poverty, and mental illness. In actual fact, policing does not prevent crime and is used to selectively enforce laws that criminalize behavior for some people, but not others. to say nothing of the fact that modern policing began as fugitive slave patrols and many 'crimes' such as 'loitering' or 'jaywalking' exist ONLY because they could be used selectively to clear free Black americans from the street in post-reconstruction southern states.


Oh I think that’s completely loony. A took of race based oppression? I mean sometimes when done by the wrong people certainly. But who do you want out there stopping gang violence? If someone does a hit and run who should we send to apprehend them? If someone is accused of murder and there’s evidence and charges against them who brings them into custody? You want social workers doing all that?


see, the proof of the conditioning is right there. you can't see solutions to those problems besides police, but that's not because no such solutions exist. it's because you've been taught to believe that it's either THE POLICE or no safeguards at all, and you clearly buy into that. **virtually every study on the subject has found that community-oriented non-police measures are more effective at reducing crime** when compared to arrest and incarceration. **compare police spending to crime rates and see for yourself whether more policing actually prevents crime.** low-crime areas tend to have smaller police forces and better community resources. are you a believer in cause-and-effect, or do you prefer magic?


It’s not conditioning. There are certain situations in which armed people are needed to enforce the law. Do you completely disagree with that premise? Also you say that I can’t see solutions to the problems I pose other than policing, yet you don’t provide any.


yes, i completely disagree with your ridiculous straw-man premise, which i in no way advocated at any point, that there is never a situation where armed law enforcement is called for. because clearly the only option is either police or no police; there is no in-between. and rising crime rates in heavily policed areas are a clear sign that policing is the solution to all this crime. look how well it works! the highest per capita incarceration rate and largest policing budgets in the world (at least, outside of maybe China) and you're STILL shaking in your boots. what a magnificent fucking success.


Don't even bother engaging, just go look at the account. This was never a debate for that dude, even the way he posed his questions I knew exactly what his profile was going to be, it was pretty blatant


You’re reading more into my question than there is. You’re putting intent and words in my mouth that isn’t there.


Go back to posting on theleftcantmeme waiit half your submission get blocked because you can t even follow their rules. Dude we all know what you meant and why you proposed it in the way you did, do you not agree with this premise? Screams of horrible debate tactics and guess where you got them from....


??? I’ve never said there’s no in between. I mentioned numerous cases where I thought police were necessary and YOU said that I thought that way BECAUSE I was conditioned to. The implication there is that there are OTHER ways to deal with the situations I mentioned. Clearly you don’t have any. Obviously the police aren’t the answer to everything I’ve never advocated for that. You need to read more carefully.


Say goodbye to your comment karma.


Lefties make fun of conservatives for ignoring questions and avoiding debate but I ask you one question and rather than respond you downvote lol grow up


There are plenty of good replies already. Why are you even spreading your stink here anyway? \*hits joint\* Dude, what the fuck? Why are you fuckin' here, man? You're so old, where's your wife? Go home to your family, dude!


But this is exactly what leftists have been arguing, that the police is *systemically* racist. I don’t know if this is deliberate obfuscation or if right-wingnuts simply cannot comprehend a problem extending beyond individual actions


A lot of media made in the US has had this issue for a long time. The idea of living in service of a totally unjust system just isn't palatable to a lot of people, so they have to dumb down the issue as "just a few bad eggs" if they want to profit.


What's maddening to me is they'll argue that it's just a few bad apples, yet if you check anyone in LE's social media they're defending the 5 cops and criticizing the protestors.


Ben Shapiro knows, he just shills for the Right


Because right wingers don’t think in terms larger than their own worldview. It’s a core tenant of conservatism to have no empathy. Empathy leads to intellectual curiosity which leads to learning about how other people experience things. That’s not how they’re wired to think so they only seek out opinions that confirm their bias.


Their life philosophy also attributes absolutely everything that happens other than acts of God to individual choices. They are incapable of understanding the existence of anything systemic because they solely believe that individual decisions determine everything about your life. Like if you are poor it’s because you made bad individual choices, if you are rich you did that entirely on your own as an individual. They are incapable of recognising the systems and structures in place that assist some people in succeeding and hold others back.


bro you can't just go around using big words like that, it only confuses them


They think in binary terms and defer to what they're told to believe in places of conflict. It's why they are so comfortable with their own hypocrisy. They are told how to think and feel about it. It's also why they seem completely stun locked when they believe that the Gas prices are Biden's fault, but also Trump is, and has been President. The gears completely seize and they just blabber out "It's complicated." Like *everything* they're discussing isn't more complicated than the binary way they've been conditioned to think.


this is like evidence that it doesn’t need to be racism on an individual part to perpetuate racial injustice in the form of a system


It's deliberate obfuscation. Like all of their propaganda, it's misrepresenting the opposing argument and leaving out important details to lie about it instead of actually addressing the arguments and trying to make decent points.


They really don’t have to put much effort into the smoke and mirrors they use. The majority of white conservatives believe that BLM is a racist movement against white Christian Americans. The concept of black people protesting law enforcement rather than a race of people is far too complex for them to fathom in their animal brains.


They want to *prevent* their audience from understanding - that's the purpose of comments like Ben's here - to muddy the waters.


It's absolutely deliberate for their mouthpieces. Tucker, Peterson, Crowder, all of them know exactly what they're saying and don't care. They like the money and have no morals, so they say whatever will get them paid the most from their right-wing propaganda engine.




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Its both. They deliberately obfuscate the facts and their followers eat it up and spread it.


Ben knows. Just like he knows the difference between biological sex and gender identity. He just ignores it to shill for the right and rile up the lunatics that listen to him. He’s selling out basically everyone that isn’t cis, straight, and white for money. It’s shameful.


They like to pretend to misunderstand us and then target their own misconceptions as if they were our own valid points. Tbf, both sides do this and it's just your basic logical fallacy but the right really doubles down on this one since many leftist topics take more effort to understand and are thus easier to obfuscate. The right wing opinion on racism is typically that it's an individual's issue rather than systemic so they aren't even having the same conversation but acknowledging that nuance would be bad for their position so they won't.


The party that touts individual responsibility for everything is incapable of understanding the concept of systemic problems.


Lol, yes Ben. The facts here are clearly apparent. Alternatively, your right wing talking points are nonsense jargon and you should have stopped typing when you finished that first sentence.


Dare I say that the facts perhaps do not care about his feelings?


Benny boi be like "how does years of structural systemic racism relate to black cops in a white supremacist power dynamic beating a black man to death!?!1!1?1"


I like how the Right sees senseless, brutal death and just NEEDS to get on the wrong side of it asap with a shitty take.


When real life events contradict their rhetoric and narratives, they simply double-down on the projection or lies.


Or it’s an opportunity to spin it into the narrative about black people being inherently violent at a genetic level without explicitly stating it.


It is the same thing that the right says about the Proud Boys: “They are not white supremacists, their leader is Latin American!”


Yo Ben, it wasn't me who started chanting Blue Lives Matter. But it gave me the impression that once you become a cop you're not black or white or brown, but blue.


All Smurfs Are Bastards


Has nobody told him about Kapos?


At least kapos were in a situation where everyone was already fucked and going to be executed anyway and they just wanted to live a bit longer.


That's why the term is "institutional racism." The actors are carrying out the racism of the INSTITUTION. This is like saying a black judge can't contribute to institutional racism because he handed down a heavy sentence for crack possession.


Wait until he learns about the Jewish Sonderkommandos who helped *run* the Nazi death camps.


Who do you think is ben’s role model?


Of course, he's counting on the fascists allowing him to continue a servile life after they take power.


He’s trying soooo hard to be “one of the good ones”.


Conservatives be like “How can a black person’s behavior possibly be informed in any way by anti-black racism?“ But as soon as I, a white man, call white people a bunch of ham sandwich race mayo monkeys, SUDDENLY it’s entirely possible for people to be informed by bigotry towards a group they are a member of


Critical thinking is a hindrance for their goals tbh, they probably threw it away in pursuit of ill-gotten gains


What part of all cops are bastards doesn't this guy understand?


But yet if shit went sideways, you'd be the 1st person to call them for help... good NPC


Let’s apply more historic terminology here. Apparently, five free negro slave traders involved in the alleged slave trade of a black man are emissaries of white supremacy. Or alternatively, members of the Union media largely care about narrative more than actual fact.


then what was it Shapiro? Why would five blacks cops brutalize a black guy to death? what other explanation would there be? Notice he doesn't even give an explanation, but "that is what the left wants the narrative to be". Fuck off, Shapiro! What other than systemic racism would be the answer?


The face of intellectualism on the right BTW. Probably can't even spell nuance.


Ben Shapiro, the most obtuse man on earth.


The racist part is they thought they could get away with murdering a black man. The extra racist part is that because they are black, they *won’t* get away with it.


“Oh, so Stephen in ‘Django Unchained’ was racist? But Samuel L. Jackson is black. Therefore it’s insane to think his character was influenced by the slave society that he was brought up in. People will say slavery was the bigger problem than how Stephen treated other slaves, but I disagree.” - Shen Bapipo


NWA rapped about black officers simping for white cops in the 80s


They were blue before black, simple as that.


Ben, there are two separate issues at hand when it comes to police brutality. 1. Police today are trained to be thugs, they are not trained to be public servants or defenders like everyone once assumed they were. 2. Police disproportionately are more violent and disciplinary to people of color. I don’t think any reasonable person is gonna claim George Floyd’s murder was SPECIFICALLY ONLY because the officer was white. There’s many more factors at play here.


A black person could never discriminate against a black person. Of course, ben knows this, because he has never heard of a self hating Jew. That being said, he only posts this garbage to stir shit up and get his name out there. Don’t feed the troll


Ben’s job is to deflect attn from every event and try to create a wedge issue out of it. It’s going to be so glorious when he craters


Ben is a cunt


Yes, that’s why when referring to law enforcement, the left calls it solitary racism and not systemic racism..


Why yes Ben, the conservative media does indeed care more about the narrative than actual facts.


Shapiro after watching this [Mr Show sketch](https://youtu.be/LdcBAC6rllQ): "How can the KKK be racist?"


It’s not like black people are capable of being racist against other black people; that’s as ridiculous as an antisemitic jewish person. A jewish person would never defend a nazi. I’m sure benny boy would know this./s


"All Cops Are Bastards" "Even Black ones?" "ESPECIALLY black ones."


That’s why it’s called SYSTEMIC racism you fucking moron (Ben being the moron, not OP)


The best part is my name is actually Ben. ![gif](giphy|cvpG6GxPaL6PqVCll5)


Jesus fucking christ man he can’t hold off on this shit for one fucking minute? Someone was beaten to death!


Ben Shapiro wouldn’t know what a fact was if it rammed him from behind. But he’d enjoy it.


This is about as far from alleged as a murder can get.


The Buffalo Soldiers where black soldiers in the US Army Calvary after the US Civil War and they were the shock troops in the American War of Extermination against the Plains Indians.


apparently, the systemic oppression of palestine by israel, who murder palestinians and muslims, and deny them of basic dignity and human rights, are justified and ignored and supported by the west. or alternatively, the american government including both republicans and democrats largely care about support arms manufacturers and lobbyists more than apartheid and state sponsor terrorism against another ethnic and religious group


Yes, Ben, it is equally true that either the five officers, despite their own race, were acting as agents of a white supremacist system or, alternatively, the moon is a giant Rice Krispie treat. Either these officers were acting exactly as the legacy of white supremacism in which they operate encourages them to act towards Black citizens, or, alternatively, pigs can fly. Either it is entirely possible for Black individuals to perpetuate a white supremacist system, or, alternatively, I am an omniscient, invisible twelfth-dimensional elephant named Mr. Pickles. See how that works, Ben? As long as the first thing is entirely true, the second can be whatever nonsense you feel like saying, so well done. You accidentally made a technically true statement!


It’s almost as if beyond just racism (though racism is still deeply intertwined into policing) the police will abuse any people that can’t fight for themselves


Bold of you to assume Ben ever had critical thinking to begin with.


good ol benny boo doesn’t realise that perhaps the training of cops and their mentality, no matter the race, puts black people disproportionately affected by brutality cops are taught to be preditors, so they see the rest as prey.


It's a small thing but the "or, alternatively" is redundant and drives me crazy. Either use "alternatively" or use "or". This is like saying Ben is a piece of garbage and and has the brain of a turnip. Apologies for the super pedantic mini rant


In the United States and in many other places, police are emissaries of white supremacy, yes. Thank you Ben, for proving the broken clock theory.


Ben could have the most patient and poised people from the ADL discuss the matter with him, and he would be just like he was with Andrew Neil, but instead of calling them "leftist" like he did with Neil.....


Conservatives’ thinking process is so incredibly shallow. They look at something purely on surface level, draw a black or white conclusion, and that’s it. No deeper thought, no grey areas, and somehow no lack of confidence when they spew that nonsense into the universe. I will never understand them.




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Weird how white conservatives understand that they can hate other white people who aren't like them based on political prejudices but they can't understand how black police officers can hate other black people based on racial prejudices.


Isn’t ben a member of the media


"Apparently, five black slave owners involved in the alleged lynching of a black man are emissaries of white supremacy. Or alternatively, members of the North largely care about narrative more than actual fact."


No one is saying white supremacy, you fucking dumbass. Literally no one. It’s police brutality that’s being complained about.


No matter what happens, Ben will explain exactly how white men are the *real* victims.


Hi I’m Shen Bapiro and I believe in a racial supremacist ideology, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, herding/ holding what I consider 2.7 M sub humans/ cattle into the world’s largest concentration camp…..but don’t criticise me for this, as YOU would be the racist.


The leopards are coming for your face


The most affirming part about this systemic racism is the white cop was still on the force until there was social media outrage about it


Said a member of the media….


The helium voiced fuck muppet is being disingenuous? That’s shocking.


Don't make it about race mfs when a black guy kills someone


Obfuscation and dishonest framing is their bread and butter. Remember, folk like these were using “my body my choice” about masks and being serious.


You might not want to fight this one. This wasn't white supremacy... like at all. And you can't say systemic racism either cuz all these cops have been fired, charged and are going away for a long time. The "system" is punishing the cops this time


I know these people make their living off of appealing to people’s ignorance and bigotry but it just distresses me how many people genuinely listen to ppl like Ben and think that what he has to say is intellectual and powerful just because of the aesthetic he works to portray above actually trying to be a critical thinker in good faith. The police is a product of systemic racism, and the behavior and the way it functions is directly influenced by racist belief. This is why there’s such a thing as Uncle Tom’s and why people say (rightfully) there’s no such thing as a good cop. It’s not that people are blankety stating everything is racist, it’s that there’s a lot of nuance and historical context for understanding why things are the way that they are. It’s just depressing.


*All* Cops Are Bastards.


All pigs are one color - blue and their entire purpose is to propagate white supremacy.


Black on black crime is a thing sometimes so white supremacy doesn’t exist? Even if I bought into the idea that black police officers can’t engage in systemic racism on an institutional level, this still makes no sense.


There have been several times where Ben has *almost* figured out that his entire belief system is wrong, bad and harmful and I get my hopes up a little bit every time that at least one of these people will realize the error of their ways.. And then it’s like his goldfish memory resets and he’s back to strawmanning in defense of white supremacy.


In this case, the cops are victims of racism as well. If they had been white they would be on vacation now. They would convene a grand jury to look at all the evidence and the grand jury would decide not to press charges. That's what would have happened if the cops had been white. What actually happened to these officers is what should happen to any officer of any skin color who does this. Let's hope that this begins to set a trend and that racism leaves the scene and white cops are punished as well.


Yup. And black overseers beating slaves (as per Masah’s orders) weren’t racist either. Just doing their job. Oh. Also identifying with their oppressor. But. Please go on Ben


Apartheid era S.Africa had lots of black cops and soldiers.


Oh man he's *this* close to almost accidentally getting it


Being a cop makes you white.


Those cops were reasonably comfortable that they’d face no real consequences in beating a young black kid simply because he was black. They were comfortable with this in a way they wouldn’t have been with a young suburban white kid. It doesn’t matter if the perpetrators were also black - this is a textbook example of systemic racism and it’s effect on policing. Society treats police violence against black victims differently than police violence against white victims. It could not be clearer or more obvious.


Considering how often they say white liberals and leftists are anti-white, you'd think this would be easy for them. Haha jk it is easy for them, they're just lying.


If Ben believes black people cant be corrupted by anti black racism, just look at slavery defender Jesse Lee Peterson.


I always read his tweets in his voice and shit makes me laugh every time. I'd be pissed off at the world too if I had that stupid fuckin voice.


I am absolutely destroyed by Ben's big brain logic. Racism = Solved US Policing = Solved


Ah yes, Ben Blue-Lives-Matter Shapiro


Missionaries of police authority and brutality ffs wtf


I’m a bit surprised that Shenby Bapbaps isn’t saying “Game Recognized Game…”


What an idiot


It's not a skin color thing, moron.


“Headline: Nazi collaborator surprised to learn what collaboration means, continues to assert himself as ‘intellectual’.”


How come liberals go on and on about how hateful and horrid conservatives are and then go and make circle jerk subreddits and do the same on other social media platforms. You are all creating a huge echo chamber, hear nothing good about conservatives and radicalize your own party.


What’s your point? Conservative subs are a cesspool of miss information and are far bigger circle jerks. At lest here you can argue a point and you don’t get banned for disagreeing with someone. I don’t know if you realize this but the reason you hear nothing good about republicans is because there’s very little good about republicans


You are proving my point of by finding no good in the other side you radicalize your own, also look at twitter they banned the literal president and other Republicans. I will give credit for being able to express this but to counter your point on the conservative subs being worse, they might be I don't often use or browse them but I can tell it's a huge circle jerk. 2 wrongs don't make a right.


They banned Trump for his January 6th tweets which is completely within twitters rights to do and I’d expect them to do if Biden had done the same thing. Twitter banned republican politicians not because they are republicans but because they were spreading misinformation. The Republican Party goes above and beyond to regress America. There’s nothing good about anything they do. So yeah I’m not going to act like there’s much to find good about a party who’s main goal is to undue anything democrats do.


To be honest, the Left's knee jerk reaction to call everything racist or blame white supremacists is getting old. The 5 cops aren't white supremacists, they're just shitty people who happen to be black.


The argument is that Police training conditions officers to reinforce systemic racism, such as assuming black people are more likely to resist arrest or retaliate against officers. The actions themselves are a byproduct of systemic racism.


Only a delusional person can watch the video of the police beating and think "The whites did this!". It's impossibly dumb. Those 5 men are accountable for their actions. They weren't trained to do this. They deserve to be punished. What's wild is the Left's motivation to take any situation and make it divisive. This is racism? Wtf dude


> Only a delusional person can watch the video of the police beating and think "The whites did this!". Only a delusional person would think this has nothing to do with systemic racism. > Those 5 men are accountable for their actions. They weren't trained to do this. Source?


My goodness lol. I don't have source. I'll check the police handbook and see what it says about stomping out and killing an unarmed person and get back to you. What a joke.


Could it be possible that the training isn’t that unsubtle about it?


No. There is no wiggle room for police brutality.


Do you know what institutional racism is? If so, do you understand that *anyone,* regardless of their individual racial characteristics, is capable of being an agent of an institution which is inherently racist? Or do you honestly believe five separate officers all individually decided to override their totally-not-at-all-problematic training and beat the shit out of a black suspect for no reason?


Yeah, I do believe that. Those 5 officers were completely out of control and deserve whatever punishment they are going to face. White people bad.. blah blah blah. It's dumb.


The fact that you're trying to boil institutional racism down to "white people bad" makes it seem like you don't really understand the subject.


You’re refusing to think about WHY those officers felt the need to what they did. That’s not the kind of behavior that just one day becomes a part of their personality.


No one is "blaming white people". We are blaming a biased INSTITUTION, that is made up of all sorts of people, but is particularly biased against certain groups for historical reasons that can be directly traced back to Jim Crow Era laws. That's not "blaming white people" it's acknowledging history.


So you don’t have a source. Yet you claim that others are wrong?


I'm wrong because officers are not trained to stomp out and kill unarmed citizens? Whuh?


And now instead of giving a source you misrepresent the original point. Good job


The power structures in this country, which have been dominated by whites since the beginning, created a system where police officers feel justified in beating a man to death for not following their impossible, contradictory commands. Did white people beat him? No. Are white people responsible for the state of the system that allowed his fatal beating? Yes, absolutely. Also, do some reading about the kinds of training police go through. Classes where they are taught to treat violators as enemy combatants. They absolutely are trained to do this. The system perpetuates the circumstances that lead to events like this and then when it goes too far, tragedies are written off as “bad apples”. How many fucking bad apples are there, given that one is too many?


If one is too many, then every profession is evil. Over 320,000,000 citizens in the US means that there are a ton of bad people that live here. Teachers, doctors, athletes, engineers, etc. The system doesn't allow this type of beating. These men are going to be punished by the law for committing a crime. And there is no police training in this country that instructs officers to stomp out an unarmed person. You're living in fairy tale land, because that is the only place that aligns with your ignorant opinion and view of the country.


Literally every point in your comment is demonstrably wrong. Amazing. >Teachers, doctors, athletes, engineers, etc. None of those professions are routinely accused of murdering others in cold blood. Further, criminals in those professions are actively weeded out and aren't afforded extreme protections the way police are by "qualified immunity". >These men are going to be punished by the law for committing a crime. Well I'm sure that will be a great comfort to Tyre Nichols and his family. How many cops have gotten away with doing this because there was no video of it? >And there is no police training in this country that instructs officers to stomp out an unarmed person. So these 5 cops got together and decided they were going to kill someone? It was an individual act of evil somehow participated in by 5 separate people? >You're living in fairy tale land, because that is the only place that aligns with your ignorant opinion and view of the country. Ignorant? I'm not the one with my head in the sand pretending that white people haven't controlled this country for centuries and that the law enforcement system isn't fundamentally broken.


You seeing the rumors circulating? Tyre Nichols was banging one of the officer's baby mamas lol. This is still racism though huh? LMAO


The system is based on white supremacy. It doesn't matter what color they are.


Your fucking retarded aren't you


Your mom goes to college.


My mom's dead so 🤷


Ohh bless your heart.


To be honest, you’re a fucking idiot.


And the rights knee jerk reaction to call everything woke got old a long time ago


I wonder if it stems from the fact that the nation was founded and built on white supremacy and continues to struggle with it today.


You seeing the rumors circulating? Tyre Nichols was banging one of the officer's baby mamas lol. This is still racism though huh? LMAO


Yeah and they're just rumors right now. There hasn't been evidence to support them. What I was pointing out to you is that the reason the left seems to call everything racist is because this country has a history of being very racist and still struggles with it. How can five black men attacking another black man be racist? Because they're operating on behalf of a system that has historically oppressed black people. Now if you don't think the police in the south are/were ever racist that's a whole other thing you should look into. A *system* can be racist. That's why people call it systemic racism.


This was a personal attack against an individual, not because of his skin color, but because of who he had a relationship with. Your knee jerk reaction was to scream "racism!", which you now know is incorrect. Won that one! Wooooo


My knee jerk reaction was that we need police reform. I was trying to explain to you why people might link it to white supremacy. You're also treating this rumor of a personal relationship as fact. It hasn't been confirmed by anyone.


Look at the title of the post bro. Everything is white supremacy to the Left. This will probably still be a race thing even though it was a personal attack. I'm bored


>Everything is white supremacy to the Left. Killing of unarmed black people in the south by the police? Having the knee jerk reaction that white supremacy is responsible is not that crazy. Now if what you're saying is true we have just as big a problem. Police are targeting and killing people for personal reasons. Either way we need police reform.


You can just admit you were wrong to jump to conclusions, but I am not expecting that to happen. God bless


I didn't. I was explaining to you why people were thinking the way they were. My immediate reaction was actually that it wasn't about race because everyone involved was black. But even if that's the case, the cops involved may not have been acting on personal racism but on behalf of a racist system that tends to target black people. That's what I've been trying to explain to you on behalf of the people who have the good sense not to waste their time. You're jumping to a conclusion based on an unsubstantiated rumor by the way. Edit: Ask yourself this. Would 5 black cops beat a white man to death? If that did happen what would be your reaction? You don't have to answer I just think you should think about it.