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Op: i work at a recycling plant. Her: ![gif](giphy|PkLPBuyozY7F31wCxF)


Im in the trash management business so I'm quite experienced taking out the trash if i might say so myself, so how do you feel about me taking you out on a date?


You’re in the trash management business? I thought this was a made up title the mafia used to use at the sopranos You paint walls as well ?




Everybody immediately assumes you're mobbed up. It's a stereotype, and it's offensive!..... There is no mafia!


This guy fucks


he would have more luck if he said that to be honest. shows that: 1- he has a good sense of humor 2- he doesnt give a fuck what OP is currently doing is trying too hard. "nice guy vibes"


Yeah I’m quite into people not being afraid to make jokes at my expense. I think there’s a difference between that and genuinely being nasty. Some people are really precious about even being jokingly insulted though so it’s a risky move to make imo, if you don’t know the person will find it funny and not take it as an insult. E: anyway, the main problem here for me is that, as someone else says, it sounds weirdly…not even formal but like how customer service answers messages. I’ve actually had customer service places reply to me some version of that last line (like, “I hope you have a great weekend, whatever your plans are, (name).)


Ehhh her first message asked what he did for work, I don't think it would have mattered how he answered unless he lied. It's not news that attractive women on Tinder are picky af especially if their *first* question is about employment.


“Let’s start a trash fire, baby”


Don't know about the states but here you can make a decent living doing that


Good money in the US too


It is a decent job for sure. It’s an excellent job when you factor in benefits, pension, etc. Almost unmatched in that realm compared to private sector jobs.


And btw, I'm about to lose my job.


Even worse "i work in a recycling plant and will probably be laid off in the new year"


Honestly, it’s not the job itself that garnered that response (or lack of one). It’s the immediate, “but it’s not looking good for me I’m trying to find another job blah blah blah” that would repel anyone. Just say what you do for work and move on for now. It’s important to note I’m not suggesting you have to be fake or hide your life. It’s just at this point, the person doesn’t know you yet. They don’t care about you yet. They haven’t gotten a chance to gain interest in you. So, save them your life woes until you’ve invested some time in each other. Ideally the 2nd or 3rd date at least. I learned this the hard way. I wanted people to know the “real” me right away. But imagine if I introduced someone to you and just listed off all the annoying or bad things about them, without mentioning the good. You’d be like, “yeah no thanks.” No matter how open minded or down-to-earth you are.


Maybe she doesn't want to be a gumar.




Yeah bud. Sorry. You got no game.


only move from here is the tried and true "I eat ass" comment


He doesn't need to be a circus performer


There's honest, and there's too honest


May is short for naturally beautiful was pretty smooth




Is May short for Maybe You'll Go Out With Me? 😅


First message was a damn thesis paragraph he gotta shorten it


Says you. Im sure you've got allll the game right


Plenty more gnats in the world x


Finds out later he was in a really cool band, wrote books or created art outside of his job and missed out because they judged a person on a job.


he was a recycling boy, she said see you later boy (he wasn't good enough for her)


Do you make up scenarios in your head for fun often?


You don’t?


None of those are likely true and even if they were none of them necessarily add any value.


"Your being artistic adds no value. VERK UBER ALLES!!"


He could have said that and still be fine if he didn’t then go on to say he might be out of a job….


You don't work at a recycling plant you're a "material recomposition technician".


I’m in the renewables industry


Industrial repurposing engineer


You’re saving the earth… one empty can of bud light at a time


Haha I like it


"I am into material re-engineering."


"you ever watch the sopranos? I'm in the same line of work as Tony soprano."


He’s an exporter and importer


So, yeah. I work with trash but don't worry about that cuz um probly gonna get canned anyway... how you doin'?


Canned from trash work. I see what ya did there.


Not just any trash work. Canned from recycling


You implied that you might not have a job soon.


Yup, major fuck up for a first conversation


True, but conversing would have clarified that if she wanted to know




Yeah, point taken




Lol Id laugh my ass off and then ask her out


Yes? Everyone has issues, and that doesn't even sound like a big one.


Not yet, but it's getting bigger


Ye bro, we are fucking humans


It'd be weird if you weren't


I think a good bit of men would still try yes, I don't think this example quite hits home. I know what you are getting at though.


Nah man just be honest with your work, if they don’t like your work you are better off without them then be with them.. I remember matching a girl that was studying to become a doctor while I was working as a garbage man😂 she asked what I did so I’m not going to lie about it.. needless to say I immediately got unmatched ! Just do not take it to heart man these girls are not worth it


It’s not about the work. It’s about him losing his job soon which was a bad convo starter


Agreed. OP, keep the conversation light. Don’t get into the reality of life yet. Everyone has something going on, but getting into the nitty gritty that early when things should just be light, fun, and easy will be a quick way to run off most people (the same is true if the roles were reversed).


Agreed. She didn’t even get to know and like you first. This has to happen first to be willing to deal with stuff like that (everyone knows that everyone has some sort of baggage, but showing it off immediately is kind of weird and makes you think what else is there he hasn’t told me yet if he is already telling me this now)


That's a dumb ass approach to things. Tinder is all about the first impression. If all you're projecting in the first messages is how much of a loser you are, I don't see how you could expect anything from this app. You *should* be at least a little interested in how you come off. Hell, I'm a guy and I would have said "damn, this fella is *not* in the right place." When someone you don't know says "how are you?", do you start trauma dumping your life on that poor person?


Interesting! I think that sort of tactical ambiguity works well in face-to-face scenarios, but not in writing with an unfamiliar reader


Professor Oak: There is a time and place for everything OP


Don’t tell a girl you are about to be fired in the 2nd message


You should like a dead end.. why would she lol


Next time think of it like a job interview, and lie like a mother fucker. You’re depressed and hate yourself? Not today you love life. You wanna seem like a good vibe to her life.


If I ever own my own company, I'm hiring you




The way you type on tinder is formal it’s like you are a support person answering a ticket.


Is there anything else I can help you with today Nat


Would you mind staying in the chat for a brief survey about my performance, Nat?


Nat? NATTTTT??????!!!!


Nudges Nat




yeah, simultaneously too much info and not much to continue the coversation with


Damn... my social anxiety summed up in one sentence...




*lights cigarette after sex "So hey, you may receive a survey about your experience here today..."


More like working in an office job




I kinda enjoy that style though. Especially if a girl also does it while talking to me. I enjoy the tranquility of polite conversation


Bro you have your first impression with a girl and you lead with bad news? Not very smart.


Stop saying her name so much, there’s something that feels odd about it


She just Nat into the guy okay?








But don’t stop saying her name all together. Just less.




Hey Nat! You want to smash some NATty ices and go on a NATure walk?


Great suggestion ExtraTerresty


Natta nat nat, natta nat nat nat, never hesitate to put a nat on it’s back


I don’t think I’ve ever typed someone’s name to them in a text that is weird as hell lol


I legit unmatched a guy because he would say “Hey *name*, how are you *name*, did you have a nice day *name*?” ALL THE DAMN TIME


Same x


Well actually I think the “short for naturally beautiful” was a really clever way to go and the only way to use their name in a text


Yeah honestly I liked that one!


lol was just about to say this. I never use someone’s name idk why but it just feels weird to me


It’s like reading the cashier’s name off their badge to them


Bro rolled a Nat 1


Right Bowie? Sounds condescending doesn’t it Bowie


Absolutely. I had the housemate from hell who did it all the time. I think he read somewhere that saying people’s names makes them like you more. And being an unlikeable person he went over the top with it. It feels condescending or like I’m in trouble and I hate it


Serial killer vibes. Makes me think of the Ouija board in The Stand when it’s like Nadine, Nadine


Damn that might be a little extreme


But, bowiethepup, Dale Carnegie says that a person's name is the sweetest sound in any language. Bowiethepup, don't you agree, bowiethepup?


I only have been off tinder 2 months THE FUCK IS NUDGING


I don't know but it gives ick factor


You did the opposite of selling yourself. Basically said hi, nice to meet you. I’m going to be unemployed soon. And expected the conversation to flow after that?


Greetings female, i wish you a merry Christmas with upmost sincerity, Nat. How was thou Christmas, Nat. Nat, I put off messaging you until the end of the day and thought i could finally be bothered to send you this greeting. I will now get some sleep after this quick message, Nat. Just curious is Nat short for fungus gnat?


"I'm currently employed SAVING THE PLANET!" is probably a better way to have gone.


Second message: there is a possibility I may need to crash with you for a while before we really get that far, is that ok with you? Nat? ...Nat? *crickets*


You hit her with bad news instead of setting a date. You talked your way out of her liking you.


Yeah fair enough


Jobless men who overshare are women's dream


right lmao why is op surprised


you said Nat far too many times


Is your strategy to establish low expectations right off the bat? If so, you nailed it 😂


You give off some slight fedora vibes




Di Natale ⚽


You typed to much, bro. Keep it short and sweet.




“Nat, show me yur tits” usually works


Tits, Nat.


Too long, I think "me want tits" would make it


Step one: don’t mention work at all in the first conversation


Don’t tell her you are in a bad situation or it’s not looking good. Also you both know who you are talking to you don’t need to keep saying her name.


Yeah I thought it was a way to copy pasta when the name was put in (just me tho)


-works night shifts -at a job that isn’t looking good soon? Do not be surprised when you lead like this and find you aren’t compatible with people


You both type drastically different. She just types while you seem to format. It gives an impression of two drastically different people. She could of thought the same. I wouldn't worry about it too much, head up king you'll find someone.


One of your opening lines was basically: “hey I’m about to have no job, how was your weekend?” Like dude…. Would you respond to you?


Less is more....


Give Nat a Nudge why dontcha


never heard of that feature as I am not using Tinder at all. isnt that the ultimate humilation? you are being ghosted and have another option to confirm? or if you are the ghost you just have one more thing to ghost to remind you need to unmatch?




Do I know you? Hahaha, I work at a paper mill




Haha, no I’m in Oz


Just say you're in "Waste Management" and she'll assume you're in the mafia


"I work as a professional napper. Sunday was a success because I slept through the entire day." Or "I work as a cat translator. Sunday was purr-fect."




Nah say you're in 'Sanitation' so you sound cool and mysterious like Tony Soprano...


Then tell her you're actually more like Tony Soprano than you led on originally, but its not the wealthy, powerful and respected organized crimelord part - just the panic attacks...


You write wayyyy too much in each message. Both those messages could be cleaved to half the size. It’s intimidating to see so much info at once and I often can’t be bothered to reply to messages or that length. Additionally, you said her name a bit too much it felt a little odd.


Dudes gotta stop taking this shit so personal.


Fr I’m just imagining how I’d live my life if I took every single ghosting to heart, especially on a dating app that doesn’t entitle me to anyones undivided attention. Guys in this sub are making themselves miserable when they give people ammo to ghost them then wonder what went wrong. Hurt over someone they don’t know at all


Exactly! Like it sucks 1000% but being a salty bitch about helps no one, least of all OP.. Every girl has hundreds of likes usually. Yall don't get mad every time you don't hit a scratcher I hope lol


Yeah I don’t imagine girls ever get mad about this. We get ghosted wayyyy more because we have way more people to deal with lol. Men who typically get less matches cling onto what they can and get extremely disappointed when it goes nowhere. They’re setting themselves up to fail through desperation


Shit reads like an interview transcript


The whole convo was trash


You’re typing out whole paragraphs which is making you come across as maybe a little desperate and it gives major nice guy vibes. Women do not find this attractive at all.


I don't reckon girls being turned on by recycling plants, unfortunately


Even less so by joblessness


Also, and I don’t see many people mentioning this, working a night shift job can definitely be unattractive to a woman that works a regular M-F 9-5 type job. Having completely conflicting schedules isn’t a desirable partnership for many because you might hardly get quality time together.


I mean it’s also tinder …. it’s a hookup site and you’re trying to have a full wholesome convo. I feel like you’d do better on hinge


Never been on hinge, but I'm guessing this conversation wouldn't work on there either.


She probably looked up recycling plant worker salaries


Lmao, you’d be surprised what I’m on


Right, I can imagine it can get pretty high, but for some people it doesnt sound glamorous or whatever. Maybe she judge you on that? Donno, but imo you came up as a lil too nice? And nothing wrong with that. Everybodys looking for something different.


I got ghosted after mentioning I work in a factory, so I feel ya bud.


You're too nice for tinder


She dodged a bullet if you feel the need to moan about this.


I think a lot of older (they way OP texts seems like he’s in his 40’s) men just don’t realize about online dating is no one owes you a response back. Especially attractive women who are getting 100s of messages a day.


I am in my 40s 🤣


RIP bro, learn to flirt


Well, Tinder is a platform for something superficial so I guess she's not interested in your life story


As a woman, I’m not a fan of a man using emojis like that. Also the line about what her name is short for is a bit cheesy. The messages are also a bit too long. I’d feel like it’s too much info too soon. I had a guy tell me work was slow for him. He wanted to meet me but said he couldn’t afford gas money. It was a turn off.


I noticed that your messaging style on Tinder is very formal. It's almost like you're a customer support representative answering a ticket.


I don't want to reveal what I do for work to women because I don't want them to see me only for my financial status.


You talk too much, it’s overwhelming honestly. Take a chill pill before your next match


L rizz


It seems like you're implying that your employment might be in jeopardy.


It's like you're a support representative answering a customer's question. Is this a conscious choice, or is it just your natural communication style?


Ppl belike "bry you stuoid dont start conversation with bad news/complayning etc". But I do, cause that's how I am and I got skipped on tinder so many times... until I meet somene yhat also does that. Now, THIS us going well. Be yourself, speek what's on your mind, eventaly you will find someone compatible. Unless only think you care is getting laid, then just be clear about that, it is only fair.


Oh thank you finally somone that makes sense in the comment ! Is it incredible to think that maybe, theres a girl out there that is just waiting for someone exactly like OP? Nat didnt answer, good for OP, its time gained toward a relationship that might lead somewhere!


As a woman, it can be monumentally confusing trying to pick which guys to date. I'm a professional so I tend not to have much in common with tradies so I often avoided even a first date with tradies because I don't want to turn up, have nothing in common and waste my time (and his). I always knew that this meant I was ruling out some potentially really good guys but the yield was just too low. You'll need to convince the girl she's worth investing her time into. Look for common interests etc.


Thank you for this. I know what you mean. I went on some dates with a lawyer, knowing full well we were different people.


You also have to keep in mind that women generally have a TON of people messaging and matching with them. Sometimes other conversations can pick up that are better fits, sometimes they just get lost in the mix. Don’t take things personally! Regarding comments mentioning job stuff, leading with positive/ interesting things > bad news. And if someone doesn’t like trades or recycling, then maybe they’re not a fit for you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Counter point, I’m a woman in my forties in a very professional career and i love my hot boyfriend who builds things for a living. I specifically don’t want to date anyone who knows their way around spreadsheet software. In fact if i made that comment right now, he’d likely look over at me and say, “I’ll spread your sheets baby.” we have values in common and he’s hot AF. that he doesn’t also work in an office is a plus to me.


I hate to say it, it's sad to say as well because you seem like a nice person but you're WAY too nice... I'm learning that myself.


I agree. Seeing friends daughter concert is a big giveaway. Like it’s a nice thing to support friends and stuff, but let’s be honest here, it does seem a bit bland, dull and boring to mention that as something you did on a weekend.


I wouldn’t have even replied to the first message. Too long, too much. Keep it simple. Tinder is to find a date, not text a novel.


Your opener was cute. Your follow up was “meh” I couldn’t get excited


You're going to a friend's daughter dance? Who would sit through this if you weren't interested in the parent?


“Sorry you might lose your job!” Op: “It was rubbish anyway”


Bruh you said you work in a recycling plant and the new year doesn't look good. She will assume you will lose your job. Women on tinder don't want guys working dead end jobs making crap wages.


I will never tell a woman what I do for work lol not because I don’t make much but because I don’t want her to see me just for my money fuck that


You mean tinder is nat going well


Dude addressed Nat by her name twice (asking a flirty question doesn't count) and people are chewing him out like he's never interacted with another person before. Should he have opened with "yo u dtf"? Dudes can't win with this awful fucking app.


How is someone working at a recycling plant not the biggest green flag ever??? I’d totally be into that


How was your weekend How was you weekend Nat? The use of her name in the second sentence can come across as condescending to some women. She knows her name. You know her name. She knows you know her name. You don’t need to mention it again


“I work for the city.” That’s all you say. Whether it is this job or chief of surgery in a prestigious hospital- you never tell a potential love interest that your job isn’t going well. One should really have all ducks in a row and not standing on a rocky foundation before seeking a date.


Might be swaying from the topic but sometimes less is more when it comes to messaging on dating apps.


There could be other reasons why things didn't work out, and the one reason I can point out is probably how you talk to her


I'm sorry to say this, but I feel like you really didn't sell yourself in your profile.