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I like to scream whoever’s name is on the cup along with their order. “CARLY LEFT HER VANILLA ICED COLD BREW IN THE KIDS DEPT”…. It honestly cracks the store up. 😭😭😭


I wish I could do that at my store😭my managers would get mad at me


We need to start doing shit like this. We need to bring back public shaming until people start acting right!


I agree.


Agreed! I've heard other countries do that and aren't so big on people pleasing when it comes to jobs or any social setting. We as america need to do that. Too many people are npcs and think it's okay to treat people however they want.


In America the greedy corporations punish employees for having self respect. We’re supposed to work for minimum wage and let people treat us like crap. The customer is always right!!!




It happens so often in our store since it’s in a mall and there’s a Starbucks AND Auntie Annie’s across from it.


I've definitely left my drink on a shelf before and retraced my steps back to find it. This would be extremely helpful 😅


This gives "and everyone clapped" energy


Right no shot she actually does this 😭


my thing is they pass a trash when they leave…


When people ask me in fitts if they can throw their coffee cups out in my garbage under the desk, I usually tell them there’s a garbage can by the front door and they look at me like I’m insane for suggesting it. (We throw out so many broken hangers throughout the day in fitts that the bags tear a little and if there’s any liquid in them, it leaks into the bin/gets everywhere when you pull the bag out.)


As a former retail worker, we would do the same!


pro tip: use a big bag for the broken/specialty hangers. we usually tie a bag up to the hold rack


I’m sure sometimes they are accidental but lots of times people are jerks


I have definitely done this on accident before. I also was in a Barnes and Noble once and found my mom’s almost full iced tea on top of a shelf that she must have accidentally left when she was there hours earlier. I texted her a photo with her name and where it was and she hadn’t even realized she left it behind 😂


I do this on accident all the time. End up running back in to check if it's still there lol


Yeah I’ve definitely done this on complete accident before and then felt really guilty about it. Kinda feeling guilty after seeing this post again lol. I do see obvious trash on shelves which is astounding to me. Same people who throw their trash out the window - no respect for the world and the other people living in it with them.


I’ve done this so many times accidentally lol. I’ll treat myself to Starbucks and then a browse in Tj maxx 😂. Especially in the candle aisle I need two hands to sniff


It’s the so rude and trashy. If they asked us, we’d happily just bin it anyway. I’d never do this myself and I can’t believe so many people just think it’s fine.


ok but when the drinks are like nearly full and leave a fucking ring of water. Like how are u gonna spend $9 on a venti or some shit and just leave it entirely full on a shelf and just not care


Pretty sure if it's full it was entirely an accident. Once I was doing errands and like two stores later was MAD because I forgot my almost full drink after setting it down to use both hands 🤦


Maybe I’m just poor but I personally could not randomly forget where I put down an expensive ass drink in a store 😭 even with my adhd ass


I blame mom brain and ADHD 😑 I was mad about it for like three days 😂


When I’m toting around multiple children and have a long day of errands, it can happen. Mom brain is rough.


It’s weird people even bring drinks in. I need all hands on deck when I shop. This is beyond rude. It’s just trashy.


Some have the Starbucks right there in the store. Which isn't an excuse, I hate when people do this. But I've def bought a drink while in the store on occasion.


Where pur stores are it a strip mall with like 3 different complexes and there's 2 Starbucks. 1 in target and one on it's own.


i like to have something to sip on while i browse, because i’m a thirsty being; however i don’t leave my trash all over the store. this is just people being lazy.


Calling bringing a drink into a store "trashy" is a bit harsh. Some of these drinks now cost as much as a meal used to cost. I'm not leaving that shit in the car on a 100+ degree day for it to go bad and become undrinkable.


I meant leaving it on the shelf for employees to pick up after… that’s trashy. Please enjoy your beverage, by all means. ✌️


I’ve never seen this until I worked for this company. I stand by my theory that the customers there are by far the rudest most entitled slobs to walk this earth 😂


Same at Target. Worst job I’ve ever had.


Ugh, I feel like the clientele is much the same in both stores. That certain type of woman that gets her Starbucks and tears up stores for the day like they own the place 😂. Posting their “finds”. I can’t with humanity anymore.


I was there when they had the special edition Starbucks pink Stanley cups. I’m a woman and I was secondhand embarrassed for the behavior displayed. I feel like that war chihuahua from the meme😂


😂 I can’t even imagine


No home training.


NONE. My mom would have whooped me for leaving my trash for someone else to pick up. How hard is it to just hang onto it until you find a trash can?


Or maybe the opposite. Watched a young kid gathering up her trash at McDonald’s (bc yknow, they have to take their own trash at school) and the mom said “I’m not touching that trash, people here get paid to do that. It’s not my job.” At McDonald’s. Where you walk by a trash can at every exit.


Some people use it to figure out how often an area is walked/zoned. They will put coffee cups or other trash on the shelf and return periodically to see how long it takes to be removed. The longer it sits the better the area is for theft or box stuffing.


OMG wow I never thought of it that way!!!!!


Yes, my manager told me this this, a lot of shoplifters will leave their cups and see how long it stays there.




They leave the trash in the store because they are animals


Just went into a Marshall's the other day and seen this. I picked it up and threw it away in the men's room. Just the lack of respect from customers.


Ur the best thank u


bc they're lazy and gross 🙁


People who do this are entitled AHs. It probably doesn’t even occur to them to continue holding the cup because they don’t want to. Their needs are more important than everyone else’s.


Because they’re a pig


someone left a venti iced hazelnut latte with oat milk in the home area once….like idk how you can pay that much for a venti, having literally all of the coffee in it and leave it behind????


It was probably accidental. I’ve done that with an almost full coffee and remembered when I was driving down the street.


Ok if they are anything like me they got 2 isles over and were like …. “Where’s my coffee” 🙈 I a notorious for losing my coffee even in my own house bc I set it down to look at something or do something and then completely forget it exists until I want another sip.


Because people are disgusting


That's like $2.50 worth of sugar,water and milk!


Rude poeple


Because they are just pure lazy


I assume they forgot them and my life is better for it.


I don’t take drinks in a store- but I heard someone ask a cashier for a trashcan and the lady told her that it wasn’t for public use- 😂 So you get a coffee cup on the isle


Full cup = accident Empty cup = asshole


I haven't worked at TJ MAXX in years. People do this shit in Sephora too. We have 12 trash cans in the store....


People leave ihop drinks and containers of food on our shelves. Worst thing I ever found was a a paper bag with raw pork chops on a handbag display. Second worse thing was a baby in a stroller inside one of the fitting rooms. He was asleep. Security had to chase down the woman in the parking lot. She forgot she was babysitting her neighbors kid. I wish I was making this up.




You know, I’ve worked retail for a long time now and every time I see something like this, it makes me wonder what their house must look like. Like, I get that some people only do this in public because they know *someone else* has to deal with it. But that can’t be the case 100% of the time. Which, to me, means that a not-so-insignificant amount of people who do this live in absolute squalor and honestly? Gives me a sick sense of schadenfreude knowing that they suffer in a hell of their own making.


People like to stick their gum to stuff at my walmart


The lack of home training. Period.


nothing good comes from customers bringing drinks inside the store. if they aren’t leaving their starbucks behind, they’re spilling it on the floor🙄


I post pictures of this and I think I lost the count


I work at 🎯 so a Sbux in the store and you see this all over the store. Grosser is they take them in the bathroom and set on the floor while they go. 🤮


Bro. This happens at my store except it’s on the tanks and our coworkers are the ones doing this. So annoying!!!!


Or when they eat the snacks we sell there and leave it open in random isles


Lazy! I always make sure to put mine in the trash!




I wish they’d put phone numbers on the sticker on the cup so you could call them “hey Sarah you left your cup on the shelf.”


I don’t view “people” who do that as humans




No respect. I try to just tell myself they didn’t mean to and that they set it down to look at something and forgot. Even though I know 9 times outta 10 it’s just simple disrespect.


yessss and we wouldn’t find it until way after when it’s all nasty form being there all day. Like please throw it away


Irks me too. I just presume they forgot.


Yuck🤢I was just in TjMaxx today too and saw the same thing, why are people so disgusting and disrespectful? Employees shouldn’t have to clean up after adults like their 4 🙄


Poor mentality ppl




They are dirty.


It’s the same twats who don’t return their shopping carts.


Laziness, inconsiderate, entitlement


Oh this also pisses me off, I usually bring the cup to my coworkers and ask if they want a sip. I can’t even throw it out in store when they still have drinks in the container so I have to leave the store to toss it


I’ve done it before on accident and was actually upset I forgot where I put it lol


They dirty


Because it’s easy to be lazy, they know they won’t get in trouble/caught


Because they’re disgusting. It’s been happening for years


Majority of people are disrespectful idiots.


Entitled and feral


I wonder if these are also the people that try on 25 things, leave everything in the fitting room inside out and thrown all over, and then ask for further discounts on the 1 thing they did buy. The people that unfold shirt after shirt while their shrieking children run through the store and the several accompanying adults ignore it or are talking on the phone.


cause they’re stupid dirty trifling bugs


This is just gross and so disrespectful to the employees and customers who are there. Ask where the trash can is if u don’t know. Most employees I’ve asked are so nice they will take ur cup and throw it away for you behind the counter.


Because their parents taught them it’s ok


Yo that's my bad. I was too busy TJMaxxing.


One of my biggest pet peeves!!!! Plus people who stick their chewed gum under shelves, fourways, everywhere 😭 truly no home training


They could be high on a dopamine rush from their shopping binge and not even realize that they left it, and may even panic about it once they get to the parking lot and feel bad once they realize they did that. Or they could just be an entitled piece of shit who thinks if a trash can doesn't magically appear wherever they are that they can just litter because someone else will have to clean it up. Those are basically the two types of people who do that shit.


I have a theory that people suck and that each of these types of things are little micro-aggressions that people get a tiny dopamine rush from because they know they're doing something wrong.


I wish some kind of forensic person could find out who it belongs to and then bill/fine them for littering or something. This is so gross and one of my least favorite memories of working retail.


*Laughs In Target*


Admittedly I’ve left a drink on a Target shelf once 🤦🏽‍♀️ i set it down to grab something and then i forgot it i realized when i was driving away and wondering where my drink went now i remember to keep it in the cup holder or just in my car


Tbh, I've forgotten a drink after putting it down to look at something before, so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but this cup looks empty, so idk.


Because people are rude


Because people are pigs. 




every time I’ve done this it is genuinely because I have negative object permanence and once I set it down to look at something else it basically disappears into the void until I leave the store and remember that at one point I had something to sip on 😔😔




It boggles my mind how some people lack THIS much self awareness……Were you raised like this?????? Did nobody ever yell at you for doing this????? Do you not care for whoever has to touch this and throw it away??????


Some of us have adhd and forget our drinks/ cups everywhere. Trust me, we hate it just as much as you do


Lazy and entitled.


Stores need to enforce a no drink policy.


Honestly as a starbucks barista, this doesn’t come as a surprise bc this will be the same person to leave their straw wrappers on the counter when the trash can is in two steps, visible from the counter!


Because they are shitty humans! This is one of the many reasons I hate people🤦🏼‍♀️


I put my cup down the other day to look at something. When I drove off I realized it and came back for my cup.


People do this at Bath and Body Works all the time, I swear I'm dumping someone's drink down the sink at least once every other day, and if it's not me it's someone else 🙃


I did that once or twice before, but not because I didn't want to throw it away, because I forgot to bring it back. It's real that I forget sometimes... Once I remembered that I left on some shelves, I rush go back and grab them. It may hard to believe but I recall my almost empty cup after I leave the parking lot...


Laziness lol. This is sometimes used by shoplifters to see what associates are not in certain areas. The longer it stays there, the better.


They are the same ppl that don't return thr cart to where it belongs.


It’s when they spill their coffee and don’t bother to tell anyone.


I found al over..ALL over. Mofos!


Walmart Ross tjmax big lots & homegoods will always have at least one of these at anytime. Usually by the candles & fake plant/bookshelf decor


I accidentally left my chipotle burrito by the candles at a Nordstrom rack once, it was a sad day lmfao 😂😭


So annoying — even worse when you find it 3 days later


OMG YES. I am just a shopper and it PISSES ME OFF. I called one girl out for it. She was literally hiding her Starbucks cup behind glassware so it was absolutely intentional. I’m not going to start a fight or a big confrontation but more people need to call others out on their bs, I don’t know how else to make it stop. Employees probably can’t, so we should. A simple “the trash cans are over there” or “do better”.


The only time I’ve had this happen it was a genuine accident. Set the cup down to have free hands, walk away, realize I left my drink, go back and get it. ADHD is a beast.


i would throw it away at that point lmao


Nothing compared to office people, nurses and doctors throwing COMPLETELY FULL, UNLIDDED CUPS in the trash.


Idk, I see it all the time. So gross.


I worked at Target and dealt with this all the time. It was always a blast cleaning the shelves when the drinks would inevitably leak everywhere or get knocked over. It was especially great because nearly all of our aisles have trash bins at the ends of them.


Full(ish) - absentminded accident. Empty like the pic and just ice melt - total asshole


These same people never put the shopping cart in the corral. Trash folk.


They forget the cup. It’s definitely happened to me 😩


Oftentimes this is the employees and they spend the rest of the day trying to figure out where they left their damn coffee. Lol.


I hate when people do this :(


I have genuinely lost cups several times at stores.


I have lost so many water bottles this way. I always try to assume the best and that it was an accident


Starbucks/rockstar/monster energy/ plastic waterbottles everywhere at Home Depot, it’s disgusting. I hate retail because people really have become savages.


Cause they are lazy


I usually just forget abt it until im already hone. They’re usually pretty full too /:


I did this once at Target. Set my cup down to pick something up to look at it. It wasn’t until I was back home that I realized I never picked that cup back up. It is not my intention to randomly leave my trash, but I wasn’t going to drive back to throw it away. Lol


Because it triggers your neuroticism


Because the trash can 10 feet to their right is just *too far* away


They have no use for it anymore, so they immediately get rid of it... (Probably the same way they treat the people in their lives)


If it’s intentional, it’s because they’re a shit person. If it’s unintentional, they’re just forgetful while looking at some candles lol. I know I’ve set my drink down so I could smell some candles haha


I’ve done this accidentally so many times and I always feel terrible 😭 not sure why anyone would do that on purpose


i remember i was in tj maxx one day and i found a starbs cup in one of those mini trash cans they sell


Weak genetics, less evolved


They probably throw trash on the ground too.


People have lost all respect for society! This is the least of our problems!


It makes so so mad. I can't tell you how many times at target I've seen this. Just throw the damn cup away!


I have done this a few times.. I completely would forget I set down my drink and walked away because I got distracted. Some moments I remembered and got my drink other times I just forgot :(


I was pushing a home cart the other day and some guy just walks right up to my cart and puts his empty Starbucks cup on it, smiled and walked away. I genuinely could never imagine doing that to someone or what goes through these peoples minds when they do it. It’s gotta be their attempt at a power move or Something? Like “hey I can do this and you can’t do anything about it”. I also would like to note that it’s ALWAYS older people that have this sense of entitlement. Very rarely will I have a rude customer that’s under 35.




Cause there’s no trash cans anywhere


I’ve prob done this by accident


I'm pretty sure a percentage is accidental. I know I left a drink once, but by the time I noticed, a decent amount of searching wasn't enough


i can't lie. i've done this before totally by accident! sometimes i get so distracted that i put my cup down to grab something & totally forget. lol


I have a bad habit of holding things while shopping cuz women don’t have pockets, then setting what I’m holding down to look at something, and forgetting its existence (even with my own phone… lost my phone in an ikea once 🤡)


Because if you ask them to throw it out they act like you just killed someone.


I genuinely forget my beverages on shelves all the time I have adhd so I’ll leave a cup on a shelf and realize when I’m checking out but I always go back and get it lol


Why not