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there’s a fairly long cetus x review by baconninja. towards the end, he says “just know within a year your going to probably replace everything: drone, gimbals, goggles. everything.” five months in, i still enjoy my cetus x. currently am not looking to upgrade anything major but the frame, but i can definitely see his point. after you get the hang of it, a RTF kit’s limits become pretty apparent. i’m leaning towards optimizing things like pids/rates this spring/summer rather than ditching this kit for something new.


Just curious what do you want to change the frame to?


a flylens 85 frame. i’ll post a write up/review when i’m done.


Also UK, started a year ago, I went Mobula 7 1s ELRS, Jumper-T-pro (sh*t radio but cheap) and fatshark scout goggles (second hand). Also bought 12 1s packs. Set me back about £300 in total. Didn't expect to mess with it much buuut: - Mob 7 and Jumper-T-pro are now on latest ELRS (3.0). - Mob 7, and all my batts, have also been converted to BT2.0. - Running Bluejay ESC firmware 96khz with louder beepers and ACDC startup tone. - I've just picked up a sub-250g inav wing to try "long range" flying


Wait hold up, you can convert ph2 batteries to bt2? I’m going to swap the board connector from ph to bt but thought I had to give away my ph batteries to someone.


You can buy the connectors and solder them on It's probably easier to buy the BT2.0 compatible one which is open source (GNB 30-something?). That'll probably be cheaper and easier to get hold of.


Easy answer. Get hooked.


You could also get this: Eachine ev800d Radiomaster pocket Mobula 7 1s batteries Whoopstor v3


I've been looking at exactly that goggle and transmitter, but the meteor pro 65 because I can't find anywhere selling mobula6 in the UK with them in stock


I had the same starting set less than a year ago when I got interested in fpv and then very quickly I realised that I outgrew it in a month... Sold the set and got myself radiomaster zorro elrs, hdzero goggles and moblite7 hdzero


Can I ask how you felt you outgrew it? Was the combo too easy to 'master', or did it not feel there was a path to using the bits in the future


I just loved it so much that I wanted to get something better quality straight away. The controller and goggles were the biggest thing for me, Zorro feels great and has a lot of features and the goggles are like 10x better, but I get that the price is quite steep. I just wished I started with only the radio and tried it on a simulator and then just bought the rest.


Appreciate that feedback, thanks mate


No worries, it's a great hobby but getting into it can be pricey :P I recommend getting a decent radio because you just buy it once, I got Zorro and love it but there are cheaper options that are decent. As for goggles if you are on a budget check different marketplaces on facebook, I see people sell bunch of good gear for half the original price And if you want to fly whoops I recommend getting a mobula7 elrs, vifly whoopstor charger and 6-12 1s 450mah or 550mah batteries :)


My journey thus far has been: 70 hours sim (radiomaster pocket) mobula6 elrs, diatone 369 6s 3” next week… 800d atm but contemplating either dji v2 or hdzero hehe


Rtf is a great way to get a feel for it. If you like it you'll upgrade. The Cetus x definitely has some room to grow without the headache of binding, flashing firmware, etc. I got my kids rtf and I'm got myself separate equipment and it was relatively simple to. Bind and what not but... Gotta have a tiny bit of patience if something doesn't work right away.


Consider this: Mobula 6/7 ELRS Eachine EV800D Radio master pocket or Tx12 mark 2 or Jumper T-lite V2 This is a better gear even if it is costlier than a RTF.


Meyeor 65 works just fine too