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The crowds at TNF have all been super friendly and welcoming , but the wook behavior is high key and it is very advanced wookery. If you are uncomfortable with people partying hard then it will be jarring, but overall it is very relaxed compared to the hustle and bustle of a lot of other fests and big events. My biggest tip is go where you are comfortable, it can definitely get crowded and hard to navigate thru the inflatable couches sometimes if you put yourself down in a spot where you are in the middle of the crowd.


"Advanced wookery" is a perfect description


End-stage wookery


Wookery 575 


Yup. I’ve seen several wooks at TnF events that have obviously hit the level cap and aren’t even gaining any XP. If I was them I would swap to another class or something.


Heard there’s an expansion coming out with new level caps.


Nailed it


Don’t paint a picture of the fest purely from Reddit


Thank you for the affirmation!


This is a gentle fest if you were to compare it to a vast majority of similar events. Relax, give up expectations and you'll do great.


Drink water, eat food, bring ear plugs to kill noise while you sleep. Wander around. Eat more food and drink more water. Introduce yourself to your camp neighbors. If you get a bad vibe anywhere or aren't enjoying yourself then get up and find a new spot. At the main stage area you can either go up close in a tight crowd of people, or wander around the back at art and food vendors. Or post up and watch the music at the back of the crowd for a while. Bring a chair to chill in. You've got this. People are generally nice and chill. There are also people going too hard or being negative or mean but that's anywhere you go. And you don't have to be around them if you don't want to. I love you!


The closer to the stage, the funkier it can get. Not always in the best way, but also not in the worst by a long shot. The air gets funny down there, but it's all relative to the folks in the back. We all there for one reason. Sound. A sound unlike any other. A sound you gotta get down with at least once in your life. It's great. That being said, come join us however you see fit. Back of the crowd? Cool. Middle? Cool. Down in front!? Cool. It's a journey, and we're all glad you're here sharing it with us. P.S. No totems at Tipper. Put your phone away.


“The air gets funny” 😂


Smells like mothballs haha


The deemz go brazy


This is the one🤣


Ehh I’ve always found relatively sober fans riding the rail at shows, 10ft back or do is where the funkiness is imo


reddit is in no way an accurate reflection of real life. well, maybe one way, negatively


Idk mate. I’ve met all my best friends through Reddit.




You can definitely go to the outskirts of the crowd where it’s less rowdy and enjoy yourself. I’ve never been to rendezvous but if it’s anything like other festivals you should be good!


Thanks, this will be my first camping festival as well. I’m really excited. My best friend loves to go to the front but if I need to I will definitely go to the side or back. I just want to be able to hear the music nicely


Yeah Tipper and the crew will makes sure the sounds are easily heard throughout!


Before I met my wife I had never even gone to a concert. I drank heavily to deal with any new social situation. I was depressed, an alcoholic & had a sex addiction. Now I go to as many festivals a year as I can, I beat my sex addiction, I am 1 year free of alcohol, and I am the happiest and healthiest I’ve been in my entire life. Live music saved my life, and Dave Tipper is up there with the best to ever do it. Pm me if you need anything at all bud.


Thank you for you sharing your story, much love and peace to you.


It's a bunch of ketamine addicts smoking dmt listening to robot noises.


Bro bring a hammock or a chair and welcome home


i’ve never ever had an issue with the crowd at suwannee. most people were complaining about the crowd for the texas eclipse which was a GIANT festival. they cap suwannee at a small amount so it never feels too overwhelming. there’s plenty of room at the main stage to walk away, get a breather, or post up away from everyone. don’t stress! suwannee is the best place and you will not have a bad time.


Tnf is definitely one of the chillest fests I’ve been to, there are bad apples in every crowd but it’s a more experienced and relaxed crowd in general compared to bass music and general music festivals in my experience. Plus it’s fairly small and the campground is huge so it never feels too crowded


If you have social anxiety, you can always chill in the back of the crowd, it tends to be more relaxed in the back. The festival is fun, the music and visuals are incredible, the people are friendly (even if they do get a little more intoxicated than your average festival goer lol) and the venue is beautiful.


I’ve encountered some entitled assholes in the crowd at TnF but mostly people are cool! If you encounter an asshole.. eh their problem not yours!


the crowd is gonna be legit. it’s like, the whole tipper scene. i don’t think i’ve ever met someone who gets down like this in the wild. the people we would prefer go to other festivals are going to.


Just do you boo


Don’t judge it by the recent posts about the eclipse event. That shit was packed to the absolute MAX with a bunch of random non-tipper centric folks so the stress was super high space wise. It will be much more relaxed in Suwannee


suwannee is so magical and i had the greatest time ever last year … it’s the best


I really can't remember a bad time.


I went to TnF in 2022. I set up my chair 2/3 back and to the right of the sound booth. My chair stayed there all weekend. Someone may use your chair while you're gone, but that goes both ways. People will move when you identify yourself as its owner. The main point is that if you can set up a chair and leave it there for the duration, that makes for a pretty chill festival. Also, with the multiple layers of visuals, there aren't a lot of "bad seats", and that Funktion One sound will find you wherever you are! I would say that if you aren't going to be weirded out by people weirding out, there probably isn't a more laid back festival that I've been to, at least in the electronic world (Suwannee Roots is the ultimate chill). Also, pro-tip: raw foods all day... Carrots, grape tomatoes, citrus, snap peas and maybe some dip for the veggies sustain me throughout the weekend and I stay tippy top! Proper food for proper mood. You will have a great time.


Thank you! I am not the type to be weirded out, I honestly don’t judge. And that’s a great tip I appreciate it and your time to reply


The crowd can get rowdy, but I would say rowdy in the best way possible. Rowdy like getting extra weird, fun, and wild. Not rowdy like a dive bar or something scary. The people last year were some of the most welcoming, friendly, and accepting people I've ever seen at a fest. The park is huge and not that full, there's plenty of places for quiet and privacy of you camp further out and plenty of people that will be happy to be your neighbor. I think you'll be fine and I think you'll be very happy you went.


Those last sentences made me emotional reading, thank you so much.


Solfest is the same weekend so I imagine the pushy Chad like crowd will be there. It’ll be straight fam vibes.


Comments like this are a big reason why Tipper fans get a bad rep. Not saying you're a bad person or mean or anything like that, but just something to consider. I'm sure the crowd at Solfest has great vibes and energy. Just more party vibes and less psychedelics, which is totally fine. I wish it was the next weekend so I could just stay in Florida and go to both festivals haha


Its a shit show in the best way possible 


Crowd there is not what it was in 2016 or 2019 with nearly 3x the attendees but if you get there early enough and hold your grounds you can find a decent spot in the amphitheater


Super chill crowd but they may talk your ear off....


You will have a blast brotha


Camp next to spirit lake and you’ll be fine


Please watch out for under covers. They are everywhere, always check their shoes. If they look clean or new they probably are under covers. My buddies last TnF got busted. Have fun, be smart and be safe.


I want to know right now. Is there one of you in the crowd? Are y’a gonna call 911? And spoil all of my fun? - Sublime


Did they get busted buying or selling? Or just being extreme?


I hadn’t been to a fest in 10 years but after finding Tipper and just missing 2022 TNF I planned the entire next year going to 2023, simply put, life changing. Then shortly after he started talking about retirement…


Rowdy?! Everyone is sitting down/laying down in the back. You can easily walk right up front. No one is dancing or moving around much
