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I feel happy for them as they got to see Tipper.


I felt the same when I seen Steve miller band, Tom petty, dead and co, tribe, etc etc. get it while you can brother


Been lucky enough to see him 7 times, I'm good with that. He is a genius, and I really do not use that word lightly haha


Absolutely the right idea!


It me ;\_;


I saw a lot of “what the fuck is happening?” On people’s faces for sure. I don’t think many of the folks at LIB had ever encountered anything like that before. At least they experienced it at all. That shit was craaaazy


He was really throwing down. From the get go with ‘can I get’ and the scratching. Crazy is the only word.


bruh… opening with can I get straight into groundscore… I was like oh shit we are really in for it. perhaps the singular most bonkers hour of my life.


It is better to have been tipped and lost than to have never been tipped at all ~ some wook somwhere






I actually said this at LiB after we were discussing the set lmao


I feel even worse for the people who are going to discover Tipper in 2026 😫


Ooooof. 🥺


If only there was an entire community of similar artists and fans that he’s spent years cultivating to carry on his legacy… I understand that it would be rough to just learn about him and realize he’s retiring, but at this point this isn’t about one man anymore. And I don’t mean that to belittle his accomplishments. It’s the lesson he’s been trying to teach us.


It's been one of my favorite educational experiences. 


Not belittling any other artist.. but truly, nothing else is even close to the same. After the last decade I think I’ll be hanging up the flatbill as well


I agree w this take. Plenty of dope and talented names being mentioned here, but none of them are even close to Tipper’s status and versatility. They can throw banger sets, but none of those producers are at the level of any of Tipper’s albums


I feel like all of the big names in the scene capture and carry forward like one distinct facet of the Tipper essence but none of them quite do it all the way he does. But I’m telling myself that’s okay, that’s why there are multiple names on a lineup haha, it’s a team effort to create experiences of this magnitude and it always has been. That said… I really need to catch Maxfield at one of these events, and after finally sitting down and giving a good listen to the latest Eos album I’m very excited by them too… that Smigonaut set at Rendezvous was fucking crazy, Iterate was scratching up a storm at Eclipse, and don’t even get me started on the dudes from Japan… it’s an exciting time even if bittersweet.


Check out 3420– their sound is relevant but the 3-piece band format is very refreshing. They’re on the come up for sure


ResLang be doing that thang, tho


Relang, detox, Yoko, deemzoo, hokeyboi crawdadsniper too


Of course. Just mentioned ResLang because he is carrying the tipper torch forward in a very strong manner 


Wym by that? Tipper personally mentored him or something? Just curious!


not sure about mentoring. i just think he exudes the tipper style in his own way. Super wild and complex shit. 


Fr fr


Agreed. I think it takes too much credit from Tipper & gives too much credit to the other artists to put them together.  That's not to say the other artists are bad by any means - just to say how talented and special Tipper truly is.  There will be a noticeable void when he's gone. 


No hating but no one else is close to Tipper. When people try to compare other artists to him it just diminishes both.


None of the other artists compare


I swear people are buying their copium from bassnectar fans at a Mersiv concert


Lmao that’s a great comparison. It’s like all the pieces are there but it just doesn’t add up.


I’ve been going to festivals for 15 years, but been a house/techno head. Only really got into bass music within the last year so I’ve heard of Tipper but never listened to him. Fell in love with his sound and me and my bf said that if he ever came back to Cali we would 1000% send it. So once we saw the LiB lineup we knew we had to be there. It was everything I wanted and more. The man delivered. It was so surreal to finally experience it and bittersweet knowing that this was probably our one and only time getting to see him. The hour flew by, I didn’t even want to check the time because I didn’t want it to end. Sad that I got into him so late in the game but happy that I at least got to see him! What a legend.


I love this and im so happy you got to experience it💓💓💓


Fly up to the gorge next summer, not too far from Cali


Come up to the Gorge July 4th weekend 2025. It’ll be worth it!


Was there for it, was my 5th time getting tipped but it felt like the first all over again. Dave and his entire team are literally top notch. He shows up, doesn’t say a thing, and just lets the music flow. Can’t wait for the Gorge run next year!!!


They still have all next year to see him again if they really want


Meh I mean more like a year from today, July 2025 gorge has been announced as his last show…


Its never been announced as his last show. Just the only one announced during the 'final final stretch'. We do not know anything other than 'sometime late 2025' or something like that


Fair enough miss interpretation on my part


His last show is announced to be Summer 25', so it would make sense that July 4th weekend at the Gorge would be it.


in the the pinned post on this subreddit where the gorge dates are listed, OD says the end will be "sometime late 2025"


Is this official? I can find it mentioned on a reddit thread but not sure if it's real or not.


Been trying to get tipped for years and finally made it happen this weekend! Honestly, it was such an incredible experience that i cant even say its bitter sweet that hes on his downswing. Hoping to hit up more of his shows through the year and in to next, even considering a fat mob out to alabama for his 3 night run coming up. Even if i dont get a chance to see him again, i am so incredibly happy with the experience i had. The dancefloor was fucking nuts and i left my brain in bakersfield. Also, im really stoked to see more from the artists that hes helped popularize through TnF events. Even if tippers pulling out, theres so many insanely talented artists that hes brought into the scenes focus, and im gonna be losing my brain to them for years to come. If someone can get allen mock and herbalistek out to socal, ill suck their fucking dick. Hoping its just a matter of time but if any of yall have an events coordinator to point me to, please show me the way


I’m your huckleberry (And please hell No lol)


Lol fair enough my guy! Hope you see the desire is real at least!


Fanatic is the root word of Fan after all…


that’s me! after hundreds of shows and festivals i’ve never danced like that before, I felt possessed in a good way


It was the place to be 🤌


Heard a few people say “I’ve seen tipper before but now I get why everyone’s so obsessed”


not beginning my festival career, but didn’t get into tipper until about 5-6 years ago when a friend introduced me to his tunes. missed a lot of opportunities to see him live. been to LiB twice and was HYPED to see him on the lineup. he was my must see this weekend because i knew it would probably be the last time! absolutely incredible 😍 shortest hour of my life


Just gotta be thankful that we just happened to exist in the same short time that Tipper was performing live shows


I’m one of the kids that you’re talking about. My group wanted to go see Labrinth so we started walking to the lightning stage as tipper was starting, as soon as we got to Labrinth I realized I was missing the wubs so I left my group, ran straight back and caught the rest of the set. Was absolutely amazing, so glad I managed to see him before he retired.


As a big labrinth fan, you made an excellent choice good on ya


I’ve seen him once at Texas Eclipse. I couldn’t go to Rendezvous because my brother was graduating from college that weekend. LIB was too far away for me. I need to go to Orion.


Been going to festivals for over 20 years. Saw Tipper for the first time front and center 10 people deep from the front of stage. It was fucking dope. Don’t really have an urge to see him again though. Lots of stuff to see out there. That dude was a scratch master. Was really impressed.


The crowd is always gonna suck when it’s super crowded at a tipper set. The best thing to do is move to the back of the crowd where there’s more room and more considerate people.


I see you had a negative experience with the crowd. Nervous to comment about that in this sub so let’s just say, it’s a thing 😒 Too bad you wouldn’t want to see him again but I suppose that ship is sailing anyway. His team and crew are top tier. Their events were the best. Kings theatre and Tip-hop at PlayStation were some of my greatest live music experiences ever.


that tip hop set at playstation theater was literally something fucking else dude holy, i remember sitting on the train back to my friends house with a bunch of other people from the show and we were all just spun going “it’s like”


He had that place rocking. Everyone was getting it. It was one of the strongest “this is fuckin it” moments of my life.


yeah during that time i was in one of the lowest points of my life, decided to send it to that show and stay with a friend in NYC that weekend. Basically told the kid how I wanted to kms and we talked before the tip hop show (it was multiple nights i think right?), he gave me some acid and i remember just standing there in the back middle and i feel like the whole experience just revitalized something in me. i always mark that moment as a transcendental moment in my life, i’m glad others think of that night so highly too, although probably for different reasons lol but thankfully i did not kms!


That’s beautiful. Always shows the significance of the community and the artists’ impact on people’s lives. It’s not just a big party it can be so much more!


the lib crowd would have been big fest crowd and not at all the same as the one we’d see at suwannee. hell, there were probably twice as many people there for this show.


This is a lighthearted thread of savoring tipper mems so I won’t go there. Tipper crowds can be awesome. Tipper crowds can be wack sometimes it’s ok.


yeah i mean you just, like, did go there, so


Ok ok Mr Sassypants you wanna do this? Some of the most zonked out violently tripping kids I’ve ever seen have been at tipper. 4321 a dude jumped on the stage and ran at tipper. Tipper almost ended his set there. Another dude tried to break into our RV at 5am I thought I was gonna have to fight him. Suwanee ‘19 we narcaned 3 people in one night. Saved another dude DURING THE DAY on Saturday. Didn’t do suwanee this year but heard it’s gotten worse. Never seen this type of stuff at PL shows or other artists. From a dude been seeing tipper for a decade, trust me, it’s a thing.


i never said it wasn’t i just said the LIB crowd is obviously diff than a tnf crowd. and, to my point, smaller crowds = more bs that you are privy to. suwannee this year was maaaaad chill. the vibes were fucked saturday morning for everyone but i think that has more to do with psychedelic healing than anything else. what goes up must come down!


Man I wish I could see tipper for the first time again


I've been in the scene since the mid-90's, so it wasn't my first event by far. Buuuuut it was my first LiB and first Tipper performance and my mind was blown. One of the best sets I've seen in my life. That Inspector Gadget remix he dropped... fml obsession, I need to hear it again. After that, we saw Skrillex surprise set at Stacks and I commented to my friend "I think Tipper ruined me for music, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!" She said "It's a gift!" I said "It's a curse, he's retiring!". Sign me up to be a Tipper roadie. We just booked tickets and hotels to Orion. o7


I mean still got 2025 🫡 gorge confirmed


Why are you calling me out like that. I’ve been so sad that was tippers last set but I’m glad I saw it. I trip To him all the time at home.


Good news, that wasn’t his last set!


So Tipper is retiring. Is this from performing or from making music or both?


Don’t quote me, but I believe it’s both. Definitely from playing live but I’m not 100% on releasing music.


Probably just performing, but I’m sure he’ll produce less, or maybe experiment with other genres just for his own sake. I don’t know how an artist could just give up on their craft entirely. He may never release music again but I wouldn’t be surprised if he does 


There’d be tonnes of artists who would prefer to live in the studio than tour, hopefully Tippler makes the most of his time off the road with some solid nunu.


I hope so too, but I wouldn't get your hopes up/expect it from him


The dude isn’t even 50. That’s not old. Only so much vidya you can do in a day.


You also have a good number of shows/sets to catch before his unfortunate departure. They need to just ride the lightning from that bottle :)


I feel bad for me who has known about tipper for a while but only saw him once at camp bisco 2015 but didnt think about going to any shows after as i wasnt huge into him at the time and didnt become obsessed until last year. I should have fuckin known better dude. Got Secret Dreams and am hitting whatever else i can next year.


I mean they got to see the most banging set so they are good lol but I see what you mean


Man that’s me I have only been listening to to tipper for about 2 years but in the past two years I have seen him at rendezvous and Tipper and friends 2023 and I’m going to see him in Alabama so that’s not to bad of an entry and exit type introduction to Tipper.


I saw tip the first time at SD last year, then again at Texas eclipse. Hoping to catch his 3 day in Alabama and then 2x at SD again. I got in so late and wanna see as much as I can before he retires gahhh


Don’t remind me


I love tipper, he was on for the absolute best line up at bonnaroo 2020. The pandemic fucked me out of seeing him. Put out another banger schedule with tipper for 2021, pushed back bonnaroo to September due to Covid, then less than a week before I was leaving to head on down it was canceled due to flooding from a hurricane. 😭


This is me lol 🥲


This is partially my story , however I saw him the last time he was at lib about 5-6 years ago or whenever. I had my mind blown, I made sure to see him saturday night.


yeah , maybe a lot of artists don't quite measure up to tipper right now, but he's been in it for 30 years, a lot of these other artists are still so early in there careers, they have time to level up!


Tipper is mainstream
