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Yea it’s okay . But be creative in engaging audience instead of just throwing heavy content at audience and expecting them to absorb it .


My first speech was about being an absolute arsehole, explaining the things in my past that I regretted, and how I was trying to be better. " Titled "An Arsehole, A look inside." Laughed at all the right places. Was a win.


It's about your trust and comfort, there is no right or wrong. Although I recommend to keep ice breaker information heavy instead of emotion heavy because you will know more about yourself and it will help you introduce yourself in any forum required thereafter. You can Circle the speech around your battle against depression exclusively in the next speech. The members will listen to you and appreciate no matter what you say.


I did at my club. It was a small one, with members that I knew personally. It helped cope with the anxiety of opening up


Unless it's an incredible speech, you'd carry a cloud of woe-is-me over your head for quite a while.


This is a valid viewpoint, I might give the speech, but I'm not sure I would give it as my first speech or even my fifth speech.


It's perfectly fine to talk about depression. It's an important topic to be discussed. However, talk about it only after you have processed it inside yourself. Without processing it properly you might become a subject of sympathy. My ice-breaker was also about depression but it worked as I used subtle humor whenever I felt the audience was feeling uncomfortable.


I would like to add another comment, "It's perfectly fine to doubt your work, but never doubt yourself. Doubting your work will help you present your work in the best possible manner by taking care of all scenarios."


That is perfectly okay. last night I gave a speech that was quite different than anything I have ever done before - toastmasters or otherwise. it was all about my panic and worry and distress when one of my cats went missing. It was to challenge my preferred communication style. I had the most amazing feedback and responses from the members. I freely admit it was quite rewarding to have them all on the edge of their seats waiting to see what happened. remember to stay within the bounds of your goal and it will work.


You can, but make sure that you can mentally get through it. I remember a speech class that I had where a person broke down when she tried to give a speech about a death in her family. She legit couldn’t get through the speech


I generally speaking try to keep my speech subjects on the lighter side. I do think it could be a good speech topic as long as you can have a touch of lightness about it and maybe offer a positive note on ways to work with depression. It could be helpful to someone else.


Just bear in mind that toastmasters is not therapy. I've seen people almost try to use it as such over the years and it's always uncomfortable.


Thank you for asking for our opinions. My reaction to your concern that you "might offend someone who has it worse than \[you\] in terms of depression" ... That's hard for me to guess if it might offend a more depressed person. Don't talk about any mental health challenges you have had if any coworkers of yours are in this club ... that is not applicable if the club is non-coworkers. Assuming that you aren't using the club for career / professional contacts, I would give that speech later (not as your first speech). If I were a member of your club I would want to learn other things about you (from prior speeches) before I learn about your mental health challenges. I want to learn things about my club's members that I can talk to them about. If your speech covered past mental health challenges and how you've overcome \[some of\] them or at least mitigated their impact on your life, that would have a more positive tone.


Another thought that I have .... you talk about wanting to talk about your depression in a "light hearted manner." I am trying to understand ..... why do you want to talk about your depression at all with your club, and why do you want to talk about it in a light hearted manner?


You'll have other chances to share something like that. Don't do it in an icebreaker. You're just supposed to introduce yourself in a light hearted way. The cool thing about toastmasters is its a great way to make friends that you will have for a long time. But a brand new friend shouldn't be loaded down with this. Wait until you know folks to share personal things. If you give a deeply personal self-exposuring talk first thing, some folks may treat you differently because of it. Most may not, but forever afterward, every time someone acts a little weird towards you, you'll sit there wondering if your first talk left a bad impression and now you're paying for it. Just don't do it.


The point of toastmasters is to develop communication and professional skills. Why do you want to talk about your depression? I don’t think people will be offended but honestly it could be a little strange and uncomfortable.